8 resultados para macronutrient self-selection

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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RNAs that undergo a rapid site-specific cleavage at low pH have been selected by in vitro selection (the SELEX process). The cleavage does not require the addition of any divalent metal ions, and is in fact inhibited by divalent metal ions, spermine, or high concentrations of monovalent metal ions. This low pH catalyzed cleavage results in a 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate at the 3′ end and a free hydroxyl at the 5′ end. The reaction proceeds with a calculated rate of 1.1 min−1 at room temperature in cacodylate buffer at pH 5.0. The rate of cleavage is dependent on the pH and shows an optimum around pH 4.0. The rate constant is independent of RNA concentration, indicating to an intramolecular reaction. Autocatalytic cleavage at low pH, in the absence of a metal ion requirement, adds to the reaction possibilities that may have existed on the prebiotic earth.


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Interaction of the αβ T cell receptor (TCR) with major histocompatibility (MHC) molecules occupied with any of a large collection of peptides derived from self proteins is a critical step in driving T cell “positive” selection in the thymus. Interaction with this same pool of self-peptide/MHC ligands deletes T cells with potential self-reactivity. To examine how T cells survive both of these processes to form a self-tolerant mature repertoire, mice were constructed whose entire class II MHC IEk specific repertoire was positively selected on a single peptide covalently attached to the IEk molecule. In these mice T cells were identified that could respond to a variant of the positively selecting peptide bound to IEk. The affinities of the TCRs from these T cells for the positively selecting ligand were extremely low and at least 10-fold less than those for the activating ligand. These results support the theory that positive selection is driven by TCR affinities lower than those involved in T cell deletion or activation and that, if present at high concentration, even very low affinity ligands can positively select.


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In filamentous fungi, het loci (for heterokaryon incompatibility) are believed to regulate self/nonself-recognition during vegetative growth. As filamentous fungi grow, hyphal fusion occurs within an individual colony to form a network. Hyphal fusion can occur also between different individuals to form a heterokaryon, in which genetically distinct nuclei occupy a common cytoplasm. However, heterokaryotic cells are viable only if the individuals involved have identical alleles at all het loci. One het locus, het-c, has been characterized at the molecular level in Neurospora crassa and encodes a glycine-rich protein. In an effort to understand the role of this locus in filamentous fungi, we chose to study its evolution by analyzing het-c sequence variability in species within Neurospora and related genera. We determined that the het-c locus was polymorphic in a field population of N. crassa with close to equal frequency of each of the three allelic types. Different species and even genera within the Sordariaceae shared het-c polymorphisms, indicating that these polymorphisms originated in an ancestral species. Finally, an analysis of the het-c specificity region shows a high occurrence of nonsynonymous substitution. The persistence of allelic lineages, the nearly equal allelic distribution within populations, and the high frequency of nonsynonymous substitutions in the het-c specificity region suggest that balancing selection has operated to maintain allelic diversity at het-c. Het-c shares this particular evolutionary characteristic of departing from neutrality with other self/nonself-recognition systems such as major histocompatibility complex loci in mammals and the S (self-incompatibility) locus in angiosperms.


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In pre-B lymphocytes, productive rearrangement of Ig light chain genes allows assembly of the B cell receptor (BCR), which selectively promotes further developmental maturation through poorly defined transmembrane signaling events. Using a novel in vitro system to study immune tolerance during development, we find that BCR reactivity to auto-antigen blocks this positive selection, preventing down-regulation of light chain gene recombination and promoting secondary light chain gene rearrangements that often alter BCR specificity, a process called receptor editing. Under these experimental conditions, self-antigen induces secondary light chain gene rearrangements in at least two-thirds of autoreactive immature B cells, but fails to accelerate cell death at this stage. These data suggest that in these cells the mechanism of immune tolerance is receptor selection rather than clonal selection.


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Immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes expressing T-cell antigen receptors (TCR) are selected by TCR-mediated recognition of peptides associated with major histocompatibility complex molecules on thymic stromal cells. Selection ensures reactivity of the mature cells to foreign antigens and tolerance to self. Although much has been learned about the factors that determine whether a thymocyte with a given specificity will be positively or negatively selected, selection as an aspect of the developmental process as a whole is less well-understood. Here we invoke a model in which thymocytes tune their response characteristics individually and dynamically in the course of development. Cellular development and selection are driven by receptor-mediated metabolic perturbations. Perturbation is a measure of the net intracellular change induced by external stimulation. It results from the integration of several signals and countersignals over time and therefore depends on the environment and the maturation stage of the cell. Individual cell adaptation limits the range of perturbations. Such adaptation renders thymocytes less sensitive to the level of stimulation per se, but responsive to environmental changes in that level. This formulation begins to explain the mechanisms that link developmental and selection events to each other.


