123 resultados para protein assembly

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Assembly of several inner membrane proteins—leader peptidase (Lep), a Lep derivative (Lep-inv) that inserts with an inverted topology compared with the wild-type protein, the phage M13 procoat protein, and a procoat derivative (H1-procoat) with the hydrophobic core of the signal peptide replaced by a stretch from the first transmembrane segment in Lep—has been studied in vitro and in Escherichia coli strains that are conditional for the expression of either the 54 homologue (Ffh) or 4.5S RNA, which are the two components of the E. coli signal recognition particle (SRP), or SecE, an essential core component of the E. coli preprotein translocase. Membrane insertion has also been tested in a SecB null strain. Lep, Lep-inv, and H1-procoat require SRP for correct assembly into the inner membrane; in contrast, we find that wild-type procoat does not. Lep and, surprisingly, Lep-inv and H1-procoat fail to insert properly when SecE is depleted, whereas insertion of wild-type procoat is unaffected under these conditions. None of the proteins depend on SecB for assembly. These observations indicate that inner membrane proteins can assemble either by a mechanism in which SRP delivers the protein at the preprotein translocase or by what appears to be a direct integration into the lipid bilayer. The observed change in assembly mechanism when the hydrophobicity of the procoat signal peptide is increased demonstrates that the assembly of an inner membrane protein can be rerouted between different pathways.


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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (tRNA synthetases) of higher eukaryotes form a multiprotein complex. Sequence elements that are responsible for the protein assembly were searched by using a yeast two-hybrid system. Human cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase is a component of the multi-tRNA synthetase complex and it contains a unique C-terminal appendix. This part of the protein was used as bait to identify an interacting protein from a HeLa cDNA library. The selected sequence represented the internal 317 amino acids of human bifunctional (glutamyl- and prolyl-) tRNA synthetase, which is also known to be a component of the complex. Both the C-terminal appendix of the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase and the internal region of bifunctional tRNA synthetase comprise repeating sequence units, two repeats of about 90 amino acids, and three repeats of 57 amino acids, respectively. Each repeated motif of the two proteins was responsible for the interaction, but the stronger interaction was shown by the native structures containing multiple motifs. Interestingly, the N-terminal extension of human glycyl-tRNA synthetase containing a single motif homologous to those in the bifunctional tRNA synthetase also interacted with the C-terminal motif of the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase although the enzyme is not a component of the complex. The data indicate that the multiplicity of the binding motif in the tRNA synthetases is necessary for enhancing the interaction strength and may be one of the determining factors for the tRNA synthetases to be involved in the formation of the multi-tRNA synthetase complex.


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The capsid protein of hepatitis B virus, consisting of an “assembly” domain (residues 1–149) and an RNA-binding “protamine” domain (residues 150–183), assembles from dimers into icosahedral capsids of two different sizes. The C terminus of the assembly domain (residues 140–149) functions as a morphogenetic switch, longer C termini favoring a higher proportion of the larger capsids, it also connects the protamine domain to the capsid shell. We now have defined the location of this peptide in capsids assembled in vitro by engineering a mutant assembly domain with a single cysteine at its C terminus (residue 150), labeling it with a gold cluster and visualizing the cluster by cryo-electron microscopy. The labeled protein is unimpaired in its ability to form capsids. Our density map reveals a single undecagold cluster under each fivefold and quasi-sixfold vertex, connected to sites at either end of the undersides of the dimers. Considering the geometry of the vertices, the C termini must be more crowded at the fivefolds. Thus, a bulky C terminus would be expected to favor formation of the larger (T = 4) capsids, which have a greater proportion of quasi-sixfolds. Capsids assembled by expressing the full-length protein in Escherichia coli package bacterial RNAs in amounts equivalent to the viral pregenome. Our density map of these capsids reveals a distinct inner shell of density—the RNA. The RNA is connected to the protein shell via the C-terminal linkers and also makes contact around the dimer axes.


