32 resultados para metal ions

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Metal ions are critical for catalysis by many RNA and protein enzymes. To understand how these enzymes use metal ions for catalysis, it is crucial to determine how many metal ions are positioned at the active site. We report here an approach, combining atomic mutagenesis with quantitative determination of metal ion affinities, that allows individual metal ions to be distinguished. Using this approach, we show that at the active site of the Tetrahymena group I ribozyme the previously identified metal ion interactions with three substrate atoms, the 3′-oxygen of the oligonucleotide substrate and the 3′- and 2′-moieties of the guanosine nucleophile, are mediated by three distinct metal ions. This approach provides a general tool for distinguishing active site metal ions and allows the properties and roles of individual metal ions to be probed, even within the sea of metal ions bound to RNA.


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The observation of light metal ions in nucleic acids crystals is generally a fortuitous event. Sodium ions in particular are notoriously difficult to detect because their X-ray scattering contributions are virtually identical to those of water and Na+…O distances are only slightly shorter than strong hydrogen bonds between well-ordered water molecules. We demonstrate here that replacement of Na+ by K+, Rb+ or Cs+ and precise measurements of anomalous differences in intensities provide a particularly sensitive method for detecting alkali metal ion-binding sites in nucleic acid crystals. Not only can alkali metal ions be readily located in such structures, but the presence of Rb+ or Cs+ also allows structure determination by the single wavelength anomalous diffraction technique. Besides allowing identification of high occupancy binding sites, the combination of high resolution and anomalous diffraction data established here can also pinpoint binding sites that feature only partial occupancy. Conversely, high resolution of the data alone does not necessarily allow differentiation between water and partially ordered metal ions, as demonstrated with the crystal structure of a DNA duplex determined to a resolution of 0.6 Å.


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Lead(II)-induced cleavage can be used as a tool to probe conformational changes in RNA. In this report, we have investigated the conformation of M1 RNA, the catalytic subunit of Escherichia coli RNase P, by studying the lead(II)-induced cleavage pattern in the presence of various divalent metal ions. Our data suggest that the overall conformation of M1 RNA is very similar in the presence of Mg2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+, while it is changed compared to the Mg2+-induced conformation in the presence of other divalent metal ions, Cd2+ for example. We also observed that correct folding of some M1 RNA domains is promoted by Pb2+, while folding of other domain(s) requires the additional presence of other divalent metal ions, cobalt(III) hexamine or spermidine. Based on the suppression of Pb2+ cleavage at increasing concentrations of various divalent metal ions, our findings suggest that different divalent metal ions bind with different affinities to M1 RNA as well as to an RNase P hairpin–loop substrate and yeast tRNAPhe. We suggest that this approach can be used to obtain information about the relative binding strength for different divalent metal ions to RNA in general, as well as to specific RNA divalent metal ion binding sites. Of those studied in this report, Mn2+ is generally among the strongest RNA binders.


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The Bacillus subtilis mrgA gene encodes an abundant DNA-binding protein that protects cells against the lethal effects of H2O2. Transcription of mrgA is induced by H2O2 or by entry into stationary phase when manganese and iron levels are low. We have selected for strains derepressed for transcription of mrgA in the presence of Mn(II). The resulting cis-acting mutants define an operator site just upstream of the mrgA promoter. Similar sequences flank the promoters for the catalase gene, katA, and the heme biosynthesis operon, hemAXCDBL. Like mrgA, transcription of the katA and hem genes is repressed by Mn(II), which thereby potentiates the killing action of H2O2. We identified two classes of trans-acting mutants derepressed for mrgA transcription in the presence of Mn(II): some exhibit a coordinate derepression of MrgA, catalase, heme biosynthesis, and alkyl hydroperoxide reductase and are H2O2 resistant, while others have reduced catalase activity and are H2O2 sensitive. These data indicate that the peroxide stress response of B. subtilis is regulated by a repressor that senses both metal ion levels and H2O2.


