26 resultados para seemingly unrelated regression

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The rat fibroblast NRK cells are transformed reversibly by a combination of growth factors. When stimulated with serum, NRK cells rely on cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) for their S phase entry. However, when stimulated with serum containing oncogenic growth factors, they come to rely on either Cdk4 or Cdk6, and their S phase entry cannot be blocked unless both Cdk4 and Cdk6 are immunodepleted. Such change of dependence does not occur in the NRK cell mutants defective in an oncogenic signal pathway and, therefore, deficient in anchorage-independent cell cycle start ability, correlating Cdk6 dependence with this remarkable, cancer-associated phenotype. However, both Cdk4 and Cdk6 are activated upon serum stimulation, and neither the amounts of Cdk6, Cdk4, cyclin D1, and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors nor the activities or subcellular localization of Cdk6 and Cdk4 are significantly influenced by oncogenic stimulation. Thus, oncogenic stimulation invokes Cdk6 to participate in a critical step of the cell cycle start in a rat fibroblast, but by a mechanism seemingly unrelated to the regulation of the kinase. Given that many hematopoietic cells employ predominantly Cdk6 for the cell cycle start and perform anchorage-independent growth by nature, our results raise the possibility that the oncogenic stimulation-induced anchorage-independent cell cycle start of NRK is elicited by a mechanism similar to the one used for hematopoietic cell proliferation.


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Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) is a group of autosomal dominant skin diseases characterized by blistering, due to mechanical stress-induced degeneration of basal epidermal cells. It is now well-established that the three major subtypes of EBS are genetic disorders of the basal epidermal keratins, keratin 5 (K5) and keratin 14 (K14). Here we show that a rare subtype, referred to as EBS with mottled pigmentation (MP), is also a disorder of these keratins. Affected members of two seemingly unrelated families with EBS-MP had a C to T point mutation in the second base position of codon 24 of one of two K5 alleles, leading to a Pro: Leu mutation. This mutation was not present in unaffected members nor in 100 alleles from normal individuals. Linkage analyses mapped the defect to this type II keratin gene (peak logarithm of odds score at phi = 0 of 3.9), which is located on chromosome 12q11-q13. This provides strong evidence that this mutation is responsible for the EBS-MP phenotype. Only conserved between K5 and K6, and not among any of the other type II keratins, Pro-24 is in the nonhelical head domain of K5, and only mildly perturbs the length of 10-nm keratin filaments assembled in vitro. However, this part of the K5 head domain is likely to protrude on the filament surface, perhaps leading to additional aberrations in intermediate filament architecture and/or in melanosome distribution that are seen ultrastructurally in patients with the mutation.


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The WW domain has previously been described as a motif of 38 semiconserved residues found in seemingly unrelated proteins, such as dystrophin, Yes-associated protein (YAP), and two transcriptional regulators, Rsp-5 and FE65. The molecular function of the WW domain has been unknown until this time. Using a functional screen of a cDNA expression library, we have identified two putative ligands of the WW domain of YAP, which we named WBP-1 and WBP-2. Peptide sequence comparison between the two partial clones revealed a homologous region consisting of a proline-rich domain followed by a tyrosine residue (with the shared sequence PPPPY), which we shall call the PY motif. Binding assays and site-specific mutagenesis have shown that the PY motif binds with relatively high affinity and specificity to the WW domain of YAP, with the preliminary consensus XPPXY being critical for binding. Herein, we have implicated the WW domain with a role in mediating protein-protein interactions, as a variant of the paradigm set by Src homology 3 domains and their proline-rich ligands.


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Human cytomegalovirus (CMV), a herpesvirus that causes congenital disease and opportunistic infections in immunocompromised individuals, encodes functions that facilitate efficient viral propagation by altering host cell behavior. Here we show that CMV blocks apoptosis mediated by death receptors and encodes a mitochondria-localized inhibitor of apoptosis, denoted vMIA, capable of suppressing apoptosis induced by diverse stimuli. vMIA, a product of the viral UL37 gene, inhibits Fas-mediated apoptosis at a point downstream of caspase-8 activation and Bid cleavage but upstream of cytochrome c release, while residing in mitochondria and associating with adenine nucleotide translocator. These functional properties resemble those ascribed to Bcl-2; however, the absence of sequence similarity to Bcl-2 or any other known cell death suppressors suggests that vMIA defines a previously undescribed class of anti-apoptotic proteins.


