15 resultados para sottotitolazione in tempo reale, live, accessibilità, respeaking, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Sedicicorto, festival

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Field observations showed that in its native Texas grasslands, dodder (Cuscuta attenuata) grows more vigorously in patches of mixed host species than in monospecific host patches. Field experiments with naturally occurring host individuals demonstrated that the parasite achieved greater volume when simultaneously infesting two hosts of differing species rather than two hosts of the same species, and that this effect depends on the order in which the parasite encounters those hosts. Sodium, acting as an osmoticum, is implicated as the factor responsible for experimentally produced as well as observed field patterns.


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Month of birth influences adult life expectancy at ages 50+. Why? In two countries of the Northern Hemisphere–Austria and Denmark–people born in autumn (October–December) live longer than those born in spring (April–June). Data for Australia show that, in the Southern Hemisphere, the pattern is shifted by half a year. The lifespan pattern of British immigrants to Australia is similar to that of Austrians and Danes and significantly different from that of Australians. These findings are based on population data with more than a million observations and little or no selectivity. The differences in lifespan are independent of the seasonal distribution of deaths and the social differences in the seasonal distribution of births. In the Northern Hemisphere, the excess mortality in the first year of life of infants born in spring does not support the explanation of selective infant survival. Instead, remaining life expectancy at age 50 appears to depend on factors that arise in utero or early in infancy and that increase susceptibility to diseases later in life. This result is consistent with the finding that, at the turn of the last century, infants born in autumn had higher birth weights than those born in other seasons. Furthermore, differences in adult lifespan by month of birth decrease over time and are significantly smaller in more recent cohorts, which benefited from substantial improvements in maternal and infant health.


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Little is known about the mechanisms involved in human gammadelta T-cell tolerance to self or to foreign antigens. Patients with congenital toxoplasmosis offer a unique opportunity to examine Vdelta2+ gammadelta T-cell tolerance. Analysis of gammadelta T cells in patients with congenital toxoplasmosis revealed evidence for anergy of these cells with or without clonal Vdelta2+ gammadelta T-cell expansion in the acute phase of the Toxoplasma infection. T cells in general were unresponsive and did not proliferate upon exposure to mitogens or to Toxoplasma lysate antigens or in response to live Toxoplasma-infected cells when the congenitally infected infants were 1 month of age, and they exhibited selective anergy to Toxoplasma lysate antigens and live Toxoplasma-infected cells when the infants were aged 5 months. During the chronic phase of congenital toxoplasmosis in the patients who were more than I year of age, the repertoires of the gammadelta T-cell receptors were found to be within normal ranges. In addition, in the chronic phase, the gammadelta T cells proliferated and secreted gamma-interferon in response to exposure to live Toxoplasmia-infected cells. By contrast, alphabeta T cells remained anergic. Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells have been considered to undergo extrathymic maturation and thus to be subject to development of peripheral tolerance. Our findings indicate that Vdelta2+ gammadelta T-cell tolerance was lost in these infected infants earlier than alphabeta T-cell tolerance. These findings suggest that gammadelta T cells play a role in protection against Toxoplasma gondii in the chronic phase when congenitally infected children are more than 1 year of age, especially in those in whom alphabeta T cells continue to exhibit deficits in specific immune responses to Toxoplasma antigens.


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A covalently cross-linked dimer of yeast DNA topoisomerase II was created by fusing the enzyme with the GCN4 leucine zipper followed by two glycines and a cysteine. Upon oxidation of the chimeric protein, a disulfide bond forms between the two carboxyl termini, covalently and intradimerically cross-linking the two protomers. In addition, all nine of the cysteines naturally occurring in topoisomerase II have been changed to alanines in this construct. This cross-linked, cysteine-less topoisomerase II is catalytically active in DNA duplex passage as indicated by ATP-dependent DNA supercoil relaxation and kinetoplast DNA decatenation assays. However, these experiments do not directly distinguish between a "one-gate" and a "two-gate" mechanism for the enzyme.


