66 resultados para plant functional type

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Yersiniae, causative agents of plague and gastrointestinal diseases, secrete and translocate Yop effector proteins into the cytosol of macrophages, leading to disruption of host defense mechanisms. It is shown in this report that Yersinia enterocolitica induces apoptosis in macrophages and that this effect depends on YopP. Functional secretion and translocation mechanisms are required for YopP to act, strongly suggesting that this protein exerts its effect intracellularly, after translocation into the macrophages. YopP shows a high level of sequence similarity with AvrRxv, an avirulence protein from Xanthomonas campestris, a plant pathogen that induces programmed cell death in plant cells. This indicates possible similarities between the strategies used by pathogenic bacteria to elicit programmed cell death in both plant and animal hosts.


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Despite striking differences in climate, soils, and evolutionary history among diverse biomes ranging from tropical and temperate forests to alpine tundra and desert, we found similar interspecific relationships among leaf structure and function and plant growth in all biomes. Our results thus demonstrate convergent evolution and global generality in plant functioning, despite the enormous diversity of plant species and biomes. For 280 plant species from two global data sets, we found that potential carbon gain (photosynthesis) and carbon loss (respiration) increase in similar proportion with decreasing leaf life-span, increasing leaf nitrogen concentration, and increasing leaf surface area-to-mass ratio. Productivity of individual plants and of leaves in vegetation canopies also changes in constant proportion to leaf life-span and surface area-to-mass ratio. These global plant functional relationships have significant implications for global scale modeling of vegetation–atmosphere CO2 exchange.


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Type II restriction and modification (R-M) genes have been described as selfish because they have been shown to impose selection for the maintenance of the plasmid that encodes them. In our experiments, the type I R-M system EcoKI does not behave in the same way. The genes specifying EcoKI are, however, normally residents of the chromosome and therefore our analyses were extended to monitor the deletion of chromosomal genes rather than loss of plasmid vector. If EcoKI were to behave in the same way as the plasmid-encoded type II R-M systems, the loss of the relevant chromosomal genes by mutation or recombination should lead to cell death because the cell would become deficient in modification enzyme and the bacterial chromosome would be vulnerable to the restriction endonuclease. Our data contradict this prediction; they reveal that functional type I R-M genes in the chromosome are readily replaced by mutant alleles and by alleles encoding a type I R-M system of different specificity. The acquisition of allelic genes conferring a new sequence specificity, but not the loss of the resident genes, is dependent on the product of an unlinked gene, one predicted [Prakash-Cheng, A., Chung, S. S. & Ryu, J. (1993) Mol. Gen. Genet. 241, 491–496] to be relevant to control of expression of the genes that encode EcoKI. Our evidence suggests that not all R-M systems are evolving as “selfish” units; rather, the diversity and distribution of the family of type I enzymes we have investigated require an alternative selective pressure.


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Sustained (noninactivating) outward-rectifying K+ channel currents have been identified in a variety of plant cell types and species. Here, in Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells, in addition to these sustained K+ currents, an inactivating outward-rectifying K+ current was characterized (plant A-type current: IAP). IAP activated rapidly with a time constant of 165 ms and inactivated slowly with a time constant of 7.2 sec at +40 mV. IAP was enhanced by increasing the duration (from 0 to 20 sec) and degree (from +20 to −100 mV) of prepulse hyperpolarization. Ionic substitution and relaxation (tail) current recordings showed that outward IAP was mainly carried by K+ ions. In contrast to the sustained outward-rectifying K+ currents, cytosolic alkaline pH was found to inhibit IAP and extracellular K+ was required for IAP activity. Furthermore, increasing cytosolic free Ca2+ in the physiological range strongly inhibited IAP activity with a half inhibitory concentration of ≈ 94 nM. We present a detailed characterization of an inactivating K+ current in a higher plant cell. Regulation of IAP by diverse factors including membrane potential, cytosolic Ca2+ and pH, and extracellular K+ and Ca2+ implies that the inactivating IAP described here may have important functions during transient depolarizations found in guard cells, and in integrated signal transduction processes during stomatal movements.


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The commitment of eukaryotic cells to division normally occurs during the G1 phase of the cell cycle. In mammals D-type cyclins regulate the progression of cells through G1 and therefore are important for both proliferative and developmental controls. Plant CycDs (D-type cyclin homologs) have been identified, but their precise function during the plant cell cycle is unknown. We have isolated three tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) CycD cyclin cDNAs: two belong to the CycD3 class (Nicta;CycD3;1 and Nicta;CycD3;2) and the third to the CycD2 class (Nicta;CycD2;1). To uncouple their cell-cycle regulation from developmental control, we have used the highly synchronizable tobacco cultivar Bright Yellow-2 in a cell-suspension culture to characterize changes in CycD transcript levels during the cell cycle. In cells re-entering the cell cycle from stationary phase, CycD3;2 was induced in G1 but subsequently remained at a constant level in synchronous cells. This expression pattern is consistent with a role for CycD3;2, similar to mammalian D-type cyclins. In contrast, CycD2;1 and CycD3;1 transcripts accumulated during mitosis in synchronous cells, a pattern of expression not normally associated with D-type cyclins. This could suggest a novel role for plant D-type cyclins during mitosis.


