9 resultados para monophyletic group

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The Mycetozoa include the cellular (dictyostelid), acellular (myxogastrid), and protostelid slime molds. However, available molecular data are in disagreement on both the monophyly and phylogenetic position of the group. Ribosomal RNA trees show the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds as unrelated early branching lineages, but actin and β-tubulin trees place them together as a single coherent (monophyletic) group, closely related to the animal–fungal clade. We have sequenced the elongation factor-1α genes from one member of each division of the Mycetozoa, including Dictyostelium discoideum, for which cDNA sequences were previously available. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences strongly support a monophyletic Mycetozoa, with the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds most closely related to each other. All phylogenetic methods used also place this coherent Mycetozoan assemblage as emerging among the multicellular eukaryotes, tentatively supported as more closely related to animals + fungi than are green plants. With our data there are now three proteins that consistently support a monophyletic Mycetozoa and at least four that place these taxa within the “crown” of the eukaryote tree. We suggest that ribosomal RNA data should be more closely examined with regard to these questions, and we emphasize the importance of developing multiple sequence data sets.


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The plastid genomes of some nonphotosynthetic parasitic plants have experienced an extreme reduction in gene content and an increase in evolutionary rate of remaining genes. Nothing is known of the dynamics of these events or whether either is a direct outcome of the loss of photosynthesis. The parasitic Scrophulariaceae and Orobanchaceae, representing a continuum of heterotrophic ability ranging from photosynthetic hemiparasites to nonphotosynthetic holoparasites, are used to investigate these issues. We present a phylogenetic hypothesis for parasitic Scrophulariaceae and Orobanchaceae based on sequences of the plastid gene rps2, encoding the S2 subunit of the plastid ribosome. Parasitic Scrophulariaceae and Orobanchaceae form a monophyletic group in which parasitism can be inferred to have evolved once. Holoparasitism has evolved independently at least five times, with certain holoparasitic lineages representing single species, genera, and collections of nonphotosynthetic genera. Evolutionary loss of the photosynthetic gene rbcL is limited to a subset of holoparasitic lineages, with several holoparasites retaining a full length rbcL sequence. In contrast, the translational gene rps2 is retained in all plants investigated but has experienced rate accelerations in several hemi- as well as holoparasitic lineages, suggesting that there may be substantial molecular evolutionary changes to the plastid genome of parasites before the loss of photosynthesis. Independent patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous rate acceleration in rps2 point to distinct mechanisms underlying rate variation in different lineages. Parasitic Scrophulariaceae (including the traditional Orobanchaceae) provide a rich platform for the investigation of molecular evolutionary process, gene function, and the evolution of parasitism.


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A natural (evolutionary) classification is provided for 242 basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) motif-containing proteins. Phylogenetic analyses of amino acid sequences describe the patterns of evolutionary change within the motif and delimit evolutionary lineages. These evolutionary lineages represent well known functional groups of proteins and can be further arranged into five groups based on binding to DNA at the hexanucleotide E-box, the amino acid patterns in other components of the motif, and the presence/absence of a leucine zipper. The hypothesized ancestral amino acid sequence for the bHLH transcription factor family is given together with the ancestral sequences of the subgroups. It is suggested that bHLH proteins containing a leucine zipper are not a natural, monophyletic group.


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Changes in genes encoding transcriptional regulators can alter development and are important components of the molecular mechanisms of morphological evolution. MADS-box genes encode transcriptional regulators of diverse and important biological functions. In plants, MADS-box genes regulate flower, fruit, leaf, and root development. Recent sequencing efforts in Arabidopsis have allowed a nearly complete sampling of the MADS-box gene family from a single plant, something that was lacking in previous phylogenetic studies. To test the long-suspected parallel between the evolution of the MADS-box gene family and the evolution of plant form, a polarized gene phylogeny is necessary. Here we suggest that a gene duplication ancestral to the divergence of plants and animals gave rise to two main lineages of MADS-box genes: TypeI and TypeII. We locate the root of the eukaryotic MADS-box gene family between these two lineages. A novel monophyletic group of plant MADS domains (AGL34 like) seems to be more closely related to previously identified animal SRF-like MADS domains to form TypeI lineage. Most other plant sequences form a clear monophyletic group with animal MEF2-like domains to form TypeII lineage. Only plant TypeII members have a K domain that is downstream of the MADS domain in most plant members previously identified. This suggests that the K domain evolved after the duplication that gave rise to the two lineages. Finally, a group of intermediate plant sequences could be the result of recombination events. These analyses may guide the search for MADS-box sequences in basal eukaryotes and the phylogenetic placement of new genes from other plant species.


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SINE (short interspersed element) insertion analysis elucidates contentious aspects in the phylogeny of toothed whales and dolphins (Odontoceti), especially river dolphins. Here, we characterize 25 informative SINEs inserted into unique genomic loci during evolution of odontocetes to construct a cladogram, and determine a total of 2.8 kb per taxon of the flanking sequences of these SINE loci to estimate divergence times among lineages. We demonstrate that: (i) Odontocetes are monophyletic; (ii) Ganges River dolphins, beaked whales, and ocean dolphins diverged (in this order) after sperm whales; (iii) three other river dolphin taxa, namely the Amazon, La Plata, and Yangtze river dolphins, form a monophyletic group with Yangtze River dolphins being the most basal; and (iv) the rapid radiation of extant cetacean lineages occurred some 28–33 million years B.P., in strong accord with the fossil record. The combination of SINE and flanking sequence analysis suggests a topology and set of divergence times for odontocete relationships, offering alternative explanations for several long-standing problems in cetacean evolution.


