6 resultados para self and sustainability

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The immunodominant, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the HLA-B8-restricted peptide, RAKFKQLL, located in the Epstein–Barr virus immediate-early antigen, BZLF1, is characterized by a diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire. Here, we show that this diversity can be partitioned on the basis of crossreactive cytotoxicity patterns involving the recognition of a self peptide—RSKFRQIV—located in a serine/threonine kinase and a bacterial peptide—RRKYKQII—located in Staphylococcus aureus replication initiation protein. Thus CTL clones that recognized the viral, self, and bacterial peptides expressed a highly restricted αβ TCR phenotype. The CTL clones that recognized viral and self peptides were more oligoclonal, whereas clones that strictly recognized the viral peptide displayed a diverse TCR profile. Interestingly, the self and bacterial peptides equally were substantially less effective than the cognate viral peptide in sensitizing target cell lysis, and also resulted only in a weak reactivation of memory CTLs in limiting dilution assays, whereas the cognate peptide was highly immunogenic. The described crossreactions show that human antiviral, CD8+ CTL responses can be shaped by peptide ligands derived from autoantigens and environmental bacterial antigens, thereby providing a firm structural basis for molecular mimicry involving class I-restricted CTLs in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease.


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Flowering plants have evolved various genetic mechanisms to circumvent the tendency for self-fertilization created by the close proximity of male and female reproductive organs in a bisexual flower. One such mechanism is gametophytic self-incompatibility, which allows the female reproductive organ, the pistil, to distinguish between self pollen and non-self pollen; self pollen is rejected, whereas non-self pollen is accepted for fertilization. The Solanaceae family has been used as a model to study the molecular and biochemical basis of self/non-self-recognition and self-rejection. Discrimination of self and non-self pollen by the pistil is controlled by a single polymorphic locus, the S locus. The protein products of S alleles in the pistil, S proteins, were initially identified based on their cosegregation with S alleles. S proteins have recently been shown to indeed control the ability of the pistil to recognize and reject self pollen. S proteins are also RNases, and the RNase activity has been shown to be essential for rejection of self pollen, suggesting that the biochemical mechanism of self-rejection involves the cytotoxic action of the RNase activity. S proteins contain various numbers of N-linked glycans, but the carbohydrate moiety has been shown not to be required for the function of S proteins, suggesting that the S allele specificity determinant of S proteins lies in the amino acid sequence. The male component in self-incompatibility interactions, the pollen S gene, has not yet been identified. The possible nature of the pollen S gene product and the possible mechanism by which allele-specific rejection of pollen is accomplished are discussed.


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Analysis of the reactivity of IgM with self-antigens in tissues by a quantitative immunoblotting technique showed striking invariance among newborns in the human and in the mouse. The self-reactive repertoire of IgM of adults was also markedly conserved; it comprised most anti-self reactivities that prevailed among neonates. Multivariate analysis confirmed the homogeneity of IgM repertoires of neonates toward self- and non-self-antigens. Multivariate analysis discriminated between newborn and adult repertoires for reactivity with two of five sources of self-proteins and with non-self-antigens. Our observations support the concept that naturally activated B lymphocytes are selected early in development and throughout life for reactivity with a restricted set of self-antigens.


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Cellular immunity is mediated by the interaction of an αβ T cell receptor (TCR) with a peptide presented within the context of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Alloreactive T cells have αβ TCRs that can recognize both self- and foreign peptide–MHC (pMHC) complexes, implying that the TCR has significant complementarity with different pMHC. To characterize the molecular basis for alloreactive TCR recognition of pMHC, we have produced a soluble, recombinant form of an alloreactive αβ T cell receptor in Drosophila melanogaster cells. This recombinant TCR, 2C, is expressed as a correctly paired αβ heterodimer, with the chains covalently connected via a disulfide bond in the C-terminal region. The native conformation of the 2C TCR was probed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis by using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies, as well as syngeneic and allogeneic pMHC ligands. The 2C interaction with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8, H-2Kb-SIYR, and H-2Ld-p2Ca spans a range of affinities from Kd = 10−4 to 10−6M for the syngeneic (H-2Kb) and allogeneic (H-2Kbm3, H-2Ld) ligands. In general, the syngeneic ligands bind with weaker affinities than the allogeneic ligands, consistent with current threshold models of thymic selection and T cell activation. Crystallization of the 2C TCR required proteolytic trimming of the C-terminal residues of the α and β chains. X-ray quality crystals of complexes of 2C with H-2Kb-dEV8, H-2Kbm3-dEV8 and H-2Kb-SIYR have been grown.


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The invariant chain (Ii) prevents binding of ligands to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum and during intracellular transport. Stepwise removal of the Ii in a trans-Golgi compartment renders MHC class II molecules accessible for peptide loading, with CLIP (class II-associated Ii peptides) as the final fragment to be released. Here we show that CLIP can be subdivided into distinct functional regions. The C-terminal segment (residues 92-105) of the CLIP-(81-105) fragment mediates inhibition of self- and antigenic peptide binding to HLA-DR2 molecules. In contrast, the N-terminal segment CLIP-(81-98) binds to the Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B contact site outside the peptide-binding groove on the alpha 1 domain and does not interfere with peptide binding. Its functional significance appears to lie in the contribution to CLIP removal: the dissociation of CLIP-(81-105) is characterized by a fast off-rate, which is accelerated at endosomal pH, whereas in the absence of the N-terminal CLIP-(81-91), the off-rate of C-terminal CLIP-(92-105) is slow and remains unaltered at low pH. Mechanistically, the N-terminal segment of CLIP seems to prevent tight interactions of CLIP side chains with specificity pockets in the peptide-binding groove that normally occurs during maturation of long-lived class II-peptide complexes.