229 resultados para lymphocyte antigen

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Similarities in the phenotypes of mice deficient for cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) or transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and other observations have led to speculation that CTLA-4 mediates its inhibitory effect on T cell activation via costimulation of TGF-β production. Here, we examine the role of TGF-β in CTLA-4-mediated inhibition of T cell activation and of CTLA-4 in the regulation of TGF-β production. Activation of AND TCR transgenic mouse T cells with costimulatory receptor-specific antigen presenting cells results in efficient costimulation of proliferation by CD28 ligation and inhibition by CTLA-4 ligation. Neutralizing antibody to TGF-β does not reverse CTLA-4-mediated inhibition. Also, CTLA-4 ligation equally inhibits proliferation of wild-type, TGF-β1−/−, and Smad3−/− T cells. Further, CTLA-4 engagement does not result in the increased production of either latent or active TGF-β by CD4+ T cells. These results indicate that CTLA-4 ligation does not regulate TGF-β production and that CTLA-4-mediated inhibition can occur independently of TGF-β. Collectively, these data demonstrate that CTLA-4 and TGF-β represent distinct mechanisms for regulation of T cell responses.


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B cell development and humoral immune responses are controlled by signaling thresholds established through the B lymphocyte antigen receptor (BCR) complex. BCR signaling thresholds are differentially regulated by the CD22 and CD19 cell surface receptors in vivo. B cells from CD22-deficient mice exhibit characteristics of chronic stimulation and are hyper-responsive to BCR crosslinking with augmented intracellular Ca2+ responses. By contrast, B cells from CD19-deficient mice are hypo-responsive to transmembrane signals. To identify signaling molecules involved in the positive and negative regulation of signaling thresholds, the signal transduction pathways activated after BCR crosslinking were examined in CD22- and CD19-deficient B cells. These comparisons revealed that tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav protein was uniquely augmented after BCR or CD19 crosslinking in CD22-deficient B cells, yet was modest and transient after BCR crosslinking in CD19-deficient B cells. Ligation of CD19 and CD22 in vivo is likely to positively and negatively regulate BCR signaling, respectively, because CD19 crosslinking was more efficient than BCR crosslinking at inducing Vav phosphorylation. However, simultaneous crosslinking of CD19 with the BCR resulted in a substantial decrease in Vav phosphorylation when CD22 was expressed. Thus, the differential regulation of Vav tyrosine phosphorylation by CD19 and CD22 may provide a molecular mechanism for adjusting BCR signaling thresholds.


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Cluster of differentiation antigen 4 (CD4), the T lymphocyte antigen receptor component and human immunodeficiency virus coreceptor, is down-modulated when cells are activated by antigen or phorbol esters. During down-modulation CD4 dissociates from p56lck, undergoes endocytosis through clathrin-coated pits, and is then sorted in early endosomes to late endocytic organelles where it is degraded. Previous studies have suggested that phosphorylation and a dileucine sequence are required for down-modulation. Using transfected HeLa cells, in which CD4 endocytosis can be studied in the absence of p56lck, we show that the dileucine sequence in the cytoplasmic domain is essential for clathrin-mediated CD4 endocytosis. However, this sequence is only functional as an endocytosis signal when neighboring serine residues are phosphorylated. Phosphoserine is required for rapid endocytosis because CD4 molecules in which the cytoplasmic domain serine residues are substituted with glutamic acid residues are not internalized efficiently. Using surface plasmon resonance, we show that CD4 peptides containing the dileucine sequence bind weakly to clathrin adaptor protein complexes 2 and 1. The affinity of this interaction is increased 350- to 700-fold when the peptides also contain phosphoserine residues.


