10 resultados para low threshold pumping

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The ribonucleoprotein telomerase synthesizes telomeric DNA by copying an intrinsic RNA template. In most cancer cells, telomerase is highly activated. Here we report a telomerase-based antitumor strategy: expression of mutant-template telomerase RNAs in human cancer cells. We expressed mutant-template human telomerase RNAs in prostate (LNCaP) and breast (MCF-7) cancer cell lines. Even a low threshold level of expression of telomerase RNA gene constructs containing various mutant templates, but not the control wild-type template, decreased cellular viability and increased apoptosis. This occurred despite the retention of normal levels of the endogenous wild-type telomerase RNA and endogenous wild-type telomerase activity and unaltered stable telomere lengths. In vivo tumor xenografts of a breast cancer cell line expressing a mutant-template telomerase RNA also had decreased growth rates. Therefore, mutant-template telomerase RNAs exert a strongly dominant-negative effect on cell proliferation and tumor growth. These results support the potential use of mutant-template telomerase RNA expression as an antineoplastic strategy.


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Synchronized network responses in thalamus depend on phasic inhibition originating in the thalamic reticular nucleus (nRt) and are mediated by the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). A suggested role for intra-nRt connectivity in inhibitory phasing remains controversial. Recently, functional GABA type B (GABAB) receptors were demonstrated on nRt cells, and the slow time course of the GABAB synaptic response seems ideally suited to deinactivate low-threshold calcium channels. This promotes burst firing, a characteristic feature of synchronized responses. Here we investigate GABAB-mediated rebound burst firing in thalamic cells. Whole-cell current-clamp recordings were obtained from nRt cells and somatosensory thalamocortical relay cells in rat brain slices. Synthetic GABAB inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, generated by a hybrid computer–neuron synapse (dynamic clamp), triggered rebound low-threshold calcium spikes in both cell types when peak inhibitory postsynaptic potential hyperpolarization was greater than −92 mV. The threshold inhibitory postsynaptic potential conductance for rebound burst generation was comparable in nRt (7 nS) and thalamocortical (5 nS) cells. However, burst onset in nRt (1 s) was considerably delayed compared with thalamocortical (0.6 s) cells. Thus, GABAB inhibitory postsynaptic potentials can elicit low-threshold calcium spikes in both relay and nRt neurons, but the resultant oscillation frequency would be faster for thalamocortical–nRt networks (3 Hz) than for nRt–nRt networks (1–2 Hz). We conclude, therefore, that fast (>2 Hz) GABAB-dependent thalamic oscillations are maintained primarily by reciprocal connections between excitatory and inhibitory cells. These findings further indicate that when oscillatory neural networks contain both recurrent and reciprocal inhibition, then distinct population frequencies may result when one or the other type of inhibition is favored.


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Spontaneous magnetoencephalographic activity was recorded in awake, healthy human controls and in patients suffering from neurogenic pain, tinnitus, Parkinson's disease, or depression. Compared with controls, patients showed increased low-frequency θ rhythmicity, in conjunction with a widespread and marked increase of coherence among high- and low-frequency oscillations. These data indicate the presence of a thalamocortical dysrhythmia, which we propose is responsible for all the above mentioned conditions. This coherent θ activity, the result of a resonant interaction between thalamus and cortex, is due to the generation of low-threshold calcium spike bursts by thalamic cells. The presence of these bursts is directly related to thalamic cell hyperpolarization, brought about by either excess inhibition or disfacilitation. The emergence of positive clinical symptoms is viewed as resulting from ectopic γ-band activation, which we refer to as the “edge effect.” This effect is observable as increased coherence between low- and high-frequency oscillations, probably resulting from inhibitory asymmetry between high- and low-frequency thalamocortical modules at the cortical level.