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Bacterial pathogens of both animals and plants use type III secretion machines to inject virulence proteins into host cells. Although many components of the secretion machinery are conserved among different bacterial species, the substrates for their type III pathways are not. The Yersinia type III machinery recognizes some secretion substrates via a signal that is encoded within the first 15 codons of yop mRNA. These signals can be altered by frameshift mutations without affecting secretion of the encoded polypeptides, suggesting a mechanism whereby translation of yop mRNA is coupled to the translocation of newly synthesized polypeptide. We report that the type III machinery of Erwinia chrysanthemi cloned in Escherichia coli recognizes the secretion signals of yopE and yopQ. Pseudomonas syringae AvrB and AvrPto, two proteins exported by the recombinant Erwinia machine, can also be secreted by the Yersinia type III pathway. Mapping AvrPto sequences sufficient for the secretion of reporter fusions in Yersinia revealed the presence of an mRNA secretion signal. We propose that 11 conserved components of type III secretion machines may recognize signals that couple mRNA translation to polypeptide secretion.


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The p53 tumor suppressor gene has been shown to play an important role in determining cell fate. Overexpression of wild-type p53 in tumor cells has been shown to lead to growth arrest or apoptosis. Previous studies in fibroblasts have provided indirect evidence for a link between p53 and senescence. Here we show, using an inducible p53 expression system, that wild-type p53 overexpression in EJ bladder carcinoma cells, which have lost functional p53, triggers the rapid onset of G1 and G2/M growth arrest associated with p21 up-regulation and repression of mitotic cyclins (cyclin A and B) and cdc2. Growth arrest in response to p53 induction became irreversible within 48-72 h, with cells exhibiting morphological features as well as specific biochemical and ultrastructural markers of the senescent phenotype. These findings provide direct evidence that p53 overexpression can activate the rapid onset of senescence in tumor cells.


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γ-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), an anesthetic adjuvant analog of γ-aminobutyrate (GABA), depresses cell excitability in hippocampal neurons by inducing hyperpolarization through the activation of a prominent inwardly rectifying K+ (Kir3) conductance. These GABA type B (GABAB)-like effects are clearly shown at high concentrations of GHB corresponding to blood levels usually reached during anesthesia and are mimicked by the GABAB agonist baclofen. Recent studies of native GABAB receptors (GABABRs) have favored the concept that GHB is also a selective agonist. Furthermore, cloning has demonstrated that GABABRs assemble heteromeric complexes from the GABABR1 and GABABR2 subtypes and that these assemblies are activated by GHB. The surprisingly high tissue content, together with anti-ischemic and protective effects of GHB in the heart, raises the question of a possible influence of GABAB agonists on excitable cardiac cells. In the present study, we provide electrophysiological evidence that GHB activates an inwardly rectifying K+ current in rat ventricular myocytes. This effect is mimicked by baclofen, reversibly inhibited by GABAB antagonists, and prevented by pertussis toxin pretreatment. Both GABABR1 and GABABR2 are detected in cardiomyocytes by Western blotting and are shown to coimmunoprecipitate. Laser scanning confocal microscopy discloses an even distribution of the two receptors in the sarcolemma and along the transverse tubular system. Hence, we conclude that GABABRs are distributed not only in neuronal tissues but also in the heart, where they can be activated and induce electrophysiological alterations through G-protein-coupled inward rectifier potassium channels.


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The PlantsP database is a curated database that combines information derived from sequences with experimental functional genomics information. PlantsP focuses on plant protein kinases and protein phosphatases. The database will specifically provide a resource for information on a collection of T-DNA insertion mutants (knockouts) in each protein kinase and phosphatase in Arabidopsis thaliana. PlantsP also provides a curated view of each protein that includes a comprehensive annotation of functionally related sequence motifs, sequence family definitions, alignments and phylogenetic trees, and descriptive information drawn directly from the literature. PlantsP is available at http://PlantsP.sdsc.edu.


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A previously isolated parsley (Petroselinum crispum) cDNA with high sequence similarity to cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) cDNAs from several plant sources was expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing a plant NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase and verified as encoding a functional C4H (CYP73A10). Low genomic complexity and the occurrence of a single type of cDNA suggest the existence of only one C4H gene in parsley. The encoded mRNA and protein, in contrast to those of a functionally related NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, were strictly coregulated with phenylalanine ammonia-lyase mRNA and protein, respectively, as demonstrated by coinduction under various conditions and colocalization in situ in cross-sections from several different parsley tissues. These results support the hypothesis that the genes encoding the core reactions of phenylpropanoid metabolism form a tight regulatory unit.


