17 resultados para ontology of movement

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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All of the 17 autistic children studied in the present paper showed disturbances of movement that with our methods could be detected clearly at the age of 4–6 months, and sometimes even at birth. We used the Eshkol–Wachman Movement Analysis System in combination with still-frame videodisc analysis to study videos obtained from parents of children who had been diagnosed as autistic by conventional methods, usually around 3 years old. The videos showed their behaviors when they were infants, long before they had been diagnosed as autistic. The movement disorders varied from child to child. Disturbances were revealed in the shape of the mouth and in some or all of the milestones of development, including, lying, righting, sitting, crawling, and walking. Our findings support the view that movement disturbances play an intrinsic part in the phenomenon of autism, that they are present at birth, and that they can be used to diagnose the presence of autism in the first few months of life. They indicate the need for the development of methods of therapy to be applied from the first few months of life in autism.


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Although neuronal synchronization has been shown to exist in primary motor cortex (MI), very little is known about its possible contribution to coding of movement. By using cross-correlation techniques from multi-neuron recordings in MI, we observed that activity of neurons commonly synchronized around the time of movement initiation. For some cell pairs, synchrony varied with direction in a manner not readily predicted by the firing of either neuron. Information theoretic analysis demonstrated quantitatively that synchrony provides information about movement direction beyond that expected by simple rate changes. Thus, MI neurons are not simply independent encoders of movement parameters but rather engage in mutual interactions that could potentially provide an additional coding dimension in cortex.


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Flock house virus (FHV), a single-stranded RNA insect virus, has previously been reported to cross the kingdom barrier and replicate in barley protoplasts and in inoculated leaves of several plant species [Selling, B. H., Allison, R. F. & Kaesberg, P. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 434–438]. There was no systemic movement of FHV in plants. We tested the ability of movement proteins (MPs) of plant viruses to provide movement functions and cause systemic spread of FHV in plants. We compared the growth of FHV in leaves of nontransgenic and transgenic plants expressing the MP of tobacco mosaic virus or red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV). Both MPs mobilized cell-to-cell and systemic movement of FHV in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The yield of FHV was more than 100-fold higher in the inoculated leaves of transgenic plants than in the inoculated leaves of nontransgenic plants. In addition, FHV accumulated in the noninoculated upper leaves of both MP-transgenic plants. RCNMV MP was more efficient in mobilizing FHV to noninoculated upper leaves. We also report here that FHV replicates in inoculated leaves of six additional plant species: alfalfa, Arabidopsis, Brassica, cucumber, maize, and rice. Our results demonstrate that plant viral MPs cause cell-to-cell and long-distance movement of an animal virus in plants and offer approaches to the study of the evolution of viruses and mechanisms governing mRNA trafficking in plants as well as to the development of promising vectors for transient expression of foreign genes in plants.


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To fully understand vascular transport of plant viruses, the viral and host proteins, their structures and functions, and the specific vascular cells in which these factors function must be determined. We report here on the ability of various cDNA-derived coat protein (CP) mutants of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to invade vascular cells in minor veins of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi nn. The mutant viruses we studied, TMV CP-O, U1mCP15-17, and SNC015, respectively, encode a CP from a different tobamovirus (i.e., from odontoglossum ringspot virus) resulting in the formation of non-native capsids, a mutant CP that accumulates in aggregates but does not encapsidate the viral RNA, or no CP. TMV CP-O is impaired in phloem-dependent movement, whereas U1mCP15-17 and SNC015 do not accumulate by phloem-dependent movement. In developmentally-defined studies using immunocytochemical analyses we determined that all of these mutants invaded vascular parenchyma cells within minor veins in inoculated leaves. In addition, we determined that the CPs of TMV CP-O and U1mCP15-17 were present in companion (C) cells of minor veins in inoculated leaves, although more rarely than CP of wild-type virus. These results indicate that the movement of TMV into minor veins does not require the CP, and an encapsidation-competent CP is not required for, but may increase the efficiency of, movement into the conducting complex of the phloem (i.e., the C cell/sieve element complex). Also, a host factor(s) functions at or beyond the C cell/sieve element interface with other cells to allow efficient phloem-dependent accumulation of TMV CP-O.


