97 resultados para mutation exon 2

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Imprinted genes tend to occur in clusters. We have identified a cluster in distal mouse chromosome (Chr) 2, known from early genetic studies to contain both maternally and paternally imprinted, but unspecified, genes. Subsequently, one was identified as Gnas, which encodes a G protein α subunit, and there is clinical and biochemical evidence that the human homologue GNAS1, mutated in patients with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, is also imprinted. We have used representational difference analysis, based on parent-of-origin methylation differences, to isolate candidate imprinted genes in distal Chr 2 and found two oppositely imprinted genes, Gnasxl and Nesp. Gnasxl determines a variant G protein α subunit associated with the trans-Golgi network and Nesp encodes a secreted protein of neuroendocrine tissues. Gnasxl is maternally methylated in genomic DNA and encodes a paternal-specific transcript, whereas Nesp is paternally methylated with maternal-specific expression. Their reciprocal imprinting may offer insight into the distal Chr 2 imprinting phenotypes. Remarkably, Gnasxl, Nesp, and Gnas are all part of the same transcription unit; transcripts for Gnasxl and Nesp are alternatively spliced onto exon 2 of Gnas. This demonstrates an imprinting mechanism in which two oppositely imprinted genes share the same downstream exons.


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Neuronal nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS) is dynamically regulated in response to a variety of physiologic and pathologic stimuli. Although the dynamic regulation of nNOS is well established, the molecular mechanisms by which such diverse stimuli regulate nNOS expression have not yet been identified. We describe experiments demonstrating that Ca2+ entry through voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels regulates nNOS expression through alternate promoter usage in cortical neurons and that nNOS exon 2 contains the regulatory sequences that respond to Ca2+. Deletion and mutational analysis of the nNOS exon 2 promoter reveals two critical cAMP/Ca2+ response elements (CREs) that are immediately upstream of the transcription start site. CREB binds to the CREs within the nNOS gene. Mutation of the nNOS CREs as well as blockade of CREB function results in a dramatic loss of nNOS transcription. These findings suggest that nNOS is a Ca2+-regulated gene through the interactions of CREB on the CREs within the nNOS exon 2 promoter and that these interactions are likely to be centrally involved in the regulation of nNOS in response to neuronal injury and activity-dependent plasticity.


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The cytochrome P450 2C24 gene is characterized by the capability to generate, in rat kidney, a transcript containing exons 2 and 4 spliced at correct sites but having the donor site of exon 4 directly joined to the acceptor site of exon 2 (exon scrambling). By reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis, it is now shown that the only exons present in the scrambled transcript are exons 2, 3, and 4 and that this molecule lacks a poly(A)+ tail. Furthermore, the use of PCR primers in both orientations of either exon 2 or exon 4 revealed that the orders of the exons in the scrambled transcript are 2-3-4-2 and 4-2-3-4, respectively. These results, combined with the observation that P450 2C24 is a single-copy gene, with no duplication of the exon 2 to exon 4 segment, suggest that the scrambled transcript has properties consistent with that of a circular molecule. In line with this is the observation of an increased resistance of the transcript to phosphodiesterase I, a 3'-exonuclease. Moreover, an alternatively processed cytochrome P450 2C24 mRNA, lacking the three scrambled exons and having exon 1 directly joined to exon 5, has been identified in kidney and liver, tissues that express the scrambled transcript. This complete identity of the exons that are absent in the alternatively processed mRNA but present in the scrambled transcript is interpreted as indicative of the possibility that exon scrambling and exon skipping might be interrelated phenomena. It is therefore proposed that alternative pre-mRNA processing has the potential to generate not only mRNAs lacking one or more exons but also circular RNA molecules.


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Mouse skin tumors contain activated c-H-ras oncogenes, often caused by point mutations at codons 12 and 13 in exon 1 and codons 59 and 61 in exon 2. Mutagenesis by the noncoding apurinic sites can produce G-->T and A-->T transversions by DNA misreplication with more frequent insertion of deoxyadenosine opposite the apurinic site. Papillomas were induced in mouse skin by several aromatic hydrocarbons, and mutations in the c-H-ras gene were determined to elucidate the relationship among DNA adducts, apurinic sites, and ras oncogene mutations. Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (DB[a,l]P), DB[a,l]P-11,12-dihydrodiol, anti-DB[a,l]P-11,12-diol-13,14-epoxide, DB[a,l]P-8,9-dihydrodiol, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-DMBA consistently induced a CAA-->CTA mutation in codon 61 of the c-H-ras oncogene. Benzo[a]pyrene induced a GGC-->GTC mutation in codon 13 in 54% of tumors and a CAA-->CTA mutation in codon 61 in 15%. The pattern of mutations induced by each hydrocarbon correlated with its profile of DNA adducts. For example, both DB[a,l]P and DMBA primarily form DNA adducts at the N-3 and/or N-7 of deoxyadenosine that are lost from the DNA by depurination, generating apurinic sites. Thus, these results support the hypothesis that misreplication of unrepaired apurinic sites generated by loss of hydrocarbon-DNA adducts is responsible for transforming mutations leading to papillomas in mouse skin.


