33 resultados para long-chain fatty acids

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Recent evidence indicates that polyunsaturated long-chain fatty acids (PUFAs) prevent lethal ischemia-induced cardiac arrhythmias in animals and probably in humans. To increase understanding of the mechanism(s) of this phenomenon, the effects of PUFAs on Na+ currents were assessed by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique in cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Extracellular application of the free 5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) produced a concentration-dependent suppression of ventricular, voltage-activated Na+ currents (INa). After cardiac myocytes were treated with 5 or 10 microM EPA, the peak INa (elicited by a single-step voltage change with pulses from -80 to -30 mV) was decreased by 51% +/- 8% (P < 0.01; n = 10) and 64% +/- 5% (P < 0.001; n = 21), respectively, within 2 min. Likewise, the same concentrations of 4,7,10,16,19-docosahexaenoic acid produced the same inhibition of INa. By contrast, 5 and 10 microM arachidonic acid (AA) caused less inhibition of INa, but both n - 6 and n - 3 PUFAs inhibited INa significantly. A monounsaturated fatty acid and a saturated fatty acid did not. After washing out EPA, INa returned to the control level. Raising the concentration of EPA to 40 microM completely blocked INa. The IC50 of EPA was 4.8 microM. The inhibition of this Na+ channel was found to be dose and time, but not use dependent. Also, the EPA-induced inhibition of INa was voltage dependent, since 10 microM EPA produced 83% +/- 7% and 29% +/- 5% inhibition of INa elicited by pulses from -80 to -30 mV and from -150 to -30 mV, respectively, in single-step voltage changes. A concentration of 10 microM EPA shifted the steady-state inactivation curve of INa by -19 +/- 3 mV (n = 7; P < 0.01). These effects of PUFAs on INa may be important for their antiarrhythmic effect in vivo.


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beta-Oxidation of long-chain fatty acids provides the major source of energy in the heart. Defects in enzymes of the beta-oxidation pathway cause sudden, unexplained death in childhood, acute hepatic encephalopathy or liver failure, skeletal myopathy, and cardiomyopathy. Very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [VLCAD; very-long-chain-acyl-CoA:(acceptor) 2,3-oxidoreductase, EC] catalyzes the first step in beta-oxidation. We have isolated the human VLCAD cDNA and gene and determined the complete nucleotide sequences. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of VLCAD mRNA and genomic exons defined the molecular defects in two patients with VLCAD deficiency who presented with unexplained cardiac arrest and cardiomyopathy. In one, a homozygous mutation in the consensus dinucleotide of the donor splice site (g+1-->a) was associated with universal skipping of the prior exon (exon 11). The second patient was a compound heterozygote, with a missense mutation, C1837-->T, changing the arginine at residue 613 to tryptophan on one allele and a single base deletion at the intron-exon 6 boundary as the second mutation. This initial delineation of human mutations in VLCAD suggests that VLCAD deficiency reduces myocardial fatty acid beta-oxidation and energy production and is associated with cardiomyopathy and sudden death in childhood.


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It has been suggested that transepithelial gradients of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs; the major anions in the colonic lumen) generate pH gradients across the colonic epithelium. Quantitative confocal microscopy was used to study extracellular pH in mouse distal colon with intact epithelial architecture, by superfusing tissue with carboxy SNARF-1 (a pH-sensitive fluorescent dye). Results demonstrate extracellular pH regulation in two separate microdomains surrounding colonic crypts: the crypt lumen and the subepithelial tissue adjacent to crypt colonocytes. Apical superfusion with (i) a poorly metabolized SCFA (isobutyrate), (ii) an avidly metabolized SCFA (n-butyrate), or (iii) a physiologic mixture of acetate/propionate/n-butyrate produced similar results: alkalinization of the crypt lumen and acidification of subepithelial tissue. Effects were (i) dependent on the presence and orientation of a transepithelial SCFA gradient, (ii) not observed with gluconate substitution, and (iii) required activation of sustained vectorial acid/base transport by SCFAs. Results suggest that the crypt lumen functions as a pH microdomain due to slow mixing with bulk superfusates and that crypts contribute significant buffering capacity to the lumen. In conclusion, physiologic SCFA gradients cause polarized extracellular pH regulation because epithelial architecture and vectorial transport synergize to establish regulated microenvironments.


