35 resultados para network of workstations
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Neural fate specification in Drosophila is promoted by the products of the proneural genes, such as those of the achaete–scute complex, and antagonized by the products of the Enhancer of split [E(spl)] complex, hairy, and extramacrochaetae. As all these proteins bear a helix-loop-helix (HLH) dimerization domain, we investigated their potential pairwise interactions using the yeast two-hybrid system. The fidelity of the system was established by its ability to closely reproduce the already documented interactions among Da, Ac, Sc, and Extramacrochaetae. We show that the seven E(spl) basic HLH proteins can form homo- and heterodimers inter-se with distinct preferences. We further show that a subset of E(spl) proteins can heterodimerize with Da, another subset can heterodimerize with proneural proteins, and yet another with both, indicating specialization within the E(spl) family. Hairy displays no interactions with any of the HLH proteins tested. It does interact with the non-HLH protein Groucho, which itself interacts with all E(spl) basic HLH proteins, but with none of the proneural proteins or Da. We investigated the structural requirements for some of these interactions by site-specific and deletion mutagenesis.
Cells in the brains of adult mammals continue to proliferate in the subventricular zone (SVZ) throughout the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle. Here we show, using whole mount dissections of this wall from adult mice, that the SVZ is organized as an extensive network of chains of neuronal precursors. These chains are immunopositive to the polysialylated form of NCAM, a molecule present at sites of plasticity, and TuJ1, an early neuronal marker. The majority of the chains are oriented along the rostrocaudal axis and many join the rostral migratory stream that terminates in the olfactory bulb. Using focal microinjections of DiI and transplantation of SVZ cells carrying a neuron-specific reporter gene, we demonstrate that cells originating at different rostrocaudal levels of the SVZ migrate rostrally and reach the olfactory bulb where they differentiate into neurons. Our results reveal an extensive network of pathways for the tangential chain migration of neuronal precursors throughout the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle in the adult mammalian brain.
The Nup98 gene codes for several alternatively spliced protein precursors. Two in vitro translated and autoproteolytically cleaved precursors yielded heterodimers of Nup98-6kDa peptide and Nup98-Nup96. TPR (translocated promoter region) is a protein that forms filamentous structures extending from nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) to intranuclear sites. We found that in vitro translated TPR bound to in vitro translated Nup98 and, via Nup98, to Nup96. Double-immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies to TPR and Nup98 showed colocalization. In confocal sections the nucleolus itself was only weakly stained but there was intensive perinucleolar staining. Striking spike-like structures emanated from this perinucleolar ring and attenuated into thinner structures as they extended to the nuclear periphery. This characteristic staining pattern of the TPR network was considerably enhanced when a myc-tagged pyruvate kinase-6kDa fusion protein was overexpressed in HeLa cells. Double-immunoelectron microscopy of these cells using anti-myc and anti-TPR antibodies and secondary gold-coupled antibodies yielded row-like arrangements of gold particles. Taken together, the immunolocalization data support previous electron microscopical data, suggesting that TPR forms filaments that extend from the NPC to the nucleolus. We discuss the possible implications of the association of Nup98 with this intranuclear TPR network for an intranuclear phase of transport.
A network of interacting proteins has been found that can account for the spontaneous oscillations in adenylyl cyclase activity that are observed in homogenous populations of Dictyostelium cells 4 h after the initiation of development. Previous biochemical assays have shown that when extracellular adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) binds to the surface receptor CAR1, adenylyl cyclase and the MAP kinase ERK2 are transiently activated. A rise in the internal concentration of cAMP activates protein kinase A such that it inhibits ERK2 and leads to a loss-of-ligand binding by CAR1. ERK2 phosphorylates the cAMP phosphodiesterase REG A that reduces the internal concentration of cAMP. A secreted phosphodiesterase reduces external cAMP concentrations between pulses. Numerical solutions to a series of nonlinear differential equations describing these activities faithfully account for the observed periodic changes in cAMP. The activity of each of the components is necessary for the network to generate oscillatory behavior; however, the model is robust in that 25-fold changes in the kinetic constants linking the activities have only minor effects on the predicted frequency. Moreover, constant high levels of external cAMP lead to attenuation, whereas a brief pulse of cAMP can advance or delay the phase such that interacting cells become entrained.
