87 resultados para silencing suppressors

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Antisense-mediated gene silencing (ASGS) and posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) with sense transgenes markedly reduce the steady-state mRNA levels of endogenous genes similar in transcribed sequence. RNase protection assays established that silencing in tobacco plants transformed with plant-defense-related class I sense and antisense chitinase (CHN) transgenes is at the posttranscriptional level. Infection of tobacco plants with cucumber mosaic virus strain FN and a necrotizing strain of potato virus Y, but not with potato virus X, effectively suppressed PTGS and ASGS of both the transgenes and homologous endogenes. This suggests that ASGS and PTGS share components associated with initiation and maintenance of the silent state. Small, ca. 25-nt RNAs (smRNA) of both polarities were associated with PTGS and ASGS in CHN transformants as reported for PTGS in other transgenic plants and for RNA interference in Drosophila. Similar results were obtained with an antisense class I β-1,3-glucanase transformant showing that viral suppression and smRNAs are a more general feature of ASGS. Several current models hold that diverse signals lead to production of double-stranded RNAs, which are processed to smRNAs that then trigger PTGS. Our results provide direct evidence for mechanistic links between ASGS and PTGS and suggest that ASGS could join a common PTGS pathway at the double-stranded RNA step.


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In transgenic and nontransgenic plants, viruses are both initiators and targets of a defense mechanism that is similar to posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Recently, it was found that potyviruses and cucumoviruses encode pathogenicity determinants that suppress this defense mechanism. Here, we test diverse virus types for the ability to suppress PTGS. Nicotiana benthamiana exhibiting PTGS of a green fluorescent protein transgene were infected with a range of unrelated viruses and various potato virus X vectors producing viral pathogenicity factors. Upon infection, suppression of PTGS was assessed in planta through reactivation of green fluorescence and confirmed by molecular analysis. These experiments led to the identification of three suppressors of PTGS and showed that suppression of PTGS is widely used as a counter-defense strategy by DNA and RNA viruses. However, the spatial pattern and degree of suppression varied extensively between viruses. At one extreme, there are viruses that suppress in all tissues of all infected leaves, whereas others are able to suppress only in the veins of new emerging leaves. This variation existed even between closely related members of the potexvirus group. Collectively, these results suggest that virus-encoded suppressors of gene silencing have distinct modes of action, are targeted against distinct components of the host gene-silencing machinery, and that there is dynamic evolution of the host and viral components associated with the gene-silencing mechanism.


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Certain plant viruses encode suppressors of posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS), an adaptive antiviral defense response that limits virus replication and spread. The tobacco etch potyvirus protein, helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro), suppresses PTGS of silenced transgenes. The effect of HC-Pro on different steps of the silencing pathway was analyzed by using both transient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-based delivery and transgenic systems. HC-Pro inactivated PTGS in plants containing a preexisting silenced β-glucuronidase (GUS) transgene. PTGS in this system was associated with both small RNA molecules (21–26 nt) corresponding to the 3′ proximal region of the transcribed GUS sequence and cytosine methylation of specific sites near the 3′ end of the GUS transgene. Introduction of HC-Pro into these plants resulted in loss of PTGS, loss of small RNAs, and partial loss of methylation. These results suggest that HC-Pro targets a PTGS maintenance (as opposed to an initiation or signaling) component at a point that affects accumulation of small RNAs and methylation of genomic DNA.


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We report the isolation of 15 Neurospora crassa mutants defective in “quelling” or transgene-induced gene silencing. These quelling-defective mutants (qde) belonging to three complementation groups have provided insights into the mechanism of posttranscriptional gene silencing in N. crassa. The recessive nature of the qde mutations indicates that the encoded gene products act in trans. We show that when qde genes are mutated in a transgenic-induced silenced strain containing many copies of the transgene, the expression of the endogenous gene is maintained despite the presence of transgene sense RNA, the molecule proposed to trigger quelling. Moreover, the qde mutants failed to show quelling when tested with another gene, suggesting that they may be universally defective in transgene-induced gene silencing. As such, qde genes may be involved in sensing aberrant sense RNA and/or targeting/degrading the native mRNA. The qde mutations may be used to isolate the genes encoding the first components of the quelling mechanism. Moreover, these quelling mutants may be important in applied and basic research for the creation of strains able to overexpress a transgene.