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Mycolic acids are a major constituent of the mycobacterial cell wall, and they form an effective permeability barrier to protect mycobacteria from antimicrobial agents. Although the chemical structures of mycolic acids are well established, little is known on their biosynthesis. We have isolated a mycolate-deficient mutant strain of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2-155 by chemical mutagenesis followed by screening for increased sensitivity to novobiocin. This mutant also was hypersensitive to other hydrophobic compounds such as crystal violet, rifampicin, and erythromycin. Entry of hydrophobic probes into mutant cells occurred much more rapidly than that into the wild-type cells. HPLC and TLC analysis of fatty acid composition after saponification showed that the mutant failed to synthesize full-length mycolic acids. Instead, it accumulated a series of long-chain fatty acids, which were not detected in the wild-type strain. Analysis by 1H NMR, electrospray and electron impact mass spectroscopy, and permanganate cleavage of double bonds showed that these compounds corresponded to the incomplete meromycolate chain of mycolic acids, except for the presence of a β-hydroxyl group. This direct identification of meromycolates as precursors of mycolic acids provides a strong support for the previously proposed pathway for mycolic acid biosynthesis involving the separate synthesis of meromycolate chain and the α-branch of mycolic acids, followed by the joining of these two branches.


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Our model of the native fatty acid synthase (FAS) depicts it as a dimer of two identical multifunctional proteins (Mr ≈ 272,000) arranged in an antiparallel configuration so that the active Cys-SH of the β-ketoacyl synthase of one subunit (where the acyl group is attached) is juxtaposed within 2 Å of the pantetheinyl-SH of the second subunit (where the malonyl group is bound). This arrangement generates two active centers for fatty acid synthesis and predicts that if we have two appropriate halves of the monomer, we should be able to reconstitute an active fatty acid-synthesizing site. We cloned, expressed, and purified catalytically active thioredoxin (TRX) fusion proteins of the NH2-terminal half of the human FAS subunit protein (TRX-hFAS-dI; residues 1–1,297; Mr ≈ 166) and of the C-terminal half (TRX-hFAS-dII-III; residues 1,296–2,504; Mr ≈ 155). Adding equivalent amounts of TRX-hFAS-dI and TRX-hFAS-dII-III to a reaction mixture containing acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA, and NADPH resulted in the synthesis of long-chain fatty acids. The rate of synthesis was dependent upon the presence of both recombinant proteins and reached a constant level when they were present in equivalent amounts, indicating that the reconstitution of an active fatty acid-synthesizing site required the presence of every partial activity associated with the subunit protein. Analyses of the product acids revealed myristate to be the most abundant with small amounts of palmitate and stearate, possibly because of the way the fused recombinant proteins interacted with each other so that the thioesterase hydrolyzed the acyl group in its myristoyl state. The successful reconstitution of the human FAS activity from its domain I and domains II and III fully supports our model for the structure–function relationship of FAS in animal tissues.


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Aspergillus nidulans contains two functionally distinct fatty acid synthases (FASs): one required for primary fatty acid metabolism (FAS) and the other required for secondary metabolism (sFAS). FAS mutants require long-chain fatty acids for growth, whereas sFAS mutants grow normally but cannot synthesize sterigmatocystin (ST), a carcinogenic secondary metabolite structurally and biosynthetically related to aflatoxin. sFAS mutants regain the ability to synthesize ST when provided with hexanoic acid, supporting the model that the ST polyketide synthase uses this short-chain fatty acid as a starter unit. The characterization of both the polyketide synthase and FAS may provide novel means for modifying secondary metabolites.


