22 resultados para screen plate

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The genetic pathways that control development of the early mammalian embryo have remained poorly understood, in part because the systematic mutant screens that have been so successful in the identification of genes and pathways that direct embryonic development in Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans, and zebrafish have not been applied to mammalian embryogenesis. Here we demonstrate that chemical mutagenesis with ethylnitrosourea can be combined with the resources of mouse genomics to identify new genes that are essential for mammalian embryogenesis. A pilot screen for abnormal morphological phenotypes of midgestation embryos identified five mutant lines; the phenotypes of four of the lines are caused by recessive traits that map to single regions of the genome. Three mutant lines display defects in neural tube closure: one is caused by an allele of the open brain (opb) locus, one defines a previously unknown locus, and one has a complex genetic basis. Two mutations produce novel early phenotypes and map to regions of the genome not previously implicated in embryonic patterning.


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In an attempt to quantify the rates of protein sequence divergence in Drosophila, we have devised a screen to differentiate between slow and fast evolving genes. We find that over one-third of randomly drawn cDNAs from a Drosophila melanogaster library do not cross-hybridize with Drosophila virilis DNA, indicating that they evolve with a very high rate. To determine the evolutionary characteristics of such protein sequences, we sequenced their homologs from a more closely related species (Drosophila yakuba). The amino acid substitution rates among these cDNAs are among the fastest known and several are only about 2-fold lower than the corresponding values for silent substitutions. An analysis of within-species polymorphisms for one of these sequences reveals an exceptionally high number of polymorphic amino acid positions, indicating that the protein is not under strong negative selection. We conclude that the Drosophila genome harbors a substantial proportion of genes with a very high divergence rate.


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Bipolar mood disorder (BP) is a debilitating syndrome characterized by episodes of mania and depression. We designed a multistage study to detect all major loci predisposing to severe BP (termed BP-I) in two pedigrees drawn from the Central Valley of Costa Rica, where the population is largely descended from a few founders in the 16th–18th centuries. We considered only individuals with BP-I as affected and screened the genome for linkage with 473 microsatellite markers. We used a model for linkage analysis that incorporated a high phenocopy rate and a conservative estimate of penetrance. Our goal in this study was not to establish definitive linkage but rather to detect all regions possibly harboring major genes for BP-I in these pedigrees. To facilitate this aim, we evaluated the degree to which markers that were informative in our data set provided coverage of each genome region; we estimate that at least 94% of the genome has been covered, at a predesignated threshold determined through prior linkage simulation analyses. We report here the results of our genome screen for BP-I loci and indicate several regions that merit further study, including segments in 18q, 18p, and 11p, in which suggestive lod scores were observed for two or more contiguous markers. Isolated lod scores that exceeded our thresholds in one or both families also occurred on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 15, 16, and 17. Interesting regions highlighted in this genome screen will be followed up using linkage disequilibrium (LD) methods.


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Hearing is one of the last sensory modalities to be subjected to genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster. We describe a behavioral assay for auditory function involving courtship among groups of males triggered by the pulse component of the courtship song. In a mutagenesis screen for mutations that disrupt the auditory response, we have recovered 15 mutations that either reduce or abolish this response. Mutant audiograms indicate that seven mutants reduced the amplitude of the response at all intensities. Another seven abolished the response altogether. The other mutant, 5L3, responded only at high sound intensities, indicating that the threshold was shifted in this mutant. Six mutants were characterized in greater detail. 5L3 had a general courtship defect; courtship of females by 5L3 males also was affected strongly. 5P1 males courted females normally but had reduced success at copulation. 5P1 and 5N18 showed a significant decrement in olfactory response, indicating that the defects in these mutations are not specific to the auditory pathway. Two other mutants, 5M8 and 5N30, produced amotile sperm although in 5N30 this phenotype was genetically separable from the auditory phenotype. Finally, a new adult circling behavior phenotype, the pirouette phenotype, associated with massive neurodegeneration in the brain, was discovered in two mutants, 5G10 and 5N18. This study provides the basis for a genetic and molecular dissection of auditory mechanosensation and auditory behavior.


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B-type cyclins are rapidly degraded at the transition between metaphase and anaphase and their ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is required for cells to exit mitosis. We used a novel enrichment to isolate new budding mutants that arrest the cell cycle in mitosis. Most of these mutants lie in the CDC16, CDC23, and CDC27 genes, which have already been shown to play a role in cyclin proteolysis and encode components of a 20S complex (called the cyclosome or anaphase promoting complex) that ubiquitinates mitotic cyclins. We show that mutations in CDC26 and a novel gene, DOC1, also prevent mitotic cyclin proteolysis. Mutants in either gene arrest as large budded cells with high levels of the major mitotic cyclin (Clb2) protein at 37°C and cannot degrade Clb2 in G1-arrested cells. Cdc26 associates in vivo with Doc1, Cdc16, Cdc23, and Cdc27. In addition, the majority of Doc1 cosediments at 20S with Cdc27 in a sucrose gradient, indicating that Cdc26 and Doc1 are components of the anaphase promoting complex.


