15 resultados para skill acquisition

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Cortical representational plasticity has been well documented after peripheral and central injuries or improvements in perceptual and motor abilities. This has led to inferences that the changes in cortical representations parallel and account for the improvement in performance during the period of skill acquisition. There have also been several examples of rapidly induced changes in cortical neuronal response properties, for example, by intracortical microstimulation or by classical conditioning paradigms. This report describes similar rapidly induced changes in a cortically mediated perception in human subjects, the ventriloquism aftereffect, which presumably reflects a corresponding change in the cortical representation of acoustic space. The ventriloquism aftereffect describes an enduring shift in the perception of the spatial location of acoustic stimuli after a period of exposure of spatially disparate and simultaneously presented acoustic and visual stimuli. Exposure of a mismatch of 8° for 20–30 min is sufficient to shift the perception of acoustic space by approximately the same amount across subjects and acoustic frequencies. Given that the cerebral cortex is necessary for the perception of acoustic space, it is likely that the ventriloquism aftereffect reflects a change in the cortical representation of acoustic space. Comparisons between the responses of single cortical neurons in the behaving macaque monkey and the stimulus parameters that give rise to the ventriloquism aftereffect suggest that the changes in the cortical representation of acoustic space may begin as early as the primary auditory cortex.


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Behavioral and neurophysiological studies suggest that skill learning can be mediated by discrete, experience-driven changes within specific neural representations subserving the performance of the trained task. We have shown that a few minutes of daily practice on a sequential finger opposition task induced large, incremental performance gains over a few weeks of training. These gains did not generalize to the contralateral hand nor to a matched sequence of identical component movements, suggesting that a lateralized representation of the learned sequence of movements evolved through practice. This interpretation was supported by functional MRI data showing that a more extensive representation of the trained sequence emerged in primary motor cortex after 3 weeks of training. The imaging data, however, also indicated important changes occurring in primary motor cortex during the initial scanning sessions, which we proposed may reflect the setting up of a task-specific motor processing routine. Here we provide behavioral and functional MRI data on experience-dependent changes induced by a limited amount of repetitions within the first imaging session. We show that this limited training experience can be sufficient to trigger performance gains that require time to become evident. We propose that skilled motor performance is acquired in several stages: “fast” learning, an initial, within-session improvement phase, followed by a period of consolidation of several hours duration, and then “slow” learning, consisting of delayed, incremental gains in performance emerging after continued practice. This time course may reflect basic mechanisms of neuronal plasticity in the adult brain that subserve the acquisition and retention of many different skills.


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Homologues of the amtB gene of enteric bacteria exist in all three domains of life. Although their products are required for transport of the ammonium analogue methylammonium in washed cells, only in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have they been shown to be necessary for growth at low NH4+ concentrations. We now demonstrate that an amtB strain of Escherichia coli also grows slowly at low NH4+ concentrations in batch culture, but only at pH values below 7. In addition, we find that the growth defect of an S. cerevisiae triple-mutant strain lacking the function of three homologues of the ammonium/methylammonium transport B (AmtB) protein [called methylammonium/ammonium permeases (MEP)] that was observed at pH 6.1 is relieved at pH 7.1. These results provide direct evidence that AmtB participates in acquisition of NH4+/NH3 in bacteria as well as eucarya. Because NH3 is the species limiting at low pH for a given total concentration of NH4+ + NH3, results with both organisms indicate that AmtB/MEP proteins function in acquisition of the uncharged form. We confirmed that accumulation of [14C]methylammonium depends on its conversion to γ-N-methylglutamine, an energy-requiring reaction catalyzed by glutamine synthetase, and found that at pH 7, constitutive expression of AmtB did not relieve the growth defects of a mutant strain of Salmonella typhimurium that appears to require a high internal concentration of NH4+/NH3. Hence, contrary to previous views, we propose that AmtB/MEP proteins increase the rate of equilibration of the uncharged species, NH3, across the cytoplasmic membrane rather than actively transporting—that is, concentrating—the charged species, NH4+.


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Field observations showed that in its native Texas grasslands, dodder (Cuscuta attenuata) grows more vigorously in patches of mixed host species than in monospecific host patches. Field experiments with naturally occurring host individuals demonstrated that the parasite achieved greater volume when simultaneously infesting two hosts of differing species rather than two hosts of the same species, and that this effect depends on the order in which the parasite encounters those hosts. Sodium, acting as an osmoticum, is implicated as the factor responsible for experimentally produced as well as observed field patterns.