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A previously unidentified gonadotropin-regulated long chain acyl-CoA synthetase (GR-LACS) was cloned and characterized as a 79-kDa cytoplasmic protein expressed in Leydig cells of the rat testis. GR-LACS shares sequence identity with two conserved regions of the LACS and luciferase families, including the ATP/AMP binding domain and the 25-aa fatty acyl-CoA synthetase signature motif, but displays low overall amino acid similarities (23–28%). GR-LACS mRNA is expressed abundantly in Leydig cells of the adult testis and to a lesser degree in the seminiferous tubules in spermatogonia and Sertoli cells. It is also observed in ovary and brain. Immunoreactive protein expression was observed mainly in Leydig cells and minimally in the tubules but was not detected in other tissues. In vivo, treatment with a desensitizing dose of human chorionic gonadotropin caused transcriptional down-regulation of GR-LACS expression in Leydig cells. The expressed protein present in the cytoplasm of transfected cells displayed acyl-CoA synthetase activity for long chain fatty acid substrates. GR-LACS may contribute to the provision of energy requirements and to the biosynthesis of steroid precursors and could participate through acyl-CoA's multiple functions in the regulation of the male gonad.


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An adipocyte membrane glycoprotein, (FAT), homologous to human CD36, has been previously implicated in the binding/transport of long-chain fatty acids. It bound reactive derivatives of long-chain fatty acids and binding was specific and associated with significant inhibition of fatty acid uptake. Tissue distribution of the protein and regulation of its expression were also consistent with its postulated role. In this report, we have examined the effects of FAT expression on rates and properties of fatty acid uptake by Ob17PY fibroblasts lacking the protein. Three clones (P21, P22, and P25) were selected based on FAT mRNA and protein levels. Cell surface labeling could be demonstrated with the anti-CD36 antibody FITC-OKM5. In line with this, the major fraction of immunoreactive FAT was associated with the plasma membrane fraction. Assays of oleate and/or palmitate uptake demonstrated higher rates in the three FAT-expressing clones, compared to cells transfected with the empty vector. Clone P21, which had the highest protein levels on Western blots, exhibited the largest increase in transport rates. Fatty acid uptake in FAT-expressing P21 cells reflected two components, a phloretin-sensitive high-affinity saturable component with a Km of 0.004 microM and a basal phloretin-insensitive component that was a linear function of unbound fatty acid. P21 cells incorporated more exogenous fatty acid into phospholipids, indicating that binding of fatty acids was followed by their transfer into the cell and that both processes were increased by FAT expression. The data support the interpretation that FAT/CD36 functions as a high-affinity membrane receptor/transporter for long-chain fatty acids.


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It is becoming clear that an adequate level of long-chain highly unsaturated fatty acids in the nervous system is required for optimal function and development; however, the ability of infants to biosynthesize long-chain fatty acids is unknown. This study explores the capacity of human infants to convert 18-carbon essential fatty acids to their elongated and desaturated forms, in vivo. A newly developed gas chromatography/negative chemical ionization/mass spectrometry method employing 2H-labeled essential fatty acids allowed assessment of this in vivo conversion with very high sensitivity and selectivity. Our results demonstrate that human infants have the capacity to convert dietary essential fatty acids administered enterally as 2H-labeled ethyl esters to their longer-chain derivatives, transport them to plasma, and incorporate them into membrane lipids. The in vivo conversion of linoleic acid (18:2n6) to arachidonic acid (20:4n6) is demonstrated in human beings. All elongases/desaturases necessary for the conversion of linolenic acid (18:3n3) to docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n3) are also active in the first week after birth. Although the absolute amounts of n-3 fatty acid metabolites accumulated in plasma are greater than those of the n-6 family, estimates of the endogenous pools of 18:2n6 and 18:3n3 indicate that n-6 fatty acid conversion rates are greater than those of the n-3 family. While these data clearly demonstrate the capability of infants to biosynthesize 22:6n3, a lipid that is required for optimal neural development, the amounts produced in vivo from 18:3n3 may be inadequate to support the 22:6n3 level observed in breast-fed infants.