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Previously metal-ion sites have been used as structural and functional probes in seven transmembrane receptors (7TM), but as yet all the engineered sites have been inactivating. Based on presumed agonist interaction points in transmembrane III (TM-III) and -VII of the β2-adrenergic receptor, in this paper we construct an activating metal-ion site between the amine-binding Asp-113 in TM-III—or a His residue introduced at this position—and a Cys residue substituted for Asn-312 in TM-VII. No increase in constitutive activity was observed in the mutant receptors. Signal transduction was activated in the mutant receptors not by normal catecholamine ligands but instead either by free zinc ions or by zinc or copper ions in complex with small hydrophobic metal-ion chelators. Chelation of the metal ions by small hydrophobic chelators such as phenanthroline or bipyridine protected the cells from the toxic effect of, for example Cu2+, and in several cases increased the affinity of the ions for the agonistic site. Wash-out experiments and structure–activity analysis indicated, that the high-affinity chelators and the metal ions bind and activate the mutant receptor as metal ion guided ligand complexes. Because of the well-understood binding geometry of the small metal ions, an important distance constraint has here been imposed between TM-III and -VII in the active, signaling conformation of 7TM receptors. It is suggested that atoxic metal-ion chelator complexes could possibly in the future be used as generic, pharmacologic tools to switch 7TM receptors with engineered metal-ion sites on or off at will.


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The 2.15-Å resolution cocrystal structure of EcoRV endonuclease mutant T93A complexed with DNA and Ca2+ ions reveals two divalent metals bound in one of the active sites. One of these metals is ligated through an inner-sphere water molecule to the phosphate group located 3′ to the scissile phosphate. A second inner-sphere water on this metal is positioned approximately in-line for attack on the scissile phosphate. This structure corroborates the observation that the pro-SP phosphoryl oxygen on the adjacent 3′ phosphate cannot be modified without severe loss of catalytic efficiency. The structural equivalence of key groups, conserved in the active sites of EcoRV, EcoRI, PvuII, and BamHI endonucleases, suggests that ligation of a catalytic divalent metal ion to this phosphate may occur in many type II restriction enzymes. Together with previous cocrystal structures, these data allow construction of a detailed model for the pretransition state configuration in EcoRV. This model features three divalent metal ions per active site and invokes assistance in the bond-making step by a conserved lysine, which stabilizes the attacking hydroxide ion nucleophile.


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The ribozyme RNase P absolutely requires divalent metal ions for catalytic function. Multiple Mg2+ ions contribute to the optimal catalytic efficiency of RNase P, and it is likely that the tertiary structure of the ribozyme forms a specific metal-binding pocket for these ions within the active-site. To identify base moieties that contribute to catalytic metal-binding sites, we have used in vitro selection to isolate variants of the Escherichia coli RNase P RNA with altered specificities for divalent metal. RNase P RNA variants with increased activity in Ca2+ were enriched over 18 generations of selection for catalysis in the presence of Ca2+, which is normally disfavored relative to Mg2+. Although a wide spectrum of mutations was found in the generation-18 clones, only a single point mutation was common to all clones: a cytosine-to-uracil transition at position 70 (E. coli numbering) of RNase P. Analysis of the C70U point mutant in a wild-type background confirmed that the identity of the base at position 70 is the sole determinant of Ca2+ selectivity. It is noteworthy that C70 lies within the phylogenetically well conserved J3/4-P4-J2/4 region, previously implicated in Mg2+ binding. Our finding that a single base change is sufficient to alter the metal preference of RNase P is further evidence that the J3/4-P4-J2/4 domain forms a portion of the ribozyme’s active site.