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There is increasing recognition that stochastic processes regulate highly predictable patterns of gene expression in developing organisms, but the implications of stochastic gene expression for understanding haploinsufficiency remain largely unexplored. We have used simulations of stochastic gene expression to illustrate that gene copy number and expression deactivation rates are important variables in achieving predictable outcomes. In gene expression systems with non-zero expression deactivation rates, diploid systems had a higher probability of uninterrupted gene expression than haploid systems and were more successful at maintaining gene product above a very low threshold. Systems with relatively rapid expression deactivation rates (unstable gene expression) had more predictable responses to a gradient of inducer than systems with slow or zero expression deactivation rates (stable gene expression), and diploid systems were more predictable than haploid, with or without dosage compensation. We suggest that null mutations of a single allele in a diploid organism could decrease the probability of gene expression and present the hypothesis that some haploinsufficiency syndromes might result from an increased susceptibility to stochastic delays of gene initiation or interruptions of gene expression.


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The anatomical and biophysical specializations of octopus cells allow them to detect the coincident firing of groups of auditory nerve fibers and to convey the precise timing of that coincidence to their targets. Octopus cells occupy a sharply defined region of the most caudal and dorsal part of the mammalian ventral cochlear nucleus. The dendrites of octopus cells cross the bundle of auditory nerve fibers just proximal to where the fibers leave the ventral and enter the dorsal cochlear nucleus, each octopus cell spanning about one-third of the tonotopic array. Octopus cells are excited by auditory nerve fibers through the activation of rapid, calcium-permeable, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptors. Synaptic responses are shaped by the unusual biophysical characteristics of octopus cells. Octopus cells have very low input resistances (about 7 MΩ), and short time constants (about 200 μsec) as a consequence of the activation at rest of a hyperpolarization-activated mixed-cation conductance and a low-threshold, depolarization-activated potassium conductance. The low input resistance causes rapid synaptic currents to generate rapid and small synaptic potentials. Summation of small synaptic potentials from many fibers is required to bring an octopus cell to threshold. Not only does the low input resistance make individual excitatory postsynaptic potentials brief so that they must be generated within 1 msec to sum but also the voltage-sensitive conductances of octopus cells prevent firing if the activation of auditory nerve inputs is not sufficiently synchronous and depolarization is not sufficiently rapid. In vivo in cats, octopus cells can fire rapidly and respond with exceptionally well-timed action potentials to periodic, broadband sounds such as clicks. Thus both the anatomical specializations and the biophysical specializations make octopus cells detectors of the coincident firing of their auditory nerve fiber inputs.


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Fine finger and hand movements in humans, monkeys, and rats are under the direct control of the corticospinal tract (CST). CST lesions lead to severe, long-term deficits of precision movements. We transected completely both CSTs in adult rats and treated the animals for 2 weeks with an antibody that neutralized the central nervous system neurite growth inhibitory protein Nogo-A (mAb IN-1). Anatomical studies of the rubrospinal tracts showed that the number of collaterals innervating the cervical spinal cord doubled in the mAb IN-1- but not in the control antibody-treated animals. Precision movements of the forelimb and fingers were severely impaired in the controls, but almost completely recovered in the mAb IN-1-treated rats. Low threshold microstimulation of the motor cortex induced a rapid forelimb electromyography response that was mediated by the red nucleus in the mAb IN-1 animals but not in the controls. These findings demonstrate an unexpectedly high capacity of the adult central nervous system motor system to sprout and reorganize in a targeted and functionally meaningful way.


