3 resultados para small-spot raster scanning

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We have developed a technique for isolating DNA markers tightly linked to a target region that is based on RLGS, named RLGS spot-bombing (RLGS-SB). RLGS-SB allows us to scan the genome of higher organisms quickly and efficiently to identify loci that are linked to either a target region or gene of interest. The method was initially tested by analyzing a C57BL/6-GusS mouse congenic strain. We identified 33 variant markers out of 10,565 total loci in a 4.2-centimorgan (cM) interval surrounding the Gus locus in 4 days of laboratory work. The validity of RLGS-SB to find DNA markers linked to a target locus was also tested on pooled DNA from segregating backcross progeny by analyzing the spot intensity of already mapped RLGS loci. Finally, we used RLGS-SB to identify DNA markers closely linked to the mouse reeler (rl) locus on chromosome 5 by phenotypic pooling. A total of 31 RLGS loci were identified and mapped to the target region after screening 8856 loci. These 31 loci were mapped within 11.7 cM surrounding rl. The average density of RLGS loci located in the rl region was 0.38 cM. Three loci were closely linked to rl showing a recombination frequency of 0/340, which is < 1 cM from rl. Thus, RLGS-SB provides an efficient and rapid method for the detection and isolation of polymorphic DNA markers linked to a trait or gene of interest.


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HIV-1 entry into CD4+ cells requires the sequential interactions of the viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 and a coreceptor such as the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4. A plausible approach to blocking this process is to use small molecule antagonists of coreceptor function. One such inhibitor has been described for CCR5: the TAK-779 molecule. To facilitate the further development of entry inhibitors as antiviral drugs, we have explored how TAK-779 acts to prevent HIV-1 infection, and we have mapped its site of interaction with CCR5. We find that TAK-779 inhibits HIV-1 replication at the membrane fusion stage by blocking the interaction of the viral surface glycoprotein gp120 with CCR5. We could identify no amino acid substitutions within the extracellular domain of CCR5 that affected the antiviral action of TAK-779. However, alanine scanning mutagenesis of the transmembrane domains revealed that the binding site for TAK-779 on CCR5 is located near the extracellular surface of the receptor, within a cavity formed between transmembrane helices 1, 2, 3, and 7.


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A cDNA of pea (Pisum sativum L.) RbcS 3A, encoding a small subunit protein (S) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), has been expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, and the transcript and mature S protein were detected. Specific antibodies revealed two protein spots for the four Arabidopsis S and one additional spot for pea S. Pea S in chimeric Rubisco amounted to 15 to 18% of all S, as judged by separation on two-dimensional isoelectric focusing/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels from partially purified enzyme preparations and quantitation of silver-stained protein spots. The chimeric enzyme had 11 ± 1% fewer carbamylated sites and a 11 ± 1% lower carboxylase activity than wild-type Arabidopsis Rubisco. Whereas pea S expression, preprotein transport, and processing and assembly resulted in a stable holoenzyme, the chimeric enzyme was reproducibly catalytically less efficient. We suggest that the presence of, on average, one foreign S per holoenzyme is responsible for the altered activity. In addition, higher-plant Rubisco, unlike the cyanobacterial enzyme, seems to have evolved species-specific interactions between S and the large subunit protein that are involved in carbamylation of the active site.