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The myosin head consists of a globular catalytic domain that binds actin and hydrolyzes ATP and a neck domain that consists of essential and regulatory light chains bound to a long alpha-helical portion of the heavy chain. The swinging neck-level model assumes that a swinging motion of the neck relative to the catalytic domain is the origin of movement. This model predicts that the step size, and consequently the sliding velocity, are linearly related to the length of the neck. We have tested this point by characterizing a series of mutant Dictyostelium myosins that have different neck lengths. The 2xELCBS mutant has an extra binding site for essential light chain. The delta RLCBS mutant myosin has an internal deletion that removes the regulatory light chain binding site. The delta BLCBS mutant lacks both light chain binding sites. Wild-type myosin and these mutant myosins were subjected to the sliding filament in vitro motility assay. As expected, mutants with shorter necks move slower than wild-type myosin in vitro. Most significantly, a mutant with a longer neck moves faster than the wild type, and the sliding velocities of these myosins are linearly related to the neck length, as predicted by the swinging neck-lever model. A simple extrapolation to zero speed predicts that the fulcrum point is in the vicinity of the SH1-SH2 region in the catalytic domain.


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Muscle contraction is the result of myosin cross-bridges (XBs) cyclically interacting with the actin-containing thin filament. This interaction is modulated by the thin filament regulatory proteins, troponin and tropomyosin (Tm). With the use of an in vitro motility assay, the role of Tm in myosin’s ability to generate force and motion was assessed. At saturating myosin surface densities, Tm had no effect on thin filament velocity. However, below 50% myosin saturation, a significant reduction in actin–Tm filament velocity was observed, with complete inhibition of movement occurring at 12.5% of saturating surface densities. Under similar conditions, actin filaments alone demonstrated no reduction in velocity. The effect of Tm on force generation was assessed at the level of a single thin filament. In the absence of Tm, isometric force was a linear function of the density of myosin on the motility surface. At 50% myosin surface saturation, the presence of Tm resulted in a 2-fold enhancement of force relative to actin alone. However, no further potentiation of force was observed with Tm at saturating myosin surface densities. These results indicate that, in the presence of Tm, the strong binding of myosin cooperatively activates the thin filament. The inhibition of velocity at low myosin densities and the potentiation of force at higher myosin densities suggest that Tm can directly modulate the kinetics of a single myosin XB and the recruitment of a population of XBs, respectively. At saturating myosin conditions, Tm does not appear to affect the recruitment or the kinetics of myosin XBs.


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In several cell types, an intriguing correlation exists between the position of the centrosome and the direction of cell movement: the centrosome is located behind the leading edge, suggesting that it serves as a steering device for directional movement. A logical extension of this suggestion is that a change in the direction of cell movement is preceded by a reorientation, or shift, of the centrosome in the intended direction of movement. We have used a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and γ-tubulin to label the centrosome in migrating amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, allowing us to determine the relationship of centrosome positioning and the direction of cell movement with high spatial and temporal resolution in living cells. We find that the extension of a new pseudopod in a migrating cell precedes centrosome repositioning. An average of 12 sec elapses between the initiation of pseudopod extension and reorientation of the centrosome. If no reorientation occurs within approximately 30 sec, the pseudopod is retracted. Thus the centrosome does not direct a cell’s migration. However, its repositioning stabilizes a chosen direction of movement, most probably by means of the microtubule system.


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Monoclonal antibodies raised against axonemal proteins of sea urchin spermatozoa have been used to study regulatory mechanisms involved in flagellar motility. Here, we report that one of these antibodies, monoclonal antibody D-316, has an unusual perturbating effect on the motility of sea urchin sperm models; it does not affect the beat frequency, the amplitude of beating or the percentage of motile sperm models, but instead promotes a marked transformation of the flagellar beating pattern which changes from a two-dimensional to a three-dimensional type of movement. On immunoblots of axonemal proteins separated by SDS-PAGE, D-316 recognized a single polypeptide of 90 kDa. This protein was purified following its extraction by exposure of axonemes to a brief heat treatment at 40°C. The protein copurified and coimmunoprecipitated with proteins of 43 and 34 kDa, suggesting that it exists as a complex in its native form. Using D-316 as a probe, a full-length cDNA clone encoding the 90-kDa protein was obtained from a sea urchin cDNA library. The sequence predicts a highly acidic (pI = 4.0) protein of 552 amino acids with a mass of 62,720 Da (p63). Comparison with protein sequences in databases indicated that the protein is related to radial spoke proteins 4 and 6 (RSP4 and RSP6) of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which share 37% and 25% similarity, respectively, with p63. However, the sea urchin protein possesses structural features distinct from RSP4 and RSP6, such as the presence of three major acidic stretches which contains 25, 17, and 12 aspartate and glutamate residues of 34-, 22-, and 14-amino acid long stretches, respectively, that are predicted to form α-helical coiled-coil secondary structures. These results suggest a major role for p63 in the maintenance of a planar form of sperm flagellar beating and provide new tools to study the function of radial spoke heads in more evolved species.


