33 resultados para live vaccine

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Listeria monocytogenes (LM) is a Gram-positive bacterium that is able to enter host cells, escape from the endocytic vesicle, multiply within the cytoplasm, and spread directly from cell to cell without encountering the extracellular milieu. The ability of LM to gain access to the host cell cytosol allows proteins secreted by the bacterium to efficiently enter the pathway for major histocompatibility complex class I antigen processing and presentation. We have established a genetic system for expression and secretion of foreign antigens by recombinant strains, based on stable site-specific integration of expression cassettes into the LM genome. The ability of LM recombinants to induce protective immunity against a heterologous pathogen was demonstrated with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). LM strains expressing the entire LCMV nucleoprotein or an H-2Ld-restricted nucleoprotein epitope (aa 118-126) were constructed. Immunization of mice with LM vaccine strains conferred protection against challenge with virulent strains of LCMV that otherwise establish chronic infection in naive adult mice. In vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells from vaccinated mice abrogated their ability to clear viral infection, showing that protective anti-viral immunity was due to CD8+ T cells.


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The recent discovery of long term AIDS nonprogressors who harbor nef-attenuated HIV suggests that a naturally occurring live vaccine for AIDS may already exist. Animal models have shown that a live vaccine for AIDS, attenuated in nef, is the best candidate vaccine. There are considerable risks, real and perceived, with the use of live HIV vaccines. We have introduced a conditional lethal genetic element into HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) molecular clones deleted in nef. The antiviral strategy we employed targets both virus replication and the survival of the infected cell. The suicide gene, herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk), was expressed and maintained in HIV over long periods of time. Herpes simplex virus tk confers sensitivity to the antiviral activity of acyclic nucleosides such as ganciclovir (GCV). HIV-tk and SIV-tk replication were sensitive to GCV at subtoxic concentrations, and virus-infected cells were eliminated from tumor cell lines as well as primary cell cultures. We found the HIV-tk virus to be remarkably stable even after being cultured in media containing a low concentration of GCV and then challenged with the higher dose and that while GCV resistant escape mutants did arise, a significant fraction of the virus remained sensitive to GCV.


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Live vaccine vectors are usually very effective and generally elicit immune responses of higher magnitude and longer duration than nonliving vectors. Consequently, much attention has been turned to the engineering of oral pathogens for the delivery of foreign antigens to the gut-associated lymphoid tissues. However, no bacterial vector has yet been designed to specifically take advantage of the nasal route of mucosal vaccination. Herein we describe a genetic system for the expression of heterologous antigens fused to the filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) in Bordetella pertussis. The Schistosoma mansoni glutathione S-transferase (Sm28GST) fused to FHA was detected at the cell surface and in the culture supernatants of recombinant B. pertussis. The mouse colonization capacity and autoagglutination of the recombinant microorganism were indistinguishable from those of the wild-type strain. In addition, and in contrast to the wild-type strain, a single intranasal administration of the recombinant strain induced both IgA and IgG antibodies against Sm28GST and against FHA in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. No anti-Sm28GST antibodies were detected in the serum, strongly suggesting that the observed immune response was of mucosal origin. This demonstrates, to our knowledge, for the first time that recombinant respiratory pathogens can induce mucosal immune responses against heterologous antigens, and this may constitute a first step toward the development of combined live vaccines administrable via the respiratory route.


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To circumvent the need to engineer pathogenic microorganisms as live vaccine-delivery vehicles, a system was developed which allowed for the stable expression of a wide range of protein antigens on the surface of Gram-positive commensal bacteria. The human oral commensal Streptococcus gordonii was engineered to surface express a 204-amino acid allergen from hornet venom (Ag5.2) as a fusion with the anchor region of the M6 protein of Streptococcus pyogenes. The immunogenicity of the M6-Ag5.2 fusion protein was assessed in mice inoculated orally and intranasally with a single dose of recombinant bacteria, resulting in the colonization of the oral/pharyngeal mucosa for 10-11 weeks. A significant increase of Ag5.2-specific IgA with relation to the total IgA was detected in saliva and lung lavages when compared with mice colonized with wild-type S. gordonii. A systemic IgG response to Ag5.2 was also induced after oral colonization. Thus, recombinant Gram-positive commensal bacteria may be a safe and effective way of inducing a local and systemic immune response.