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X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a peroxisomal disorder with impaired β-oxidation of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) and reduced function of peroxisomal very long chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase (VLCS) that leads to severe and progressive neurological disability. The X-ALD gene, identified by positional cloning, encodes a peroxisomal membrane protein (adrenoleukodystrophy protein; ALDP) that belongs to the ATP binding cassette transporter protein superfamily. Mutational analyses and functional studies of the X-ALD gene confirm that it and not VLCS is the gene responsible for X-ALD. Its role in the β-oxidation of VLCFAs and its effect on the function of VLCS are unclear. The complex pathology of X-ALD and the extreme variability of its clinical phenotypes are also unexplained. To facilitate understanding of X-ALD pathophysiology, we developed an X-ALD mouse model by gene targeting. The X-ALD mouse exhibits reduced β-oxidation of VLCFAs, resulting in significantly elevated levels of saturated VLCFAs in total lipids from all tissues measured and in cholesterol esters from adrenal glands. Lipid cleft inclusions were observed in adrenocortical cells of X-ALD mice under the electron microscope. No neurological involvement has been detected in X-ALD mice up to 6 months. We conclude that X-ALD mice exhibit biochemical defects equivalent to those found in human X-ALD and thus provide an experimental system for testing therapeutic intervention.


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(R,S)-[1-14C]3-Hydroxy eicosanoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) has been chemically synthesized to study the 3-hydroxy acyl-CoA dehydratase involved in the acyl-CoA elongase of etiolated leek (Allium porrum L.) seedling microsomes. 3-Hydroxy eicosanoyl-CoA (3-OH C20:0-CoA) dehydration led to the formation of (E)-2,3 eicosanoyl-CoA, which has been characterized. Our kinetic studies have determined the optimal conditions of the dehydration and also resolved the stereospecificity requirement of the dehydratase for (R)-3-OH C20:0-CoA. Isotopic dilution experiments showed that 3-hydroxy acyl-CoA dehydratase had a marked preference for (R)-3-OH C20:0-CoA. Moreover, the very-long-chain synthesis using (R)-3-OH C20:0-CoA isomer and [2-14C]malonyl-CoA was higher than that using the (S) isomer, whatever the malonyl-CoA and the 3-OH C20:0-CoA concentrations. We have also used [1-14C]3-OH C20:0-CoA to investigate the reductant requirement of the enoyl-CoA reductase of the acyl-CoA elongase complex. In the presence of NADPH, [1-14C]3-OH C20:0-CoA conversion was stimulated. Aside from the product of dehydration, i.e. (E)-2,3 eicosanoyl-CoA, we detected eicosanoyl-CoA resulting from the reduction of (E)-2,3 eicosanoyl-CoA. When we replaced NADPH with NADH, the eicosanoyl-CoA was 8- to 10-fold less abundant. Finally, in the presence of malonyl-CoA and NADPH or NADH, [1-14C]3-OH C20:0-CoA led to the synthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids. This synthesis was measured using [1-14C]3-OH C20:0-CoA and malonyl-CoA or (E)-2,3 eicosanoyl-CoA and [2-14C]malonyl-CoA. In both conditions and in the presence of NADPH, the acyl-CoA elongation activity was about 60 nmol mg−1 h−1, which is the highest ever reported for a plant system.