A regular heart beat is dependent on a specialized network of pacemaking and conductive cells. There has been a longstanding controversy regarding the developmental origin of these cardiac tissues which also manifest neural-like properties. Recently, we have shown conclusively that during chicken embryogenesis, impulse-conducting Purkinje cells are recruited from myocytes in spatial association with developing coronary arteries. Here, we report that cultured embryonic myocytes convert to a Purkinje cell phenotype after exposure to the vascular cytokine, endothelin. This inductive response declined gradually during development. These results yield further evidence for a role of arteriogenesis in the induction of impulse-conducting Purkinje cells within the heart muscle lineage and also may provide a basis for tissue engineering of cardiac pacemaking and conductive cells.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a secreted endothelial cell mitogen that has been shown to induce vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in many organ systems and tumors. Considering the importance of VEGF to embryonic vascularization and survival, the effects of administered VEGF on developing or adult cerebrovasculature are unknown: can VEGF alter brain angiogenesis or mature cerebrovascular patterns? To examine these questions we exposed fetal, newborn, and adult rat cortical slice explants to graduated doses of recombinant VEGF. The effects of another known angiogenic factor, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), were evaluated in a comparable manner. In addition, we infused VEGF via minipump into the adult cortex. Significant angiogenic effects were found in all VEGF experiments in a dose-responsive manner that were abolished by the addition of VEGF neutralizing antibody. Fetal and newborn explants had a highly complex network of branched vessels that immunoexpressed the flt-1 VEGF receptor, and flk-1 VEGF receptor expression was determined by reverse transcription–PCR. Adult explants had enlarged, dilated vessels that appeared to be an expansion of the existing network. All bFGF-treated explants had substantially fewer vascular profiles. VEGF infusions produced both a remarkable localized neovascularization and, unexpectedly, the expression of flt-1 on reactive astrocytes but not on endothelial cells. The preponderance of neovascularization in vitro and in vivo, however, lacked the blood–brain barrier (BBB) phenotype marker, GLUT-1, suggesting that in brain the angiogenic role of VEGF may differ from a potential BBB functional role, i.e., transport and permeability. VEGF may serve an important capacity in neovascularization or BBB alterations after brain injury.
Distinct subtypes of glutamate receptors often are colocalized at individual excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain yet appear to subserve distinct functions. To address whether neuronal activity may differentially regulate the surface expression at synapses of two specific subtypes of ionotropic glutamate receptors we epitope-tagged an AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid) receptor subunit (GluR1) and an NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptor subunit (NR1) on their extracellular termini and expressed these proteins in cultured hippocampal neurons using recombinant adenoviruses. Both receptor subtypes were appropriately targeted to the synaptic plasma membrane as defined by colocalization with the synaptic vesicle protein synaptophysin. Increasing activity in the network of cultured cells by prolonged blockade of inhibitory synapses with the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor antagonist picrotoxin caused an activity-dependent and NMDA receptor-dependent decrease in surface expression of GluR1, but not NR1, at synapses. Consistent with this observation identical treatment of noninfected cultures decreased the contribution of endogenous AMPA receptors to synaptic currents relative to endogenous NMDA receptors. These results indicate that neuronal activity can differentially regulate the surface expression of AMPA and NMDA receptors at individual synapses.
The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of membrane insertion and the structural organization of pores formed by Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin. We determined the relative affinities for membranes of peptides corresponding to the seven helices that compose the toxin pore-forming domain, their modes of membrane interaction, their structures within membranes, and their orientations relative to the membrane normal. In addition, we used resonance energy transfer measurements of all possible combinatorial pairs of membrane-bound helices to map the network of interactions between helices in their membrane-bound state. The interaction of the helices with the bilayer membrane was also probed by a Monte Carlo simulation protocol to determine lowest-energy orientations. Our results are consistent with a situation in which helices α4 and α5 insert into the membrane as a helical hairpin in an antiparallel manner, while the other helices lie on the membrane surface like the ribs of an umbrella (the “umbrella model”). Our results also support the suggestion that α7 may serve as a binding sensor to initiate the structural rearrangement of the pore-forming domain.