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Vaccination with live Leishmania major has been shown to yield effective immunization in humans; however, this has been discontinued because of problems associated with virulence of the available vaccine lines. To circumvent this, we tested the ability of a dhfr-ts- null mutant of L. major, obtained by gene targeting, to infect and then to vaccinate mice against challenge with virulent L. major. Survival and replication of dhfr-ts- in macrophages in vitro were dependent upon thymidine, with parasites differentiating into amastigotes prior to destruction. dhfr-ts- parasites persisted in BALB/c mice for up to 2 months, declining with a half-life of 2-3 days. Nonetheless, dhfr-ts- was incapable of causing disease in both susceptible and immunodeficient (nu/nu) BALB/c mice. Animal infectivity could be partially restored by thymidine supplementation. When inoculated by the i.v., s.c., or i.m. routes into mice, dhfr-ts- could elicit substantial resistance to a subsequent challenge with virulent L. major. Thus, Leishmania bearing auxotrophic gene knockouts can be safe and induce protective immunity. Potentially, dhfr-ts- could be used as a platform for delivery of immunogens relevant to other diseases.


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The utility of live attenuated vaccines for controlling HIV epidemics is being debated. Live attenuated HIV vaccines (LAHVs) could be extremely effective in protecting against infection with wild-type strains, but may not be completely safe as the attenuated strain could cause AIDS in some vaccinated individuals. We present a theoretical framework for evaluating the consequences of the tradeoff between vaccine efficacy (in terms of preventing new infections with wild-type strains) and safety (in terms of vaccine-induced AIDS deaths). We use our framework to predict, for Zimbabwe and Thailand, the epidemiological impact of 1,000 different (specified by efficacy and safety characteristics) LAHVs. We predict that paradoxically: (i) in Zimbabwe (where transmission is high) LAHVs would significantly decrease the AIDS death rate, but (ii) in Thailand (where transmission is low) exactly the same vaccines (in terms of efficacy and safety characteristics) would increase the AIDS death rate. Our results imply that a threshold transmission rate exists that determines whether any given LAHV has a beneficial or a detrimental impact. We also determine the vaccine perversity point, which is defined in terms of the fraction of vaccinated individuals who progress to AIDS as a result of the vaccine strain. Vaccination with any LAHV that causes more than 5% of vaccinated individuals to progress to AIDS in 25 years would, even 50 years later, lead to perversity (i.e., increase the annual AIDS death rate) in Thailand; these same vaccines would lead to decreases in the annual AIDS death rate in Zimbabwe.


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A major concern associated with the use of vaccines based on live-attenuated viruses is the possible and well documented reversion to pathogenic phenotypes. In the case of HIV, genomic deletions or mutations introduced to attenuate viral pathogenicity can be repaired by selection of compensating mutations. These events lead to increased virus replication rates and, eventually, disease progression. Because replication competence and degree of protection appear to be directly correlated, further attenuation of a vaccine virus may compromise the ability to elicit a protective immune response. Here, we describe an approach toward a safe attenuated HIV vaccine. The system is not based on permanent reduction of infectivity by alteration of important viral genomic sequences, but on strict control of replication through the insertion of the tetracycline (Tet) system in the HIV genome. Furthermore, extensive in vitro evolution was applied to the prototype Tet-controlled HIV to select for variants with optimized rather than diminished replication capacity. The final product of evolution has properties uniquely suited for use as a vaccine strain. The evolved virus is highly infectious, as opposed to a canonically attenuated virus. It replicates efficiently in T cell lines and in activated and unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Most importantly, replication is strictly dependent on the nontoxic Tetanalogue doxycycline and can be turned on and off. These results suggest that this in vitro evolved, doxycycline-dependent HIV might represent a useful tool toward the development of a safer, live-attenuated HIV vaccine.


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Infectious human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was produced by the intracellular coexpression of five plasmid-borne cDNAs. One cDNA encoded a complete positive-sense version of the RSV genome (corresponding to the replicative intermediate RNA or antigenome), and each of the other four encoded a separate RSV protein, namely, the major nucleocapsid N protein, the nucleocapsid P phosphoprotein, the major polymerase L protein, or the protein from the 5' proximal open reading frame of the M2 mRNA [M2(ORF1)]. RSV was not produced if any of the five plasmids was omitted. The requirement for the M2(ORF1) protein is consistent with its recent identification as a transcription elongation factor and confirms its importance for RSV gene expression. It should thus be possible to introduce defined changes into infectious RSV. This should be useful for basic studies of RSV molecular biology and pathogenesis; in addition, there are immediate applications to the development of live attenuated vaccine strains bearing predetermined defined attenuating mutations.


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Most anthropoid primates are slow to develop, their offspring are mostly single births, and the interbirth intervals are long. To maintain a stable population, parents must live long enough to sustain the serial production of a sufficient number of young to replace themselves while allowing for the death of offspring before they can reproduce. However, in many species there is a large differential between the sexes in the care provided to offspring. Therefore, we hypothesize that in slowly developing species with single births, the sex that bears the greater burden in the care of offspring will tend to survive longer. Males are incapable of gestating infants and lactating, but in several species fathers carry their offspring for long periods. We predict that females tend to live longer than males in the species where the mother does most or all of the care of offspring, that there is no difference in survival between the sexes in species in which both parents participate about equally in infant care, and that in the species where the father does a greater amount of care than the mother, males tend to live longer. The hypothesis is supported by survival data for males and females in anthropoid primate species.