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Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which has a molecular mass of 265 kDa (ACC-alpha), catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids. In this study we report the complete amino acid sequence and unique features of an isoform of ACC with a molecular mass of 275 kDa (ACC-beta), which is primarily expressed in heart and skeletal muscles. In these tissues, ACC-beta may be involved in the regulation of fatty acid oxidation, rather than fatty acid biosynthesis. ACC-beta contains an amino acid sequence at the N terminus which is about 200 amino acids long and may be uniquely related to the role of ACC-beta in controlling carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity and fatty acid oxidation by mitochondria. If we exclude this unique sequence at the N terminus the two forms of ACC show about 75% amino acid identity. All of the known functional domains of ACC are found in the homologous regions. Human ACC-beta cDNA has an open reading frame of 7,343 bases, encoding a protein of 2,458 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 276,638 Da. The mRNA size of human ACC-beta is approximately 10 kb and is primarily expressed in heart and skeletal muscle tissues, whereas ACC-alpha mRNA is detected in all tissues tested. A fragment of ACC-beta cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and antibodies against the peptide were generated to establish that the cDNA sequence that we cloned is that for ACC-beta.


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The adrenoleukodystrophy protein (ALDp) is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter in the human peroxisome membrane. It is defective in X chromosome-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a neurodegenerative disorder with impaired peroxisomal oxidation of very long chain fatty acids. We report cloning and characterization of PXA1, a yeast gene encoding a protein (Pxa1p) exhibiting high similarity to ALDp. Disruption of PXA1 results in impaired growth on oleic acid and reduced ability to oxidize oleate. Pxa1p is peroxisome associated; however, in the PXA1 mutant yeast, as in ALD cells, peroxisomes are morphologically intact. Disruption of a second yeast gene, YKL741, which encodes a more distantly related ALDp homolog (Yk174p), in either wild-type or PXA1 mutant yeast, results in a growth phenotype identical to that of the PXA1 mutant. This result suggests that Yk1741p and Pxa1p may be subunits of the same transporter. Sequence analysis of Pxa1p, ALDp, and related ABC transporters reveals a possible fatty acid binding domain and a 14-amino acid EAA-like motif, previously described only in prokaryotes. Because of the similarities in sequence and function, we propose that Pxa1p is the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ortholog of ALDp.


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Because previous studies showed that polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce the contraction rate of spontaneously beating heart cells and have antiarrhythmic effects, we examined the effects of the fatty acids on the electrophysiology of the cardiac cycle in isolated neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. Exposure of cardiomyocytes to 10 microM eicosapentaenoic acid for 2-5 min markedly increased the strength of the depolarizing current required to elicit an action potential (from 18.0 +/- 2.4 pA to 26.8 +/- 2.7 pA, P < 0.01) and the cycle length of excitability (from 525 ms to 1225 ms, delta = 700 +/- 212, P < 0.05). These changes were due to an increase in the threshold for action potential (from -52 mV to -43 mV, delta = 9 +/- 3, P < 0.05) and a more negative resting membrane potential (from -52 mV to -57 mV, delta = 5 +/- 1, P < 0.05). There was a progressive prolongation of intervals between spontaneous action potentials and a slowed rate of phase 4 depolarization. Other polyunsaturated fatty acids--including docosahexaenoic acid, linolenic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and its nonmetabolizable analog eicosatetraynoic acid, but neither the monounsaturated oleic acid nor the saturated stearic acid--had similar effects. The effects of the fatty acids could be reversed by washing with fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin. These results show that free polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce membrane electrical excitability of heart cells and provide an electrophysiological basis for the antiarrhythmic effects of these fatty acids.


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Abnormalities of fatty acid metabolism are recognized to play a significant role in human disease, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCAD) catalyzes the initial step in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO). We produced a mouse model of LCAD deficiency with severely impaired FAO. Matings between LCAD +/− mice yielded an abnormally low number of LCAD +/− and −/− offspring, indicating frequent gestational loss. LCAD −/− mice that reached birth appeared normal, but had severely reduced fasting tolerance with hepatic and cardiac lipidosis, hypoglycemia, elevated serum free fatty acids, and nonketotic dicarboxylic aciduria. Approximately 10% of adult LCAD −/− males developed cardiomyopathy, and sudden death was observed in 4 of 75 LCAD −/− mice. These results demonstrate the crucial roles of mitochondrial FAO and LCAD in vivo.