21 resultados para signals analysis

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and human T cell leukemia virus type II (HTLV-2) use a similar mechanism for –1 translational frameshifting to overcome the termination codon in viral RNA at the end of the gag gene. Previous studies have identified two important RNA signals for frameshifting, the slippery sequence and a downstream stem–loop structure. However, there have been somewhat conflicting reports concerning the individual contributions of these sequences. In this study we have performed a comprehensive mutational analysis of the cis-acting RNA sequences involved in HIV-1 gag–pol and HTLV-2 gag–pro frameshifting. Using an in vitro translation system we determined frameshifting efficiencies for shuffled HIV-1/HTLV-2 RNA elements in a background of HIV-1 or HTLV-2 sequences. We show that the ability of the slippery sequence and stem–loop to promote ribosomal frameshifting is influenced by the flanking upstream sequence and the nucleotides in the spacer element. A wide range of frameshift efficiency rates was observed for both viruses when shuffling single sequence elements. The results for HIV-1/HTLV-2 chimeric constructs represent strong evidence supporting the notion that the viral wild-type sequences are not designed for maximal frameshifting activity but are optimized to a level suited to efficient viral replication.


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To improve the accuracy of predicting membrane protein sorting signals, we developed a general methodology for defining trafficking signal consensus sequences in the environment of the living cell. Our approach uses retroviral gene transfer to create combinatorial expression libraries of trafficking signal variants in mammalian cells, flow cytometry to sort cells based on trafficking phenotype, and quantitative trafficking assays to measure the efficacy of individual signals. Using this strategy to analyze arginine- and lysine-based endoplasmic reticulum localization signals, we demonstrate that small changes in the local sequence context dramatically alter signal strength, generating a broad spectrum of trafficking phenotypes. Finally, using sequences from our screen, we found that the potency of di-lysine, but not di-arginine, mediated endoplasmic reticulum localization was correlated with the strength of interaction with α-COP.


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Stimulation of regulated secretory cells promotes protein release via the fusion of cytoplasmic storage vesicles with the plasma membrane. In Tetrahymena thermophila, brief exposure to secretagogue results in synchronous fusion of the entire set of docked dense-core granules with the plasma membrane. We show that stimulation is followed by rapid new dense-core granule synthesis involving gene induction. Two genes encoding granule matrix proteins, GRL1 and GRL4, are shown to undergo induction following stimulation, resulting in ≈10-fold message accumulation within 1 h. The mechanism of induction involves transcriptional regulation, and the upstream region of GRL1 functions in vivo as an inducible promoter in a heterologous reporter construct using the gene encoding green fluorescent protein. Taking advantage of the characterized exocytosis (exo−) mutants available in this system, we asked whether the signals for regranulation were generated directly by the initial stimulation, or whether downstream events were required for transcription activation. Three mutants, with defects at three distinct stages in the regulated secretory pathway, failed to show induction of GRL1 and GRL4 after exposure to secretagogue. These results argue that regranulation depends upon signals generated by the final steps in exocytosis.


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In the cytoplasm of cells of different types, discrete clusters of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ channels generate Ca2+ signals of graded size, ranging from blips, which involve the opening of only one channel, to moderately larger puffs, which result from the concerted opening of a few channels in the same cluster. These channel clusters are of unknown size or geometrical characteristics. The aim of this study was to estimate the number of channels and the interchannel distance within such a cluster. Because these characteristics are not attainable experimentally, we performed computer stochastic simulations of Ca2+ release events. We conclude that, to ensure efficient interchannel communication, as experimentally observed, a typical cluster should contain two or three tens of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ channels in close contact.


