19 resultados para mode domain transformation

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The Epstein–Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is essential for the transformation of B lymphocytes into lymphoblastoid cell lines. Previous data are consistent with a model that LMP1 is a constitutively activated receptor that transduces signals for transformation through its carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic tail. One transformation effector site (TES1), located within the membrane proximal 45 residues of the cytoplasmic tail, constitutively engages tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors. Signals from TES1 are sufficient to drive initial proliferation of infected resting B lymphocytes, but most lymphoblastoid cells infected with a virus that does not express the 155 residues beyond TES1 fail to grow as long-term cell lines. We now find that mutating two tyrosines to an isoleucine at the carboxyl end of the cytoplasmic tail cripples the ability of EBV to cause lymphoblastoid cell outgrowth, thereby marking a second transformation effector site, TES2. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified TES2 interacting proteins, including the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated death domain protein (TRADD). TRADD was the only protein that interacted with wild-type TES2 and not with isoleucine-mutated TES2. TRADD associated with wild-type LMP1 but not with isoleucine-mutated LMP1 in mammalian cells, and TRADD constitutively associated with LMP1 in EBV-transformed cells. In transfection assays, TRADD and TES2 synergistically mediated high-level NF-κB activation. These results indicate that LMP1 appropriates TRADD to enable efficient long-term lymphoblastoid cell outgrowth. High-level NF-κB activation also appears to be a critical component of long-term outgrowth.


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The adenovirus type 2/5 E1A proteins transform primary baby rat kidney (BRK) cells in cooperation with the activated Ras (T24 ras) oncoprotein. The N-terminal half of E1A (exon 1) is essential for this transformation activity. While the C-terminal half of E1A (exon 2) is dispensable, a region located between residues 225 and 238 of the 243R E1A protein negatively modulates in vitro T24 ras cooperative transformation as well as the tumorigenic potential of E1A/T24 ras-transformed cells. The same C-terminal domain is also required for binding of a cellular 48-kDa phosphoprotein, C-terminal binding protein (CtBP). We have cloned the cDNA for CtBP via yeast two-hybrid interaction cloning. The cDNA encodes a 439-amino acid (48 kDa) protein that specifically interacts with exon 2 in yeast two-hybrid, in vitro protein binding, and in vivo coimmunoprecipitation analyses. This protein requires residues 225-238 of the 243R E1A protein for interaction. The predicted protein sequence of the isolated cDNA is identical to amino acid sequences obtained from peptides prepared from biochemically purified CtBP. Fine mapping of the CtBP-binding domain revealed that a 6-amino acid motif highly conserved among the E1A proteins of various human and animal adenoviruses is required for this interaction. These results suggest that interaction of CtBP with the E1A proteins may play a critical role in adenovirus replication and oncogenic transformation.


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Multiple human skeletal and craniosynostosis disorders, including Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Jackson–Weiss, and Apert syndromes, result from numerous point mutations in the extracellular region of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Many of these mutations create a free cysteine residue that potentially leads to abnormal disulfide bond formation and receptor activation; however, for noncysteine mutations, the mechanism of receptor activation remains unclear. We examined the effect of two of these mutations, W290G and T341P, on receptor dimerization and activation. These mutations resulted in cellular transformation when expressed as FGFR2/Neu chimeric receptors. Additionally, in full-length FGFR2, the mutations induced receptor dimerization and elevated levels of tyrosine kinase activity. Interestingly, transformation by the chimeric receptors, dimerization, and enhanced kinase activity were all abolished if either the W290G or the T341P mutation was expressed in conjunction with mutations that eliminate the disulfide bond in the third immunoglobulin-like domain (Ig-3). These results demonstrate a requirement for the Ig-3 cysteine residues in the activation of FGFR2 by noncysteine mutations. Molecular modeling also reveals that noncysteine mutations may activate FGFR2 by altering the conformation of the Ig-3 domain near the disulfide bond, preventing the formation of an intramolecular bond. This allows the unbonded cysteine residues to participate in intermolecular disulfide bonding, resulting in constitutive activation of the receptor.