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The balance between cell survival and cell death is critical for normal lymphoid development. This balance is maintained by signals through lymphocyte antigen receptors and death receptors such as CD95/Fas. In some cells, ligating the B cell antigen receptor can protect the cell from apoptosis induced by CD95. Here we report that ligation of CD95 inhibits antigen receptor-mediated signaling. Pretreating CD40-stimulated tonsillar B cells with anti-CD95 abolished B cell antigen receptor-mediated calcium mobilization. Furthermore, CD95 ligation led to the caspase-dependent inhibition of antigen receptor-induced calcium mobilization and to the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in B and T cell lines. A target of CD95-mediated caspase 3-like activity early in the apoptotic process is the adaptor protein GrpL/Gads. GrpL constitutively interacts with SLP-76 via its C-terminal SH3 domain to regulate transcription factors such as NF-AT. Cleavage of GrpL removes the C-terminal SH3 domain so that it is no longer capable of recruiting SLP-76 to the membrane. Transfection of a truncated form of GrpL into Jurkat T cells blocked T cell antigen receptor-induced activation of NF-AT. These results suggest that CD95 signaling can desensitize antigen receptors, in part via cleavage of the GrpL adaptor.


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Immunological self-tolerance is ensured by eliminating or inhibiting self-reactive lymphocyte clones, creating physical or functional holes in the B- and T-lymphocyte antigen receptor repertoires. The nature and size of these gaps in our immune defenses must be balanced against the necessity of mounting rapid immune responses to an everchanging array of foreign pathogens. To achieve this balance, only a fraction of particularly hazardous self-reactive clones appears to be physically eliminated from the repertoire in a manner that fully prevents their recruitment into an antimicrobial immune response. Many self-reactive cells are retained with a variety of conditional and potentially flexible restraints: (i) their ability to be triggered by antigen is diminished by mechanisms that tune down signaling by their antigen receptors, (ii) their ability to carry out inflammatory effector functions can be inhibited, and (iii) their capacity to migrate and persist is constrained. This balance between tolerance and immunity can be shifted, altering susceptibility to autoimmune disease and to infection by genetic or environmental differences either in the way antigens are presented, in the tuning molecules that adjust triggering set points for lymphocyte responses to antigen, or in the effector molecules that eliminate, retain, or expand particular clones.


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The ST6Gal sialyltransferase controls production of the Siaα2-6Galβ1-4GlcNAc (Sia6LacNAc) trisaccharide, which is the ligand for the lectin CD22. Binding of CD22 to Sia6LacNAc is implicated in regulating lymphocyte adhesion and activation. We have investigated mice that lack ST6Gal and report that they are viable, yet exhibit hallmarks of severe immunosuppression unlike CD22-deficient mice. Notably, Sia6LacNAc-deficient mice display reduced serum IgM levels, impaired B cell proliferation in response to IgM and CD40 crosslinking, and attenuated antibody production to T-independent and T-dependent antigens. Deficiency of ST6Gal was further found to alter phosphotyrosine accumulation during signal transduction from the B lymphocyte antigen receptor. These studies reveal that the ST6Gal sialyltransferase and corresponding production of the Sia6LacNAc oligosaccharide are essential in promoting B lymphocyte activation and immune function.


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The Src-like tyrosine kinases require membrane localization for transformation and probably for their normal role in signal transduction. We utilized this characteristic to prepare Src-like tyrosine kinases that can be readily activated with the rationally designed chemical inducer of dimerization FK1012. Dimerization of cytoplasmic Src-like tyrosine kinases was not sufficient for signaling, but their recruitment to the plasma membrane led to the rapid activation of transcription factors identical to those regulated by crosslinking the antigen receptor. Moreover, recruitment of activated Src-like kinases to the membrane replaced signaling by the T-lymphocyte antigen receptor complex, leading to the activation of both the Ras/protein kinase C and Ca2+/calcineurin pathways normally activated by antigen receptor signaling. Since these chemical inducers of dimerization are cell permeable, this approach permits the production of conditional alleles of any of the Src-like tyrosine kinases, thereby allowing a delineation of their developmental roles.


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While Ras activation has been shown to play an important role in signal transduction by the T-lymphocyte antigen receptor, the mechanism of its activation in T cells is unclear. Membrane localization of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos, but not Vav or Dbl, was sufficient for Ras-mediated signaling in T lymphocytes. Activation of Sos appears to involve membrane recruitment and not allosteric changes, because interaction of Sos with the linking molecule Grb-2 was not required for Ras activation. To extend this analysis, we constructed a modified Sos that could be localized to the membrane inducibly by using a rationally designed chemical inducer of dimerization, FK1012. The role of Grb-2 in signaling was mimicked with this technique, which induced the association of a modified Sos with the membrane, resulting in rapid activation of Ras-induced signaling. In contrast, inducible localization of Grb-2 to the membrane did not activate signaling and suggests that the interaction of Grb-2 with Sos in T cells is subject to regulation. This conditional allele of Sos demonstrates that membrane localization of Sos is sufficient for Ras activation in T cells and indicates that the role of Grb-2 is to realize the biologic advantages of linker-mediated dimerization: enhanced specificity and favorable kinetics for signaling. This method of generating conditional alleles may also be useful in dissecting other signal transduction pathways regulated by protein localization or protein-protein interactions.