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We have investigated mRNA 3′-end-processing signals in each of six eukaryotic species (yeast, rice, arabidopsis, fruitfly, mouse, and human) through the analysis of more than 20,000 3′-expressed sequence tags. The use and conservation of the canonical AAUAAA element vary widely among the six species and are especially weak in plants and yeast. Even in the animal species, the AAUAAA signal does not appear to be as universal as indicated by previous studies. The abundance of single-base variants of AAUAAA correlates with their measured processing efficiencies. As found previously, the plant polyadenylation signals are more similar to those of yeast than to those of animals, with both common content and arrangement of the signal elements. In all species examined, the complete polyadenylation signal appears to consist of an aggregate of multiple elements. In light of these and previous results, we present a broadened concept of 3′-end-processing signals in which no single exact sequence element is universally required for processing. Rather, the total efficiency is a function of all elements and, importantly, an inefficient word in one element can be compensated for by strong words in other elements. These complex patterns indicate that effective tools to identify 3′-end-processing signals will require more than consensus sequence identification.


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Sla2p, also known as End4p and Mop2p, is the founding member of a widely conserved family of actin-binding proteins, a distinguishing feature of which is a C-terminal region homologous to the C terminus of talin. These proteins may function in actin cytoskeleton-mediated plasma membrane remodeling. A human homologue of Sla2p binds to huntingtin, the protein whose mutation results in Huntington’s disease. Here we establish by immunolocalization that Sla2p is a component of the yeast cortical actin cytoskeleton. Deletion analysis showed that Sla2p contains two separable regions, which can mediate association with the cortical actin cytoskeleton, and which can provide Sla2p function. One localization signal is actin based, whereas the other signal is independent of filamentous actin. Biochemical analysis showed that Sla2p exists as a dimer in vivo. Two-hybrid analysis revealed two intramolecular interactions mediated by coiled-coil domains. One of these interactions appears to underlie dimer formation. The other appears to contribute to the regulation of Sla2p distribution between the cytoplasm and plasma membrane. The data presented are used to develop a model for Sla2p regulation and interactions.


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Janus kinase 2 (Jak2) protein tyrosine kinase plays an important role in interleukin-3– or granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor–mediated signal transduction pathways leading to cell proliferation, activation of early response genes, and inhibition of apoptosis. However, it is unclear whether Jak2 can activate these signaling pathways directly without the involvement of cytokine receptor phosphorylation. To investigate the specific role of Jak2 in the regulation of signal transduction pathways, we generated gyrase B (GyrB)–Jak2 fusion proteins, dimerized through the addition of coumermycin. Coumermycin induced autophosphorylation of GyrB–Jak2 fusion proteins, thus bypassing receptor activation. Using different types of chimeric Jak2 molecules, we observed that although the kinase domain of Jak2 is sufficient for autophosphorylation, the N-terminal regions are essential for the phosphorylation of Stat5 and for the induction of short-term cell proliferation. Moreover, coumermycin-induced activation of Jak2 can also lead to increased levels of c-myc and CIS mRNAs in BA/F3 cells stably expressing the Jak2 fusion protein with the intact N-terminal region. Conversely, activation of the chimeric Jak2 induced neither phosphorylation of Shc or SHP-2 nor activation of the c-fos promoter. Here, we showed that the GyrB–Jak2 system can serve as an excellent model to dissect signals of receptor-dependent and -independent events. We also obtained evidence indicating a role for the N-terminal region of Jak2 in downstream signaling events.


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Strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) carrying avrBs2 are specifically recognized by Bs2 pepper plants, resulting in localized cell death and plant resistance. Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of the Xcv avrBs2 gene in plant cells results in Bs2-dependent cell death, indicating that the AvrBs2 protein alone is sufficient for the activation of disease resistance-mediated cell death in planta. We now provide evidence that AvrBs2 is secreted from Xcv and that secretion is type III (hrp) dependent. N- and C-terminal deletion analysis of AvrBs2 has identified the effector domain of AvrBs2 recognized by Bs2 pepper plants. By using a truncated Pseudomonas syringae AvrRpt2 effector reporter devoid of type III signal sequences, we have localized the minimal region of AvrBs2 required for type III secretion in Xcv. Furthermore, we have identified the region of AvrBs2 required for both type III secretion and translocation to host plants. The mapping of AvrBs2 sequences sufficient for type III delivery also revealed the presence of a potential mRNA secretion signal.