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Dendritic mRNA transport and local translation at individual potentiated synapses may represent an elegant way to form synaptic memory. Recently, we characterized Staufen, a double-stranded RNA-binding protein, in rat hippocampal neurons and showed its presence in large RNA-containing granules, which colocalize with microtubules in dendrites. In this paper, we transiently transfect hippocampal neurons with human Staufen-green fluorescent protein (GFP) and find fluorescent granules in the somatodendritic domain of these cells. Human Stau-GFP granules show the same cellular distribution and size and also contain RNA, as already shown for the endogenous Stau particles. In time-lapse videomicroscopy, we show the bidirectional movement of these Staufen-GFP–labeled granules from the cell body into dendrites and vice versa. The average speed of these particles was 6.4 μm/min with a maximum velocity of 24.3 μm/min. Moreover, we demonstrate that the observed assembly into granules and their subsequent dendritic movement is microtubule dependent. Taken together, we have characterized a novel, nonvesicular, microtubule-dependent transport pathway involving RNA-containing granules with Staufen as a core component. This is the first demonstration in living neurons of movement of an essential protein constituent of the mRNA transport machinery.


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Mitotic movements of chromosomes are usually coupled to the elongation and shortening of the microtubules to which they are bound. The lengths of kinetochore-associated microtubules change by incorporation or loss of tubulin subunits, principally at their chromosome-bound ends. We have reproduced aspects of this phenomenon in vitro, using a real-time assay that displays directly the movements of individual chromosome-associated microtubules as they elongate and shorten. Chromosomes isolated from cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells were adhered to coverslips and then allowed to bind labeled microtubules. In the presence of tubulin and GTP, these microtubules could grow at their chromosome-bound ends, causing the labeled segments to move away from the chromosomes, even in the absence of ATP. Sometimes a microtubule would switch to shortening, causing the direction of movement to change abruptly. The link between a microtubule and a chromosome was mechanically strong; 15 pN of tension was generally insufficient to detach a microtubule, even though it could add subunits at the kinetochore–microtubule junction. The behavior of the microtubules in vitro was regulated by the chromosomes to which they were bound; the frequency of transitions from polymerization to depolymerization was decreased, and the speed of depolymerization-coupled movement toward chromosomes was only one-fifth the rate of shortening for microtubules free in solution. Our results are consistent with a model in which each microtubule interacts with an increasing number of chromosome-associated binding sites as it approaches the kinetochore.


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The effects of practice on the functional anatomy observed in two different tasks, a verbal and a motor task, are reviewed in this paper. In the first, people practiced a verbal production task, generating an appropriate verb in response to a visually presented noun. Both practiced and unpracticed conditions utilized common regions such as visual and motor cortex. However, there was a set of regions that was affected by practice. Practice produced a shift in activity from left frontal, anterior cingulate, and right cerebellar hemisphere to activity in Sylvian-insular cortex. Similar changes were also observed in the second task, a task in a very different domain, namely the tracing of a maze. Some areas were significantly more activated during initial unskilled performance (right premotor and parietal cortex and left cerebellar hemisphere); a different region (medial frontal cortex, “supplementary motor area”) showed greater activity during skilled performance conditions. Activations were also found in regions that most likely control movement execution irrespective of skill level (e.g., primary motor cortex was related to velocity of movement). One way of interpreting these results is in a “scaffolding-storage” framework. For unskilled, effortful performance, a scaffolding set of regions is used to cope with novel task demands. Following practice, a different set of regions is used, possibly representing storage of particular associations or capabilities that allow for skilled performance. The specific regions used for scaffolding and storage appear to be task dependent.