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The PsaF-deficient mutant 3bF of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was used to modify PsaF by nuclear transformation and site-directed mutagenesis. Four lysine residues in the N-terminal domain of PsaF, which have been postulated to form the positively charged face of a putative amphipathic α-helical structure were altered to K12P, K16Q, K23Q, and K30Q. The interactions between plastocyanin (pc) or cytochrome c6 (cyt c6) and photosystem I (PSI) isolated from wild type and the different mutants were analyzed using crosslinking techniques and flash absorption spectroscopy. The K23Q change drastically affected crosslinking of pc to PSI and electron transfer from pc and cyt c6 to PSI. The corresponding second order rate constants for binding of pc and cyt c6 were reduced by a factor of 13 and 7, respectively. Smaller effects were observed for mutations K16Q and K30Q, whereas in K12P the binding was not changed relative to wild type. None of the mutations affected the half-life of the microsecond electron transfer performed within the intermolecular complex between the donors and PSI. The fact that these single amino acid changes within the N-terminal domain of PsaF have different effects on the electron transfer rate constants and dissociation constants for both electron donors suggests the existence of a rather precise recognition site for pc and cyt c6 that leads to the stabilization of the final electron transfer complex through electrostatic interactions.


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The retroviral oncogene qin codes for a protein that belongs to the family of the winged helix transcription factors. The viral Qin protein, v-Qin, differs from its cellular counterpart, c-Qin, by functioning as a stronger transcriptional repressor and a more efficient inducer of tumors. This observation suggests that repression may be important in tumorigenesis. To test this possibility, chimeric proteins were constructed in which the Qin DNA-binding domain was fused to either a strong repressor domain (derived from the Drosophila Engrailed protein) or a strong activator domain (from the herpes simplex virus VP16 protein). The chimeric transcriptional repressor, Qin–Engrailed, transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts in culture and induced sarcomas in young chickens. The chimeric activator, Qin–VP16, failed to transform cells in vitro or in vivo and caused cellular resistance to oncogenic transformation by Qin. These data support the conclusion that the Qin protein induces oncogenic transformation by repressing the transcription of genes which function as negative growth regulators or tumor suppressors.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a homodimeric member of the cystine knot family of growth factors, with limited sequence homology to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor β2 (TGF-β). We have determined its crystal structure at a resolution of 2.5 Å, and identified its kinase domain receptor (KDR) binding site using mutational analysis. Overall, the VEGF monomer resembles that of PDGF, but its N-terminal segment is helical rather than extended. The dimerization mode of VEGF is similar to that of PDGF and very different from that of TGF-β. Mutational analysis of VEGF reveals that symmetrical binding sites for KDR are located at each pole of the VEGF homodimer. Each site contains two functional “hot spots” composed of binding determinants presented across the subunit interface. The two most important determinants are located within the largest hot spot on a short, three-stranded sheet that is conserved in PDGF and TGF-β. Functional analysis of the binding epitopes for two receptor-blocking antibodies reveal different binding determinants near each of the KDR binding hot spots.


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A non-I-domain integrin, α4β1, recognizes vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and the IIICS portion of fibronectin. To localize regions of α4 critical for ligand binding, we swapped several predicted loops within or near the putative ligand-binding site of α4 (which spans repeats 2–5 of the seven N-terminal repeats) with the corresponding regions of α5. Swapping residues 112–131 in repeat 2, or residues 237–247 in repeat 4, completely blocked adhesion to immobilized VCAM-1 and connecting segment 1 (CS-1) peptide. However, swapping residues 40–52 in repeat 1, residues 151–164 in repeat 3, or residues 282–288 (which contain a putative cation binding motif) in repeat 5 did not affect or only slightly reduced adhesion to these ligands. The binding of several function-blocking antibodies is blocked by swapping residues 112–131, 151–164, and 186–191 (which contain previously identified residues critical for ligand binding, Tyr-187 and Gly-190). These results are consistent with the recently published β-propeller folding model of the integrin α4 subunit [Springer, T. A. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 65–72], in which seven four-stranded β-sheets are arranged in a torus around a pseudosymmetric axis. The regions of α4 critical for ligand binding are adjacent to each other and are located in the upper face, the predicted ligand-binding site, of the β-propeller model, although they are not adjacent in the primary structure.


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The assumption that genes encoding tyrosine kinase receptors could play a role in human cancers has been confirmed by the identification of oncogenic mutations in the kinase domain of RET and KIT. Recently, homologous residues were found mutated in MET, in papillary renal carcinomas (PRCs). The link coupling these genetic lesions to cellular transformation is still unclear. METPRC mutations result in increased kinase activity and—in some instances, i.e., M1250T substitution—in changes in substrate specificity. A direct correlation occurs between the transforming potential of METPRC mutants and their ability to constitutively associate with signal transducers through two phosphorylated tyrosines (Y1349VHVNATY1356VNV) located in the receptor tail. Substitution of these “docking tyrosines” with phenylalanines leaves unaffected the altered properties of the kinase but abrogates transformation and invasiveness in vitro. Uncoupling the receptor from signal transducers with a tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide derivative (YpVNV) inhibits invasive growth induced by METPRC mutants. These data indicate that constitutive receptor coupling to downstream signal transducers is a key mechanism in neoplastic transformation driven by mutated MET and suggest a therapeutic strategy to target neoplastic diseases associated with this oncogene.