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N-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs), predominantly localized in the nervous system, have been considered to play an essential role in a variety of neuronal functions, including neurotransmitter release at sympathetic nerve terminals. As a direct approach to elucidating the physiological significance of N-type VDCCs, we have generated mice genetically deficient in the α1B subunit (Cav 2.2). The α1B-deficient null mice, surprisingly, have a normal life span and are free from apparent behavioral defects. A complete and selective elimination of N-type currents, sensitive to ω-conotoxin GVIA, was observed without significant changes in the activity of other VDCC types in neuronal preparations of mutant mice. The baroreflex response, mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, was markedly reduced after bilateral carotid occlusion. In isolated left atria prepared from N-type-deficient mice, the positive inotropic responses to electrical sympathetic neuronal stimulation were dramatically decreased compared with those of normal mice. In contrast, parasympathetic nervous activity in the mutant mice was nearly identical to that of wild-type mice. Interestingly, the mutant mice showed sustained elevation of heart rate and blood pressure. These results provide direct evidence that N-type VDCCs are indispensable for the function of the sympathetic nervous system in circulatory regulation and indicate that N-type VDCC-deficient mice will be a useful model for studying disorders attributable to sympathetic nerve dysfunction.


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Transposable elements provide a convenient and flexible means to disrupt plant genes, so allowing their function to be assessed. By engineering transposons to carry reporter genes and regulatory signals, the expression of target genes can be monitored and to some extent manipulated. Two strategies for using transposons to assess gene function are outlined here: First, the PCR can be used to identify plants that carry insertions into specific genes from among pools of heavily mutagenized individuals (site-selected transposon mutagenesis). This method requires that high copy transposons be used and that a relatively large number of reactions be performed to identify insertions into genes of interest. Second, a large library of plants, each carrying a unique insertion, can be generated. Each insertion site then can be amplified and sequenced systematically. These two methods have been demonstrated in maize, Arabidopsis, and other plant species, and the relative merits of each are discussed in the context of plant genome research.


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An extensive, highly diversified multigene family of novel immune-type receptor (nitr) genes has been defined in Danio rerio (zebrafish). The genes are predicted to encode type I transmembrane glycoproteins consisting of extracellular variable (V) and V-like C2 (V/C2) domains, a transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic tail. All of the genes examined encode immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs in the cytoplasmic tail. Radiation hybrid panel mapping and analysis of a deletion mutant line (b240) indicate that a minimum of ≈40 nitr genes are contiguous in the genome and span ≈0.6 Mb near the top of zebrafish linkage group 7. One flanking region of the nitr gene complex shares conserved synteny with a region of mouse chromosome 7, which shares conserved synteny with human 19q13.3-q13.4 that encodes the leukocyte receptor cluster. Antibody-induced crosslinking of Nitrs that have been introduced into a human natural killer cell line inhibits the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase that is triggered by natural killer-sensitive tumor target cells. Nitrs likely represent intermediates in the evolution of the leukocyte receptor cluster.


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We used a pale-green maize (Zea mays L.) mutant that fails to accumulate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) to test the working hypothesis that the regulatory phosphorylation of C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) by its Ca2+-insensitive protein-serine/threonine kinase (PEPC kinase) in the C4 mesophyll cytosol depends on cross-talk with a functional Calvin cycle in the bundle sheath. Wild-type (W22) and bundle sheath defective2-mutable1 (bsd2-m1) seeds were grown in a controlled environment chamber at 100 to 130 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetic photon flux density, and leaf tissue was harvested 11 d after sowing, following exposure to various light intensities. Immunoblot analysis showed no major difference in the amount of polypeptide present for several mesophyll- and bundle-sheath-specific photosynthetic enzymes apart from Rubisco, which was either completely absent or very much reduced in the mutant. Similarly, leaf net CO2-exchange analysis and in vitro radiometric Rubisco assays showed that no appreciable carbon fixation was occurring in the mutant. In contrast, the sensitivity of PEPC to malate inhibition in bsd2-m1 leaves decreased significantly with an increase in light intensity, and there was a concomitant increase in PEPC kinase activity, similar to that seen in wild-type leaf tissue. Thus, although bsd2-m1 mutant plants lack an operative Calvin cycle, light activation of PEPC kinase and its target enzyme are not grossly perturbed.


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Carbonic anhydrase (CA) (EC enzymes catalyze the reversible hydration of CO2, a reaction that is important in many physiological processes. We have cloned and sequenced a full-length cDNA encoding an intracellular β-CA from the unicellular green alga Coccomyxa. Nucleotide sequence data show that the isolated cDNA contains an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 227 amino acids. The predicted polypeptide is similar to β-type CAs from Escherichia coli and higher plants, with an identity of 26% to 30%. The Coccomyxa cDNA was overexpressed in E. coli, and the enzyme was purified and biochemically characterized. The mature protein is a homotetramer with an estimated molecular mass of 100 kD. The CO2-hydration activity of the Coccomyxa enzyme is comparable with that of the pea homolog. However, the activity of Coccomyxa CA is largely insensitive to oxidative conditions, in contrast to similar enzymes from most higher plants. Fractionation studies further showed that Coccomyxa CA is extrachloroplastic.