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Trichomonads are among the earliest eukaryotes to diverge from the main line of eukaryotic descent. Keeping with their ancient nature, these facultative anaerobic protists lack two "hallmark" organelles found in most eukaryotes: mitochondria and peroxisomes. Trichomonads do, however, contain an unusual organelle involved in carbohydrate metabolism called the hydrogenosome. Like mitochondria, hydrogenosomes are double-membrane bounded organelles that produce ATP using pyruvate as the primary substrate. Hydrogenosomes are, however, markedly different from mitochondria as they lack DNA, cytochromes and the citric acid cycle. Instead, they contain enzymes typically found in anaerobic bacteria and are capable of producing molecular hydrogen. We show here that hydrogenosomes contain heat shock proteins, Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10, with signature sequences that are conserved only in mitochondrial and alpha-Gram-negative purple bacterial Hsps. Biochemical analysis of hydrogenosomal Hsp60 shows that the mature protein isolated from the organelle lacks a short, N-terminal sequence, similar to that observed for most nuclear-encoded mitochondrial matrix proteins. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of hydrogenosomal Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10 show that these proteins branch within a monophyletic group composed exclusively of mitochondrial homologues. These data establish that mitochondria and hydrogenosomes have a common eubacterial ancestor and imply that the earliest-branching eukaryotes contained the endosymbiont that gave rise to mitochondria in higher eukaryotes.


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The origin of land vertebrates was one of the major transitions in the history of vertebrates. Yet, despite many studies that are based on either morphology or molecules, the phylogenetic relationships among tetrapods and the other two living groups of lobe-finned fishes, the coelacanth and the lungfishes, are still unresolved and debated. Knowledge of the relationships among these lineages, which originated back in the Devonian, has profound implications for the reconstruction of the evolutionary scenario of the conquest of land. We collected the largest molecular data set on this issue so far, about 3,500 base pairs from seven species of the large 28S nuclear ribosomal gene. All phylogenetic analyses (maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood) point toward the hypothesis that lungfishes and coelacanths form a monophyletic group and are equally closely related to land vertebrates. This evolutionary hypothesis complicates the identification of morphological or physiological preadaptations that might have permitted the common ancestor of tetrapods to colonize land. This is because the reconstruction of its ancestral conditions would be hindered by the difficulty to separate uniquely derived characters from shared derived characters in the coelacanth/lungfish and tetrapod lineages. This molecular phylogeny aids in the reconstruction of morphological evolutionary steps by providing a framework; however, only paleontological evidence can determine the sequence of morphological acquisitions that allowed lobe-finned fishes to colonize land.


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Most evolutionary studies of oceanic islands have focused on the Pacific Ocean. There are very few examples from the Atlantic archipelagos, especially Macaronesia, despite their unusual combination of features, including a close proximity to the continent, a broad range of geological ages, and a biota linked to a source area that existed in the Mediterranean basin before the late Tertiary. A chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site analysis of Argyranthemum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae), the largest endemic genus of plants of any volcanic archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, was performed to examine patterns of plant evolution in Macaronesia. cpDNA data indicated that Argyranthemum is a monophyletic group that has speciated recently. The cpDNA tree showed a weak correlation with the current sectional classification and insular distribution. Two major cpDNA lineages were identified. One was restricted to northern archipelagos--e.g., Madeira, Desertas, and Selvagens--and the second comprised taxa endemic to the southern archipelago--e.g., the Canary Islands. The two major radiations identified in the Canaries are correlated with distinct ecological habitats; one is restricted to ecological zones under the influence of the northeastern trade winds and the other to regions that are not affected by these winds. The patterns of phylogenetic relationships in Argyranthemum indicate that interisland colonization between similar ecological zones is the main mechanism for establishing founder populations. This phenomenon, combined with rapid radiation into distinct ecological zones and interspecific hybridization, is the primary explanation for species diversification.


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An extensive sequence comparison of the chloroplast ndhF gene from all major clades of the largest flowering plant family (Asteraceae) shows that this gene provides approximately 3 times more phylogenetic information than rbcL. This is because it is substantially longer and evolves twice as fast. The 5' region (1380 bp) of ndhF is very different from the 3' region (855 bp) and is similar to rbcL in both the rate and the pattern of sequence change. The 3' region is more A+T-rich, has higher levels of nonsynonymous base substitution, and shows greater transversion bias at all codon positions. These differences probably reflect different functional constraints on the 5' and 3' regions of ndhF. The two patterns of base substitutions of ndhF are particularly advantageous for phylogenetic reconstruction because the conserved and variable segments can be used for older and recent groups, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses of 94 ndhF sequences provided much better resolution of relationships than previous molecular and morphological phylogenies of the Asteraceae. The ndhF tree identified five major clades: (i) the Calyceraceae is the sister family of Asteraceae; (ii) the Barnadesioideae is monophyletic and is the sister group to the rest of the family; (iii) the Cichorioideae and its two basal tribes Mutisieae and Cardueae are paraphyletic; (iv) four tribes of Cichorioideae (Lactuceae, Arctoteae, Liabeae, and Vernonieae) form a monophyletic group, and these are the sister clade of the Asteroideae; and (v) the Asteroideae is monophyletic and includes three major clades.