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The wealth of kinetic and structural information makes inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases) a good model system to study the details of enzymatic phosphoryl transfer. The enzyme accelerates metal-complexed phosphoryl transfer 1010-fold: but how? Our structures of the yeast PPase product complex at 1.15 Å and fluoride-inhibited complex at 1.9 Å visualize the active site in three different states: substrate-bound, immediate product bound, and relaxed product bound. These span the steps around chemical catalysis and provide strong evidence that a water molecule (Onu) directly attacks PPi with a pKa vastly lowered by coordination to two metal ions and D117. They also suggest that a low-barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) forms between D117 and Onu, in part because of steric crowding by W100 and N116. Direct visualization of the double bonds on the phosphates appears possible. The flexible side chains at the top of the active site absorb the motion involved in the reaction, which may help accelerate catalysis. Relaxation of the product allows a new nucleophile to be generated and creates symmetry in the elementary catalytic steps on the enzyme. We are thus moving closer to understanding phosphoryl transfer in PPases at the quantum mechanical level. Ultra-high resolution structures can thus tease out overlapping complexes and so are as relevant to discussion of enzyme mechanism as structures produced by time-resolved crystallography.


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A powerful and potentially general approach to the targeting and crystallization of proteins on lipid interfaces through coordination of surface histidine residues to lipid-chelated divalent metal ions is presented. This approach, which should be applicable to the crystallization of a wide range of naturally occurring or engineered proteins, is illustrated here by the crystallization of streptavidin on a monolayer of an iminodiacetate-Cu(II) lipid spread at the air-water interface. This method allows control of the protein orientation at interfaces, which is significant for the facile production of highly ordered protein arrays and for electron density mapping in structural analysis of two-dimensional crystals. Binding of native streptavidin to the iminodiacetate-Cu lipids occurs via His-87, located on the protein surface near the biotin binding pocket. The two-dimensional streptavidin crystals show a previously undescribed microscopic shape that differs from that of crystals formed beneath biotinylated lipids.


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Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (Fru-1,6-Pase; D-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate 1-phosphohydrolase, EC requires two divalent metal ions to hydrolyze alpha-D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. Although not required for catalysis, monovalent cations modify the enzyme activity; K+ and Tl+ ions are activators, whereas Li+ ions are inhibitors. Their mechanisms of action are still unknown. We report here crystallographic structures of pig kidney Fru-1,6-Pase complexed with K+, Tl+, or both Tl+ and Li+. In the T form Fru-1,6-Pase complexed with the substrate analogue 2,5-anhydro-D-glucitol 1,6-bisphosphate (AhG-1,6-P2) and Tl+ or K+ ions, three Tl+ or K+ binding sites are found. Site 1 is defined by Glu-97, Asp-118, Asp-121, Glu-280, and a 1-phosphate oxygen of AhG-1,6-P2; site 2 is defined by Glu-97, Glu-98, Asp-118, and Leu-120. Finally, site 3 is defined by Arg-276, Glu-280, and the 1-phosphate group of AhG-1,6-P2. The Tl+ or K+ ions at sites 1 and 2 are very close to the positions previously identified for the divalent metal ions. Site 3 is specific to K+ or Tl+. In the divalent metal ion complexes, site 3 is occupied by the guanidinium group of Arg-276. These observations suggest that Tl+ or K+ ions can substitute for Arg-276 in the active site and polarize the 1-phosphate group, thus facilitating nucleophilic attack on the phosphorus center. In the T form complexed with both Tl+ and Li+ ions, Li+ replaces Tl+ at metal site 1. Inhibition by lithium very likely occurs as it binds to this site, thus retarding turnover or phosphate release. The present study provides a structural basis for a similar mechanism of inhibition for inositol monophosphatase, one of the potential targets of lithium ions in the treatment of manic depression.


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The diphtheria tox repressor (DtxR) is a transition metal ion-dependent regulatory element that controls the expression of diphtheria toxin and several genes involved in the synthesis of siderophores in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. In the presence of transition metal ions apo-DtxR becomes activated and specifically binds to its target DNA sequences. We demonstrate by glutaraldehyde cross-linking that monomeric apo-DtxR is in weak equilibrium with a dimeric form and that upon addition of activating metal ions to the reaction mixture a dimeric complex is stabilized. Addition of the DNA-binding-defective mutant apo-DtxR(delta 1-47) to apo-DtxR in the absence of transition metal ions inhibits conversion of the apo-repressor to its activated DNA-binding form. We also show that the binding of Ni2+ to both apo-DtxR and apo-DtxR(delta 1-47) is cooperative and that upon ion binding there is a conformational change in the environment of the indole ring moiety of Trp-104. For the wild-type repressor the consequences of this conformational change include a shift in equilibrium toward dimer formation and activation of target DNA binding by the repressor. We conclude that the formation of DtxR homodimers is mediated through a protein-protein interaction domain that is also activated on metal ion binding.


