13 resultados para mosquito Culicidae

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Cry proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis are selective biodegradable insecticides used increasingly in bacterial insecticides and transgenic plants as alternatives to synthetic chemical insecticides. However, the potential for development of resistance and cross-resistance in target insect populations to Cry proteins used alone or in combination threatens the more widespread use of this novel pest control technology. Here we show that high levels of resistance to CryIV proteins in larvae of the mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, can be suppressed or reduced markedly by combining these proteins with sublethal quantities of CytA, a cytolytic endotoxin of B. thuringiensis. Resistance at the LC95 level of 127-fold for a combination of three CryIV toxins (CryIVA, B, and D), resulting from 60 generations of continuous selection, was completely suppressed by combining sporulated powders of CytA in a 1:3 ratio with sporulated powders of a CryIVA, CryIVB, and CryIVD strain. Combining the CytA strain with a CryIVA and CryIVB strain also completely suppressed mosquito resistance of 217-fold to the latter toxins at the LC95 level, whereas combination of CytA with CryIVD reduced resistance in a CryIVD-selected mosquito strain from greater than 1,000-fold to less than 8-fold. The CytA/CryIV model provides a potential molecular genetic strategy for engineering resistance management for Cry proteins directly into bacterial insecticides and transgenic plants.


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Immune responses of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae were monitored systematically by the induced expression of five RNA markers after infection challenge. One newly isolated marker encodes a homologue of the moth Gram-negative bacteria-binding protein (GNBP), and another corresponds to a serine protease-like molecule. Additional previously described markers that respond to immune challenge encode the antimicrobial peptide defensin, a putative galactose lectin, and a putative serine protease. Specificity of the immune responses was indicated by differing temporal patterns of induction of specific markers in bacteria-challenged larvae and adults, and by variations in the effectiveness of different microorganisms and their components for marker induction in an immune-responsive cell line. The markers exhibit spatially distinct patterns of expression in the adult female mosquito. Two of them are highly expressed in different regions of the midgut, one in the anterior and the other in the posterior midgut. Marker induction indicates a significant role of the midgut in insect innate immunity. Immune responses to the penetration of the midgut epithelium by a malaria parasite occur both within the midgut itself and elsewhere in the body, suggesting an immune-related signaling process.


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Three novel families of transposable elements, Wukong, Wujin, and Wuneng, are described in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Their copy numbers range from 2,100 to 3,000 per haploid genome. There are high degrees of sequence similarity within each family, and many structural but not sequence similarities between families. The common structural characteristics include small size, no coding potential, terminal inverted repeats, potential to form a stable secondary structure, A+T richness, and putative 2- to 4-bp A+T-biased specific target sites. Evidence of previous mobility is presented for the Wukong elements. Elements of these three families are associated with 7 of 16 fully or partially sequenced Ae. aegypti genes. Characteristics of these mosquito elements indicate strong similarities to the miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) recently found to be associated with plant genes. MITE-like elements have also been reported in two species of Xenopus and in Homo sapiens. This characterization of multiple families of highly repetitive MITE-like elements in an invertebrate extends the range of these elements in eukaryotic genomes. A hypothesis is presented relating genome size and organization to the presence of highly reiterated MITE families. The association of MITE-like elements with Ae. aegypti genes shows the same bias toward noncoding regions as in plants. This association has potentially important implications for the evolution of gene regulation.


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The isolation and study of Anopheles gambiae genes that are differentially expressed in development, notably in tissues associated with the maturation and transmission of the malaria parasite, is important for the elucidation of basic molecular mechanisms underlying vector–parasite interactions. We have used the differential display technique to screen for mRNAs specifically expressed in adult males, females, and midgut tissues of blood-fed and unfed females. We also screened for mRNAs specifically induced upon bacterial infection of larval stage mosquitoes. We have characterized 19 distinct cDNAs, most of which show developmentally regulated expression specificity during the mosquito life cycle. The most interesting are six new sequences that are midgut-specific in the adult, three of which are also modulated by blood-feeding. The gut-specific sequences encode a maltase, a V-ATPase subunit, a GTP binding protein, two different lectins, and a nontrypsin serine protease. The latter sequence is also induced in larvae subjected to bacterial challenge. With the exception of a mitochondrial DNA fragment, the other 18 sequences constitute expressed genomic sequence tags, 4 of which have been mapped cytogenetically.


