12 resultados para piezo-driven mechanism

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13C-selective NMR, combined with inhibitor perturbation experiments, shows that the Cɛ1—H proton of the catalytic histidine in resting α-lytic protease and subtilisin BPN′ resonates, when protonated, at 9.22 ppm and 9.18 ppm, respectively, which is outside the normal range for such protons and ≈0.6 to 0.8 ppm further downfield than previously reported. They also show that the previous α-lytic protease assignments [Markley, J. L., Neves, D. E., Westler, W. M., Ibanez, I. B., Porubcan, M. A. & Baillargeon, M. W. (1980) Front. Protein Chem. 10, 31–61] were to signals from inactive or denatured protein. Simulations of linewidth vs. pH demonstrate that the true signal is more difficult to detect than corresponding signals from inactive derivatives, owing to higher imidazole pKa values and larger chemical shift differences between protonated and neutral forms. A compilation and analysis of available NMR data indicates that the true Cɛ1—H signals from other serine proteases are similarly displaced downfield, with past assignments to more upfield signals probably in error. The downfield displacement of these proton resonances is shown to be consistent with an H-bond involving the histidine Cɛ1—H as donor, confirming the original hypothesis of Derewenda et al. [Derewenda, Z. S., Derewenda, U. & Kobos, P. M. (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 241, 83–93], which was based on an analysis of literature x-ray crystal structures of serine hydrolases. The invariability of this H-bond among enzymes containing Asp-His-Ser triads indicates functional importance. Here, we propose that it enables a reaction-driven imidazole ring flip mechanism, overcoming a major dilemma inherent in all previous mechanisms, namely how these enzymes catalyze both the formation and productive breakdown of tetrahedral intermediates.


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The FixL proteins are biological oxygen sensors that restrict the expression of specific genes to hypoxic conditions. FixL’s oxygen-detecting domain is a heme binding region that controls the activity of an attached histidine kinase. The FixL switch is regulated by binding of oxygen and other strong-field ligands. In the absence of bound ligand, the heme domain permits kinase activity. In the presence of bound ligand, this domain turns off kinase activity. Comparison of the structures of two forms of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum FixL heme domain, one in the “on” state without bound ligand and one in the “off” state with bound cyanide, reveals a mechanism of regulation by a heme that is distinct from the classical hemoglobin models. The close structural resemblance of the FixL heme domain to the photoactive yellow protein confirms the existence of a PAS structural motif but reveals the presence of an alternative regulatory gateway.


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We have applied in situ atomic force microscopy to directly observe the aggregation of Alzheimer’s β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) in contact with two model solid surfaces: hydrophilic mica and hydrophobic graphite. The time course of aggregation was followed by continuous imaging of surfaces remaining in contact with 10–500 μM solutions of Aβ in PBS (pH 7.4). Visualization of fragile nanoscale aggregates of Aβ was made possible by the application of a tapping mode of imaging, which minimizes the lateral forces between the probe tip and the sample. The size and the shape of Aβ aggregates, as well as the kinetics of their formation, exhibited pronounced dependence on the physicochemical nature of the surface. On hydrophilic mica, Aβ formed particulate, pseudomicellar aggregates, which at higher Aβ concentration had the tendency to form linear assemblies, reminiscent of protofibrillar species described recently in the literature. In contrast, on hydrophobic graphite Aβ formed uniform, elongated sheets. The dimensions of those sheets were consistent with the dimensions of β-sheets with extended peptide chains perpendicular to the long axis of the aggregate. The sheets of Aβ were oriented along three directions at 120° to each other, resembling the crystallographic symmetry of a graphite surface. Such substrate-templated self-assembly may be the distinguishing feature of β-sheets in comparison with α-helices. These studies show that in situ atomic force microscopy enables direct assessment of amyloid aggregation in physiological fluids and suggest that Aβ fibril formation may be driven by interactions at the interface of aqueous solutions and hydrophobic substrates, as occurs in membranes and lipoprotein particles in vivo.


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Cytochrome c oxidase catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water that is accompanied by pumping of four protons across the mitochondrial or bacterial membrane. Triggered by the results of recent x-ray crystallographic analyses, published data concerning the coupling of individual electron transfer steps to proton pumping are reanalyzed: Conversion of the conventional oxoferryl intermediate F to the fully oxidized form O is connected to pumping of only one proton. Most likely one proton is already pumped during the double reduction of O, and only three protons during conversion of the “peroxy” forms P to O via the oxoferryl form F. Based on the available structural, spectroscopic, and mutagenesis data, a detailed mechanistic model, carefully considering electrostatic interactions, is presented. In this model, each of the four reductions of heme a during the catalytic cycle is coupled to the uptake of one proton via the D-pathway. These protons, but never more than two, are temporarily stored in the regions of the heme a and a3 propionates and are driven to the outside (“pumped”) by electrostatic repulsion from protons entering the active site during turnover. The first proton is pumped by uptake of one proton via the K-pathway during reduction, the second and third proton during the P → F transition when the D-pathway and the active site become directly connected, and the fourth one upon conversion of F to O. Atomic structures are assigned to each intermediate including F′ with an alternative route to O.


