243 resultados para signal transduction, two-component system

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Photosynthesis, biological nitrogen fixation, and carbon dioxide assimilation are three fundamental biological processes catalyzed by photosynthetic bacteria. In the present study, it is shown that mutant strains of the nonsulfur purple photosynthetic bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, containing a blockage in the primary CO2 assimilatory pathway, derepress the synthesis of components of the nitrogen fixation enzyme complex and abrogate normal control mechanisms. The absence of the Calvin–Benson–Bassham (CBB) reductive pentose phosphate CO2 fixation pathway removes an important route for the dissipation of excess reducing power. Thus, the mutant strains develop alternative means to remove these reducing equivalents, resulting in the synthesis of large amounts of nitrogenase even in the presence of ammonia. This response is under the control of a global two-component signal transduction system previously found to regulate photosystem biosynthesis and the transcription of genes required for CO2 fixation through the CBB pathway and alternative routes. In addition, this two-component system directly controls the ability of these bacteria to grow under nitrogen-fixing conditions. These results indicate that there is a molecular link between the CBB and nitrogen fixation process, allowing the cell to overcome powerful control mechanisms to remove excess reducing power generated by photosynthesis and carbon metabolism. Furthermore, these results suggest that the two-component system integrates the expression of genes required for the three processes of photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and carbon dioxide fixation.


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The simple gas ethylene affects numerous physiological processes in the growth and development of higher plants. With the use of molecular genetic approaches, we are beginning to learn how plants perceive ethylene and how this signal is transduced. Components of ethylene signal transduction are defined by ethylene response mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana. The genes corresponding to two of these mutants, etr1 and etr1, have been cloned. The ETR1 gene encodes a homolog of two-component regulators that are known almost exclusively in prokaryotes. The two-component regulators in prokaryotes are involved in the perception and transduction of a wide range of environmental signals leading to adaptive responses. The CTR1 gene encodes a homolog of the Raf family of serine/threonine protein kinases. Raf is part of a mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade known to regulate cell growth and development in mammals, worms, and flies. The ethylene response pathway may, therefore, exemplify a conserved protein kinase cascade regulated by a two-component system. The dominance of all known mutant alleles of ETR1 may be due to either constitutive activation of the ETR1 protein or dominant interference of wild-type activity. The discovery of Arabidopsis genes encoding proteins related to ETR1 suggests that the failure to recover recessive etr1 mutant alleles may be due to the presence of redundant genes.


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A vaccinia virus-based RNA expression system enabled high-level cytoplasmic expression of RNA aptamers directed against the intracellular domain of the β2 integrin LFA-1, a transmembrane protein that mediates cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). In two different cell types, cytoplasmic expression of integrin-binding aptamers reduced inducible cell adhesion to ICAM-1. The aptamers specifically target, and thereby define, a functional cytoplasmic subdomain important for the regulation of cell adhesion in leukocytes. Our approach of aptamer-controlled blocking of signaling pathways in vivo could potentially be applied wherever targeted modulation of a signal-transduction cascade is desired.


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The effect of different total enzyme concentrations on the flux through the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) in vitro was determined by measuring PTS-mediated carbohydrate phosphorylation at different dilutions of cell-free extract of Escherichia coli. The dependence of the flux on the protein concentration was more than linear but less than quadratic. The combined flux–response coefficient of the four enzymes constituting the glucose PTS decreased slightly from values of ≈1.8 with increasing protein concentrations in the assay. Addition of the macromolecular crowding agents polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 and PEG 35000 led to a sharper decrease in the combined flux–response coefficient, in one case to values of ≈1. PEG 6000 stimulated the PTS flux at lower protein concentrations and inhibited the flux at higher protein concentrations, with the transition depending on the PEG 6000 concentration. This suggests that macromolecular crowding decreases the dissociation rate constants of enzyme complexes. High concentrations of the microsolute glycerol did not affect the combined flux–response coefficient. The data could be explained with a kinetic model of macromolecular crowding in a two-enzyme group-transfer pathway. Our results suggest that, because of the crowded environment in the cell, the different PTS enzymes form complexes that live long on the time-scale of their turnover. The implications for the metabolic behavior and control properties of the PTS, and for the effect of macromolecular crowding on nonequilibrium processes, are discussed.


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Two-component signal transduction systems are most often found in prokaryotic organisms where they are responsible for mediating the cellular responses to many environmental stimuli. These systems are composed of an autophosphorylating histidine kinase and a response regulator. We have found evidence for the existence of two-component histidine kinases in the eukaryotic filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa based on screening with degenerate primers to conserved regions of these signaling proteins. Subsequent cloning and sequencing of one member of this newly discovered group, nik-1+, shows that the predicted protein sequence shares homology with both the kinase and response regulator modules of two-component signaling proteins. In addition, the N-terminal region of the protein has a novel repeating 90-amino acid motif. Deletion of the nik-1+ gene in N. crassa results in an organism that displays aberrant hyphal structure, which is enhanced under conditions of high osmostress. Increased osmotic pressure during growth on solid medium leads to restricted colonial growth, loss of aerial hyphae formation, and no subsequent conidiophore development. This finding may have implications for mechanisms of fungal colonization and pathogenicity.