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When treated with heat-killed bacterial cells, mosquito cells in culture respond by up-regulating several proteins. Among these is a 66-kDa protein (p66) that is secreted from cells derived from both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. p66 was degraded by proteolysis and gave a virtually identical pattern of peptide products for each mosquito species. The sequence of one peptide (31 amino acids) was determined and found to have similarity to insect transferrins. By using conserved regions of insect transferrin sequences, degenerate oligonucleotide PCR primers were designed and used to isolate a cDNA clone encoding an A. aegypti transferrin. The encoded protein contained a signal sequence that, when cleaved, would yield a mature protein of 68 kDa. It contained the 31-amino acid peptide, and the 3′ end exactly matched a cDNA encoding a polypeptide that is up-regulated when A. aegypti encapsulates filarial worms [Beerntsen, B. T., Severson, D. W. & Christensen, B. M. (1994) Exp. Parasitol. 79, 312–321]. This transferrin, like those of two other insect species, has conserved iron-binding residues in the N-terminal lobe but not in the C-terminal lobe, which also has large deletions in the polypeptide chain, compared with transferrins with functional C-terminal lobes. The hypothesis is developed that this transferrin plays a role similar to vertebrate lactoferrin in sequestering iron from invading organisms and that degradation of the structure of the C-terminal lobe might be a mechanism for evading pathogens that elaborate transferrin receptors to tap sequestered iron.


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Eight novel families of miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) were discovered in the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, by using new software designed to rapidly identify MITE-like sequences based on their structural characteristics. Divergent subfamilies have been found in two families. Past mobility was demonstrated by evidence of MITE insertions that resulted in the duplication of specific TA, TAA, or 8-bp targets. Some of these MITEs share the same target duplications and similar terminal sequences with MITEs and other DNA transposons in human and other organisms. MITEs in A. gambiae range from 40 to 1340 copies per genome, much less abundant than MITEs in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Statistical analyses suggest that most A. gambiae MITEs are in highly AT-rich regions, many of which are closely associated with each other. The analyses of these novel MITEs underscored interesting questions regarding their diversity, origin, evolution, and relationships to the host genomes. The discovery of diverse families of MITEs in A. gambiae has important practical implications in light of current efforts to control malaria by replacing vector mosquitoes with genetically modified refractory mosquitoes. Finally, the systematic approach to rapidly identify novel MITEs should have broad applications for the analysis of the ever-growing sequence databases of a wide range of organisms.


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The mosquito midgut plays a central role in the sporogonic development of malaria parasites. We have found that polyclonal sera, produced against mosquito midguts, blocked the passage of Plasmodium falciparum ookinetes across the midgut, leading to a significant reduction of infections in mosquitoes. Anti-midgut mAbs were produced that display broad-spectrum activity, blocking parasite development of both P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites in five different species of mosquitoes. In addition to their parasite transmission-blocking activity, these mAbs also reduced mosquito survivorship and fecundity. These results reveal that mosquito midgut-based antibodies have the potential to reduce malaria transmission in a synergistic manner by lowering both vector competence, through transmission-blocking effects on parasite development, and vector abundance, by decreasing mosquito survivorship and egg laying capacity. Because the intervention can block transmission of different malaria parasite species in various species of mosquitoes, vaccines against such midgut receptors may block malaria transmission worldwide.


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The mosquito (Aedes aegypti) vitellogenin receptor (AaVgR) is a large membrane-bound protein (214 kDa when linearized) that mediates internalization of vitellogenin, the major yolk-protein precursor, by oocytes during egg development. We have cloned and sequenced two cDNA fragments encompassing the entire coding region of AaVgR mRNA, to our knowledge the first insect VgR sequence to be reported. The 7.3-kb AaVgR mRNA is present only in female germ-line cells and is abundant in previtellogenic oocytes, suggesting that the AaVgR gene is expressed early in oocyte differentiation. The deduced amino acid sequence predicts a 202.7-kDa protein before posttranslational processing. The AaVgR is a member of the low density lipoprotein receptor superfamily, sharing significant homology with the chicken (Gallus gallus) VgR and particularly the Drosophila melanogaster yolk protein receptor, in spite of a very different ligand for the latter. Distance-based phylogenetic analyses suggest that the insect VgR/yolk protein receptor lineage and the vertebrate VgR/low density lipoprotein receptor lineage diverged before the bifurcation of nematode and deuterostome lines.