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Budding and vesiculation of erythrocyte membranes occurs by a process involving an uncoupling of the membrane skeleton from the lipid bilayer. Vesicle formation provides an important means whereby protein sorting and trafficking can occur. To understand the mechanism of sorting at the molecular level, we have developed a micropipette technique to quantify the redistribution of fluorescently labeled erythrocyte membrane components during mechanically induced membrane deformation and vesiculation. Our previous studies indicated that the spectrin-based membrane skeleton deforms elastically, producing a constant density gradient during deformation. Our current studies showed that during vesiculation the skeleton did not fragment but rather retracted to the cell body, resulting in a vesicle completely depleted of skeleton. These local changes in skeletal density regulated the sorting of nonskeletal membrane components. Highly mobile membrane components, phosphatidylethanolamine- and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked CD59 with no specific skeletal association were enriched in the vesicle. In contrast, two components with known specific skeletal association, band 3 and glycophorin A, were differentially depleted in vesicles. Increasing the skeletal association of glycophorin A by liganding its extrafacial domain reduced the fraction partitioning to the vesicle. We conclude that this technique of bilayer/skeleton uncoupling provides a means with which to study protein sorting driven by changes in local skeletal density. Moreover, it is the interaction of particular membrane components with the spectrin-based skeleton that determines molecular partitioning during protein sorting.


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The mechanisms responsible for the induction of matrix-degrading proteases during lung injury are ill defined. Macrophage-derived mediators are believed to play a role in regulating synthesis and turnover of extracellular matrix at sites of inflammation. We find a localized increase in the expression of the rat interstitial collagenase (MMP-13; collagenase-3) gene from fibroblastic cells directly adjacent to macrophages within silicotic rat lung granulomas. Conditioned medium from macrophages isolated from silicotic rat lungs was found to induce rat lung fibroblast interstitial collagenase gene expression. Conditioned medium from primary rat lung macrophages or J774 monocytic cells activated by particulates in vitro also induced interstitial collagenase gene expression. Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) alone did not induce interstitial collagenase expression in rat lung fibroblasts but did in rat skin fibroblasts, revealing tissue specificity in the regulation of this gene. The activity of the conditioned medium was found to be dependent on the combined effects of TNF-α and 12-lipoxygenase-derived arachidonic acid metabolites. The fibroblast response to this conditioned medium was dependent on de novo protein synthesis and involved the induction of nuclear activator protein-1 activity. These data reveal a novel requirement for macrophage-derived 12-lipoxygenase metabolites in lung fibroblast MMP induction and provide a mechanism for the induction of resident cell MMP gene expression during inflammatory lung processes.


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Development of protrusions in the cell is indispensable in the process of cell motility. Membrane protrusion has long been suggested to occur as a result of actin polymerization immediately beneath the cell membrane at the leading edge, but elucidation of the mechanism is insufficient because of the complexity of the cell. To study the mechanism, we prepared giant liposomes containing monomeric actin (100 or 200 μM) and introduced KCl into individual liposomes by an electroporation technique. On the electroporation, the giant liposomes deformed. Most importantly, protrusive structure grew from the liposomes containing 200 μM actin at rates (ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 μm/s) similar to those obtained in the cell. The deformation occurred in a time range (30 ∼ 100 s) similar to that of actin polymerization monitored in a cuvette (ca. 50 s). Concomitant with deformation, Brownian motion of micron-sized particles entrapped in the liposomes almost ceased. From these observations, we conclude that actin polymerization in the liposomes caused the protrusive formation.


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Although arsenic is a well-established human carcinogen, the mechanisms by which it induces cancer remain poorly understood. We previously showed arsenite to be a potent mutagen in human–hamster hybrid (AL) cells, and that it induces predominantly multilocus deletions. We show here by confocal scanning microscopy with the fluorescent probe 5′,6′-chloromethyl-2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate that arsenite induces, within 5 min after treatment, a dose-dependent increase of up to 3-fold in intracellular oxyradical production. Concurrent treatment of cells with arsenite and the radical scavenger DMSO reduced the fluorescent intensity to control levels. ESR spectroscopy with 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-hydroxypiperidine (TEMPOL-H) as a probe in conjunction with superoxide dismutase and catalase to quench superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively, indicates that arsenite increases the levels of superoxide-driven hydroxyl radicals in these cells. Furthermore, reducing the intracellular levels of nonprotein sulfhydryls (mainly glutathione) in AL cells with buthionine S-R-sulfoximine increases the mutagenic potential of arsenite by more than 5-fold. The data are consistent with our previous results with the radical scavenger DMSO, which reduced the mutagenicity of arsenic in these cells, and provide convincing evidence that reactive oxygen species, particularly hydroxyl radicals, play an important causal role in the genotoxicity of arsenical compounds in mammalian cells.