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Repeated, specific interactions between capsid protein (CP) subunits direct virus capsid assembly and exemplify regulated proteinprotein interactions. The results presented here reveal a striking in vivo switch in CP assembly. Using cryoelectron microscopy, three-dimensional image reconstruction, and molecular modeling, we show that brome mosaic virus (BMV) CP can assemble in vivo two remarkably distinct capsids that selectively package BMV-derived RNAs in the absence of BMV RNA replication: a 180-subunit capsid indistinguishable from virions produced in natural infections and a previously unobserved BMV capsid type with 120 subunits arranged as 60 CP dimers. Each such dimer contains two CPs in distinct, nonequivalent environments, in contrast to the quasi-equivalent CP environments throughout the 180-subunit capsid. This 120-subunit capsid utilizes most of the CP interactions of the 180-subunit capsid plus nonequivalent CP–CP interactions. Thus, the CP of BMV, and perhaps other viruses, can encode CP–CP interactions that are not apparent from mature virions and may function in assembly or disassembly. Shared structural features suggest that the 120- and 180-subunit capsids share assembly steps and that a common pentamer of CP dimers may be an important assembly intermediate. The ability of a single CP to switch between distinct capsids by means of alternate interactions also implies reduced evolutionary barriers between different capsid structures. The in vivo switch between alternate BMV capsids is controlled by the RNA packaged: a natural BMV genomic RNA was packaged in 180-subunit capsids, whereas an engineered mRNA containing only the BMV CP gene was packaged in 120-subunit capsids. RNA features can thus direct the assembly of a ribonucleoprotein complex between alternate structural pathways.


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To examine the trafficking, assembly, and turnover of connexin43 (Cx43) in living cells, we used an enhanced red-shifted mutant of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to construct a Cx43-GFP chimera. When cDNA encoding Cx43-GFP was transfected into communication-competent normal rat kidney cells, Cx43-negative Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, or communication-deficient Neuro2A or HeLa cells, the fusion protein of predicted length was expressed, transported, and assembled into gap junctions that exhibited the classical pentalaminar profile. Dye transfer studies showed that Cx43-GFP formed functional gap junction channels when transfected into otherwise communication-deficient HeLa or Neuro2A cells. Live imaging of Cx43-GFP in MDCK cells revealed that many gap junction plaques remained relatively immobile, whereas others coalesced laterally within the plasma membrane. Time-lapse imaging of live MDCK cells also revealed that Cx43-GFP was transported via highly mobile transport intermediates that could be divided into two size classes of <0.5 μm and 0.5–1.5 μm. In some cases, the larger intracellular Cx43-GFP transport intermediates were observed to form from the internalization of gap junctions, whereas the smaller transport intermediates may represent other routes of trafficking to or from the plasma membrane. The localization of Cx43-GFP in two transport compartments suggests that the dynamic formation and turnover of connexins may involve at least two distinct pathways.


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Cartilage matrix protein (CMP) is the prototype of the newly discovered matrilin family, all of which contain von Willebrand factor A domains. Although the function of matrilins remain unclear, we have shown that, in primary chondrocyte cultures, CMP (matrilin-1) forms a filamentous network, which is made up of two types of filaments, a collagen-dependent one and a collagen-independent one. In this study, we demonstrate that the collagen-independent CMP filaments are enriched in pericellular compartments, extending directly from chondrocyte membranes. Their morphology can be distinguished from that of collagen filaments by immunogold electron microscopy, and mimicked by that of self-assembled purified CMP. The assembly of CMP filaments can occur from transfection of a wild-type CMP transgene alone in skin fibroblasts, which do not produce endogenous CMP. Conversely, assembly of endogenous CMP filaments by chondrocytes can be inhibited specifically by dominant negative CMP transgenes. The two A domains within CMP serve essential but different functions during network formation. Deletion of the A2 domain converts the trimeric CMP into a mixture of monomers, dimers, and trimers, whereas deletion of the A1 domain does not affect the trimeric configuration. This suggests that the A2 domain modulates multimerization of CMP. Absence of either A domain from CMP abolishes its ability to form collagen-independent filaments. In particular, Asp22 in A1 and Asp255 in A2 are essential; double point mutation of these residues disrupts CMP network formation. These residues are part of the metal ion–dependent adhesion sites, thus a metal ion–dependent adhesion site–mediated adhesion mechanism may be applicable to matrilin assembly. Taken together, our data suggest that CMP is a bridging molecule that connects matrix components in cartilage to form an integrated matrix network.