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Carnitine octanoyltransferase (COT) transports medium-chain fatty acids through the peroxisome. During isolation of a COT clone from a rat liver library, a cDNA in which exon 2 was repeated, was characterized. Reverse transcription-PCR amplifications of total RNAs from rat liver showed a three-band pattern. Sequencing of the fragments revealed that, in addition to the canonical exon organization, previously reported [Choi, S. J. et al. (1995) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1264, 215–222], there were two other forms in which exon 2 or exons 2 and 3 were repeated. The possibility of this exonic repetition in the COT gene was ruled out by genomic Southern blot. To study the gene expression, we analyzed RNA transcripts by Northern blot after RNase H digestion of total RNA. Three different transcripts were observed. Splicing experiments also were carried out in vitro with different constructs that contain exon 2 plus the 5′ or the 3′ adjacent intron sequences. Our results indicate that accurate joining of two exons 2 occurs by a trans-splicing mechanism, confirming the potential of these structures for this process in nature. The trans-splicing can be explained by the presence of three exon-enhancer sequences in exon 2. Analysis by Western blot of the COT proteins by using specific antibodies showed that two proteins corresponding to the expected Mr are present in rat peroxisomes. This is the first time that a natural trans-splicing reaction has been demonstrated in mammalian cells.


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The study of development has relied primarily on the isolation of mutations in genes with specific functions in development and on the comparison of their expression patterns in normal and mutant phenotypes. Comparative evolutionary analyses can complement these approaches. Phylogenetic analyses of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Hoxd-10 genes from 18 cyprinid fish species closely related to the zebrafish provide novel insights into the functional constraints acting on Shh. Our results confirm and extend those gained from expression and crystalline structure analyses of this gene. Unexpectedly, exon 1 of Shh is found to be almost invariant even in third codon positions among these morphologically divergent species suggesting that this exon encodes for a functionally important domain of the hedgehog protein. This is surprising because the main functional domain of Shh had been thought to be that encoded by exon 2. Comparisons of Shh and Hoxd-10 gene sequences and of resulting gene trees document higher evolutionary constraints on the former than on the latter. This might be indicative of more general evolutionary patterns in networks of developmental regulatory genes interacting in a hierarchical fashion. The presence of four members of the hedgehog gene family in cyprinid fishes was documented and their homologies to known hedgehog genes in other vertebrates were established.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited muscle-wasting disease caused by the absence of a muscle cytoskeletal protein, dystrophin. We have previously shown that utrophin, the autosomal homologue of dystrophin, is able to compensate for the absence of dystrophin in a mouse model of DMD; we have therefore undertaken a detailed study of the transcriptional regulation of utrophin to identify means of effecting its up-regulation in DMD muscle. We have previously isolated a promoter element lying within the CpG island at the 5′ end of the gene and have shown it to be synaptically regulated in vivo. In this paper, we show that there is an alternative promoter lying within the large second intron of the utrophin gene, 50 kb 3′ to exon 2. The promoter is highly regulated and drives transcription of a widely expressed unique first exon that splices into a common full-length mRNA at exon 3. The two utrophin promoters are independently regulated, and we predict that they respond to discrete sets of cellular signals. These findings significantly contribute to understanding the molecular physiology of utrophin expression and are important because the promoter reported here provides an alternative target for transcriptional activation of utrophin in DMD muscle. This promoter does not contain synaptic regulatory elements and might, therefore, be a more suitable target for pharmacological manipulation than the previously described promoter.