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C factor, an intercellular signaling protein, is required for aggregation and sporulation of the social bacterium, Myxococcus xanthus. We report that C factor, which normally is associated with the cell surface, provides input to the Frz signal transduction cascade. Elements of this cascade have sequence homology to bacterial chemotaxis systems and are known to control the frequency of gliding reversal. Exposure of developing cells of a C-factor-less mutant (csgA) to purified C factor increases the ratio of methylated to nonmethylated FrzCD protein, the Frz homolog of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. Methylation depends on the cognate methyltransferase FrzF, and its extent increases with the concentration of C factor. C-factor-induced methylation also depends on the product of a gene, called class II, which is necessary in vivo for all known responses to C factor. A model for aggregation is proposed in which C factor stimulates the Frz cascade and thereby decreases cell reversals in a way that preferentially leads cells into an aggregate.


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Interleukin 3-dependent murine 32D cells do not detectably express members of the ErbB receptor family and do not proliferate in response to known ligands for these receptors. 32D transfectants were generated expressing human ErbB4 alone (32D.E4) or with ErbB2 (32D.E2/E4). Epidermal growth factor (EGF), neuregulin 1-β (NRG1-β), betacellulin (BTC), transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α), heparin binding-EGF (HB-EGF), and amphiregulin were analyzed for their ability to mediate mitogenesis in these transfectants. 32D.E4 responded mitogenically to NRG1-β and BTC. Surprisingly, EGF also induced significant DNA synthesis and TGF-α was negligibly mitogenic on 32D.E4 cells, whereas HB-EGF and amphiregulin were inactive. Although coexpression of ErbB2 with ErbB4 in 32D.E2/E4 cells did not significantly alter DNA synthesis in response to NRG1-β or BTC, it greatly enhanced mitogenesis elicited by EGF and TGF-α and unmasked the ability of HB-EGF to induce proliferation. EGF-related ligands that exhibited potent mitogenic activity on 32D.E2/E4 cells at low concentrations induced adherence, morphological alterations, and up-regulation of the Mac-1 integrin and FcγRII/III at higher concentrations. While 125I-EGF could be specifically crosslinked to both 32D.E4 and 32D.E2/E4 cells, its crosslinking capacity was greatly enhanced in the cotransfected cells. The ability of the various ligands to mediate proliferation and/or adhesion in the two transfectants correlated with their capacity to induce substrate tyrosine phosphorylation and to initiate and sustain activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. We conclude that the ability of ErbB4 to mediate signal transduction through EGF-like ligands is broader than previously assumed and can be profoundly altered by the concomitant expression of ErbB2.


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Conformational changes in ras p21 triggered by the hydrolysis of GTP play an essential role in the signal transduction pathway. The path for the conformational change is determined by molecular dynamics simulation with a holonomic constraint directing the system from the known GTP-bound structure (with the γ-phosphate removed) to the GDP-bound structure. The simulation is done with a shell of water molecules surrounding the protein. In the switch I region, the side chain of Tyr-32, which undergoes a large displacement, moves through the space between loop 2 and the rest of the protein, rather than on the outside of the protein. As a result, the charged residues Glu-31 and Asp-33, which interact with Raf in the homologous RafRBD–Raps complex, remain exposed during the transition. In the switch II region, the conformational changes of α2 and loop 4 are strongly coupled. A transient hydrogen bonding complex between Arg-68 and Tyr-71 in the switch II region and Glu-37 in switch I region stabilizes the intermediate conformation of α2 and facilitates the unwinding of a helical turn of α2 (residues 66–69), which in turn permits the larger scale motion of loop 4. Hydrogen bond exchange between the protein and solvent molecules is found to be important in the transition. Possible functional implications of the results are discussed.


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Adherence of Helicobacter pylori to cultured gastric epithelial cells is associated with several cellular events, including the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 145-kDa host protein; the reorganization of the host cell actin and associated cellular proteins, like vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein, adjacent to the attached bacterial cell; and the subsequent release of the cytokine, interleukin 8 (IL-8). H. pylori isolated from patients with ulcer disease and gastric cancer contain a DNA insertion, the cag pathogenicity island (PAI), that is not present in bacteria isolated from individuals with asymptomatic infection. Mutations in a number of PAI genes abolish tyrosine phosphorylation and IL-8 synthesis but not the cytoskeletal rearrangements. Kinase inhibition studies suggest there are two distinct pathways operative in stimulating IL-8 release from host cells and one of these H. pylori pathways is independent of the tyrosine phosphorylation step.