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The clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia (CALM) gene encodes a putative homologue of the clathrin assembly synaptic protein AP180. Hence the biochemical properties, the subcellular localization, and the role in endocytosis of a CALM protein were studied. In vitro binding and coimmunoprecipitation demonstrated that the clathrin heavy chain is the major binding partner of CALM. The bulk of cellular CALM was associated with the membrane fractions of the cell and localized to clathrin-coated areas of the plasma membrane. In the membrane fraction, CALM was present at near stoichiometric amounts relative to clathrin. To perform structure–function analysis of CALM, we engineered chimeric fusion proteins of CALM and its fragments with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP–CALM was targeted to the plasma membrane–coated pits and also found colocalized with clathrin in the Golgi area. High levels of expression of GFP–CALM or its fragments with clathrin-binding activity inhibited the endocytosis of transferrin and epidermal growth factor receptors and altered the steady-state distribution of the mannose-6-phosphate receptor in the cell. In addition, GFP–CALM overexpression caused the loss of clathrin accumulation in the trans-Golgi network area, whereas the localization of the clathrin adaptor protein complex 1 in the trans-Golgi network remained unaffected. The ability of the GFP-tagged fragments of CALM to affect clathrin-mediated processes correlated with the targeting of the fragments to clathrin-coated areas and their clathrin-binding capacities. Clathrin–CALM interaction seems to be regulated by multiple contact interfaces. The C-terminal part of CALM binds clathrin heavy chain, although the full-length protein exhibited maximal ability for interaction. Altogether, the data suggest that CALM is an important component of coated pit internalization machinery, possibly involved in the regulation of clathrin recruitment to the membrane and/or the formation of the coated pit.


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Tctex2 is thought to be one of the distorter genes of the mouse t haplotype. This complex greatly biases the segregation of the chromosome that carries it such that in heterozygous +/t males, the t haplotype is transmitted to >95% of the offspring, a phenomenon known as transmission ratio distortion. The LC2 outer dynein arm light chain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a homologue of the mouse protein Tctex2. We have identified Chlamydomonas insertional mutants with deletions in the gene encoding LC2 and demonstrate that the LC2 gene is the same as the ODA12 gene, the product of which had not been identified previously. Complete deletion of the LC2/ODA12 gene causes loss of all outer arms and a slow jerky swimming phenotype. Transformation of the deletion mutant with the cloned LC2/ODA12 gene restores the outer arms and rescues the motility phenotype. Therefore, LC2 is required for outer arm assembly. The fact that LC2 is an essential subunit of flagellar outer dynein arms allows us to propose a detailed mechanism whereby transmission ratio distortion is explained by the differential binding of mutant (t haplotype encoded) and wild-type dyneins to the axonemal microtubules of t-bearing or wild-type sperm, with resulting differences in their motility.


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Yeast and vertebrate nuclear pores display significant morphological similarity by electron microscopy, but sequence similarity between the respective proteins has been more difficult to observe. Herein we have identified a vertebrate nucleoporin, Nup93, in both human and Xenopus that has proved to be an evolutionarily related homologue of the yeast nucleoporin Nic96p. Polyclonal antiserum to human Nup93 detects corresponding proteins in human, rat, and Xenopus cells. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy localize vertebrate Nup93 at the nuclear basket and at or near the nuclear entry to the gated channel of the pore. Immunoprecipitation from both mammalian and Xenopus cell extracts indicates that a small fraction of Nup93 physically interacts with the nucleoporin p62, just as yeast Nic96p interacts with the yeast p62 homologue. However, a large fraction of vertebrate Nup93 is extracted from pores and is also present in Xenopus egg extracts in complex with a newly discovered 205-kDa protein. Mass spectrometric sequencing of the human 205-kDa protein reveals that this protein is encoded by an open reading frame, KIAAO225, present in the human database. The putative human nucleoporin of 205 kDa has related sequence homologues in Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To analyze the role of the Nup93 complex in the pore, nuclei were assembled that lack the Nup93 complex after immunodepletion of a Xenopus nuclear reconstitution extract. The Nup93-complex–depleted nuclei are clearly defective for correct nuclear pore assembly. From these experiments, we conclude that the vertebrate and yeast pore have significant homology in their functionally important cores and that, with the identification of Nup93 and the 205-kDa protein, we have extended the knowledge of the nearest-neighbor interactions of this core in both yeast and vertebrates.


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We have searched for a minimal interaction motif in τ protein that supports the aggregation into Alzheimer-like paired helical filaments. Digestion of the repeat domain with different proteases yields a GluC-induced fragment comprising 43 residues (termed PHF43), which represents the third repeat of τ plus some flanking residues. This fragment self assembles readily into thin filaments without a paired helical appearance, but these filaments are highly competent to nucleate bona fide PHFs from full-length τ. Probing the interactions of PHF43 with overlapping peptides derived from the full τ sequence yields a minimal hexapeptide interaction motif of 306VQIVYK311 at the beginning of the third internal repeat. This motif coincides with the highest predicted β-structure potential in τ. CD and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy shows that PHF43 acquires pronounced β structure in conditions of self assembly. Point mutations in the hexapeptide region by proline-scanning mutagenesis prevent the aggregation. The data indicate that PHF assembly is initiated by a short fragment containing the minimal interaction motif forming a local β structure embedded in a largely random-coil protein.