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Gene silencing is an important but little understood regulatory mechanism in plants. Here we report that a viral sequence, initially identified as a mediator of synergistic viral disease, acts to suppress the establishment of both transgene-induced and virus-induced posttranscriptional gene silencing. The viral suppressor of silencing comprises the 5′-proximal region of the tobacco etch potyviral genomic RNA encoding P1, helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro) and a small part of P3, and is termed the P1/HC-Pro sequence. A reversal of silencing assay was used to assess the effect of the P1/HC-Pro sequence on transgenic tobacco plants (line T4) that are posttranscriptionally silenced for the uidA reporter gene. Silencing was lifted in offspring of T4 crosses with four independent transgenic lines expressing P1/HC-Pro, but not in offspring of control crosses. Viral vectors were used to assess the effect of P1/HC-Pro expression on virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). The ability of a potato virus X vector expressing green fluorescent protein to induce silencing of a green fluorescent protein transgene was eliminated or greatly reduced when P1/HC-Pro was expressed from the same vector or from coinfecting potato virus X vectors. Expression of the HC-Pro coding sequence alone was sufficient to suppress virus-induced gene silencing, and the HC-Pro protein product was required for the suppression. This discovery points to the role of gene silencing as a natural antiviral defense system in plants and offers different approaches to elucidate the molecular basis of gene silencing.


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Nucleolar dominance is an epigenetic phenomenon in which one parental set of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is silenced in an interspecific hybrid. In natural Arabidopsis suecica, an allotetraploid (amphidiploid) hybrid of Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardaminopsis arenosa, the A. thaliana rRNA genes are repressed. Interestingly, A. thaliana rRNA gene silencing is variable in synthetic Arabidopsis suecica F1 hybrids. Two generations are needed for A. thaliana rRNA genes to be silenced in all lines, revealing a species-biased direction but stochastic onset to nucleolar dominance. Backcrossing synthetic A. suecica to tetraploid A. thaliana yielded progeny with active A. thaliana rRNA genes and, in some cases, silenced C. arenosa rRNA genes, showing that the direction of dominance can be switched. The hypothesis that naturally dominant rRNA genes have a superior binding affinity for a limiting transcription factor is inconsistent with dominance switching. Inactivation of a species-specific transcription factor is argued against by showing that A. thaliana and C. arenosa rRNA genes can be expressed transiently in the other species. Transfected A. thaliana genes are also active in A. suecica protoplasts in which chromosomal A. thaliana genes are repressed. Collectively, these data suggest that nucleolar dominance is a chromosomal phenomenon that results in coordinate or cooperative silencing of rRNA genes.


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Many examples of extreme virus resistance and posttranscriptional gene silencing of endogenous or reporter genes have been described in transgenic plants containing sense or antisense transgenes. In these cases of either cosuppression or antisense suppression, there appears to be induction of a surveillance system within the plant that specifically degrades both the transgene and target RNAs. We show that transforming plants with virus or reporter gene constructs that produce RNAs capable of duplex formation confer virus immunity or gene silencing on the plants. This was accomplished by using transcripts from one sense gene and one antisense gene colocated in the plant genome, a single transcript that has self-complementarity, or sense and antisense transcripts from genes brought together by crossing. A model is presented that is consistent with our data and those of other workers, describing the processes of induction and execution of posttranscriptional gene silencing.


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Microinjection at high copy number of plasmids containing only the coding region of a gene into the Paramecium somatic macronucleus led to a marked reduction in the expression of the corresponding endogenous gene(s). The silencing effect, which is stably maintained throughout vegetative growth, has been observed for all Paramecium genes examined so far: a single-copy gene (ND7), as well as members of multigene families (centrin genes and trichocyst matrix protein genes) in which all closely related paralogous genes appeared to be affected. This phenomenon may be related to posttranscriptional gene silencing in transgenic plants and quelling in Neurospora and allows the efficient creation of specific mutant phenotypes thus providing a potentially powerful tool to study gene function in Paramecium. For the two multigene families that encode proteins that coassemble to build up complex subcellular structures the analysis presented herein provides the first experimental evidence that the members of these gene families are not functionally redundant.