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The basal forebrain complex, which includes the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM), provides widespread cholinergic and γ-aminobutyric acid-containing projections throughout the brain, including the insular and pyriform cortices. A number of studies have implicated the cholinergic neurons in the mediation of learning and memory processes. However, the role of basal forebrain activity in information retrieval mechanisms is less known. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of reversible inactivation of the NBM by tetrodotoxin (TTX, a voltage-sensitive sodium channel blocker) during the acquisition and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and to measure acetylcholine (ACh) release during TTX inactivation in the insular cortex, by means of the microdialysis technique in free-moving rats. Bilateral infusion of TTX in the NBM was performed 30 min before the presentation of gustative stimuli, in either the CTA acquisition trial or retrieval trial. At the same time, levels of extracellular ACh release were measured in the insular cortex. The behavioral results showed significant impairment in CTA acquisition when the TTX was infused in the NBM, whereas retrieval was not affected when the treatment was given during the test trial. Biochemical results showed that TTX infusion into the NBM produced a marked decrease in cortical ACh release as compared with the controls during consumption of saccharin in the acquisition trial. Depleted ACh levels were found during the test trial in all groups except in the group that received TTX during acquisition. These results suggest a cholinergic-dependent process during acquisition, but not during memory retrieval, and that NBM-mediated cholinergic cortical release may play an important role in early stages of learning, but not during recall of aversive memories.


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Buchnera aphidicola is an obligate, strictly vertically transmitted, bacterial symbiont of aphids. It supplies its host with essential amino acids, nutrients required by aphids but deficient in their diet of plant phloem sap. Several lineages of Buchnera show adaptation to their nutritional role in the form of plasmid-mediated amplification of key-genes involved in the biosynthesis of tryptophan (trpEG) and leucine (leuABCD). Phylogenetic analyses of these plasmid-encoded functions have thus far suggested the absence of horizontal plasmid exchange among lineages of Buchnera. Here, we describe three new Buchnera plasmids, obtained from species of the aphid host families Lachnidae and Pemphigidae. All three plasmids belong to the repA1 family of Buchnera plasmids, which is characterized by the presence of a repA1-replicon responsible for replication initiation. A comprehensive analysis of this family of plasmids unexpectedly revealed significantly incongruent phylogenies for different plasmid and chromosomally encoded loci. We infer from these incongruencies a case of horizontal plasmid transfer in Buchnera. This process may have been mediated by secondary endosymbionts, which occasionally undergo horizontal transmission in aphids.


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At the forefront of debates on language are new data demonstrating infants' early acquisition of information about their native language. The data show that infants perceptually “map” critical aspects of ambient language in the first year of life before they can speak. Statistical properties of speech are picked up through exposure to ambient language. Moreover, linguistic experience alters infants' perception of speech, warping perception in the service of language. Infants' strategies are unexpected and unpredicted by historical views. A new theoretical position has emerged, and six postulates of this position are described.


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Because it is widely accepted that providing information online will play a major role in both the teaching and practice of medicine in the near future, a short formal course of instruction in computer skills was proposed for the incoming class of students entering medical school at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. The syllabus was developed on the basis of a set of expected outcomes, which was accepted by the dean of medicine and the curriculum committee for classes beginning in the fall of 1997. Prior to their arrival, students were asked to complete a self-assessment survey designed to elucidate their initial skill base; the returned surveys showed students to have computer skills ranging from complete novice to that of a systems engineer. The classes were taught during the first three weeks of the semester to groups of students separated on the basis of their knowledge of and comfort with computers. Areas covered included computer basics, e-mail management, MEDLINE, and Internet search tools. Each student received seven hours of hands-on training followed by a test. The syllabus and emphasis of the classes were tailored to the initial skill base but the final test was given at the same level to all students. Student participation, test scores, and course evaluations indicated that this noncredit program was successful in achieving an acceptable level of comfort in using a computer for almost all of the student body.


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In the MYL mutant of the Arc repressor dimer, sets of partially buried salt-bridge and hydrogen-bond interactions mediated by Arg-31, Glu-36, and Arg-40 in each subunit are replaced by hydrophobic interactions between Met-31, Tyr-36, and Leu-40. The MYL refolding/dimerization reaction differs from that of wild type in being 10- to 1250-fold faster, having an earlier transition state, and depending upon viscosity but not ionic strength. Formation of the wild-type salt bridges in a hydrophobic environment clearly imposes a kinetic barrier to folding, which can be lowered by high salt concentrations. The changes in the position of the transition state and viscosity dependence can be explained if denatured monomers interact to form a partially folded dimeric intermediate, which then continues folding to form the native dimer. The second step is postulated to be rate limiting for wild type. Replacing the salt bridge with hydrophobic interactions lowers this barrier for MYL. This makes the first kinetic barrier rate limiting for MYL refolding and creates a downhill free-energy landscape in which most molecules which reach the intermediate state continue to form native dimers.