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The symbiotic interaction between Medicago truncatula and Sinorhizobium meliloti results in the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of the host plant. The early stages of nodule formation are induced by bacteria via lipochitooligosaccharide signals known as Nod factors (NFs). These NFs are structurally specific for bacterium–host pairs and are sufficient to cause a range of early responses involved in the host developmental program. Early events in the signal transduction of NFs are not well defined. We have previously reported that Medicago sativa root hairs exposed to NF display sharp oscillations of cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration (calcium spiking). To assess the possible role of calcium spiking in the nodulation response, we analyzed M. truncatula mutants in five complementation groups. Each of the plant mutants is completely Nod− and is blocked at early stages of the symbiosis. We defined two genes, DMI1 and DMI2, required in common for early steps of infection and nodulation and for calcium spiking. Another mutant, altered in the DMI3 gene, has a similar mutant phenotype to dmi1 and dmi2 mutants but displays normal calcium spiking. The calcium behavior thus implies that the DMI3 gene acts either downstream of calcium spiking or downstream of a common branch point for the calcium response and the later nodulation responses. Two additional mutants, altered in the NSP and HCL genes, which show root hair branching in response to NF, are normal for calcium spiking. This system provides an opportunity to use genetics to study ligand-stimulated calcium spiking as a signal transduction event.


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Coordination between the activities of organelles and the nucleus requires the exchange of signals. Using Chlamydomonas, we provide evidence that plastid-derived chlorophyll precursors may replace light in the induction of two nuclear heat-shock genes (HSP70A and HSP70B) and thus qualify as plastidic signal. Mutants defective in the synthesis of Mg-protoporphyrin IX were no longer inducible by light. Feeding of Mg-protoporphyrin IX or its dimethyl ester to wild-type or mutant cells in the dark resulted in induction. The analysis of HSP70A promoter mutants that do or do not respond to light revealed that these chlorophyll precursors specifically activate the light signaling pathway. Activation of gene expression was not observed when protoporphyrin IX, protochlorophyllide, or chlorophyllide were added. A specific interaction of defined chlorophyll precursors with factor(s) that regulate nuclear gene expression is suggested.


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Programmed cell death (PCD) during neuronal development and disease has been shown to require de novo RNA synthesis. However, the time course and regulation of target genes is poorly understood. By using a brain-biased array of over 7,500 cDNAs, we profiled this gene expression component of PCD in cerebellar granule neurons challenged separately by potassium withdrawal, combined potassium and serum withdrawal, and kainic acid administration. We found that hundreds of genes were significantly regulated in discreet waves including known genes whose protein products are involved in PCD. A restricted set of genes was regulated by all models, providing evidence that signals inducing PCD can regulate large assemblages of genes (of which a restricted subset may be shared in multiple pathways).


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We isolated two tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cDNA clones, tomPRO1 and tomPRO2, specifying Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS), the first enzyme of proline (Pro) biosynthesis. tomPRO1 is unusual because it resembles prokaryotic polycistronic operons (M.G. García-Ríos, T. Fujita, P.C. LaRosa, R.D. Locy, J.M. Clithero, R.A. Bressan, L.N. Csonka [1997] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 8249–8254), whereas tomPRO2 encodes a full-length P5CS. We analyzed the accumulation of Pro and the tomPRO1 and tomPRO2 messages in response to NaCl stress and developmental signals. Treatment with 200 mm NaCl resulted in a >60-fold increase in Pro levels in roots and leaves. However, there was a <3-fold increase in the accumulation of the tomPRO2 message and no detectable induction in the level of the tomPRO1 message in response to NaCl stress. Although pollen contained approximately 100-fold higher levels of Pro than other plant tissues, there was no detectable increase in the level of either message in pollen. We conclude that transcriptional regulation of these genes for P5CS is probably not important for the osmotic or pollen-specific regulation of Pro synthesis in tomato. Using restriction fragment-length polymorphism mapping, we determined the locations of tomPRO1 and tomPRO2 loci in the tomato nuclear genome. Sequence comparison suggested that tomPRO1 is similar to prokaryotic P5CS loci, whereas tomPRO2 is closely related to other eukaryotic P5CS genes.


