20 resultados para protein markers

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Apical proteins are sorted and delivered from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane by a mechanism involving sphingolipid–cholesterol rafts. In this paper, we report the effects of changing the levels of VIP17/MAL, a tetraspan membrane protein localized to post-Golgi transport containers and the apical cell surface in MDCK cells. Overexpression of VIP17/MAL disturbed the morphology of the MDCK cell layers by increasing apical delivery and seemingly expanding the apical cell surface domains. On the other hand, expression of antisense RNA directed against VIP17/MAL caused accumulation in the Golgi and/or impaired apical transport of different apical protein markers, i.e., influenza virus hemagglutinin, the secretory protein clusterin (gp80), the transmembrane protein gp114, and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein. However, antisense RNA expression did not affect the distribution of E-cadherin to the basolateral surface. Because VIP17/MAL associates with sphingolipid–cholesterol rafts, these data provide functional evidence that this protein is involved in apical transport and might be a component of the machinery clustering lipid rafts with apical cargo to form apical transport carriers.


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We describe a method for identifying genes encoding proteins with stereospecific intracellular localizations in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Yeast are transformed with a gene library in which S. pombe genomic sequences are fused to the gene encoding the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP), and intracellular localizations are subsequently identified by rapid fluorescence screening in vivo. In a model application of these methods to the fission yeast nucleus, we have identified several novel genes whose products are found in specific nuclear regions, including chromatin, the nucleolus, and the mitotic spindle, and sequence similarities between some of these genes and previously identified genes encoding nuclear proteins have validated the approach. These methods will be useful in identifying additional components of the S. pombe nucleus, and further extensions of this approach should also be applicable to a more comprehensive identification of the elements of intracellular architecture in fission yeast.


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Abf2p is a high mobility group (HMG) protein found in yeast mitochondria that is required for the maintenance of wild-type (ρ+) mtDNA in cells grown on fermentable carbon sources, and for efficient recombination of mtDNA markers in crosses. Here, we show by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis that Abf2p promotes or stabilizes Holliday recombination junction intermediates in ρ+ mtDNA in vivo but does not influence the high levels of recombination intermediates readily detected in the mtDNA of petite mutants (ρ−). mtDNA recombination junctions are not observed in ρ+ mtDNA of wild-type cells but are elevated to detectable levels in cells with a null allele of the MGT1 gene (Δmgt1), which codes for a mitochondrial cruciform-cutting endonuclease. The level of recombination intermediates in ρ+ mtDNA of Δmgt1 cells is decreased about 10-fold if those cells contain a null allele of the ABF2 gene. Overproduction of Abf2p by ≥ 10-fold in wild-type ρ+ cells, which leads to mtDNA instability, results in a dramatic increase in mtDNA recombination intermediates. Specific mutations in the two Abf2p HMG boxes required for DNA binding diminishes these responses. We conclude that Abf2p functions in the recombination of ρ+ mtDNA.


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Mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1; EC are responsible for a proportion of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) through acquisition of an as-yet-unidentified toxic property or properties. Two proposed possibilities are that toxicity may arise from imperfectly folded mutant SOD1 catalyzing the nitration of tyrosines [Beckman, J. S., Carson, M., Smith, C. D. & Koppenol, W. H. (1993) Nature (London) 364, 584] through use of peroxynitrite or from peroxidation arising from elevated production of hydroxyl radicals through use of hydrogen peroxide as a substrate [Wiedau-Pazos, M., Goto, J. J., Rabizadeh, S., Gralla, E. D., Roe, J. A., Valentine, J. S. & Bredesen, D. E. (1996) Science 271, 515–518]. To test these possibilities, levels of nitrotyrosine and markers for hydroxyl radical formation were measured in two lines of transgenic mice that develop progressive motor neuron disease from expressing human familial ALS-linked SOD1 mutation G37R. Relative to normal mice or mice expressing high levels of wild-type human SOD1, 3-nitrotyrosine levels were elevated by 2- to 3-fold in spinal cords coincident with the earliest pathological abnormalities and remained elevated in spinal cord throughout progression of disease. However, no increases in protein-bound nitrotyrosine were found during any stage of SOD1-mutant-mediated disease in mice or at end stage of sporadic or SOD1-mediated familial human ALS. When salicylate trapping of hydroxyl radicals and measurement of levels of malondialdehyde were used, there was no evidence throughout disease progression in mice for enhanced production of hydroxyl radicals or lipid peroxidation, respectively. The presence of elevated nitrotyrosine levels beginning at the earliest stages of cellular pathology and continuing throughout progression of disease demonstrates that tyrosine nitration is one in vivo aberrant property of this ALS-linked SOD1 mutant.