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We have recently shown that VEGF functions as a survival factor for newly formed vessels during developmental neovascularization, but is not required for maintenance of mature vessels. Reasoning that expanding tumors contain a significant fraction of newly formed and remodeling vessels, we examined whether abrupt withdrawal of VEGF will result in regression of preformed tumor vessels. Using a tetracycline-regulated VEGF expression system in xenografted C6 glioma cells, we showed that shutting off VEGF production leads to detachment of endothelial cells from the walls of preformed vessels and their subsequent death by apoptosis. Vascular collapse then leads to hemorrhages and extensive tumor necrosis. These results suggest that enforced withdrawal of vascular survival factors can be applied to target preformed tumor vasculature in established tumors. The system was also used to examine phenotypes resulting from over-expression of VEGF. When expression of the transfected VEGF cDNA was continuously “on,” tumors became hyper-vascularized with abnormally large vessels, presumably arising from excessive fusions. Tumors were significantly less necrotic, suggesting that necrosis in these tumors is the result of insufficient angiogenesis.


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Stimulation of antitumor immune mechanisms is the primary goal of cancer immunotherapy, and accumulating evidence suggests that effective alteration of the host–tumor relationship involves immunomodulating cytokines and also the presence of costimulatory molecules. To examine the antitumor effect of direct in vivo gene transfer of murine interleukin 12 (IL-12) and B7-1 into tumors, we developed an adenovirus (Ad) vector, AdIL12–B7-1, that encodes the two IL-12 subunits in early region 1 (E1) and the B7-1 gene in E3 under control of the murine cytomegalovirus promoter. This vector expressed high levels of IL-12 and B7-1 in infected murine and human cell lines and in primary murine tumor cells. In mice bearing tumors derived from a transgenic mouse mammary adenocarcinoma, a single intratumoral injection with a low dose (2.5 × 107 pfu/mouse) of AdIL12–B7-1 mediated complete regression in 70% of treated animals. By contrast, administration of a similar dose of recombinant virus encoding IL-12 or B7-1 alone resulted in only a delay in tumor growth. Interestingly, coinjection of two different viruses expressing either IL-12 or B7-1 induced complete tumor regression in only 30% of animals treated at this dose. Significantly, cured animals remained tumor free after rechallenge with fresh tumor cells, suggesting that protective immunity had been induced by treatment with AdIL12–B7-1. These results support the use of Ad vectors as a highly efficient delivery system for synergistically acting molecules and show that the combination of IL-12 and B7-1 within a single Ad vector might be a promising approach for in vivo cancer therapy.


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Four unrelated patients are described with a syndrome that included developmental delay, seizures, ataxia, recurrent infections, severe language deficit, and an unusual behavioral phenotype characterized by hyperactivity, short attention span, and poor social interaction. These manifestations appeared within the first few years of life. Each patient displayed abnormalities on EEG. No unusual metabolites were found in plasma or urine, and metabolic testing was normal except for persistent hypouricosuria. Investigation of purine and pyrimidine metabolism in cultured fibroblasts derived from these patients showed normal incorporation of purine bases into nucleotides but decreased incorporation of uridine. De novo synthesis of purines and cellular phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate content also were moderately decreased. The distribution of incorporated purines and pyrimidines did not reveal a pattern suggestive of a deficient enzyme activity. Assay of individual enzymes in fibroblast lysates showed no deficiencies. However, the activity of cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase was elevated 6- to 10-fold. Based on the possibility that the observed increased catabolic activity and decreased pyrimidine salvage might be causing a deficiency of pyrimidine nucleotides, the patients were treated with oral pyrimidine nucleoside or nucleotide compounds. All patients showed remarkable improvement in speech and behavior as well as decreased seizure activity and frequency of infections. A double-blind placebo trial was undertaken to ascertain the efficacy of this supplementation regimen. Upon replacement of the supplements with placebo, all patients showed rapid regression to their pretreatment states. These observations suggest that increased nucleotide catabolism is related to the symptoms of these patients, and that the effects of this increased catabolism are reversed by administration of uridine.