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The spermatogonial stem cell initiates and maintains spermatogenesis in the testis. To perform this role, the stem cell must self replicate as well as produce daughter cells that can expand and differentiate to form spermatozoa. Despite the central importance of the spermatogonial stem cell to male reproduction, little is known about its morphological or biochemical characteristics. This results, in part, from the fact that spermatogonial stem cells are an extremely rare cell population in the testis, and techniques for their enrichment are just beginning to be established. In this investigation, we used a multiparameter selection strategy, combining the in vivo cryptorchid testis model with in vitro fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. Cryptorchid testis cells were fractionated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis based on light-scattering properties and expression of the cell surface molecules α6-integrin, αv-integrin, and the c-kit receptor. Two important observations emerged from these analyses. First, spermatogonial stem cells from the adult cryptorchid testis express little or no c-kit. Second, the most effective enrichment strategy, in this study, selected cells with low side scatter light-scattering properties, positive staining for α6-integrin, and negative or low αv-integrin expression, and resulted in a 166-fold enrichment of spermatogonial stem cells. Identification of these characteristics will allow further purification of these valuable cells and facilitate the investigation of molecular mechanisms governing spermatogonial stem cell self renewal and hierarchical differentiation.


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Although 1–24% of T cells are alloreactive, i.e., respond to MHC molecules encoded by a foreign haplotype, it is generally believed that T cells cannot recognize foreign peptides binding foreign MHC molecules. We show using a quantitative model that, if T cell selection and activation are affinity-driven, then an alloreactivity of 1–24% is incompatible with the textbook notion that self MHC restriction is absolute. If an average of 1% of clones are alloreactive, then according to our model, at most 20-fold more clones should, on average, be activated by antigens presented on self MHC than by antigens presented on foreign MHC. This ratio is at best 5 if alloreactivity is 5%. These results describe average properties of the murine immune system, but not the outcome of individual experiments. Using supercomputer technology, we simulated 100,000 MHC restriction experiments. Although the average restriction ratio was 7.1, restriction was absolute in 10% of the simulated experiments, greater than 100, although not absolute, in 29%, and below 6 in 24%. This extreme variability agrees with experimental estimates. Our analysis suggests that alloreactivity and average self MHC restriction both cannot be high, but that a low average restriction level is compatible with high levels in a significant number of experiments.


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Fusion phage libraries expressing single-chain Fv antibodies were constructed from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of two melanoma patients who had been immunized with autologous melanoma cells transduced the gamma-interferon gene to enhance immunogenicity, in a trial conducted at another institution. Anti-melanoma antibodies were selected from each library by panning the phage against live cultures of the autologous tumor. After two or three rounds of panning, clones of the phage were tested by ELISA for binding to the autologous tumor cells; > 90% of the clones tested showed a strong ELISA reaction, demonstrating the effectiveness of the panning procedure for selecting antimelanoma antibodies. The panned phage population was extensively absorbed against normal melanocytes to enrich for antibodies that react with melanoma cells but not with melanocytes. The unabsorbed phage were cloned, and the specificities of the expressed antibodies were individually tested by ELISA with a panel of cultured human cells. The first tests were done with normal endothelial and fibroblast cells to identify antibodies that do not react, or react weakly, with two normal cell types, indicating some degree of specificity for melanoma cells. The proportion of phage clones expressing such antibodies was approximately 1%. Those phage were further tested by ELISA with melanocytes, several melanoma lines, and eight other tumor lines, including a glioma line derived from glial cells that share a common lineage with melanocytes. The ELISA tests identified three classes of anti-melanoma antibodies, as follows: (i) a melanoma-specific class that reacts almost exclusively with the melanoma lines; (ii) a tumor-specific class that reacts with melanoma and other tumor lines but does not react with the normal melanocyte, endothelial and fibroblast cells; and (iii) a lineage-specific class that reacts with the melanoma lines, melanocytes, and the glioma line but does not react with the other lines. These are rare classes from the immunized patients' repertoires of anti-melanoma antibodies, most of which are relatively nonspecific anti-self antibodies. The melanoma-specific class was isolated from one patient, and the lineage-specific class was isolated from the other patient, indicating that different patients can have markedly different responses to the same immunization protocol. The procedures described here can be used to screen the antibody repertoire of any person with cancer, providing access to an enormous untapped pool of human monoclonal anti-tumor antibodies with clinical and research potential.