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Polygalacturonase (PG) is the major enzyme responsible for pectin disassembly in ripening fruit. Despite extensive research on the factors regulating PG gene expression in fruit, there is conflicting evidence regarding the role of ethylene in mediating its expression. Transgenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruits in which endogenous ethylene production was suppressed by the expression of an antisense 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase gene were used to re-examine the role of ethylene in regulating the accumulation of PG mRNA, enzyme activity, and protein during fruit ripening. Treatment of transgenic antisense ACC synthase mature green fruit with ethylene at concentrations as low as 0.1 to 1 μL/L for 24 h induced PG mRNA accumulation, and this accumulation was higher at concentrations of ethylene up to 100 μL/L. Neither PG enzyme activity nor PG protein accumulated during this 24-h period of ethylene treatment, indicating that translation lags at least 24 h behind the accumulation of PG mRNA, even at high ethylene concentrations. When examined at concentrations of 10 μL/L, PG mRNA accumulated within 6 h of ethylene treatment, indicating that the PG gene responds rapidly to ethylene. Treatment of transgenic tomato fruit with a low level of ethylene (0.1 μL/L) for up to 6 d induced levels of PG mRNA, enzyme activity, and protein after 6 d, which were comparable to levels observed in ripening wild-type fruit. A similar level of internal ethylene (0.15 μL/L) was measured in transgenic antisense ACC synthase fruit that were held for 28 d after harvest. In these fruit PG mRNA, enzyme activity, and protein were detected. Collectively, these results suggest that PG mRNA accumulation is ethylene regulated, and that the low threshold levels of ethylene required to promote PG mRNA accumulation may be exceeded, even in transgenic antisense ACC synthase tomato fruit.


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Corn (Zea mays L.) root adaptation to pH 3.5 in comparison with pH 6.0 (control) was investigated in long-term nutrient solution experiments. When pH was gradually reduced, comparable root growth was observed irrespective of whether the pH was 3.5 or 6.0. After low-pH adaptation, H+ release of corn roots in vivo at pH 5.6 was about 3 times higher than that of control. Plasmalemma of corn roots was isolated for investigation in vitro. At optimum assay pH, in comparison with control, the following increases of the various parameters were caused by low-pH treatment: (a) hydrolytic ATPase activity, (b) maximum initial velocity and Michaelis constant (c) activation energy of H+-ATPase, (d) H+-pumping activity, (e) H+ permeability of plasmalemma, and (f) pH gradient across the membranes of plasmalemma vesicles. In addition, vanadate sensitivity remained unchanged. It is concluded that plasmalemma H+-ATPase contributes significantly to the adaptation of corn roots to low pH. A restricted net H+ release at low pH in vivo may be attributed to the steeper pH gradient and enhanced H+ permeability of plasmalemma but not to deactivation of H+-ATPase. Possible mechanisms responsible for adaptation of plasmalemma H+-ATPase to low solution pH during plant cultivation are discussed.


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Detection of a visual signal can be facilitated by simultaneous presentation of a similar subthreshold signal. Here we show that the facilitatory effect of a subthreshold signal can persist for more than 16 s. Presenting a near-threshold Gabor signal (prime) produced a phase-independent increase in contrast sensitivity (40%) to similar successive signals (target) for a period of up to 16 s. This effect was obtained only when both prime and target were presented to the same eye. We further show that the memory trace is inactivated by presenting high-contrast signals before the target. These results suggest that activated neurons in the primary visual cortex retain a near-threshold memory trace that persists until reactivated.


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The genetic relationships of colony members in the ant Myrmica tahoensis were determined on the basis of highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci. These analyses show that colonies fall into one of two classes. In roughly half of the sampled colonies, workers and female offspring appear to be full sisters. The remaining colonies contain offspring produced by two or more queens. Colonies that produce female sexuals are always composed of highly related females, while colonies that produce males often show low levels of nestmate relatedness. These results support theoretical predictions that workers should skew sex allocation in response to relatedness asymmetries found within colonies. The existence of a relatedness threshold below which female sexuals are not produced suggests a possible mechanism for worker perception of relatedness. Two results indicate that workers use genetic cues, not queen number, in making sex-allocation decisions. (i) The number of queens in a colony was not significantly correlated with either the level of relatedness asymmetry or the sex ratio. (ii) Sex-ratio shifts consistent with a genetically based mechanism of relatedness assessment were seen in an experiment involving transfers of larvae among unrelated nests. Thus workers appear to make sex-allocation decisions on the basis of larval cues and appear to be able to adjust sex ratios long after egg laying.