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Despite the potential of type 1 interferons (IFNs) for the treatment of cancer, clinical experience with IFN protein therapy of solid tumors has been disappointing. IFN-β has potent antiproliferative activity against most human tumor cells in vitro in addition to its known immunomodulatory activities. The antiproliferative effect, however, relies on IFN-β concentrations that cannot be achieved by parenteral protein administration because of rapid protein clearance and systemic toxicities. We demonstrate here that ex vivo IFN-β gene transduction by a replication-defective adenovirus in as few as 1% of implanted cells blocked tumor formation. Direct in vivo IFN-β gene delivery into established tumors generated high local concentrations of IFN-β, inhibited tumor growth, and in many cases caused complete tumor regression. Because the mice were immune-deficient, it is likely that the anti-tumor effect was primarily through direct inhibition of tumor cell proliferation and survival. Based on these studies, we argue that local IFN-β gene therapy with replication-defective adenoviral vectors might be an effective treatment for some solid tumors.


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The hyperpermeability of tumor vessels to macromolecules, compared with normal vessels, is presumably due to vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF) released by neoplastic and/or host cells. In addition, VEGF/VPF is a potent angiogenic factor. Removal of this growth factor may reduce the permeability and inhibit tumor angiogenesis. To test these hypotheses, we transplanted a human glioblastoma (U87), a human colon adenocarcinoma (LS174T), and a human melanoma (P-MEL) into two locations in immunodeficient mice: the cranial window and the dorsal skinfold chamber. The mice bearing vascularized tumors were treated with a bolus (0.2 ml) of either a neutralizing antibody (A4.6.1) (492 μg/ml) against VEGF/VPF or PBS (control). We found that tumor vascular permeability to albumin in antibody-treated groups was lower than in the matched controls and that the effect of the antibody was time-dependent and influenced by the mode of injection. Tumor vascular permeability did not respond to i.p. injection of the antibody until 4 days posttreatment. However, the permeability was reduced within 6 h after i.v. injection of the same amount of antibody. In addition to the reduction in vascular permeability, the tumor vessels became smaller in diameter and less tortuous after antibody injections and eventually disappeared from the surface after four consecutive treatments in U87 tumors. These results demonstrate that tumor vascular permeability can be reduced by neutralization of endogenous VEGF/VPF and suggest that angiogenesis and the maintenance of integrity of tumor vessels require the presence of VEGF/VPF in the tissue microenvironment. The latter finding reveals a new mechanism of tumor vessel regression—i.e., blocking the interactions between VEGF/VPF and endothelial cells or inhibiting VEGF/VPF synthesis in solid tumors causes dramatic reduction in vessel diameter, which may block the passage of blood elements and thus lead to vascular regression.


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The Fas–Fas ligand (FasL) system plays an important role in the induction of lymphoid apoptosis and has been implicated in the suppression of immune responses. Herein, we report that gene transfer of FasL inhibits tumor cell growth in vivo. Although such inhibition is expected in Fas+ tumor cell lines, marked regression was unexpectedly observed after FasL gene transfer into the CT26 colon carcinoma that does not express Fas. Infection by an adenoviral vector encoding FasL rapidly eliminated tumor masses in the Fas+ Renca tumor by inducing cell death, whereas the elimination of Fas− CT26 cells was mediated by inflammatory cells. Analysis of human malignancies revealed Fas, but not FasL, expression in a majority of tumors and susceptibility to FasL in most Fas+ cell lines. These findings suggest that gene transfer of FasL generates apoptotic responses and induces potent inflammatory reactions that can be used to induce the regression of malignancies.