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The leptin receptor (OB-R) is a single membrane-spanning protein that mediates the weight regulatory effects of leptin (OB protein). The mutant allele (db) of the OB-R gene encodes a protein with a truncated cytoplasmic domain that is predicted to be functionally inactive. Several mRNA splice variants encoding OB-Rs with different length cytoplasmic domains have been detected in various tissues. Here we demonstrate that the full-length OB-R (predominantly expressed in the hypothalamus), but not a major naturally occurring truncated form or a mutant from found in db/db mice, can mediate activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins and stimulate transcription through interleukin 6 responsive gene elements. Reconstitution experiments suggest that, although OB-R mediates intracellular signals with a specificity similar to interleukin 6-type cytokine receptors, signaling appears to be independent of the gp130 signal transducing component of the interleukin 6-type cytokine receptors.


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Most anthropoid primates are slow to develop, their offspring are mostly single births, and the interbirth intervals are long. To maintain a stable population, parents must live long enough to sustain the serial production of a sufficient number of young to replace themselves while allowing for the death of offspring before they can reproduce. However, in many species there is a large differential between the sexes in the care provided to offspring. Therefore, we hypothesize that in slowly developing species with single births, the sex that bears the greater burden in the care of offspring will tend to survive longer. Males are incapable of gestating infants and lactating, but in several species fathers carry their offspring for long periods. We predict that females tend to live longer than males in the species where the mother does most or all of the care of offspring, that there is no difference in survival between the sexes in species in which both parents participate about equally in infant care, and that in the species where the father does a greater amount of care than the mother, males tend to live longer. The hypothesis is supported by survival data for males and females in anthropoid primate species.


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Imaging of H217O has a number of important applications. Mapping the distribution of H217O produced by oxidative metabolism of 17O-enriched oxygen gas may lead to a new method of metabolic functional imaging; regional cerebral blood flow also can be measured by measuring the H217O distribution after the injection of 17O-enriched physiological saline solution. Previous studies have proposed a method for indirect detection of 17O. The method is based on the shortening of the proton T2 in H217O solutions, caused by the residual 17O-1H scalar coupling and transferred to the bulk water via fast chemical exchange. It has been shown that the proton T2 of H217O solutions can be restored to that of H216O by irradiating the resonance frequency of the 17O nucleus. The indirect 17O image thus is obtained by taking the difference between two T2-weighted spin-echo images: one acquired after irradiation of the 17O resonance and one acquired without irradiation. It also has been established that, at relatively low concentrations of H217O, the indirect method yields an image that quantitatively reflects the H217O distribution in the sample. The method is referred to as PRIMO (proton imaging of oxygen). In this work, we show in vivo proton images of the H217O distribution in a rat brain after an i.v. injection of H217O-enriched physiological saline solution. Implementing the indirect detection method in an echo-planar imaging sequence enabled obtaining H217O images with good spatial and temporal resolution of few seconds.


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To examine the trafficking, assembly, and turnover of connexin43 (Cx43) in living cells, we used an enhanced red-shifted mutant of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to construct a Cx43-GFP chimera. When cDNA encoding Cx43-GFP was transfected into communication-competent normal rat kidney cells, Cx43-negative Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, or communication-deficient Neuro2A or HeLa cells, the fusion protein of predicted length was expressed, transported, and assembled into gap junctions that exhibited the classical pentalaminar profile. Dye transfer studies showed that Cx43-GFP formed functional gap junction channels when transfected into otherwise communication-deficient HeLa or Neuro2A cells. Live imaging of Cx43-GFP in MDCK cells revealed that many gap junction plaques remained relatively immobile, whereas others coalesced laterally within the plasma membrane. Time-lapse imaging of live MDCK cells also revealed that Cx43-GFP was transported via highly mobile transport intermediates that could be divided into two size classes of <0.5 μm and 0.5–1.5 μm. In some cases, the larger intracellular Cx43-GFP transport intermediates were observed to form from the internalization of gap junctions, whereas the smaller transport intermediates may represent other routes of trafficking to or from the plasma membrane. The localization of Cx43-GFP in two transport compartments suggests that the dynamic formation and turnover of connexins may involve at least two distinct pathways.


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Conventional myosin II plays a fundamental role in the process of cytokinesis where, in the form of bipolar thick filaments, it is thought to be the molecular motor that generates the force necessary to divide the cell. In Dictyostelium, the formation of thick filaments is regulated by the phosphorylation of three threonine residues in the tail region of the myosin heavy chain. We report here on the effects of this regulation on the localization of myosin in live cells undergoing cytokinesis. We imaged fusion proteins of the green-fluorescent protein with wild-type myosin and with myosins where the three critical threonines had been changed to either alanine or aspartic acid. We provide evidence that thick filament formation is required for the accumulation of myosin in the cleavage furrow and that if thick filaments are overproduced, this accumulation is markedly enhanced. This suggests that myosin localization in dividing cells is regulated by myosin heavy chain phosphorylation.