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All nucleated cells make phosphatidylcholine via the CDP-choline pathway. Liver has an alternative pathway in which phosphatidylcholine is made by methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine catalyzed by phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEMT). We investigated the function of PEMT and its role in animal physiology by targeted disruption of its gene, Pempt2. A targeting vector that interrupts exon 2 was constructed and introduced into mice yielding three genotypes: normal (+/+), heterozygotes (+/−), and homozygotes (−/−) for the disrupted PEMT gene. Only a trace of PE methylation activity remained in Pempt2(−/−) mice. Antibody to one form of the enzyme, PEMT2, indicated complete loss of this protein from Pempt2(−/−) mice and a decrease in Pempt2(+/−) mice, compared with Pempt2(+/+) mice. The levels of hepatic phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine were minimally affected. The active form of CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase, the regulated enzyme in the CDP-choline pathway, was increased 60% in the PEMT-deficient mice. Injection of [l-methyl-3H]methionine demonstrated that the in vivo PEMT activity was eliminated in the Pempt2(−/−) mice and markedly decreased in the Pempt2(+/−) mice. This experiment also demonstrated that the choline moiety derived from PEMT in the liver can be distributed via the plasma throughout the mouse where it is found as phosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin. Mice homozygous for the disrupted Pempt2 gene displayed no abnormal phenotype, normal hepatocyte morphology, normal plasma lipid levels and no differences in bile composition. This is the first application of the “knockout mouse” technique to a gene for phospholipid biosynthesis.


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Bile secretion involves the structural and functional interplay of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, the cells lining the intrahepatic bile ducts. Hepatocytes actively secrete bile acids into the canalicular space and cholangiocytes then transport bile acids in a vectorial manner across their apical and basolateral plasma membranes. The initial step in the transepithelial transport of bile acids across rat cholangiocytes is apical uptake by a Na+-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT). To date, the molecular basis of the obligate efflux mechanism for extrusion of bile acids across the cholangiocyte basolateral membrane remains unknown. We have identified an exon-2 skipped, alternatively spliced form of ASBT, designated t-ASBT, expressed in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. Alternative splicing causes a frameshift that produces a 154-aa protein. Antipeptide antibodies detected the ≈19 kDa t-ASBT polypeptide in rat cholangiocytes, ileum, and kidney. The t-ASBT was specifically localized to the basolateral domain of cholangiocytes. Transport studies in Xenopus oocytes revealed that t-ASBT can function as a bile acid efflux protein. Thus, alternative splicing changes the cellular targeting of ASBT, alters its functional properties, and provides a mechanism for rat cholangiocytes and other bile acid-transporting epithelia to extrude bile acids. Our work represents an example in which a single gene appears to encode via alternative splicing both uptake and obligate efflux carriers in a bile acid-transporting epithelial cell.


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Spinal muscular atrophy is caused by defects in the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene. To better understand the patterns of expression of SMN in neuronal cells and tissues, we raised a polyclonal antibody (abSMN) against a synthetic oligopeptide from SMN exon 2. AbSMN immunostaining in neuroblastoma cells and mouse and human central nervous system (CNS) showed intense labeling of nuclear “gems,” along with prominent nucleolar immunoreactivity in mouse and human CNS tissues. Strong cytoplasmic labeling was observed in the perikarya and proximal dendrites of human spinal motor neurons but not in their axons. Immunoblot analysis revealed a 34-kDa species in the insoluble protein fractions from human SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, embryonic mouse spinal cord cultures, and human CNS tissue. By contrast, a 38-kDa species was detected in the cytosolic fraction of SY5Y cells. We conclude that SMN protein is expressed prominently in both the cytoplasm and nucleus in multiple types of neurons in brain and spinal cord, a finding consistent with a role for SMN as a determinant of neuronal viability.


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The GNAS1 gene encodes the α subunit of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein Gs, which couples signaling through peptide hormone receptors to cAMP generation. GNAS1 mutations underlie the hormone resistance syndrome pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia), so the maternal inheritance displayed by PHP-Ia has raised suspicions that GNAS1 is imprinted. Despite this suggestion, in most tissues Gsα is biallelically encoded. In contrast, the large G protein XLαs, also encoded by GNAS1, is paternally derived. Because the inheritance of PHP-Ia predicts the existence of maternally, rather than paternally, expressed transcripts, we have investigated the allelic origin of other mRNAs derived from GNAS1. We find this gene to be remarkable in the complexity of its allele-specific regulation. Two upstream promoters, each associated with a large coding exon, lie only 11 kb apart, yet show opposite patterns of allele-specific methylation and monoallelic transcription. The more 5′ of these exons encodes the neuroendocrine secretory protein NESP55, which is expressed exclusively from the maternal allele. The NESP55 exon is 11 kb 5′ to the paternally expressed XLαs exon. The transcripts from these two promoters both splice onto GNAS1 exon 2, yet share no coding sequences. Despite their structural unrelatedness, the encoded proteins, of opposite allelic origin, both have been implicated in regulated secretion in neuroendocrine tissues. Remarkably, maternally (NESP55), paternally (XLαs), and biallelically (Gsα) derived proteins all are produced by different patterns of promoter use and alternative splicing of GNAS1, a gene showing simultaneous imprinting in both the paternal and maternal directions.


