12 resultados para prega vestibular
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The Brn-3 subfamily of POU–domain transcription factor genes consists of three highly homologous members—Brn-3a, Brn-3b, and Brn-3c—that are expressed in sensory neurons and in a small number of brainstem nuclei. This paper describes the role of Brn-3c in auditory and vestibular system development. In the inner ear, the Brn-3c protein is found only in auditory and vestibular hair cells, and the Brn-3a and Brn-3b proteins are found only in subsets of spiral and vestibular ganglion neurons. Mice carrying a targeted deletion of the Brn-3c gene are deaf and have impaired balance. These defects reflect a complete loss of auditory and vestibular hair cells during the late embryonic and early postnatal period and a secondary loss of spiral and vestibular ganglion neurons. Together with earlier work demonstrating a loss of trigeminal ganglion neurons and retinal ganglion cells in mice carrying targeted disruptions in the Brn-3a and Brn-3b genes, respectively, the Brn-3c phenotype reported here demonstrates that each of the Brn-3 genes plays distinctive roles in the somatosensory, visual, and auditory/vestibular systems.
We report the cloning and characterization of rat α10, a previously unidentified member of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit gene family. The protein encoded by the α10 nAChR subunit gene is most similar to the rat α9 nAChR, and both α9 and α10 subunit genes are transcribed in adult rat mechanosensory hair cells. Injection of Xenopus laevis oocytes with α10 cRNA alone or in pairwise combinations with either α2-α6 or β2-β4 subunit cRNAs yielded no detectable ACh-gated currents. However, coinjection of α9 and α10 cRNAs resulted in the appearance of an unusual nAChR subtype. Compared with homomeric α9 channels, the α9α10 nAChR subtype displays faster and more extensive agonist-mediated desensitization, a distinct current–voltage relationship, and a biphasic response to changes in extracellular Ca2+ ions. The pharmacological profiles of homomeric α9 and heteromeric α9α10 nAChRs are essentially indistinguishable and closely resemble those reported for endogenous cholinergic eceptors found in vertebrate hair cells. Our data suggest that efferent modulation of hair cell function occurs, at least in part, through heteromeric nAChRs assembled from both α9 and α10 subunits.
The vestibules of adult guinea pigs were lesioned with gentamicin and then treated with perilymphatic infusion of either of two growth factor mixtures (i.e., GF I or GF II). GF I contained transforming growth factor α (TGFα), insulin-like growth factor type one (IGF-1), and retinoic acid (RA), whereas GF II contained those three factors and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Treatment with GF I significantly enhanced vestibular hair cell renewal in ototoxin-damaged utricles and the maturation of stereociliary bundle morphology. The addition of brain-derived neurotrophic factor to the GF II infusion mixture resulted in the return of type 1 vestibular hair cells in ototoxin-damaged cristae, and improved vestibular function. These results suggest that growth factor therapy may be an effective treatment for balance disorders that are the result of hair cell dysfunction and/or loss.
Slope of terrain is an important orienting gradient affecting the goal-directed locomotion of animals. Its significance was assessed in experiment 1 by training rats to find in darkness a feeder on the top of a low cone (80-cm base, 0- to 4-cm high). A computerized infrared tracking system monitoring the rat's position in darkness showed that the path length on the cone surface was inversely proportional to cone height. A device allowing continuous generation of slope-guided locomotion was used in experiment 2. This device consists of a 1-m arena, the floor of which can be supported at a point corresponding to the position of one of three equidistant feeders located 17 cm from its center. The arena is inclined by the locomotion of the rat to a plane passing through the elevated (2- or 4-cm) feeder, the rat's center of gravity, and a point at the edge of the arena resting on the floor. The multitude of such planes generated by the rat's locomotion forms the surface of a virtual cone, the top of which is formed by the feeder. Additional path (difference between distance traveled and shortest distance of the animal from the goal at the onset of inclination) is inversely related to the incline of the arena and is a sensitive measure of performance in this type of vestibular navigation.