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Silencing is a universal form of transcriptional regulation in which regions of the genome are reversibly inactivated by changes in chromatin structure. Sir2 (Silent Information Regulator) protein is unique among the silencing factors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae because it silences the rDNA as well as the silent mating-type loci and telomeres. Discovery of a gene family of Homologues of Sir Two (HSTs) in organisms from bacteria to humans suggests that SIR2’s silencing mechanism might be conserved. The Sir2 and Hst proteins share a core domain, which includes two diagnostic sequence motifs of unknown function as well as four cysteines of a putative zinc finger. We demonstrate by mutational analyses that the conserved core and each of its motifs are essential for Sir2p silencing. Chimeras between Sir2p and a human Sir2 homologue (hSir2Ap) indicate that this human protein’s core can substitute for that of Sir2p, implicating the core as a silencing domain. Immunofluorescence studies reveal partially disrupted localization, accounting for the yeast–human chimeras’ ability to function at only a subset of Sir2p’s target loci. Together, these results support a model for the involvement of distinct Sir2p-containing complexes in HM/telomeric and rDNA silencing and that HST family members, including the widely expressed hSir2A, may perform evolutionarily conserved functions.


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Although silencing is a significant form of transcriptional regulation, the functional and mechanistic limits of its conservation have not yet been established. We have identified the Schizosaccharomyces pombe hst4+ gene as a member of the SIR2/HST silencing gene family that is defined in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. hst4Δ mutants grow more slowly than wild-type cells and have abnormal morphology and fragmented DNA. Mutant strains show decreased silencing of reporter genes at both telomeres and centromeres. hst4+ appears to be important for centromere function as well because mutants have elevated chromosome-loss rates and are sensitive to a microtubule-destabilizing drug. Consistent with a role in chromatin structure, Hst4p localizes to the nucleus and appears concentrated in the nucleolus. hst4Δ mutant phenotypes, including growth and silencing phenotypes, are similar to those of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSTs, and at a molecular level, hst4+ is most similar to HST4. Furthermore, hst4+ is a functional homologue of S. cerevisiae HST3 and HST4 in that overexpression of hst4+ rescues the temperature-sensitivity and telomeric silencing defects of an hst3Δ hst4Δ double mutant. These results together demonstrate that a SIR-like silencing mechanism is conserved in the distantly related yeasts and is likely to be found in other organisms from prokaryotes to mammals.


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The trithorax gene family contains members implicated in the control of transcription, development, chromosome structure, and human leukemia. A feature shared by some family members, and by other proteins that function in chromatin-mediated transcriptional regulation, is the presence of a 130- to 140-amino acid motif dubbed the SET or Tromo domain. Here we present analysis of SET1, a yeast member of the trithorax gene family that was identified by sequence inspection to encode a 1080-amino acid protein with a C-terminal SET domain. In addition to its SET domain, which is 40–50% identical to those previously characterized, SET1 also shares dispersed but significant similarity to Drosophila and human trithorax homologues. To understand SET1 function(s), we created a null mutant. Mutant strains, although viable, are defective in transcriptional silencing of the silent mating-type loci and telomeres. The telomeric silencing defect is rescued not only by full-length episomal SET1 but also by the conserved SET domain of SET1. set1 mutant strains display other phenotypes including morphological abnormalities, stationary phase defects, and growth and sporulation defects. Candidate genes that may interact with SET1 include those with functions in transcription, growth, and cell cycle control. These data suggest that yeast SET1, like its SET domain counterparts in other organisms, functions in diverse biological processes including transcription and chromatin structure.