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Although the control of carbon fixation and nitrogen assimilation has been studied in detail, relatively little is known about the regulation of carbon and nitrogen flow into amino acids. In this paper we report our study of the metabolic regulation of expression of an Arabidopsis aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase (AK/HSD) gene, which encodes two linked key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway of aspartate family amino acids. Northern blot analyses, as well as expression of chimeric AK/HSD-β-glucuronidase constructs, have shown that the expression of this gene is regulated by the photosynthesis-related metabolites sucrose and phosphate but not by nitrogenous compounds. In addition, analysis of AK/HSD promoter deletions suggested that a CTTGACTCTA sequence, resembling the binding site for the yeast GCN4 transcription factor, is likely to play a functional role in the expression of this gene. Nevertheless, longer promoter fragments, lacking the GCN4-like element, were still able to confer sugar inducibility, implying that the metabolic regulation of this gene is apparently obtained by multiple and redundant promoter sequences. The present and previous studies suggest that the conversion of aspartate into either the storage amino acid asparagine or aspartate family amino acids is subject to a coordinated, reciprocal metabolic control, and this biochemical branch point is a part of a larger, coordinated regulatory mechanism of nitrogen and carbon storage and utilization.


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Molecular analysis of complex modular structures, such as promoter regions or multi-domain proteins, often requires the creation of families of experimental DNA constructs having altered composition, order, or spacing of individual modules. Generally, creation of every individual construct of such a family uses a specific combination of restriction sites. However, convenient sites are not always available and the alternatives, such as chemical resynthesis of the experimental constructs or engineering of different restriction sites onto the ends of DNA fragments, are costly and time consuming. A general cloning strategy (nucleic acid ordered assembly with directionality, NOMAD; WWW resource locator http:@Lmb1.bios.uic.edu/NOMAD/NOMAD.htm l) is proposed that overcomes these limitations. Use of NOMAD ensures that the production of experimental constructs is no longer the rate-limiting step in applications that require combinatorial rearrangement of DNA fragments. NOMAD manipulates DNA fragments in the form of "modules" having a standardized cohesive end structure. Specially designed "assembly vectors" allow for sequential and directional insertion of any number of modules in an arbitrary predetermined order, using the ability of type IIS restriction enzymes to cut DNA outside of their recognition sequences. Studies of regulatory regions in DNA, such as promoters, replication origins, and RNA processing signals, construction of chimeric proteins, and creation of new cloning vehicles, are among the applications that will benefit from using NOMAD.


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In many plants, osmotic stress induces a rapid accumulation of proline through de novo synthesis from glutamate. This response is thought to play a pivotal role in osmotic stress tolerance [Kishor, P. B. K., Hong, Z., Miao, G.-H., Hu, C.-A. A. and Verma, D. P. S. (1995) Plant Physiol. 108, 1387-1394]. During recovery from osmotic stress, accumulated proline is rapidly oxidized to glutamate and the first step of this process is catalyzed by proline oxidase. We have isolated a full-length cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana, At-POX, which maps to a single locus on chromosome 3 and that encodes a predicted polypeptide of 499 amino acids showing significant similarity with proline oxidase sequences from Drosophila and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (55.5% and 45.1%, respectively). The predicted location of the encoded polypeptide is the inner mitochondrial membrane. RNA gel blot analysis revealed that At-POX mRNA levels declined rapidly upon osmotic stress and this decline preceded proline accumulation. On the other hand, At-POX mRNA levels rapidly increased during recovery. Free proline, exogenously added to plants, was found to be an effective inducer of At-POX expression; indeed, At-POX was highly expressed in flowers and mature seeds where the proline level is higher relative to other organs of Arabidopsis. Our results indicate that stress- and developmentally derived signals interact to determine proline homeostasis in Arabidopsis.