Recent experiments using electrical and N-methyl-d-aspartate microstimulation of the spinal cord gray matter and cutaneous stimulation of the hindlimb of spinalized frogs have provided evidence for a modular organization of the frog’s spinal cord circuitry. A “module” is a functional unit in the spinal cord circuitry that generates a specific motor output by imposing a specific pattern of muscle activation. The output of a module can be characterized as a force field: the collection of the isometric forces generated at the ankle over different locations in the leg’s workspace. Different modules can be combined independently so that their force fields linearly sum. The goal of this study was to ascertain whether the force fields generated by the activation of supraspinal structures could result from combinations of a small number of modules. We recorded a set of force fields generated by the electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve in seven frogs, and we performed a principal component analysis to study the dimensionality of this set. We found that 94% of the total variation of the data is explained by the first five principal components, a result that indicates that the dimensionality of the set of fields evoked by vestibular stimulation is low. This result is compatible with the hypothesis that vestibular fields are generated by combinations of a small number of spinal modules.
The α9 acetylcholine receptor (α9 AChR) is specifically expressed in hair cells of the inner ear and is believed to be involved in synaptic transmission between efferent nerves and hair cells. Using a recently developed method, we modified a bacterial artificial chromosome containing the mouse α9 AChR gene with a reporter gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) to generate transgenic mice. GFP expression in transgenic mice recapitulated the known temporal and spatial expression of α9 AChR. However, we observed previously unidentified dynamic changes in α9 AChR expression in cochlear and vestibular sensory epithelia during neonatal development. In the cochlea, inner hair cells persistently expressed high levels of α9 AChR in both the apical and middle turns, whereas both outer and inner hair cells displayed dynamic changes of α9 AChR expression in the basal turn. In the utricle, we observed high levels of α9 AChR expression in the striolar region during early neonatal development and high levels of α9 AChR in the extrastriolar region in adult mice. Further, simultaneous visualization of efferent innervation and α9 AChR expression showed that dynamic expression of α9 AChR in developing hair cells was independent of efferent contacts. We propose that α9 AChR expression in developing auditory and vestibular sensory epithelia correlates with maturation of hair cells and is hair-cell autonomous.
The ability to sense orientation relative to gravity requires dense particles, called otoconia, which are localized in the vestibular macular organs. In mammals, otoconia are composed of proteins (otoconins) and calcium carbonate crystals in a calcite lattice. Little is known about the mechanisms that regulate otoconial biosynthesis. To begin to elucidate these mechanisms, we have partially sequenced and cloned the major protein component of murine otoconia, otoconin-90 (OC90). The amino acid sequence identified an orphan chimeric human cDNA. Because of its similarity to secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2), this gene was referred to as PLA2-like (PLA2L) and enabled the identification of human Oc90. Partial murine cDNA and genomic clones were isolated and shown to be specifically expressed in the developing mouse otocyst. The mature mouse OC90 is composed of 453 residues and contains two domains homologous to sPLA2. The cloning of Oc90 will allow an examination of the role of this protein in otoconial biosynthesis and in diseases that affect the vestibular system.
We previously identified a novel nuclear RNA species derived from the preproenkephalin (PPE) gene. This transcript, which we have named PPEIA-3′ RNA, hybridizes with probes directed at a region of PPE intron A downstream of an alternative germ-cell transcription start site, but does not contain PPE protein coding sequences. We now report that estrogen treatment of ovariectomized rats increases the expression of conventional PPE heteronuclear RNA, and also induces the expression of PPEIA-3′ RNA, apparently in separate cell populations within the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. Further, we show that cells expressing PPEIA-3′ are found in several neuronal groups in the rat forebrain and brainstem, with a distinct topographical distribution. High densities of PPEIA-3′ containing cells are found in the reticular thalamic nucleus, the basal forebrain, the vestibular complex, the deep cerebellar nuclei, and the trapezoid body, a pattern that parallels the distribution of atypical nuclear RNAs described by other groups. These results suggest that this diverse neuronal population shares a common set of nuclear factors responsible for the expression and retention of this atypical RNA transcript. The implication of these results for cell-specific gene transcription and regulation in the brain and the possible relationship of PPEIA-3′ RNA and other atypical nuclear RNAs is discussed.