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The lack of efficient mechanisms for stable genetic transformation of medically important insects, such as anopheline mosquitoes, is the single most important impediment to progress in identifying novel control strategies. Currently available techniques for foreign gene expression in insect cells in culture lack the benefit of stable inheritance conferred by integration. To overcome this problem, a new class of pantropic retroviral vectors has been developed in which the amphotropic envelope is completely replaced by the G glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus. The broadened host cell range of these particles allowed successful entry, integration, and expression of heterologous genes in cultured cells of Anopheles gambiae, the principle mosquito vector responsible for the transmission of over 100 million cases of malaria each year. Mosquito cells in culture infected with a pantropic vector expressing hygromycin phosphotransferase from the Drosophila hsp70 promoter were resistant to the antibiotic hygromycin B. Integrated provirus was detected in infected mosquito cell clones grown in selective media. Thus, pantropic retroviral vectors hold promise as a transformation system for mosquitoes in vivo.


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The eukaryotic convertase family plays an important role in posttranslational proteolytic processing and activation of many pro- and polypeptides that have at their cleavage sites the paired basic motif, RX(K/R)R. Recent studies have revealed that the cleavage site of insect pro-vitellogenins (pro-Vg) also contains this motif. To identify and characterize the insect pro-Vg processing enzyme, Vg convertase (VC), its cDNA was cloned from a vitellogenic female fat body cDNA library of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The 3735-bp-long VC cDNA has an open reading frame encoding a 115-kDa protein. In vitro transcription/translation of VC cDNA revealed that this 115-kDa protein becomes 140 kDa after co- and posttranslational modifications. The VC deduced amino acid sequence has high similarity to and a domain structure characteristic of furin-like convertases. Northern blot analysis showed that a single 4.2-kb transcript was expressed in the fat body during the first 18 hr of the Vg synthetic period. Coexpression of VC cDNA with mosquito Vg cDNA resulted in correct cleavage of pro-Vg. Thus, this newly identified convertase is, indeed, a functional fat body-specific enzyme for pro-Vg cleavage.


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Introduction of genetic elements derived from a viral pathogen's genome may be used to reduce the vectorial capacity of mosquitoes for that virus. A double subgenomic Sindbis virus expression system was utilized to transcribe sequences of LaCrosse (LAC) virus small (S) or medium (M) segment RNA in sense or antisense orientation; wild-type Sindbis and LaCrosse viruses have single-stranded RNA genomes, the former being positive sense and the latter being negative sense. Recombinant viruses were generated and used to infect Aedes albopictus (C6/36) mosquito cells, which were challenged with wild-type LAC virus and then assayed for LAC virus replication. Several recombinant viruses containing portions of the LAC S segment were capable of inducing varying degrees of interference to the challenge virus. Cells infected with TE/3'2J/ANTI-S virus, expressing full-length negative-sense S RNA of LAC virus, yielded 3-6 log10TCID50 (tissue culture 50% infective dose) less LAC virus per ml than did cells infected with a double subgenomic sindbis virus containing no LAC insert. When C6/36 cells infected with TE/3'2J/ANTI-S were challenged with closely related heterologous bunyaviruses, a similar inhibitory effect was seen. Adult Ae. triseriatus mosquitoes infected with TE/3'2J/ANTI-S were also resistant to challenge by LAC virus. Organs that were productively infected by the double subgenomic Sindbis virus expressing the LAC anti-S sequences demonstrated little LAC virus or antigen. These studies indicate that expression of carefully selected antiviral sequences derived from the pathogen's genome may result in efficacious molecular viral interference in mosquito cells and, more importantly, in mosquitoes.