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Cancer relapse after surgery is a common occurrence, most frequently resulting from the outgrowth of minimal residual disease in the form of metastases. We examined the effectiveness of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) blockade as an adjunctive immunotherapy to reduce metastatic relapse after primary prostate tumor resection. For these studies, we developed a murine model in which overt metastatic outgrowth of TRAMP-C2 (C2) prostate cancer ensues after complete primary tumor resection. Metastatic relapse in this model occurs reliably and principally within the draining lymph nodes in close proximity to the primary tumor, arising from established metastases present at the time of surgery. Using this model, we demonstrate that adjunctive CTLA-4 blockade administered immediately after primary tumor resection reduces metastatic relapse from 97.4 to 44%. Consistent with this, lymph nodes obtained 2 weeks after treatment reveal marked destruction or complete elimination of C2 metastases in 60% of mice receiving adjunctive anti-CTLA-4 whereas 100% of control antibody-treated mice demonstrate progressive C2 lymph node replacement. Our study demonstrates the potential of adjunctive CTLA-4 blockade immunotherapy to reduce cancer relapse emanating from minimal residual metastatic disease and may have broader implications for improving the capability of immunotherapy by combining such forms of therapy with other cytoreductive measures including surgery.


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We show that CC chemokines induced a sustained increase in monocyte adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 that was mediated by Mac-1 (αMβ2) but not lymphocyte function–associated antigen-1 (LFA-1; αLβ2). In contrast, staining for an activation epitope revealed a rapid and transient up-regulation of LFA-1 activity by monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) in monocytes and Jurkat CCR2 chemokine receptor transfectants or by stromal-derived factor-1α in Jurkat cells. Differential kinetics for activation of Mac-1 (sustained) and LFA-1 (transient) avidity in response to stromal-derived factor-1α were confirmed by expression of αM or αL in αL-deficient Jurkat cells. Moreover, expression of chimeras containing αL and αM cytoplasmic domain exchanges indicated that α cytoplasmic tails conferred the specific mode of regulation. Coexpressing αM or chimeras in mutant Jurkat cells with a “gain of function” phenotype that results in constitutively active LFA-1 demonstrated that Mac-1 was not constitutively active, whereas constitutive activity was mediated via the αL cytoplasmic tail, implying the presence of distinct signaling pathways for LFA-1 and Mac-1. Transendothelial chemotaxis of monocytes in response to MCP-1 was dependent on LFA-1; however, Mac-1 was involved at MCP-1 concentrations stimulating its avidity, showing differential contributions of β2 integrins. Our data suggest that a specific regulation of β2 integrin avidity by chemokines may be important in leukocyte extravasation and may be triggered by distinct activation pathways transduced via the α subunit cytoplasmic domains.


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Integrin receptors play a central role in the biology of lymphocytes, mediating crucial functional aspects of these cells, including adhesion, activation, polarization, migration, and signaling. Here we report that induction of activation of the β2-integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) in T lymphocytes with divalent cations, phorbol esters, or stimulatory antibodies is followed by a dramatic polarization, resulting in a characteristic elongated morphology of the cells and the arrest of migrating lymphoblasts. This cellular polarization was prevented by treatment of cells with the specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Furthermore, the interaction of the activated integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induced the activation of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK-2). FAK activation reached a maximum after 45 min of stimulation; in contrast, PYK-2 activation peaked at 30 min, declining after 60 min. Upon polarization of lymphoblasts, FAK and PYK-2 redistributed from a diffuse localization in the cytoplasm to a region close to the microtubule-organizing center in these cells. FAK and PYK-2 activation was blocked when lymphoblasts were pretreated with actin and tubulin cytoskeleton-interfering agents, indicating its cytoskeletal dependence. Our results demonstrate that interaction of the β2-integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induces remodeling of T lymphocyte morphology and activation and redistribution of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases FAK and PYK-2.