Hair cells in many nonmammalian vertebrates are regenerated by the mitotic division of supporting cell progenitors and the differentiation of the resulting progeny into new hair cells and supporting cells. Recent studies have shown that nonmitotic hair cell recovery after aminoglycoside-induced damage can also occur in the vestibular organs. Using hair cell and supporting cell immunocytochemical markers, we have used confocal and electron microscopy to examine the fate of damaged hair cells and the origin of immature hair cells after gentamicin treatment in mitotically blocked cultures of the bullfrog saccule. Extruding and fragmenting hair cells, which undergo apoptotic cell death, are replaced by scar formations. After losing their bundles, sublethally damaged hair cells remain in the sensory epithelium for prolonged periods, acquiring supporting cell-like morphology and immunoreactivity. These modes of damage appear to be mutually exclusive, implying that sublethally damaged hair cells repair their bundles. Transitional cells, coexpressing hair cell and supporting cell markers, are seen near scar formations created by the expansion of neighboring supporting cells. Most of these cells have morphology and immunoreactivity similar to that of sublethally damaged hair cells. Ultrastructural analysis also reveals that most immature hair cells had autophagic vacuoles, implying that they originated from damaged hair cells rather than supporting cells. Some transitional cells are supporting cells participating in scar formations. Supporting cells also decrease in number during hair cell recovery, supporting the conclusion that some supporting cells undergo phenotypic conversion into hair cells without an intervening mitotic event.
The gene encoding human myosin VIIA is responsible for Usher syndrome type III (USH1B), a disease which associates profound congenital sensorineural deafness, vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa. The reconstituted cDNA sequence presented here predicts a 2215 amino acid protein with a typical unconventional myosin structure. This protein is expected to dimerize into a two-headed molecule. The C terminus of its tail shares homology with the membrane-binding domain of the band 4.1 protein superfamily. The gene consists of 48 coding exons. It encodes several alternatively spliced forms. In situ hybridization analysis in human embryos demonstrates that the myosin VIIA gene is expressed in the pigment epithelium and the photoreceptor cells of the retina, thus indicating that both cell types may be involved in the USH1B retinal degenerative process. In addition, the gene is expressed in the human embryonic cochlear and vestibular neuroepithelia. We suggest that deafness and vestibular dysfunction in USH1B patients result from a defect in the morphogenesis of the inner ear sensory cell stereocilia.
Myosin VIIa is a newly identified member of the myosin superfamily of actin-based motors. Recently, the myosin VIIa gene was identified as the gene defective in shaker-1, a recessive deafness in mice [Gibson, F., Walsh, J., Mburu, P., Varela, A., Brown, K.A., Antonio, M., Beisel, K.W., Steel, K.P. & Brown, S.D.M. (1995) Nature (London) 374, 62-64], and in human Usher syndrome type 1B, an inherited disease characterized by congenital deafness, vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa [Weil, D., Blanchard, S., Kaplan, J., Guilford, P., Gibson, F., Walsh, J., Mburu, P., Varela, A., Levilliers, J., Weston, M.D., Kelley, P.M., Kimberling, W.J., Wagenaar, M., Levi-Acobas, F., Larget-Piet, D., Munnich, A., Steel, K.P., Brown, S.D.M. & Petit, C. (1995) Nature (London) 374, 60-61]. To understand the normal function of myosin VIIa and how it could cause these disease phenotypes when defective, we generated antibodies specific to the tail portion of this unconventional myosin. We found that myosin VIIa was expressed in cochlea, retina, testis, lung, and kidney. In cochlea, myosin VIIa expression was restricted to the inner and outer hair cells, where it was found in the apical stereocilia as well as the cytoplasm. In the eye, myosin VIIa was expressed by the retinal pigmented epithelial cells, where it was enriched within the apical actin-rich domain of this cell type. The cell-specific localization of myosin VIIa suggests that the blindness and deafness associated with Usher syndrome is due to lack of proper myosin VIIa function within the cochlear hair cells and the retinal pigmented epithelial cells.
Regenerative proliferation occurs in the inner-ear sensory epithelial of warm-blooded vertebrates after insult. To determine how this proliferation is controlled in the mature mammalian inner ear, several growth factors were tested for effects on progenitor-cell division in cultured mouse vestibular sensory epithelia. Cell proliferation was induced in the sensory epithelium by transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) in a dose-dependent manner. Proliferation was also induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) when supplemented with insulin, but not EGF alone. These observations suggest that stimulation of the EGF receptors by TGF-alpha binding, or EGF (plus insulin) binding, stimulates cell proliferation in the mature mammalian vestibular sensory epithelium.