6 resultados para source-sink interactions
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Two methods are commonly used to measure the community metabolism (primary production, respiration, and calcification) of shallow-water marine communities and infer air–sea CO2 fluxes: the pH-total alkalinity and pH-O2 techniques. The underlying assumptions of each technique are examined to assess the recent claim that the most widely used technique in coral reefs (pH-total alkalinity), may have provided spurious results in the past because of high rates of nitrification and release of phosphoric acid in the water column [Chisholm, J. R. M. & Barnes, D. J. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 6566–6569]. At least three lines of evidence suggest that this claim is not founded. First, the rate of nitrification required to explain the discrepancy between the two methods recently reported is not realistic as it is much higher than the rates measured in another reef system and greater than the highest rate measured in a marine environment. Second, fluxes of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus are not consistent with high rates of nitrification and release of phosphoric acid. Third, the consistency of the metabolic parameters obtained by using the two techniques is in good agreement in two sites recently investigated. The pH-total alkalinity technique therefore appears to be applicable in most coral reef systems. Consequently, the conclusion that most coral reef flats are sources of CO2 to the atmosphere does not need revision. Furthermore, we provide geochemical evidence that calcification in coral reefs, as well as in other calcifying ecosystems, is a long-term source of CO2 for the atmosphere.
It is not certain whether coral reefs are sources of or sinks for atmospheric CO2. Air–sea exchange of CO2 over reefs has been measured directly and inferred from changes in the seawater carbonate equilibrium. Such measurements have provided conflicting results. We provide community metabolic data that indicate that large changes in CO2 concentration can occur in coral reef waters via biogeochemical processes not directly associated with photosynthesis, respiration, calcification, and CaCO3 dissolution. These processes can significantly distort estimates of reef calcification and net productivity and obscure the contribution of coral reefs to global air–sea exchange of CO2. They may, nonetheless, explain apparent anomalies in the metabolic performance of reefs close to land and reconcile the differing experimental findings that have given rise to the CO2 debate.
Members of the lipoxygenase multigene family, found widely in eukaryotes, have been proposed to function in nitrogen partitioning and storage in plants. Lipoxygenase gene responses to source-sink manipulations in mature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaves were examined using gene-specific riboprobes to the five vegetative lipoxygenases (vlxA–vlxE). Steady-state levels of all vlx mRNAs responded strongly to sink limitation, but specific transcripts exhibited differential patterns of response as well. During reproductive sink limitation, vlxA and vlxB messages accumulated to high levels, whereas vlxC and vlxD transcript levels were modest. Immunolocalization using peptide-specific antibodies demonstrated that under control conditions, VLXB was present in the cytosol of the paraveinal mesophyll and with pod removal accumulated additionally in the bundle-sheath and adjacent cells. With sink limitation VLXD accumulated to apparent high levels in the vacuoles of the same cells. Segregation of gene products at the cellular and subcellular levels may thus permit complex patterns of differential regulation within the same cell type. Specific lipoxygenase isoforms may have a role in short-term nitrogen storage (VLXC/D), whereas others may simultaneously function in assimilate partitioning as active enzymes (VLXA/B).
Previously, we reported that transformation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with a vector containing a potato cytosolic pyruvate kinase (PKc) cDNA generated two plant lines specifically lacking leaf PKc (PKc−) as a result of co-suppression. PKc deficiency in these primary transformants did not appear to alter plant development, although root growth was not examined. Here we report a striking reduction in root growth of homozygous progeny of both PKc− lines throughout development under moderate (600 μE m−2 s−1) or low (100 μE m−2 s−1) light intensities. When both PKc− lines were cultivated under low light, shoot and flower development were also delayed and leaf indentations were apparent. Leaf PK activity in the transformants was significantly decreased at all time points examined, whereas root activities were unaffected. Polypeptides corresponding to PKc were undetectable on immunoblots of PKc− leaf extracts, except in 6-week-old low-light-grown PKc− plants, in which leaf PKc expression appeared to be greatly reduced. The metabolic implications of the kinetic characteristics of partially purified PKc from wild-type tobacco leaves are discussed. Overall, the results suggest that leaf PKc deficiency leads to a perturbation in source-sink relationships.
To understand how sucrose (Suc) is transported from source leaves to developing tap roots of carrot (Daucus carota L.), we cloned two cDNAs (DcSUT1 and DcSUT2) for proteins with homologies to plant Suc/H+ symporters. The deduced polypeptide sequences are 52% identical and have 12 predicted membrane-spanning domains each. Transport activities were confirmed by expression of the clones in yeast cells. Both transporters had optimal activity below pH 5.0 and Michaelis constant values of 0.5 mm. Suc uptake was inhibited by protonophores, suggesting that Suc transport is linked to the proton electrochemical potential across the plasma membrane. DcSUT1 and DcSUT2 had markedly different expression patterns. Transcripts of DcSUT1 were found only in the green parts of plants, with highest levels in the lamina of source leaves, indicating that DcSUT1 is required for the loading of Suc into the phloem. In leaf lamina expression was diurnally regulated, suggesting that Suc export from the leaves is higher during the day than during the night. The mRNA of DcSUT2 was found mainly in sink organs, and no diurnal expression pattern was detected in the storage root. Here, expression was not restricted to the phloem but was much higher in storage parenchyma tissues of phloem and xylem. The close relationship of DcSUT2 with a Suc/H+ symporter from fava bean, which facilitates Suc uptake into the cotyledons of developing seeds, indicates that this carrot Suc transporter may be involved in loading Suc into storage parenchyma cells.
The measurement of dipolar contributions to the splitting of 15N resonances of 1H-15N amide pairs in multidimensional high-field NMR spectra of field-oriented cyanometmyoglobin is reported. The splittings appear as small field-dependent perturbations of normal scalar couplings. Assignment of more than 90 resonances to specific sequential sites in the protein allows correlation of the dipolar contributions with predictions based on the known susceptibility and known structure of the protein. Implications as an additional source of information for protein structure determination in solution are discussed.