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Objective: To determine to what extent institutions carrying out in vitro fertilisation can reasonably be ranked according to their live birth rates.


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We have generated transgenic medaka (teleost, Oryzias latipes), which allow us to monitor germ cells by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence in live specimens. Two medaka strains, himedaka (orange–red variety) and inbred QurtE, were used. The transgenic lines were achieved by microinjection of a construct containing the putative promoter region and 3′ region of the medaka vasa gene (olvas). The intensity of GFP fluorescence increases dramatically in primordial germ cells (PGCs) located in the ventrolateral region of the posterior intestine around stage 25 (the onset of blood circulation). Whole-mount in situ hybridization and monitoring of ectopically located cells by GFP fluorescence suggested that (i) the increase in zygotic olvas expression occurs after PGC specification and (ii) PGCs can maintain their cell characteristics ectopically after stages 20–25. Around the day of hatching, the QurtE strain clearly exhibits sexual dimorphisms in the number of GFP fluorescent germ cells, a finding consistent with the appearance of leucophores, a sex-specific marker of QurtE. The GFP expression persists throughout the later stages in the mature ovary and testis. Thus, these transgenic medaka represent a live vertebrate model to investigate how germ cells migrate to form sexually dimorphic gonads, as well as a potential assay system for environmental substances that may affect gonad development. The use of a transgenic construct as a selective marker to efficiently isolate germ-line-transmitting founders during embryogenesis is also discussed.


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To quantitatively investigate the trafficking of the transmembrane lectin VIP36 and its relation to cargo-containing transport carriers (TCs), we analyzed a C-terminal fluorescent-protein (FP) fusion, VIP36-SP-FP. When expressed at moderate levels, VIP36-SP-FP localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and intermediate transport structures, and colocalized with epitope-tagged VIP36. Temperature shift and pharmacological experiments indicated VIP36-SP-FP recycled in the early secretory pathway, exhibiting trafficking representative of a class of transmembrane cargo receptors, including the closely related lectin ERGIC53. VIP36-SP-FP trafficking structures comprised tubules and globular elements, which translocated in a saltatory manner. Simultaneous visualization of anterograde secretory cargo and VIP36-SP-FP indicated that the globular structures were pre-Golgi carriers, and that VIP36-SP-FP segregated from cargo within the Golgi and was not included in post-Golgi TCs. Organelle-specific bleach experiments directly measured the exchange of VIP36-SP-FP between the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Fitting a two-compartment model to the recovery data predicted first order rate constants of 1.22 ± 0.44%/min for ER → Golgi, and 7.68 ± 1.94%/min for Golgi → ER transport, revealing a half-time of 113 ± 70 min for leaving the ER and 1.67 ± 0.45 min for leaving the Golgi, and accounting for the measured steady-state distribution of VIP36-SP-FP (13% Golgi/87% ER). Perturbing transport with AlF4− treatment altered VIP36-SP-GFP distribution and changed the rate constants. The parameters of the model suggest that relatively small differences in the first order rate constants, perhaps manifested in subtle differences in the tendency to enter distinct TCs, result in large differences in the steady-state localization of secretory components.


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Conventional myosin plays a key role in the cytoskeletal reorganization necessary for cytokinesis, migration, and morphological changes associated with development in nonmuscle cells. We have made a fusion between the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the Dictyostelium discoideum myosin heavy chain (GFP-myosin). The unique Dictyostelium system allows us to test the GFP-tagged myosin for activity both in vivo and in vitro. Expression of GFP-myosin rescues all myosin null cell defects. Additionally, GFP-myosin purified from these cells exhibits the same ATPase activities and in vitro motility as wild-type myosin. GFP-myosin is concentrated in the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis and in the posterior cortex of migrating cells. Surprisingly, GFP-myosin concentration increases transiently in the tips of retracting pseudopods. Contrary to previous thinking, this suggests that conventional myosin may play an important role in the dynamics of pseudopods as well as filopodia, lamellipodia, and other cellular protrusions.