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Limited solubility and precipitation of amyloidogenic sequences such as the Alzheimer peptide (β-AP) are major obstacles to a molecular understanding of protein fibrillation and deposition processes. Here we have circumvented the solubility problem by stepwise engineering a β-AP homology into a soluble scaffold, the monomeric protein S6. The S6 construct with the highest β-AP homology crystallizes as a tetramer that is linked by the β-AP residues forming intermolecular antiparallel β-sheets. This construct also shows increased coil aggregation during refolding, and a 14-mer peptide encompassing the engineered sequence forms fibrils. Mutational analysis shows that intermolecular association is linked to the overall hydrophobicity of the sticky sequence and implies the existence of “structural gatekeepers” in the wild-type protein, that is, charged side chains that prevent aggregation by interrupting contiguous stretches of hydrophobic residues in the primary sequence.


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Many bacterial pathogens of plants and animals have evolved a specialized protein-secretion system termed type III to deliver bacterial proteins into host cells. These proteins stimulate or interfere with host cellular functions for the pathogen's benefit. The Salmonella typhimurium pathogenicity island 1 encodes one of these systems that mediates this bacterium's ability to enter nonphagocytic cells. Several components of this type III secretion system are organized in a supramolecular structure termed the needle complex. This structure is made of discrete substructures including a base that spans both membranes and a needle-like projection that extends outward from the bacterial surface. We demonstrate here that the type III secretion export apparatus is required for the assembly of the needle substructure but is dispensable for the assembly of the base. We show that the length of the needle segment is determined by the type III secretion associated protein InvJ. We report that InvG, PrgH, and PrgK constitute the base and that PrgI is the main component of the needle of the type III secretion complex. PrgI homologs are present in type III secretion systems from bacteria pathogenic for animals but are absent from bacteria pathogenic for plants. We hypothesize that the needle component may establish the specificity of type III secretion systems in delivering proteins into either plant or animal cells.


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Recent measurements of sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation velocity have shown that the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ self-associates to form indefinitely long rod-like linear aggregates in the presence of GDP and Mg2+. In the present study, the newly developed technique of non-ideal tracer sedimentation equilibrium was used to measure the effect of high concentrations—up to 150 g/liter—of each of two inert “crowder” proteins, cyanmethemoglobin or BSA, on the thermodynamic activity and state of association of dilute FtsZ under conditions inhibiting (−Mg2+) and promoting (+Mg2+) FtsZ self-association. Analysis of equilibrium gradients of both FtsZ and crowder proteins indicates that, under the conditions of the present experiment, FtsZ interacts with each of the two crowder proteins essentially entirely via steric repulsion, which may be accounted for quantitatively by a simple model in which hemoglobin, albumin, and monomeric FtsZ are modeled as effective spherical hard particles, and each oligomeric species of FtsZ is modeled as an effective hard spherocylinder. The functional dependence of the sedimentation of FtsZ on the concentrations of FtsZ and either crowder indicates that, in the presence of high concentrations of crowder, both the weight-average degree of FtsZ self-association and the range of FtsZ oligomer sizes present in significant abundance are increased substantially.


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It is known that an E146D site-directed variant of the Azotobacter vinelandii iron protein (Fe protein) is specifically defective in its ability to participate in iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) insertion. Molybdenum-iron protein (MoFe protein) from the strain expressing the E146D Fe protein is partially (≈45%) FeMoco deficient. The “free” FeMoco that is not inserted accumulates in the cell. We were able to insert this “free” FeMoco into the partially pure FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein. This insertion reaction required crude extract of the ΔnifHDK A. vinelandii strain CA12, Fe protein and MgATP. We used this as an assay to purify a required “insertion” protein. The purified protein was identified as GroEL, based on the molecular mass of its subunit (58.8 kDa), crossreaction with commercially available antibodies raised against E. coli GroEL, and its NH2-terminal polypeptide sequence. The NH2-terminal polypeptide sequence showed identity of up to 84% to GroEL from various organisms. Purified GroEL of A. vinelandii alone or in combination with MgATP and Fe protein did not support the FeMoco insertion into pure FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein, suggesting that there are still other proteins and/or factors missing. By using GroEL-containing extracts from a ΔnifHDK strain of A. vinelandii CA12 along with FeMoco, Fe protein, and MgATP, we were able to supply all required proteins and/or factors and obtained a fully active reconstituted E146D nifH MoFe protein. The involvement of the molecular chaperone GroEL in the insertion of a metal cluster into an apoprotein may have broad implications for the maturation of other metalloenzymes.