At early stages in visual processing cells respond to local stimuli with specific features such as orientation and spatial frequency. Although the receptive fields of these cells have been thought to be local and independent, recent physiological and psychophysical evidence has accumulated, indicating that the cells participate in a rich network of local connections. Thus, these local processing units can integrate information over much larger parts of the visual field; the pattern of their response to a stimulus apparently depends on the context presented. To explore the pattern of lateral interactions in human visual cortex under different context conditions we used a novel chain lateral masking detection paradigm, in which human observers performed a detection task in the presence of different length chains of high-contrast-flanked Gabor signals. The results indicated a nonmonotonic relation of the detection threshold with the number of flankers. Remote flankers had a stronger effect on target detection when the space between them was filled with other flankers, indicating that the detection threshold is caused by dynamics of large neuronal populations in the neocortex, with a major interplay between excitation and inhibition. We considered a model of the primary visual cortex as a network consisting of excitatory and inhibitory cell populations, with both short- and long-range interactions. The model exhibited a behavior similar to the experimental results throughout a range of parameters. Experimental and modeling results indicated that long-range connections play an important role in visual perception, possibly mediating the effects of context.
The localization of neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1 receptor (R) -like immunoreactivity (LI) has been studied in cerebral arteries and arterioles of the rat by immunohistochemistry using fluorescence, confocal, and electron microscopy. High levels of Y1-R-LI were observed in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the small arterioles of the pial arterial network, especially on the basal surface of the brain, and low levels in the major basal cerebral arteries. The levels of Y1-R-LI varied strongly between adjacent SMCs. Y1-R-LI was associated with small endocytosis vesicles, mainly on the outer surface of the SMCs, but also on their endothelial side and often laterally at the interface between two SMCs. NPY-immunoreactive (Ir) nerve fibers could not be detected in association with the Y1-R-rich small arterioles but only around arteries with low Y1-R levels. A dense network of central NPY-Ir nerve fibers in the superficial layers of the brain was lying close to the strongly Y1-R-Ir small arterioles. The results indicate that NPY has a profound effect on small arterioles of the brain acting on Y1-Rs, both on the peripheral and luminal side of the SMCs. However, the source of the endogenous ligand, NPY, remains unclear. NPY released from central neurons may play a role, in addition to blood-borne NPY.
The Drosophila fusome is a germ cell-specific organelle assembled from membrane skeletal proteins and membranous vesicles. Mutational studies that have examined inactivating alleles of fusome proteins indicate that the organelle plays central roles in germ cell differentiation. Although mutations in genes encoding skeletal fusome components prevent proper cyst formation, mutations in the bag-of-marbles gene disrupt the assembly of membranous cisternae within the fusome and block cystoblast differentiation altogether. To understand the relationship between fusome cisternae and cystoblast differentiation, we have begun to identify other proteins in this network of fusome tubules. In this article we present evidence that the fly homologue of the transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase (TER94) is one such protein. The presence of TER94 suggests that the fusome cisternae grow by vesicle fusion and are a germ cell modification of endoplasmic reticulum. We also show that fusome association of TER94 is Bam-dependent, suggesting that cystoblast differentiation may be linked to fusome reticulum biogenesis.
In the mammalian pancreas, the endocrine cell types of the islets of Langerhans, including the α-, β-, δ-, and pancreatic polypeptide cells as well as the exocrine cells, derive from foregut endodermal progenitors. Recent genetic studies have identified a network of transcription factors, including Pdx1, Isl1, Pax4, Pax6, NeuroD, Nkx2.2, and Hlxb9, regulating the development of islet cells at different stages, but the molecular mechanisms controlling the specification of pancreatic endocrine precursors remain unknown. neurogenin3 (ngn3) is a member of a family of basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors that is involved in the determination of neural precursor cells in the neuroectoderm. ngn3 is expressed in discrete regions of the nervous system and in scattered cells in the embryonic pancreas. We show herein that ngn3-positive cells coexpress neither insulin nor glucagon, suggesting that ngn3 marks early precursors of pancreatic endocrine cells. Mice lacking ngn3 function fail to generate any pancreatic endocrine cells and die postnatally from diabetes. Expression of Isl1, Pax4, Pax6, and NeuroD is lost, and endocrine precursors are lacking in the mutant pancreatic epithelium. Thus, ngn3 is required for the specification of a common precursor for the four pancreatic endocrine cell types.