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Isotretinoin (13-cis retinoic acid) is frequently prescribed for severe acne [Peck, G. L., Olsen, T. G., Yoder, F. W., Strauss, J. S., Downing, D. T., Pandya, M., Butkus, D. & Arnaud-Battandier, J. (1979) N. Engl. J. Med. 300, 329–333] but can impair night vision [Fraunfelder, F. T., LaBraico, J. M. & Meyer, S. M. (1985) Am. J. Ophthalmol. 100, 534–537] shortly after the beginning of therapy [Shulman, S. R. (1989) Am. J. Public Health 79, 1565–1568]. As rod photoreceptors are responsible for night vision, we administered isotretinoin to rats to learn whether night blindness resulted from rod cell death or from rod functional impairment. High-dose isotretinoin was given daily for 2 months and produced systemic toxicity, but this caused no histological loss of rod photoreceptors, and rod-driven electroretinogram amplitudes were normal after prolonged dark adaptation. Additional studies showed, however, that even a single dose of isotretinoin slowed the recovery of rod signaling after exposure to an intense bleaching light, and that rhodopsin regeneration was markedly slowed. When only a single dose was given, rod function recovered to normal within several days. Rods and cones both showed slow recovery from bleach after isotretinoin in rats and in mice. HPLC analysis of ocular retinoids after isotretinoin and an intense bleach showed decreased levels of rhodopsin chromophore, 11-cis retinal, and the accumulation of the biosynthetic intermediates, 11-cis and all-trans retinyl esters. Isotretinoin was also found to protect rat photoreceptors from light-induced damage, suggesting that strategies of altering retinoid cycling may have therapeutic implications for some forms of retinal and macular degeneration.


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To examine the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to helicase translocation along DNA, we have purified and characterized complexes of the Escherichia coli Rep protein, a dimeric DNA helicase, covalently crosslinked to a single-stranded hexadecameric oligodeoxynucleotide (S). Crosslinked Rep monomers (PS) as well as singly ligated (P2S) and doubly ligated (P2S2) Rep dimers were characterized. The equilibrium and kinetic constants for Rep dimerization as well as the steady-state ATPase activities of both PS and P2S crosslinked complexes were identical to the values determined for un-crosslinked Rep complexes formed with dT16. Therefore, ATP hydrolysis by both PS and P2S complexes are not coupled to DNA dissociation. This also rules out a strictly unidirectional sliding mechanism for ATP-driven translocation along single-stranded DNA by either PS or the P2S dimer. However, ATP hydrolysis by the doubly ligated P2S2 Rep dimer is coupled to single-stranded DNA dissociation from one subunit of the dimer, although loosely (low efficiency). These results suggest that ATP hydrolysis can drive translocation of the dimeric Rep helicase along DNA by a "rolling" mechanism where the two DNA binding sites of the dimer alternately bind and release DNA. Such a mechanism is biologically important when one subunit binds duplex DNA, followed by subsequent unwinding.


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The hypothalamic hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released in a pulsatile fashion, with its frequency varying throughout the reproductive cycle. Varying pulse frequencies and amplitudes differentially regulate the biosynthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by pituitary gonadotropes. The mechanism by which this occurs remains a major question in reproductive physiology. Previous studies have been limited by lack of available cell lines that express the LH and FSH subunit genes and respond to GnRH. We have overcome this limitation by transfecting the rat pituitary GH3 cell line with rat GnRH receptor (GnRHR) cDNA driven by a heterologous promoter. These cells, when cotransfected with regulatory regions of the common alpha, LH beta, or FSH beta subunit gene fused to a luciferase reporter gene, respond to GnRH with an increase in luciferase activity. Using this model, we demonstrate that different cell surface densities of the GnRHR result in the differential regulation of LH and FSH subunit gene expression by GnRH. This suggests that the differential regulation of gonadotropin subunit gene expression by GnRH observed in vivo in rats may, in turn, be mediated by varying gonadotrope cell surface GnRHR concentrations. This provides a physiologic mechanism by which a single ligand can act through a single receptor to regulate differentially the production of two hormones in the same cell.


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Bacteriorhodopsin is a membrane protein that functions as a light-driven proton pump. Each cycle of proton transport is initiated by the light-induced isomerization of retinal from the all-trans to 13-cis configuration and is completed by the protein-driven reisomerization of retinal to the all-trans configuration. Previous studies have shown that replacement of Leu-93, a residue in close proximity to the 13-methyl group of retinal, by alanine, resulted in a 250-fold increase in the time required to complete each photocycle. Here, we show that the kinetic defect in the photocycle of the Leu-93-->Ala mutant occurs at a stage after the completion of proton transport and can be overcome in the presence of strong background illumination. Time-resolved retinal-extraction experiments demonstrate the continued presence of a 13-cis intermediate in the photocycle of the Leu-93-->Ala mutant well after the completion of proton release and uptake. These results indicate that retinal reisomerization is kinetically the rate-limiting step in the photocycle of this mutant and that the slow thermal reisomerization can be bypassed by the absorption of a second photon. The effects observed for the Leu-93-->Ala mutant are not observed upon replacement of any other residue in van der Waals contact with retinal or upon replacement of Leu-93 by valine. We conclude that the contact between Leu-93 and the 13-methyl group of retinal plays a key role in controlling the rate of protein conformational changes associated with retinal reisomerization and return of the protein to the initial state.