6 resultados para silence

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Accumulative evidence suggests that more than 20 neuron-specific genes are regulated by a transcriptional cis-regulatory element known as the neural restrictive silencer (NRS). A trans-acting repressor that binds the NRS, NRSF [also designated RE1-silencing transcription factor (REST)] has been cloned, but the mechanism by which it represses transcription is unknown. Here we show evidence that NRSF represses transcription of its target genes by recruiting mSin3 and histone deacetylase. Transfection experiments using a series of NRSF deletion constructs revealed the presence of two repression domains, RD-1 and RD-2, within the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively. A yeast two-hybrid screen using the RD-1 region as a bait identified a short form of mSin3B. In vitro pull-down assays and in vivo immunoprecipitation-Western analyses revealed a specific interaction between NRSF-RD1 and mSin3 PAH1-PAH2 domains. Furthermore, NRSF and mSin3 formed a complex with histone deacetylase 1, suggesting that NRSF-mediated repression involves histone deacetylation. When the deacetylation of histones was inhibited by tricostatin A in non-neuronal cells, mRNAs encoding several neuronal-specific genes such as SCG10, NMDAR1, and choline acetyltransferase became detectable. These results indicate that NRSF recruits mSin3 and histone deacetylase 1 to silence neural-specific genes and suggest further that repression of histone deacetylation is crucial for transcriptional activation of neural-specific genes during neuronal terminal differentiation.


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Methylation of cytosines in the dinucleotide CpG has been shown to suppress transcription of a number of tissue-specific genes, yet the precise mechanism is not fully understood. The vertebrate globin genes were among the first examples in which an inverse correlation was shown between CpG methylation and transcription. We studied the methylation pattern of the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter in genomic DNA from primary chicken erythroid cells using the sodium bisulfite conversion technique and found all CpGs in the promoter to be methylated in erythroid cells from adult chickens in which the ρ-globin gene is silent but unmethylated in 5-day (primitive) embryonic red cells in which the gene is transcribed. To elucidate further the mechanism of methylation-induced silencing, an expression construct consisting of 235 bp of 5′ promoter sequence of the ρ-globin gene along with a strong 5′ erythroid enhancer driving a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene, ρ-CAT, was transfected into primary avian erythroid cells derived from 5-day embryos. Methylation of just the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter fragment at every CpG resulted in a 20- to 30-fold inhibition of transcription, and this effect was not overridden by the presence of potent erythroid-specific enhancers. The ability of the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter to bind to a DNA Methyl Cytosine binding Protein Complex (MeCPC) was tested in electrophoretic mobility shift assays utilizing primary avian erythroid cell nuclear extract. The results were that fully methylated but not unmethylated 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter fragment could compete efficiently for MeCPC binding. These results are a direct demonstration that site-specific methylation of a globin gene promoter at the exact CpGs that are methylated in vivo can silence transcription in homologous primary erythroid cells. Further, these data implicate binding of MeCPC to the promoter in the mechanism of silencing.


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Earlier extracellular recordings during natural sleep have shown that, during slow-wave sleep (SWS), neocortical neurons display long-lasting periods of silence, whereas they are tonically active and discharge at higher rates during waking and sleep with rapid eye movements (REMs). We analyzed the nature of long-lasting periods of neuronal silence in SWS and the changes in firing rates related to ocular movements during REM sleep and waking using intracellular recordings from electrophysiologically identified neocortical neurons in nonanesthetized and nonparalyzed cats. We found that the silent periods during SWS are associated with neuronal hyperpolarizations, which are due to a mixture of K+ currents and disfacilitation processes. Conventional fast-spiking neurons (presumably local inhibitory interneurons) increased their firing rates during REMs and eye movements in waking. During REMs, the firing rates of regular-spiking neurons from associative areas decreased and intracellular traces revealed numerous, short-lasting, low-amplitude inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), that were reversed after intracellular chloride infusion. In awake cats, regular-spiking neurons could either increase or decrease their firing rates during eye movements. The short-lasting IPSPs associated with eye movements were still present in waking; they preceded the spikes and affected their timing. We propose that there are two different forms of firing rate control: disfacilitation induces long-lasting periods of silence that occur spontaneously during SWS, whereas active inhibition, consisting of low-amplitude, short-lasting IPSPs, is prevalent during REMs and precisely controls the timing of action potentials in waking.


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Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a conserved component of the highly compact chromatin of higher eukaryotic centromeres and telomeres. Cytogenetic experiments in Drosophila have shown that HP1 localization into this chromatin is perturbed in mutants for the origin recognition complex (ORC) 2 subunit. ORC has a multisubunit DNA-binding activity that binds origins of DNA replication where it is required for origin firing. The DNA-binding activity of ORC is also used in the recruitment of the Sir1 protein to silence nucleation sites flanking silent copies of the mating-type genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A fraction of HP1 in the maternally loaded cytoplasm of the early Drosophila embryo is associated with a multiprotein complex containing Drosophila melanogaster ORC subunits. This complex appears to be poised to function in heterochromatin assembly later in embryonic development. Here we report the identification of a novel component of this complex, the HP1/ORC-associated protein. This protein contains similarity to DNA sequence-specific HMG proteins and is shown to bind specific satellite sequences and the telomere-associated sequence in vitro. The protein is shown to have heterochromatic localization in both diploid interphase and mitotic chromosomes and polytene chromosomes. Moreover, the gene encoding HP1/ORC-associated protein was found to display reciprocal dose-dependent variegation modifier phenotypes, similar to those for mutants in HP1 and the ORC 2 subunit.


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Transcriptional repressors can be characterized by their range of action on promoters and enhancers. Short-range repressors interact over distances of 50-150 bp to inhibit, or quench, either upstream activators or the basal transcription complex. In contrast, long-range repressors act over several kilobases to silence basal promoters. We describe recent progress in characterizing the functional properties of one such long-range element in the Drosophila embryo and discuss the contrasting types of gene regulation that are made possible by short- and long-range repressors.


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Although most nuclear hormone receptors are ligand-dependent transcriptional activators, certain members of this superfamily, such as thyroid hormone receptor (TR) and retinoic acid receptor (RAR), are involved in transcriptional repression. The silencing function of these receptors has been localized to the ligand binding domain (LBD). Previously, we demonstrated that overexpression of either the entire LBD or only the N-terminal region of the LBD (amino acids 168-259) is able to inhibit the silencing activity of TR. From this result we postulated the existence of a limiting factor (corepressor) that is necessary for TR silencing activity. To support this hypothesis, we identified amino acids in the N-terminal region of the LBD of TR that are important for the corepressor interaction and for the silencing function of TR. The silencing activity of TR was unaffected by overexpression of the LBD of mutant TR (V174A/D177A), suggesting that valine at position 174 and/or aspartic acid at position 177 are important for corepressor interaction. This mutant receptor protein, V174/D177, also lost the ability to silence target genes, suggesting that these amino acids are important for silencing function. Control experiments indicate that this mutant TR maintains its wild-type hormone binding and transactivation functions. These findings further strengthen the idea that the N-terminal region of the LBD of TR interacts with a putative corepressor protein(s) to achieve silencing of basal gene transcription.