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Inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase, inositol monophosphate phosphatase, and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase share a sequence motif, Asp-Pro-(Ile or Leu)-Asp-(Gly or Ser)-(Thr or Ser), that has been shown by crystallographic and mutagenesis studies to bind metal ions and participate in catalysis. We compared the six alpha-carbon coordinates of this motif from the crystal structures of these three phosphatases and found that they are superimposable with rms deviations ranging from 0.27 to 0.60 A. Remarkably, when these proteins were aligned by this motif a common core structure emerged, defined by five alpha-helices and 11 beta-strands comprising 155 residues having rms deviations ranging from 1.48 to 2.66 A. We used the superimposed structures to align the sequences within the common core, and a distant relationship was observed suggesting a common ancestor. The common core was used to align the sequences of several other proteins that share significant similarity to inositol monophosphate phosphatase, including proteins encoded by fungal qa-X and qutG, bacterial suhB and cysQ (identical to amtA), and yeast met22 (identical to hal2). Evolutionary comparison of the core sequences indicate that five distinct branches exist within this family. These proteins share metal-dependent/Li(+)-sensitive phosphomonoesterase activity, and each predicted tree branch exhibits unique substrate specificity. Thus, these proteins define an ancient structurally conserved family involved in diverse metabolic pathways including inositol signaling, gluconeogenesis, sulfate assimilation, and possibly quinone metabolism. Furthermore, we suggest that this protein family identifies candidate enzymes to account for both the therapeutic and toxic actions of Li+ as it is used in patients treated for manic depressive disease.


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Scytalone dehydratase (EC catalyzes the dehydration of two important intermediates in the biosynthesis of melanin, and it functions without metal ions or any cofactors. Using molecular orbital theory, we have examined the role of a critical water molecule in the mechanism of scytalone dehydratase. The water, together with an internal hydrogen bonding, contributes significantly to the stabilization of the transition state (or the enolate intermediate). The role of two active site tyrosines (Tyr-50 and Tyr-30) is (i) to hold the critical water in place so that it may stabilize the transition state without much structural rearrangement during the catalytic reaction, and (ii) to polarize the water, making it a better general acid. The stereochemistry of the scytalone dehydratase-catalyzed dehydration is also discussed.


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Millions of people worldwide suffer from nutritional imbalances of essential metals like zinc. These same metals, along with pollutants like cadmium and lead, contaminate soils at many sites around the world. In addition to posing a threat to human health, these metals can poison plants, livestock, and wildlife. Deciphering how metals are absorbed, transported, and incorporated as protein cofactors may help solve both of these problems. For example, edible plants could be engineered to serve as better dietary sources of metal nutrients, and other plant species could be tailored to remove metal ions from contaminated soils. We report here the cloning of the first zinc transporter genes from plants, the ZIP1, ZIP2, and ZIP3 genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression in yeast of these closely related genes confers zinc uptake activities. In the plant, ZIP1 and ZIP3 are expressed in roots in response to zinc deficiency, suggesting that they transport zinc from the soil into the plant. Although expression of ZIP2 has not been detected, a fourth related Arabidopsis gene identified by genome sequencing, ZIP4, is induced in both shoots and roots of zinc-limited plants. Thus, ZIP4 may transport zinc intracellularly or between plant tissues. These ZIP proteins define a family of metal ion transporters that are found in plants, protozoa, fungi, invertebrates, and vertebrates, making it now possible to address questions of metal ion accumulation and homeostasis in diverse organisms.