3 resultados para second central moment

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A high resolution, second-order central difference method for incompressible flows is presented. The method is based on a recent second-order extension of the classic Lax–Friedrichs scheme introduced for hyperbolic conservation laws (Nessyahu H. & Tadmor E. (1990) J. Comp. Physics. 87, 408-463; Jiang G.-S. & Tadmor E. (1996) UCLA CAM Report 96-36, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., in press) and augmented by a new discrete Hodge projection. The projection is exact, yet the discrete Laplacian operator retains a compact stencil. The scheme is fast, easy to implement, and readily generalizable. Its performance was tested on the standard periodic double shear-layer problem; no spurious vorticity patterns appear when the flow is underresolved. A short discussion of numerical boundary conditions is also given, along with a numerical example.


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In this study we investigate the mRNA expression of inhibitory factor κBα (IκBα) in cells of the rat brain induced by an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). IκB controls the activity of nuclear factor κB, which regulates the transcription of many immune signal molecules. The detection of IκB induction, therefore, would reveal the extent and the cellular location of brain-derived immune molecules in response to peripheral immune challenges. Low levels of IκBα mRNA were found in the large blood vessels and in circumventricular organs (CVOs) of saline-injected control animals. After an i.p. LPS injection (2.5 mg/kg), dramatic induction of IκBα mRNA occurred in four spatio-temporal patterns. Induced signals were first detected at 0.5 hr in the lumen of large blood vessels and in blood vessels of the choroid plexus and CVOs. Second, at 1–2 hr, labeling dramatically increased in the CVOs and choroid plexus and spread to small vascular and glial cells throughout the entire brain; these responses peaked at 2 hr and declined thereafter. Third, cells of the meninges became activated at 2 hr and persisted until 12 hr after the LPS injection. Finally, only at 12 hr, induced signals were present in ventricular ependyma. Thus, IκBα mRNA is induced in brain after peripheral LPS injection, beginning in cells lining the blood side of the blood–brain barrier and progressing to cells inside brain. The spatiotemporal patterns suggest that cells of the blood–brain barrier synthesize immune signal molecules to activate cells inside the central nervous system in response to peripheral LPS. The cerebrospinal fluid appears to be a conduit for these signal molecules.


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We have identified another Drosophila GTP-binding protein (G protein) alpha subunit, dGq alpha-3. Transcripts encoding dGq alpha-3 are derived from alternative splicing of the dGq alpha locus previously shown to encode two visual-system-specific transcripts [Lee, Y.-J., Dobbs, M.B., Verardi, M.L. & Hyde, D.R. (1990) Neuron 5, 889-898]. Immunolocalization studies using dGq alpha-3 isoform-specific antibodies and LacZ fusion genes show that dGq alpha-3 is expressed in chemosensory cells of the olfactory and taste structures, including a subset of olfactory and gustatory neurons, and in cells of the central nervous system, including neurons in the lamina ganglionaris. These data are consistent with a variety of roles for dGq alpha-3, including mediating a subset of olfactory and gustatory responses in Drosophila, and supports the idea that some chemosensory responses use G protein-coupled receptors and the second messenger inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.