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A strategy of "sequence scanning" is proposed for rapid acquisition of sequence from clones such as bacteriophage P1 clones, cosmids, or yeast artificial chromosomes. The approach makes use of a special vector, called LambdaScan, that reliably yields subclones with inserts in the size range 8-12 kb. A number of subclones, typically 96 or 192, are chosen at random, and the ends of the inserts are sequenced using vector-specific primers. Then long-range spectrum PCR is used to order and orient the clones. This combination of shotgun and directed sequencing results in a high-resolution physical map suitable for the identification of coding regions or for comparison of sequence organization among genomes. Computer simulations indicate that, for a target clone of 100 kb, the scanning of 192 subclones with sequencing reads as short as 350 bp results in an approximate ratio of 1:2:1 of regions of double-stranded sequence, single-stranded sequence, and gaps. Longer sequencing reads tip the ratio strongly toward increased double-stranded sequence.


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N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors play an important role in the development of retinal axon arbors in the mammalian lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). We investigated whether blockade of NMDA receptors in vivo or in vitro affects the dendritic development of LGN neurons during the period that retinogeniculate axons segregate into on-center and off-center sublaminae. Osmotic minipumps containing either the NMDA receptor antagonist D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (D-APV) or saline were implanted in ferret kits at postnatal day 14. After 1 week, LGN neurons were intracellularly injected with Lucifer yellow. Infusion of D-APV in vivo led to an increase in the number of branch points and in the density of dendritic spines compared with age-matched normal or saline-treated animals. To examine the time course of spine formation, crystals of 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate were placed in the LGN in brain slices from 14- to 18-day-old ferrets. Labeled LGN cell dendrites were imaged on-line in living slices by confocal microscopy, with slices maintained either in normal perfusion medium or with the addition of D-APV or NMDA to the medium. Addition of D-APV in vitro at doses specific for blocking NMDA receptors led to a > 6-fold net increase in spine density compared with control or NMDA-treated slices. Spines appeared within a few hours of NMDA receptor blockade, indicating a rapid local response by LGN cells in the absence of NMDA receptor activation. Thus, activity-dependent structural changes in postsynaptic cells act together with changes in presynaptic arbors to shape projection patterns and specific retinogeniculate connections.


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The localization of sites of memory formation within the mammalian brain has proven to be a formidable task even for simple forms of learning and memory. Recent studies have demonstrated that reversibly inactivating a localized region of cerebellum, including the dorsal anterior interpositus nucleus, completely prevents acquisition of the conditioned eye-blink response with no effect upon subsequent learning without inactivation. This result indicates that the memory trace for this type of learning is located either (i) within this inactivated region of cerebellum or (ii) within some structure(s) efferent from the cerebellum to which output from the interpositus nucleus ultimately projects. To distinguish between these possibilities, two groups of rabbits were conditioned (by using two conditioning stimuli) while the output fibers of the interpositus (the superior cerebellar peduncle) were reversibly blocked with microinjections of the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin. Rabbits performed no conditioned responses during this inactivation training. However, training after inactivation revealed that the rabbits (trained with either conditioned stimulus) had fully learned the response during the previous inactivation training. Cerebellar output, therefore, does not appear to be essential for acquisition of the learned response. This result, coupled with the fact that inactivation of the appropriate region of cerebellum completely prevents learning, provides compelling evidence supporting the hypothesis that the essential memory trace for the classically conditioned eye-blink response is localized within the cerebellum.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the primary agent of tuberculosis, must acquire iron from the host to cause infection. To do so, it releases high-affinity iron-binding siderophores called exochelins. Exochelins are thought to transfer iron to another type of high-affinity iron-binding molecule in the bacterial cell wall, mycobactins, for subsequent utilization by the bacterium. In this paper, we describe the purification of exochelins of M. tuberculosis and their characterization by mass spectrometry. Exochelins comprise a family of molecules whose most abundant species range in mass from 744 to 800 Da in the neutral Fe(3+)-loaded state. The molecules form two 14-Da-increment series, one saturated and the other unsaturated, with the increments reflecting different numbers of CH2 groups on a side chain. These series further subdivide into serine- or threonine-containing species. The virulent M. tuberculosis Erdman strain and the avirulent M. tuberculosis H37Ra strain produce a similar set of exochelins. Based on a comparison of their tandem mass spectra, exochelins share a common core structure with mycobactins. However, exochelins are smaller than mycobactins due to a shorter alkyl side chain, and the side chain of exochelins terminates in a methyl ester. These differences render exochelins more polar than the lipophilic mycobactins and hence soluble in the aqueous extracellular milieu of the bacterium in which they bind iron in the host.