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Interleukin 1β (IL-1β), a secretory protein lacking a signal peptide, does not follow the classical endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi pathway of secretion. Here we provide the evidence for a “leaderless” secretory route that uses regulated exocytosis of preterminal endocytic vesicles to transport cytosolic IL-1β out of the cell. Indeed, although most of the IL-1β precursor (proIL-1β) localizes in the cytosol of activated human monocytes, a fraction is contained within vesicles that cofractionate with late endosomes and early lysosomes on Percoll density gradients and display ultrastructural features and markers typical of these organelles. The observation of organelles positive for both IL-1β and the endolysosomal hydrolase cathepsin D or for both IL-1β and the lysosomal marker Lamp-1 further suggests that they belong to the preterminal endocytic compartment. In addition, similarly to lysosomal hydrolases, secretion of IL-1β is induced by acidotropic drugs. Treatment of monocytes with the sulfonylurea glibenclamide inhibits both IL-1β secretion and vesicular accumulation, suggesting that this drug prevents the translocation of proIL-1β from the cytosol into the vesicles. A high concentration of extracellular ATP and hypotonic medium increase secretion of IL-1β but deplete the vesicular proIL-1β content, indicating that exocytosis of proIL-1β–containing vesicles is regulated by ATP and osmotic conditions.


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We describe for the first time the visualization of Golgi membranes in living yeast cells, using green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimeras. Late and early Golgi markers are present in distinct sets of scattered, moving cisternae. The immediate effects of temperature-sensitive mutations on the distribution of these markers give clues to the transport processes occurring. We show that the late Golgi marker GFP-Sft2p and the glycosyltransferases, Anp1p and Mnn1p, disperse into vesicle-like structures within minutes of a temperature shift in sec18, sft1, and sed5 cells, but not in sec14 cells. This is consistent with retrograde vesicular traffic, mediated by the vesicle SNARE Sft1p, to early cisternae containing the target SNARE Sed5p. Strikingly, Sed5p itself moves rapidly to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in sec12 cells, implying that it cycles through the ER. Electron microscopy shows that Golgi membranes vesiculate in sec18 cells within 10 min of a temperature shift. These results emphasize the dynamic nature of Golgi cisternae and satisfy the kinetic requirements of a cisternal maturation model in which all resident proteins must undergo retrograde vesicular transport, either within the Golgi complex or from there to the ER, as anterograde cargo advances.


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The NMR structures of three single-amino acid variants of the C-terminal domain of the human prion protein, hPrP(121–230), are presented. In hPrP(M166V) and hPrP(R220K) the substitution is with the corresponding residue in murine PrP, and in hPrP(S170N) it is with the corresponding Syrian hamster residue. All three substitutions are in the surface region of the structure of the cellular form of PrP (PrPC) that is formed by the C-terminal part of helix 3, with residues 218–230, and a loop of residues 166–172. This molecular region shows high species variability and has been implicated in specific interactions with a so far not further characterized “protein X,” and it is related to the species barrier for transmission of prion diseases. As expected, the three variant hPrP(121–230) structures have the same global architecture as the previously determined wild-type bovine, human, murine, and Syrian hamster prion proteins, but with the present study two localized “conformational markers” could be related with single amino acid exchanges. These are the length and quality of definition of helix 3, and the NMR-observability of the residues in the loop 166–172. Poor definition of the C-terminal part of helix 3 is characteristic for murine PrP and has now been observed also for hPrP(R220K), and NMR observation of the complete loop 166–172 has so far been unique for Syrian hamster PrP and is now also documented for hPrP(S170N).


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Wilson’s disease (WND) is an inherited disorder of copper homeostasis characterized by abnormal accumulation of copper in several tissues, particularly in the liver, brain, and kidney. The disease-associated gene encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase, the WND protein, the subcellular location of which could be regulated by copper. We demonstrate that the WND protein is present in cells in two forms, the 160-kDa and the 140-kDa products. The 160-kDa product was earlier shown to be targeted to trans-Golgi network. The 140-kDa product identified herein is located in mitochondria as evidenced by the immunofluorescent staining of HepG2 cells with specific mitochondria markers and polyclonal antibody directed against the C terminus of the WND molecule. The mitochondrial location for the 140-kDa WND product was confirmed by membrane fractionation and by analysis of purified human mitochondria. The antibody raised against a repetitive sequence in the N-terminal portion of the WND molecule detects an additional 16-kDa protein, suggesting that the 140-kDa product was formed after proteolytic cleavage of the full-length WND protein at the N terminus. Thus, the WND protein is a P-type ATPase with an unusual subcellular localization. The mitochondria targeting of the WND protein suggests its important role for copper-dependent processes taking place in this organelle.