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The leukocyte integrin, lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) (CD11a/CD18), mediates cell adhesion and signaling in inflammatory and immune responses. To support these functions, LFA-1 must convert from a resting to an activated state that avidly binds its ligands such as intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). Biochemical and x-ray studies of the Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) I domain suggest that integrin activation could involve a conformational change of the C-terminal α-helix. We report the use of NMR spectroscopy to identify CD11a I domain residues whose resonances are affected by binding to ICAM-1. We observed two distinct sites in the CD11a I domain that were affected. As expected from previous mutagenesis studies, a cluster of residues localized around the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) was severely perturbed on ICAM-1 binding. A second cluster of residues distal to the MIDAS that included the C-terminal α-helix of the CD11a I domain was also affected. Substitution of residues in the core of this second I domain site resulted in constitutively active LFA-1 binding to ICAM-1. Binding data indicates that none of the 20 substitution mutants we tested at this second site form an essential ICAM-1 binding interface. We also demonstrate that residues in the I domain linker sequences can regulate LFA-1 binding. These results indicate that LFA-1 binding to ICAM-1 is regulated by an I domain allosteric site (IDAS) and that this site is structurally linked to the MIDAS.


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The synovial membrane (SM) of affected joints in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is infiltrated by germinal center-like aggregates (foci) of lymphocytes similar to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We characterized the rearranged heavy chain variable segment (VH) genes in the SM for gene usage and the mutational pattern to elucidate the B lymphocyte involvement in AS.


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We show that interleukin 3 (IL-3) enhances the generation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) through the stimulation of host antigen-presenting cells (APCs). The BALB/c (H-2d) spontaneous lung carcinoma line 1 was modified by gene transfection to express ovalbumin as a nominal "tumor antigen" and to secrete IL-3, a cytokine enhancing myeloid development. IL-3-transfected tumor cells are less tumorigenic than the parental cell line, and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes isolated from these tumors contain increased numbers of tumor-specific CTLs. By using B3Z86/90.14 (B3Z), a unique T-cell hybridoma system restricted to ovalbumin/H-2b and implanting the tumors in (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 (H-2d/b) mice, we demonstrate that the IL-3-transfected tumors contain an increased number of a rare population of host cells that can process and "re-present" tumor antigen to CTLs. Electron microscopy allowed direct visualization of these host APCs, and these studies, along with surface marker phenotyping, indicate that these APCs are macrophage-like. The identification of these cells and their enhancement by IL-3 offers a new opportunity for tumor immunotherapy.


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To determine whether T-cell-receptor (TCR) usage by T cells recognizing a defined human tumor antigen in the context of the same HLA molecule is conserved, we analyzed the TCR diversity of autologous HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clones derived from five patients with metastatic melanoma and specific for the common melanoma antigen Melan-A/MART-1. These clones were first identified among HLA-A2-restricted anti-melanoma CTL clones by their ability to specifically release tumor necrosis factor in response to HLA-A2.1+ COS-7 cells expressing this tumor antigen. A PCR with variable (V)-region gene subfamily-specific primers was performed on cDNA from each clone followed by DNA sequencing. TCRAV2S1 was the predominant alpha-chain V region, being transcribed in 6 out of 9 Melan-A/MART-1-specific CTL clones obtained from the five patients. beta-chain V-region usage was also restricted, with either TCRBV14 or TCRBV7 expressed by all but one clone. In addition, a conserved TCRAV2S1/TCRBV14 combination was expressed in four CTL clones from three patients. None of these V-region genes was found in a group of four HLA-A2-restricted CTL clones recognizing different antigens (e.g., tyrosinase) on the autologous tumor. TCR joining regions were heterogeneous, although conserved structural features were observed in the complementarity-determining region 3 sequences. These results indicate that a selective repertoire of TCR genes is used in anti-melanoma responses when the response is narrowed to major histocompatibility complex-restricted antigen-specific interactions.