The Arp2/3 complex is a stable assembly of seven protein subunits including two actin-related proteins (Arp2 and Arp3) and five novel proteins. Previous work showed that this complex binds to the sides of actin filaments and is concentrated at the leading edges of motile cells. Here, we show that Arp2/3 complex purified from Acanthamoeba caps the pointed ends of actin filaments with high affinity. Arp2/3 complex inhibits both monomer addition and dissociation at the pointed ends of actin filaments with apparent nanomolar affinity and increases the critical concentration for polymerization at the pointed end from 0.6 to 1.0 μM. The high affinity of Arp2/3 complex for pointed ends and its abundance in amoebae suggest that in vivo all actin filament pointed ends are capped by Arp2/3 complex. Arp2/3 complex also nucleates formation of actin filaments that elongate only from their barbed ends. From kinetic analysis, the nucleation mechanism appears to involve stabilization of polymerization intermediates (probably actin dimers). In electron micrographs of quick-frozen, deep-etched samples, we see Arp2/3 bound to sides and pointed ends of actin filaments and examples of Arp2/3 complex attaching pointed ends of filaments to sides of other filaments. In these cases, the angle of attachment is a remarkably constant 70 ± 7°. From these in vitro biochemical properties, we propose a model for how Arp2/3 complex controls the assembly of a branching network of actin filaments at the leading edge of motile cells.
There are defined medullary, mesencephalic, hypothalamic, and thalamic functions in regulation of respiration, but knowledge of cortical control and the elements subserving the consciousness of breathlessness and air hunger is limited. In nine young adults, air hunger was produced acutely by CO2 inhalation. Comparisons were made with inhalation of a N2/O2 gas mixture with the same apparatus, and also with paced breathing, and with eyes closed rest. A network of activations in pons, midbrain (mesencephalic tegmentum, parabrachial nucleus, and periaqueductal gray), hypothalamus, limbic and paralimbic areas (amygdala and periamygdalar region) cingulate, parahippocampal and fusiform gyrus, and anterior insula were seen along with caudate nuclei and pulvinar activations. Strong deactivations were seen in dorsal cingulate, posterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex. The striking response of limbic and paralimbic regions points to these structures having a singular role in the affective sequelae entrained by disturbance of basic respiratory control whereby a process of which we are normally unaware becomes a salient element of consciousness. These activations and deactivations include phylogenetically ancient areas of allocortex and transitional cortex that together with the amygdalar/periamygdalar region may subserve functions of emotional representation and regulation of breathing.
Little is known about the physiological mechanisms subserving the experience of air hunger and the affective control of breathing in humans. Acute hunger for air after inhalation of CO2 was studied in nine healthy volunteers with positron emission tomography. Subjective breathlessness was manipulated while end-tidal CO2- was held constant. Subjects experienced a significantly greater sense of air hunger breathing through a face mask than through a mouthpiece. The statistical contrast between the two conditions delineated a distributed network of primarily limbic/paralimbic brain regions, including multiple foci in dorsal anterior and middle cingulate gyrus, insula/claustrum, amygdala/periamygdala, lingual and middle temporal gyrus, hypothalamus, pulvinar, and midbrain. This pattern of activations was confirmed by a correlational analysis with breathlessness ratings. The commonality of regions of mesencephalon, diencephalon and limbic/paralimbic areas involved in primal emotions engendered by the basic vegetative systems including hunger for air, thirst, hunger, pain, micturition, and sleep, is discussed with particular reference to the cingulate gyrus. A theory that the phylogenetic origin of consciousness came from primal emotions engendered by immediate threat to the existence of the organism is discussed along with an alternative hypothesis by Edelman that primary awareness emerged with processes of ongoing perceptual categorization giving rise to a scene [Edelman, G. M. (1992) Bright Air, Brilliant Fire (Penguin, London)].