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Caenorhabditis elegans should soon be the first multicellular organism whose complete genomic sequence has been determined. This achievement provides a unique opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of the signal transduction molecules required for the existence of a multicellular animal. Although the worm C. elegans may not much resemble humans, the molecules that regulate signal transduction in these two organisms prove to be quite similar. We focus here on the content and diversity of protein kinases present in worms, together with an assessment of other classes of proteins that regulate protein phosphorylation. By systematic analysis of the 19,099 predicted C. elegans proteins, and thorough analysis of the finished and unfinished genomic sequences, we have identified 411 full length protein kinases and 21 partial kinase fragments. We also describe 82 additional proteins that are predicted to be structurally similar to conventional protein kinases even though they share minimal primary sequence identity. Finally, the richness of phosphorylation-dependent signaling pathways in worms is further supported with the identification of 185 protein phosphatases and 128 phosphoprotein-binding domains (SH2, PTB, STYX, SBF, 14-3-3, FHA, and WW) in the worm genome.


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Interaction between a peptide hormone and extracellular domains of its receptor is a crucial step for initiation of hormone action. We have developed a modification of the yeast two-hybrid system to study this interaction and have used it to characterize the interaction of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) with its receptor by using GAL4 transcriptional regulation with a β-galactosidase assay as readout. In this system, IGF-1 and proIGF-1 bound to the cysteine-rich domain, extracellular domain, or entire IGF-1 proreceptor. This interaction was specific. Thus, proinsulin showed no significant interaction with the IGF-1 receptor, while a chimeric proinsulin containing the C-peptide of IGF-1 had an intermediate interaction, consistent with its affinity for the IGF-1 receptor. Over 2000 IGF-1 mutants were generated by PCR and screened for interaction with the color assay. About 40% showed a strong interaction, 20% showed an intermediate interaction, and 40% give little or no signal. Of 50 mutants that were sequenced, several (Leu-5 → His, Glu-9 → Val, Arg-37 → Gly, and Met-59 → Leu) appeared to enhance receptor association, others resulted in weaker receptor interaction (Tyr-31 → Phe and Ile-43 → Phe), and two gave no detectable signal (Leu-14 → Arg and Glu-46 → Ala). Using PCR-based mutagenesis with proinsulin, we also identified a gain of function mutant (proinsulin Leu-17 → Pro) that allowed for a strong IGF-1–receptor interaction. These data demonstrate that the specificity of the interaction between a hormone and its receptor can be characterized with high efficiency in the two-hybrid system and that novel hormone analogues may be found by this method.


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The C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) plays a crucial role in facilitating the entry of macrophage-tropic strains of the HIV-1 into cells, but the mechanism of this phenomenon is completely unknown. To explore the role of CCR5-derived signal transduction in viral entry, we introduced mutations into two cytoplasmic domains of CCR5 involved in receptor-mediated function. Truncation of the terminal carboxyl-tail to eight amino acids or mutation of the highly conserved aspartate-arginine-tyrosine, or DRY, sequence in the second cytoplasmic loop of CCR5 effectively blocked chemokine-dependent activation of classic second messengers, intracellular calcium fluxes, and the cellular response of chemotaxis. In contrast, none of the mutations altered the ability of CCR5 to act as an HIV-1 coreceptor. We conclude that the initiation of signal transduction, the prototypic function of G protein coupled receptors, is not required for CCR5 to act as a coreceptor for HIV-1 entry into cells.


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Transcripts for two genes expressed early in alfalfa nodule development (MsENOD40 and MsENOD2) are found in mycorrhizal roots, but not in noncolonized roots or in roots infected with the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. These same two early nodulin genes are expressed in uninoculated roots upon application of the cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine. Correlated with the expression of the two early nodulin genes, we found that mycorrhizal roots contain higher levels of trans-zeatin riboside than nonmycorrhizal roots. These data suggest that there may be conservation of signal transduction pathways between the two symbioses—nitrogen-fixing nodules and phosphate-acquiring mycorrhizae.


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We have found conditions for saturation mutagenesis by restriction enzyme mediated integration that result in plasmid tagging of disrupted genes. Using this method we selected for mutations in genes that act at checkpoints downstream of the intercellular signaling system that controls encapsulation in Dictyostelium discoideum. One of these genes, mkcA, is a member of the mitogen-activating protein kinase cascade family while the other, regA, is a novel bipartite gene homologous to response regulators in one part and to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases in the other part. Disruption of either of these genes results in partial suppression of the block to spore formation resulting from the loss of the prestalk genes, tagB and tagC. The products of the tag genes have conserved domains of serine proteases attached to ATP-driven transporters, suggesting that they process and export peptide signals. Together, these genes outline an intercellular communication system that coordinates organismal shape with cellular differentiation during development.


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The FixL proteins are biological oxygen sensors that restrict the expression of specific genes to hypoxic conditions. FixL’s oxygen-detecting domain is a heme binding region that controls the activity of an attached histidine kinase. The FixL switch is regulated by binding of oxygen and other strong-field ligands. In the absence of bound ligand, the heme domain permits kinase activity. In the presence of bound ligand, this domain turns off kinase activity. Comparison of the structures of two forms of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum FixL heme domain, one in the “on” state without bound ligand and one in the “off” state with bound cyanide, reveals a mechanism of regulation by a heme that is distinct from the classical hemoglobin models. The close structural resemblance of the FixL heme domain to the photoactive yellow protein confirms the existence of a PAS structural motif but reveals the presence of an alternative regulatory gateway.