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Death-associated protein kinase (DAP-kinase) is a Ca+2/calmodulin-regulated serine/threonine kinase with a multidomain structure that participates in apoptosis induced by a variety of signals. To identify regions in this protein that are critical for its proapoptotic activity, we performed a genetic screen on the basis of functional selection of short DAP-kinase-derived fragments that could protect cells from apoptosis by acting in a dominant-negative manner. We expressed a library of randomly fragmented DAP-kinase cDNA in HeLa cells and treated these cells with IFN-γ to induce apoptosis. Functional cDNA fragments were recovered from cells that survived the selection, and those in the sense orientation were examined further in a secondary screen for their ability to protect cells from DAP-kinase-dependent tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis. We isolated four biologically active peptides that mapped to the ankyrin repeats, the “linker” region, the death domain, and the C-terminal tail of DAP-kinase. Molecular modeling of the complete death domain provided a structural basis for the function of the death-domain-derived fragment by suggesting that the protective fragment constitutes a distinct substructure. The last fragment, spanning the C-terminal serine-rich tail, defined a new regulatory region. Ectopic expression of the tail peptide (17 amino acids) inhibited the function of DAP-kinase, whereas removal of this region from the complete protein caused enhancement of the killing activity, indicating that the C-terminal tail normally plays a negative regulatory role. Altogether, this unbiased screen highlighted functionally important regions in the protein and revealed an additional level of regulation of DAP-kinase apoptotic function that does not affect the catalytic activity.


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In proteomic research, it is often necessary to screen a large number of polypeptides for the presence of stable structure. Described here is a technique (referred to as SUPREX, stability of unpurified proteins from rates of H/D exchange) for measuring the stability of proteins in a rapid, high-throughput fashion. The method uses hydrogen exchange to estimate the stability of microgram quantities of unpurified protein extracts by using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS. The stabilities of maltose binding protein and monomeric λ repressor variants determined by SUPREX agree well with stability data obtained from conventional CD denaturation of purified protein. The method also can detect the change in stability caused by the binding of maltose to maltose binding protein. The results demonstrate the precision of the method over a wide range of stabilities.


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Computational methods can frequently identify protein-interaction motifs in otherwise uncharacterized open reading frames. However, the identification of candidate ligands for these motifs (e.g., so that partnering can be determined experimentally in a directed manner) is often beyond the scope of current computational capabilities. One exception is provided by the coiled-coil interaction motif, which consists of two or more α helices that wrap around each other: the ligands for coiled-coil sequences are generally other coiled-coil sequences, thereby greatly simplifying the motif/ligand recognition problem. Here, we describe a two-step approach to identifying protein–protein interactions mediated by two-stranded coiled coils that occur in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Coiled coils from the yeast genome are first predicted computationally, by using the multicoil program, and associations between coiled coils are then determined experimentally by using the yeast two-hybrid assay. We report 213 unique interactions between 162 putative coiled-coil sequences. We evaluate the resulting interactions, focusing on associations identified between components of the spindle pole body (the yeast centrosome).


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Irregular facets (If) is a dominant mutation of Drosophila that results in small eyes with fused ommatidia. Previous results showed that the gene Krüppel (Kr), which is best known for its early segmentation function, is expressed ectopically in If mutant eye discs. However, it was not known whether ectopic Kr activity is either the cause or the result of the If mutation. Here, we show that If is a gain-of-function allele of Kr. We then used the If mutation in a genetic screen to identify dominant enhancers and suppressors of Kr activity on the third chromosome. Of 30 identified Kr-interacting loci, two were cloned, and we examined whether they also represent components of a natural Kr-dependent developmental pathway of the embryo. We show that the two genes, eyelid (eld) and extramacrochaetae (emc), which encode a Bright family-type DNA binding protein and a helix-loop-helix factor, respectively, are necessary to achieve the singling-out of a unique Kr-expressing cell during the development of the Malpighian tubules, the excretory organs of the fly. The results indicate that the Kr gain-of-function mutation If provides a tool to identify genes that are active during eye development and that a number of them function also in the control of Kr-dependent developmental processes.


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Expression of the S1S2 ligand binding domain [Kuusinen, A., Arvola, M. & Keinänen, K. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 6327–6332] of the rat α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid-selective glutamate receptor GluR2 in Escherichia coli under control of a T7 promoter leads to production of >100 mg/liter of histidine-tagged S1S2 protein (HS1S2) in the form of inclusion bodies. Using a novel fractional factorial folding screen and a rational, step-by-step approach, multiple conditions were determined for the folding of the HS1S2 α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid binding domain. Characterization of the HS1S2 ligand binding domain showed that it is water-soluble, monomeric, has significant secondary structure, and is sensitive to trypsinolysis at sites close to the beginning of the putative transmembrane regions. Application of a fractional factorial folding screen to other proteins may provide a useful means to evaluate E. coli as an economical and convenient expression host.


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Objectives: To develop the number needed to screen, a new statistic to overcome inappropriate national strategies for disease screening. Number needed to screen is defined as the number of people that need to be screened for a given duration to prevent one death or adverse event.


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We have undertaken an extensive screen to identify Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes whose products are involved in cell cycle progression. We report the identification of 113 genes, including 19 hypothetical ORFs, which confer arrest or delay in specific compartments of the cell cycle when overexpressed. The collection of genes identified by this screen overlaps with those identified in loss-of-function cdc screens but also includes genes whose products have not previously been implicated in cell cycle control. Through analysis of strains lacking these hypothetical ORFs, we have identified a variety of new CDC and checkpoint genes.