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β-actin mRNA is localized near the leading edge in several cell types, where actin polymerization is actively promoting forward protrusion. The localization of the β-actin mRNA near the leading edge is facilitated by a short sequence in the 3′ untranslated region, the “zip code.” Localization of the mRNA at this region is important physiologically. Treatment of chicken embryo fibroblasts with antisense oligonucleotides complementary to the localization sequence (zip code) in the 3′ untranslated region leads to delocalization of β-actin mRNA, alteration of cell phenotype, and a decrease in cell motility. To determine the components of this process responsible for the change in cell behavior after β-actin mRNA delocalization, the Dynamic Image Analysis System was used to quantify movement of cells in the presence of sense and antisense oligonucleotides to the zip code. It was found that net path length and average speed of antisense-treated cells were significantly lower than in sense-treated cells. Total path length and the velocity of protrusion of antisense-treated cells were not affected compared with those of control cells. These results suggest that a decrease in persistence of direction of movement and not in velocity results from treatment of cells with zip code-directed antisense oligonucleotides. To test this, direct analysis of directionality was performed on antisense-treated cells and showed a decrease in directionality (net path/total path) and persistence of movement. Less directional movement of antisense-treated cells correlated with a unpolarized and discontinuous distribution of free barbed ends of actin filaments and of β-actin protein. These results indicate that delocalization of β-actin mRNA results in delocalization of nucleation sites and β-actin protein from the leading edge followed by loss of cell polarity and directional movement.


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Epidemics of soil-borne plant disease are characterized by patchiness because of restricted dispersal of inoculum. The density of inoculum within disease patches depends on a sequence comprising local amplification during the parasitic phase followed by dispersal of inoculum by cultivation during the intercrop period. The mechanisms that control size, shape, and persistence have received very little rigorous attention in epidemiological theory. Here we derive a model for dispersal of inoculum in soil by cultivation that takes account into the discrete stochastic nature of the system in time and space. Two parameters, probability of movement and mean dispersal distance, characterize lateral dispersal of inoculum by cultivation. The dispersal parameters are used in combination with the characteristic area and dimensions of host plants to identify criteria that control the shape and size of disease patches. We derive a critical value for the probability of movement for the formation of cross-shaped patches and show that this is independent of the amount of inoculum. We examine the interaction between local amplification of inoculum by parasitic activity and subsequent dilution by dispersal and identify criteria whereby asymptomatic patches may persist as inoculum falls below a threshold necessary for symptoms to appear in the subsequent crop. The model is motivated by the spread of rhizomania, an economically important soil-borne disease of sugar beet. However, the results have broad applicability to a very wide range of diseases that survive as discrete units of inoculum. The application of the model to patch dynamics of weed seeds and local introductions of genetically modified seeds is also discussed.


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Transmembrane signaling by bacterial chemoreceptors is thought to involve relative movement among the four transmembrane helices of the homodimer. We assayed that movement by measuring effects of ligand occupancy on rates of oxidative cross-linking between cysteines introduced into neighboring helices of the transmembrane domain of chemoreceptor Trg from Escherichia coli. Measurements were done on chemoreceptors in their native environment, intact cells that were motile and chemotactically responsive. Receptor occupancy did not appear to cause drastic rearrangement of the four-helix structure since, among 67 cysteine pairs tested, the same 19 exhibited oxidative cross-linking in the presence or absence of saturating chemoattractant. However, occupancy did cause subtle changes that were detected as effects on rates of cross-linking. Among the seven disulfides appropriate for measurements of initial rates of formation, ligand occupancy had significant and different effects on all three cross-links that connected the two helices within a subunit but had minimal effects on the four that spanned the packing interface between subunits. This constitutes direct evidence that the conformational change of transmembrane signaling involves significant movement within a subunit and minimal movement between subunits, a pattern deduced from several previous studies and now documented directly. Among possible modes of movement between the two helices of a subunit, axial sliding of one helix relative to the other was the conformational change that best accounted for the observed effects on cross-linking.


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DNA is the first SINE isolated from zebrafish (Danio rerio) exhibiting all the hallmarks of these tRNA-derived elements. DANA is unique in its clearly defined substructure of distinct cassettes. In contrast to generic SINE elements, DANA appears to have been assembled by insertions of short sequences into a progenitor, tRNA-derived element. Once associated with each other, these subunits were amplified as a new transposable element with such a remarkable success that DANA-related sequences comprise approximately 10% of the modern zebrafish genome. At least some of the sequences comprised by the full-length element were capable of movement, forming a new group of mobile, composite transposons, one of which caused an insertional mutation in the zebrafish no tail gene. Being present only in the genus Danio, and estimated to be as old as the genus itself, DANA may have played a role in Danio speciation by massive amplification and genome-wide dispersion. There are extensive DNA polymorphisms between zebrafish populations and strains detected by PCR amplification using primers specific to DANA, suggesting that the DANA element will be useful as a molecular tool for genetic and phylogenetic analyses.