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Transcriptional silencing of genes transferred into hematopoietic stem cells poses one of the most significant challenges to the success of gene therapy. If the transferred gene is not completely silenced, a progressive decline in gene expression as the mice age often is encountered. These phenomena were observed to various degrees in mouse transplant experiments using retroviral vectors containing a human β-globin gene, even when cis-linked to locus control region derivatives. Here, we have investigated whether ex vivo preselection of retrovirally transduced stem cells on the basis of expression of the green fluorescent protein driven by the CpG island phosphoglycerate kinase promoter can ensure subsequent long-term expression of a cis-linked β-globin gene in the erythroid lineage of transplanted mice. We observed that 100% of mice (n = 7) engrafted with preselected cells concurrently expressed human β-globin and the green fluorescent protein in 20–95% of their RBC for up to 9.5 mo posttransplantation, the longest time point assessed. This expression pattern was successfully transferred to secondary transplant recipients. In the presence of β-locus control region hypersensitive site 2 alone, human β-globin mRNA expression levels ranged from 0.15% to 20% with human β-globin chains detected by HPLC. Neither the proportion of positive blood cells nor the average expression levels declined with time in transplanted recipients. Although suboptimal expression levels and heterocellular position effects persisted, in vivo stem cell gene silencing and age-dependent extinction of expression were avoided. These findings support the further investigation of this type of vector for the gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies.


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Increased histone acetylation has been correlated with increased transcription, and regions of heterochromatin are generally hypoacetylated. In investigating the cause-and-effect relationship between histone acetylation and gene activity, we have characterized two yeast histone deacetylase complexes. Histone deacetylase-A (HDA) is an ≈350-kDa complex that is highly sensitive to the deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A. Histone deacetylase-B (HDB) is an ≈600-kDa complex that is much less sensitive to trichostatin A. The HDA1 protein (a subunit of the HDA activity) shares sequence similarity to RPD3, a factor required for optimal transcription of certain yeast genes. RPD3 is associated with the HDB activity. HDA1 also shares similarity to three new open reading frames in yeast, designated HOS1, HOS2, and HOS3. We find that both hda1 and rpd3 deletions increase acetylation levels in vivo at all sites examined in both core histones H3 and H4, with rpd3 deletions having a greater impact on histone H4 lysine positions 5 and 12. Surprisingly, both hda1 and rpd3 deletions increase repression at telomeric loci, which resemble heterochromatin with rpd3 having a greater effect. In addition, rpd3 deletions retard full induction of the PHO5 promoter fused to the reporter lacZ. These data demonstrate that histone acetylation state has a role in regulating both heterochromatic silencing and regulated gene expression.


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We have found conditions for saturation mutagenesis by restriction enzyme mediated integration that result in plasmid tagging of disrupted genes. Using this method we selected for mutations in genes that act at checkpoints downstream of the intercellular signaling system that controls encapsulation in Dictyostelium discoideum. One of these genes, mkcA, is a member of the mitogen-activating protein kinase cascade family while the other, regA, is a novel bipartite gene homologous to response regulators in one part and to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in the other part. Disruption of either of these genes results in partial suppression of the block to spore formation resulting from the loss of the prestalk genes, tagB and tagC. The products of the tag genes have conserved domains of serine proteases attached to ATP-driven transporters, suggesting that they process and export peptide signals. Together, these genes outline an intercellular communication system that coordinates organismal shape with cellular differentiation during development.


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Virally transduced genes are often silenced after integration into the host genome. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and nuclease sensitivity experiments now demonstrate that silencing of the transgene is characterized by deacetylation of histone H4 lysines and chromatin condensation. Trichostatin A treatment results in dramatic reactivation of gene expression that is preceded by histone acetylation and chromatin decondensation. Analysis of individual histone H4 lysines demonstrate that chromatin domain opening is coincident with rapid acetylation of histone H4 K5, K12, and K16 and that maintenance of the open domain is correlated with acetylation of histone H4 K8. Removal of trichostatin A results in rapid deacetylation of histone H4 K8, chromatin condensation, and transcription silencing. The results suggest that deacetylation of histone H4 lysines and coincident chromatin condensation are critically involved in the silencing of virally transduced genes.