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The small GTPase Rab4 is implicated in endocytosis in all cell types, but also plays a specific role in some regulated processes. To better understand the role of Rab4 in regulation of vesicular trafficking, we searched for an effector(s) that specifically recognizes its GTP-bound form. We cloned a ubiquitous 69-kDa protein, Rabip4, that behaves as a Rab4 effector in the yeast two-hybrid system and in the mammalian cell. Rabip4 contains two coiled-coil domains and a FYVE-finger domain. When expressed in CHO cells, Rabip4 is present in early endosomes, because it is colocated with endogenous Early Endosome Antigen 1, although it is absent from Rab11-positive recycling endosomes and Rab-7 positive late endosomes. The coexpression of Rabip4 with active Rab4, but not with inactive Rab4, leads to an enlargement of early endosomes. It strongly increases the degree of colocalization of markers of sorting (Rab5) and recycling (Rab11) endosomes with Rab4. Furthermore, the expression of Rabip4 leads to the intracellular retention of a recycling molecule, the glucose transporter Glut 1. We propose that Rabip4, an effector of Rab4, controls early endosomal traffic possibly by activating a backward transport step from recycling to sorting endosomes.


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The M78 protein of murine cytomegalovirus exhibits sequence features of a G protein-coupled receptor. It is synthesized with early kinetics, it becomes partially colocalized with Golgi markers, and it is incorporated into viral particles. We have constructed a viral substitution mutant, SMsubM78, which lacks most of the M78 ORF. The mutant produces a reduced yield in cultured 10.1 fibroblast and IC21 macrophage cell lines. The defect is multiplicity dependent and greater in the macrophage cell line. Consistent with its growth defect in cultured cells, the mutant exhibits reduced pathogenicity in mice, generating less infectious progeny than wild-type virus in all organs assayed. SMsubM78 fails to efficiently activate accumulation of the viral m123 immediate-early mRNA in infected macrophages. M78 facilitates the accumulation of the immediate-early mRNA in cycloheximide-treated cells, arguing that it acts in the absence of de novo protein synthesis. We conclude that the M78 G protein-coupled receptor homologue is delivered to cells as a constituent of the virion, and it acts to facilitate the accumulation of immediate-early mRNA.


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Yeast Rsp5p and its mammalian homologue, Nedd4, are hect domain ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s) required for the ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of plasma membrane proteins. Because ubiquitination is sufficient to induce internalization, E3-mediated ubiquitination is a key regulatory event in plasma membrane protein endocytosis. Rsp5p is an essential, multidomain protein containing an amino-terminal C2 domain, three WW protein-protein interaction domains, and a carboxy-terminal hect domain that carries E3 activity. In this study, we demonstrate that Rsp5p is peripherally associated with membranes and provide evidence that Rsp5p functions as part of a multimeric protein complex. We define the function of Rsp5p and its domains in the ubiquitin-dependent internalization of the yeast α-factor receptor, Ste2p. Temperature-sensitive rsp5 mutants were unable to ubiquitinate or to internalize Ste2p at the nonpermissive temperature. Deletion of the entire C2 domain had no effect on α-factor internalization; however, point mutations in any of the three WW domains impaired both receptor ubiquitination and internalization. These observations indicate that the WW domains play a role in the important regulatory event of selecting phosphorylated proteins as endocytic cargo. In addition, mutations in the C2 and WW1 domains had more severe defects on transport of fluid-phase markers to the vacuole than on receptor internalization, suggesting that Rsp5p functions at multiple steps in the endocytic pathway.