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Identification of cytokine-inducible genes is imperative for determining the mechanisms of cytokine action. A cytokine-inducible gene, mrg1 [melanocyte-specific gene (msg1) related gene], was identified through mRNA differential display of interleukin (IL) 9-stimulated and unstimulated mouse helper T cells. In addition to IL-9, mrg1 can be induced by other cytokines and biological stimuli, including IL-1α, -2, -4, -6, and -11, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interferon γ, platelet-derived growth factor, insulin, serum, and lipopolysaccharide in diverse cell types. The induction of mrg1 by these stimuli appears to be transient, with induction kinetics similar to other primary response genes, implicating its role in diverse biological processes. Deletion or point mutations of either the Box1 motif (binds Janus kinase 1) or the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 binding site-containing region within the intracellular domain of the IL-9 receptor ligand binding subunit abolished or greatly reduced mrg1 induction by IL-9, suggesting that the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway is required for mrg1 induction, at least in response to IL-9. Transfection of mrg1 cDNA into TS1, an IL-9-dependent mouse T cell line, converted these cells to IL-9-independent growth through a nonautocrine mechanism. Overexpression of mrg1 in Rat1 cells resulted in loss of cell contact inhibition, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and tumor formation in nude mice, demonstrating that mrg1 is a transforming gene. MRG1 is a transcriptional activator and may represent a founding member of an additional family of transcription factors.


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The v-jun oncogene encodes a nuclear DNA binding protein that functions as a transcription factor and is part of the activator protein 1 complex. Oncogenic transformation by v-jun is thought to be mediated by the aberrant expression of specific target genes. To identify such Jun-regulated genes and to explore the mechanisms by which Jun affects their expression, we have fused the full-length v-Jun and an amino-terminally truncated form of v-Jun to the hormone-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor. The two chimeric proteins function as ligand-inducible transactivators. Expression of the fusion proteins in chicken embryo fibroblasts causes estrogen-dependent transformation.


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Patterns in sequences of amino acid hydrophobic free energies predict secondary structures in proteins. In protein folding, matches in hydrophobic free energy statistical wavelengths appear to contribute to selective aggregation of secondary structures in “hydrophobic zippers.” In a similar setting, the use of Fourier analysis to characterize the dominant statistical wavelengths of peptide ligands’ and receptor proteins’ hydrophobic modes to predict such matches has been limited by the aliasing and end effects of short peptide lengths, as well as the broad-band, mode multiplicity of many of their frequency (power) spectra. In addition, the sequence locations of the matching modes are lost in this transformation. We make new use of three techniques to address these difficulties: (i) eigenfunction construction from the linear decomposition of the lagged covariance matrices of the ligands and receptors as hydrophobic free energy sequences; (ii) maximum entropy, complex poles power spectra, which select the dominant modes of the hydrophobic free energy sequences or their eigenfunctions; and (iii) discrete, best bases, trigonometric wavelet transformations, which confirm the dominant spectral frequencies of the eigenfunctions and locate them as (absolute valued) moduli in the peptide or receptor sequence. The leading eigenfunction of the covariance matrix of a transmembrane receptor sequence locates the same transmembrane segments seen in n-block-averaged hydropathy plots while leaving the remaining hydrophobic modes unsmoothed and available for further analyses as secondary eigenfunctions. In these receptor eigenfunctions, we find a set of statistical wavelength matches between peptide ligands and their G-protein and tyrosine kinase coupled receptors, ranging across examples from 13.10 amino acids in acid fibroblast growth factor to 2.18 residues in corticotropin releasing factor. We find that the wavelet-located receptor modes in the extracellular loops are compatible with studies of receptor chimeric exchanges and point mutations. A nonbinding corticotropin-releasing factor receptor mutant is shown to have lost the signatory mode common to the normal receptor and its ligand. Hydrophobic free energy eigenfunctions and their transformations offer new quantitative physical homologies in database searches for peptide-receptor matches.


