8 resultados para photocrosslinking

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The Oct-1 POU domain binds diverse DNA-sequence elements and forms a higher-order regulatory complex with the herpes simplex virus coregulator VP16. The POU domain contains two separate DNA-binding domains joined by a flexible linker. By protein–DNA photocrosslinking we show that the relative positioning of the two POU DNA-binding domains on DNA varies depending on the nature of the DNA target. On a single VP16-responsive element, the POU domain adopts multiple conformations. To determine the structure of the Oct-1 POU domain in a multiprotein complex with VP16, we allowed VP16 to interact with previously crosslinked POU-domain–DNA complexes and found that VP16 can associate with multiple POU-domain conformations. These results reveal the dynamic potential of a DNA-binding domain in directing transcriptional regulatory complex formation.


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We have used a novel site-specific protein-DNA photocrosslinking procedure to define the positions of polypeptide chains relative to promoter DNA in binary, ternary, and quaternary complexes containing human TATA-binding protein, human or yeast transcription factor IIA (TFIIA), human transcription factor IIB (TFIIB), and promoter DNA. The results indicate that TFIIA and TFIIB make more extensive interactions with promoter DNA than previously anticipated. TATA-binding protein, TFIIA, and TFIIB surround promoter DNA for two turns of DNA helix and thus may form a "cylindrical clamp" effectively topologically linked to promoter DNA. Our results have implications for the energetics, DNA-sequence-specificity, and pathway of assembly of eukaryotic transcription complexes.


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Translocation of mitochondrial precursor proteins across the mitochondrial outer membrane is facilitated by the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex. By using site-specific photocrosslinking, we have mapped interactions between TOM proteins and a mitochondrial precursor protein arrested at two distinct stages, stage A (accumulated at 0°C) and stage B (accumulated at 30°C), in the translocation across the outer membrane at high resolution not achieved previously. Although the stage A and stage B intermediates were assigned previously to the forms bound to the cis site and the trans site of the TOM complex, respectively, the results of crosslinking indicate that the presequence of the intermediates at both stage A and stage B is already on the trans side of the outer membrane. The mature domain is unfolded and bound to Tom40 at stage B whereas it remains folded at stage A. After dissociation from the TOM complex, translocation of the stage B intermediate, but not of the stage A intermediate, across the inner membrane was promoted by the intermembrane-space domain of Tom22. We propose a new model for protein translocation across the outer membrane, where translocation of the presequence and unfolding of the mature domain are not necessarily coupled.


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HIV-1 integrase is essential for viral replication and can be inhibited by antiviral nucleotides. Photoaffinity labeling with the 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine (AZT) analog 3′,5-diazido-2′,3′-dideoxyuridine 5′-monophosphate (5N3-AZTMP) and proteolytic mapping identified the amino acid 153–167 region of integrase as the site of photocrosslinking. Docking of 5N3-AZTMP revealed the possibility for strong hydrogen bonds between the inhibitor and lysines 156, 159, and 160 of the enzyme. Mutation of these residues reduced photocrosslinking selectively. This report elucidates the binding site of a nucleotide inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase, and possibly a component of the enzyme polynucleotide binding site.


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By using site-specific protein-DNA photocrosslinking, we define the positions of TATA-binding protein, transcription factor IIB, transcription factor IIF, and subunits of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) relative to promoter DNA within the human transcription preinitiation complex. The results indicate that the interface between the largest and second-largest subunits of RNAPII forms an extended, ≈240 Å channel that interacts with promoter DNA both upstream and downstream of the transcription start. By using electron microscopy, we show that RNAPII compacts promoter DNA by the equivalent of ≈50 bp. Together with the published structure of RNAPII, the results indicate that RNAPII wraps DNA around its surface and suggest a specific model for the trajectory of the wrapped DNA.


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The protein component of ribonuclease P (RNase P) binds to the RNA subunit, forming a functional ribonucleoprotein complex in vivo and enhancing the affinity of the precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA) substrate. Photocrosslinking experiments with pre-tRNA bound to RNase P reconstituted with the protein component of Bacillus subtilis ribonuclease P (P protein) site specifically modified with a crosslinking reagent indicate that: (i) the central cleft of P protein directly interacts with the single-stranded 5′ leader sequence of pre-tRNA, and (ii) the orientation and register of the pre-tRNA leader sequence in the central cleft places the protein component in close proximity to the active site. This unique mode of interaction suggests that the catalytic active site in RNase P occurs near the interface of RNA and protein. In contrast to other ribonucleoprotein complexes where the protein mainly stabilizes the active tertiary fold of the RNA, a critical function of the protein component of RNase P is to alter substrate specificity and enhance catalytic efficiency.


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We have used an in vitro selection procedure called crosslinking SELEX (SELEX = systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) to identify RNA sequences that bind with high affinity and crosslink to the Rev protein from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A randomized RNA library substituted with the photoreactive chromophore 5-iodouracil was irradiated with monochromatic UV light in the presence of Rev. Those sequences with the ability to photocrosslink to Rev were partitioned from the rest of the RNA pool, amplified, and used for the next round of selection. Rounds of photocrosslinking selection were alternated with rounds of selection for RNA sequences with high affinity to Rev. This iterative, dual-selection method yielded RNA molecules with subnanomolar dissociation constants and high efficiency photocrosslinking to Rev. Some of the RNA molecules isolated by this procedure form a stable complex with Rev that is resistant to denaturing gel electrophoresis in the absence of UV irradiation. In vitro selection of nucleic acids by using modified nucleotides allows the isolation of nucleic acid molecules with potentially limitless chemical capacities to covalently attack a target molecule.


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The effects of NusA on the RNA polymerase contacts made by nucleotides at internal positions in the nascent RNA in Escherichia coli transcription complexes were analyzed by using the photocrosslinking nucleotide analog 5-[(4-azidophenacyl) thio]-UMP. It was placed at nucleotides between +6 and +15 in RNA transcribed from the phage lambda PR' promoter. Crosslinks of analog in these positions in RNAs which contained either 15, 28, 29, or 49 nt were examined. Contacts between the nascent RNA and proteins in the transcription complex were analyzed as the RNA was elongated, by placing the crosslinker nearest the 5' end of the RNA 10, 23, 24, or 44 nt away from the 3' end. The beta or beta' subunit of polymerase, and NusA when added, were contacted by RNA from 15 to 49 nt long. When the upstream crosslinker was 24 nt from the 3" end of the RNA (29-nt RNA), alpha was also contacted in the absence of NusA. The addition of NusA prevented RNA crosslinking to alpha. When the crosslinker was 44 nt from the 3' end (49-nt RNA), alpha crosslinks were still observed, but crosslinks to beta or beta' and NusA were greatly diminished. RNA crosslinking to alpha, and loss of this crosslink when NusA was added, was observed in the presence of NusB, NusE, and NusG and when transcription was carried out in the presence of an E. coli S100 cell extract. Peptide mapping localized the RNA interactions to the C-terminal domain of alpha.