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Aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 (ALDH3) constitutes 20–40% of the total water-soluble proteins in the mammalian cornea. Here, we show by Northern blot analysis that ALDH3 expression in the mouse is at least 500-fold higher in the cornea than in any other tissue examined, with very low levels of expression detected in the stomach, urinary bladder, ocular lens, and lung. Histochemical localization reveals that this exceptional level of expression in the mouse cornea occurs in the anterior epithelial cells and that little ALDH3 is present in the keratocytes or corneal endothelial cells. A 13-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment containing >12 kbp of the 5′ flanking sequence, the 40-bp untranslated first exon, and 29 bp of intron 1 directed cat reporter gene expression to tissues that express the endogenous ALDH3 gene, except that transgene promoter activity was higher in the stomach and bladder than in the cornea. By contrast, when driven by a 4.4-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment [1,050-bp 5′ flanking region, exon 1, intron 1 (3.4 kbp), and 7 bp of exon 2] expression of the cat reporter gene was confined to the corneal epithelial cells, except for very low levels in the liver, effectively reproducing the corneal expression pattern of the endogenous ALDH3 gene. These results indicate that tissue-specific expression of ALDH3 is determined by positive and negative elements in the 5′ flanking region of the gene and suggests putative silencers located in intron 1. We demonstrate regulatory sequences capable of directing cornea-specific gene expression, affording the opportunity for genetic engineering in this transparent tissue.


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The infected cell protein 0 (ICP0) of herpes simplex virus 1, a promiscuous transactivator shown to enhance the expression of genes introduced into cells by infection or transfection, interacts with numerous cellular proteins and has been linked to the disruption of ND10 and degradation of several proteins. ICP0 contains a RING finger domain characteristic of a class of E3 ubiquitin ligases. We report that: (i) in infected cells, ICP0 interacts dynamically with proteasomes and is bound to proteasomes in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Also in infected cells, cdc34, a polyubiquitinated E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, exhibits increased ICP0-dependent dynamic interaction with proteasomes. (ii) In an in vitro substrate-independent ubiquitination system, the RING finger domain encoded by exon 2 of ICP0 binds cdc34, whereas the carboxyl-terminal domain of ICP0 functions as an E3 ligase independent of the RING finger domain. The results indicate that ICP0 can act as a unimolecular E3 ubiquitin ligase and that it promotes ubiquitin-protein ligation and binds the E2 cdc34. It differs from other unimolecular E3 ligases in that the domain containing the RING finger binds E2, whereas the ligase activity maps to a different domain of the protein. The results also suggest that ICP0 shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm as a function of its dynamic interactions with proteasomes.


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After birth, most of insulin-like growth factor I and II (IGFs) circulate as a ternary complex formed by the association of IGF binding protein 3-IGF complexes with a serum protein called acid-labile subunit (ALS). ALS retains the IGF binding protein-3-IGF complexes in the vascular compartment and extends the t1/2 of IGFs in the circulation. Synthesis of ALS occurs mainly in liver after birth and is stimulated by growth hormone. To study the basis for this regulation, we cloned and characterized the mouse ALS gene. Comparison of genomic and cDNA sequences indicated that the gene is composed of two exons separated by a 1126-bp intron. Exon 1 encodes the first 5 amino acids of the signal peptide and contributes the first nucleotide of codon 6. Exon 2 contributes the last 2 nt of codon 6 and encodes the remaining 17 amino acids of the signal peptide as well as the 580 amino acids of the mature protein. The polyadenylylation signal, ATTAAA, is located 241 bp from the termination codon. The cDNA and genomic DNA diverge 16 bp downstream from this signal. Transcription initiation was mapped to 11 sites over a 140-bp TATA-less region. The DNA fragment extending from nt -805 to -11 (ATG, +1) directed basal and growth hormone-regulated expression of a luciferase reporter plasmid in the rat liver cell line H4-II-E. Finally, the ALS gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 17 by fluorescence in situ hybridization.