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Cellulose-binding domains (CBDs) bind specifically to cellulose, and form distinct domains of most cellulose degrading enzymes. The CBD-mediated binding of the enzyme has a fundamental role in the hydrolysis of the solid cellulose substrate. In this work we have investigated the reversibility and kinetics of the binding of the CBD from Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I on microcrystalline cellulose. The CBD was produced in Escherichia coli, purified, and radioactively labeled by reductive alkylation with 3H. Sensitive detection of the labeled CBD allowed more detailed analysis of its behavior than has been possible before, and important novel features were resolved. Binding of the CBD was found to be temperature sensitive, with an increased affinity at lower temperatures. The interaction of the CBD with cellulose was shown to be fully reversible and the CBD could be eluted from cellulose by simple dilution. The rate of exchange measured for the CBD-cellulose interaction compares well with the hydrolysis rate of cellobiohydrolase I, which is consistent with its proposed mode of action as a processive exoglucanase.


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The early growth response 1 (EGR-1) gene product is a transcription factor with role in differentiation and growth. We have previously shown that expression of exogenous EGR-1 in various human tumor cells unexpectedly and markedly reduces growth and tumorigenicity and, conversely, that suppression of endogenous Egr-1 expression by antisense RNA eliminates protein expression, enhances growth, and promotes phenotypic transformation. However, the mechanism of these effects remained unknown. The promoter of human transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) contains two GC-rich EGR-1 binding sites. We show that expression of EGR-1 in human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells uses increased secretion of biologically active TGF-beta 1 in direct proportion (rPearson = 0.96) to the amount of EGR-1 expressed and addition of recombinant human TGF-beta 1 is strongly growth-suppressive for these cells. Addition of monoclonal anti-TGF-beta 1 antibodies to EGR-1-expressing HT-1080 cells completely reverses the growth inhibitory effects of EGR-1. Reporter constructs bearing the EGR-1 binding segment of the TGF-beta 1 promoter was activated 4- to 6-fold relative to a control reporter in either HT-1080 cells that stably expressed or parental cells cotransfected with an EGR-1 expression vector. Expression of delta EGR-1, a mutant that cannot interact with the corepressors, nerve growth factor-activated factor binding proteins NAB1 and NAB2, due to deletion of the repressor domain, exhibited enhanced transactivation of 2- to 3.5-fold over that of wild-type EGR-1 showing that the reporter construct reflected the appropriate in vivo regulatory context. The EGR-1-stimulated transactivation was inhibited by expression of the Wilms tumor suppressor, a known specific DNA-binding competitor. These results indicate that EGR-1 suppresses growth of human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells by induction of TGF-beta 1.


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The Raf-1 protein kinase is the best-characterized downstream effector of activated Ras. Interaction with Ras leads to Raf-1 activation and results in transduction of cell growth and differentiation signals. The details of Raf-1 activation are unclear, but our characterization of a second Ras-binding site in the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and the involvement of both Ras-binding sites in effective Raf-1-mediated transformation provides insight into the molecular aspects and consequences of Ras-Raf interactions. The Raf-1 CRD is a member of an emerging family of domains, many of which are found within signal transducing proteins. Several contain binding sites for diacylglycerol (or phorbol esters) and phosphatidylserine and are believed to play a role in membrane translocation and enzyme activation. The CRD from Raf-1 does not bind diacylglycerol but interacts with Ras and phosphatidylserine. To investigate the ligand-binding specificities associated with CRDs, we have determined the solution structure of the Raf-1 CRD using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR. We show that there are differences between this structure and the structures of two related domains from protein kinase C (PKC). The differences are confined to regions of the CRDs involved in binding phorbol ester in the PKC domains. Since phosphatidylserine is a common ligand, we expect its binding site to be located in regions where the structures of the Raf-1 and PKC domains are similar. The structure of the Raf-1 CRD represents an example of this family of domains that does not bind diacylglycerol and provides a framework for investigating its interactions with other molecules.


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Many basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper (b-HLH-LZ) proteins, including the Myc family and non-Myc family, bind a common DNA sequence CACGTG, yet have quite different biological actions. Myc binds this sequence as a heterodimer with Max in the activation of both transcription and transformation. The Myc family members Mad and Mxi1 are known to suppress Myc-induced transcription and transformation and to dimerize with Max to form ternary complexes with the mammalian Sin3 transcriptional corepressor (mSin3). The b-HLH-LZ domain of TFEB, which cannot heterodimerize within the Myc family, does not suppress Myc-induced transcription or transformation. However, transfer of a 25- to 36-aa region from Mad or Mxi1, which interacts with mSin3, to the b-HLH-LZ of TFEB, mediated profound suppression of Myc-induced transcription and transformation. These results suggest that the DNA binding specificities of the Myc family and non-Myc family b-HLH-LZ proteins, in the context of the cellular genes involved in Myc-induced transformation, are shared. The results also demonstrate that targeting mSin3 to CACGTG sites via a non-Myc family DNA binding domain is sufficient to oppose Myc activity in growth regulation.