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Cells of the craniofacial skeleton are derived from a common mesenchymal progenitor. The regulatory factors that control their differentiation into various cell lineages are unknown. To investigate the biological function of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), an extracellular matrix gene involved in calcified tissue formation, stable transgenic cell lines and adenovirally infected cells overexpressing DMP1 were generated. The findings in this paper demonstrate that overexpression of DMP1 in pluripotent and mesenchyme-derived cells such as C3H10T1/2, MC3T3-E1, and RPC-C2A can induce these cells to differentiate and form functional odontoblast-like cells. Functional differentiation of odontoblasts requires unique sets of genes being turned on and off in a growth- and differentiation-specific manner. The genes studied include transcription factors like core binding factor 1 (Cbfa1), bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), and BMP4; early markers for extracellular matrix deposition like alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin, osteonectin, and osteocalcin; and late markers like DMP2 and dentin sialoprotein (DSP) that are expressed by terminally differentiated odontoblasts and are responsible for the formation of tissue-specific dentin matrix. However, this differentiation pathway was limited to mesenchyme-derived cells only. Other cell lines tested by the adenoviral expression system failed to express odontoblast-phenotypic specific genes. An in vitro mineralized nodule formation assay demonstrated that overexpressed cells could differentiate and form a mineralized matrix. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that phosphorylation of Cbfa1 (osteoblast-specific transcription factor) was not required for the expression of odontoblast-specific genes, indicating the involvement of other unidentified odontoblast-specific transcription factors or coactivators. Cell lines that differentiate into odontoblast-like cells are useful tools for studying the mechanism involved in the terminal differentiation process of these postmitotic cells.


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Arabidopsis ERD1 is a ClpC-like protein that sequence analysis suggests may interact with the chloroplast-localized ClpP protease to facilitate proteolysis. The mRNA encoded by the ERD1 gene has previously been shown to accumulate in response to senescence and to a variety of stresses and hormones. Here we show that the ERD1 protein, in contrast to the ERD1 mRNA, strongly declines in abundance with age, becoming undetectable in fully expanded leaves. Sequence analysis also suggests that ERD1 is chloroplast targeted, and we show in an in vitro system that the native protein is properly imported, processed, and present within the soluble fraction of the chloroplast, presumably the stroma. We show that ClpP protein, which is also present in the stroma, declines with age in parallel with ERD1. These results are consistent with the interaction of ERD1 and ClpP, but they suggest that it is unlikely that either plays a major role during senescence. Certain other chloroplast proteins decline with age coordinately with ERD1 and ClpP, suggesting that these declines are markers of an early age-mediated change that occurs within the chloroplast.


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A family of related proteins in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known to have in vitro GTPase-activating protein activity on the Rab GTPases. However, their in vivo function remains obscure. One of them, Gyp1p, acts on Sec4p, Ypt1p, Ypt7p, and Ypt51p in vitro. Here, we present data to reveal its in vivo substrate and the role that it plays in the function of the Rab GTPase. Red fluorescent protein-tagged Gyp1p is concentrated on cytoplasmic punctate structures that largely colocalize with a cis-Golgi marker. Subcellular fractionation of a yeast lysate confirmed that Gyp1p is peripherally associated with membranes and that it cofractionates with Golgi markers. This localization suggests that Gyp1p may only act on Rab GTPases on the Golgi. A gyp1Δ strain displays a growth defect on synthetic medium at 37°C. Overexpression of Ypt1p, but not other Rab GTPases, strongly inhibits the growth of gyp1Δ cells. Conversely, a partial loss-of-function allele of YPT1, ypt1-2, can suppress the growth defect of gyp1Δ cells. Furthermore, deletion of GYP1 can partially suppress growth defects associated with mutants in subunits of transport protein particle complex, a complex that catalyzes nucleotide exchange on Ypt1p. These results establish that Gyp1p functions on the Golgi as a negative regulator of Ypt1p.


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Hd6 is a quantitative trait locus involved in rice photoperiod sensitivity. It was detected in backcross progeny derived from a cross between the japonica variety Nipponbare and the indica variety Kasalath. To isolate a gene at Hd6, we used a large segregating population for the high-resolution and fine-scale mapping of Hd6 and constructed genomic clone contigs around the Hd6 region. Linkage analysis with P1-derived artificial chromosome clone-derived DNA markers delimited Hd6 to a 26.4-kb genomic region. We identified a gene encoding the α subunit of protein kinase CK2 (CK2α) in this region. The Nipponbare allele of CK2α contains a premature stop codon, and the resulting truncated product is undoubtedly nonfunctional. Genetic complementation analysis revealed that the Kasalath allele of CK2α increases days-to-heading. Map-based cloning with advanced backcross progeny enabled us to identify a gene underlying a quantitative trait locus even though it exhibited a relatively small effect on the phenotype.