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To enhance the efficacy of DNA malaria vaccines, we evaluated the effect on protection of immunizing with various combinations of DNA, recombinant vaccinia virus, and a synthetic peptide. Immunization of BALB/c mice with a plasmid expressing Plasmodium yoelii (Py) circumsporozoite protein (CSP) induces H-2Kd-restricted CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses and CD8+ T cell- and interferon (IFN)-γ-dependent protection of mice against challenge with Py sporozoites. Immunization with a multiple antigenic peptide, including the only reported H-2Kd-restricted CD8+ T cell epitope on the PyCSP (PyCSP CTL multiple antigenic peptide) and immunization with recombinant vaccinia expressing the PyCSP induced CTL but only modest to minimal protection. Mice were immunized with PyCSP DNA, PyCSP CTL multiple antigenic peptide, or recombinant vaccinia expressing PyCSP, were boosted 9 wk later with the same immunogen or one of the others, and were challenged. Only mice immunized with DNA and boosted with vaccinia PyCSP (D-V) (11/16: 69%) or DNA (D-D) (7/16: 44%) had greater protection (P < 0.0007) than controls. D-V mice had significantly higher individual levels of antibodies and class I-restricted CTL activity than did D-D mice; IFN-γ production by ELIspot also was higher in D-V than in D-D mice. In a second experiment, three different groups of D-V mice each had higher levels of protection than did D-D mice, and IFN-γ production was significantly greater in D-V than in D-D mice. The observation that priming with PyCSP DNA and boosting with vaccinia-PyCSP is more immunogenic and protective than immunizing with PyCSP DNA alone supports consideration of a similar sequential immunization approach in humans.


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CTXφ is a filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin, the principal virulence factor of Vibrio cholerae. CTXφ is unusual among filamentous phages because it encodes a repressor and forms lysogens. CTXφ can infect the existing live-attenuated V. cholerae vaccine strains derived from either the El Tor or classical V. cholerae biotypes and result in vaccine reversion to toxinogenicity. Intraintestinal CTXφ transduction assays were used to demonstrate that El Tor biotype strains of V. cholerae are immune to infection with the El Tor-derived CTXφ, whereas classical strains are not. The El Tor CTXφ repressor, RstR, was sufficient to render classical strains immune to infection with the El Tor CTXφ. The DNA sequences of the classical and El Tor CTXφ repressors and their presumed cognate operators are highly diverged, whereas the sequences that surround this “immunity” region are nearly identical. Transcriptional fusion studies revealed that the El Tor RstR mediated repression of an El Tor rstA-lacZ fusion but did not repress a classical rstA-lacZ fusion. Likewise, the classical RstR only repressed a classical rstA-lacZ fusion. Thus, similar to the mechanistic basis for heteroimmunity among lambdoid phages, the specificity of CTXφ immunity is based on the divergence of the sequences of repressors and their operators. Expression of the El Tor rstR in either El Tor or classical live-attenuated V. cholerae vaccine strains effectively protected these vaccines from CTXφ infection. Introduction of rstR into V. cholerae vaccine strains should enhance their biosafety.


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This study aimed to exploit bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) as large antigen-capacity DNA vaccines (BAC-VAC) against complex pathogens, such as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). The 152-kbp HSV-1 genome recently has been cloned as an F-plasmid-based BAC in Escherichia coli (fHSV), which can efficiently produce infectious virus progeny upon transfection into mammalian cells. A safe modification of fHSV, fHSVΔpac, does not give rise to progeny virus because the signals necessary to package DNA into virions have been excluded. However, in mammalian cells fHSVΔpac DNA can still replicate, express the HSV-1 genes, cause cytotoxic effects, and produce virus-like particles. Because these functions mimic the lytic cycle of the HSV-1 infection, fHSVΔpac was expected to stimulate the immune system as efficiently as a modified live virus vaccine. To test this hypothesis, mice were immunized with fHSVΔpac DNA applied intradermally by gold-particle bombardment, and the immune responses were compared with those induced by infection with disabled infectious single cycle HSV-1. Immunization with either fHSVΔpac or disabled infectious single cycle HSV-1 induced the priming of HSV-1-specific cytotoxic T cells and the production of virus-specific antibodies and conferred protection against intracerebral injection of wild-type HSV-1 at a dose of 200 LD50. Protection probably was cell-mediated, as transfer of serum from immunized mice did not protect naive animals. We conclude that BAC-VACs per se, or in combination with genetic elements that support replicative amplification of the DNA in the cell nucleus, represent a useful new generation of DNA-based vaccination strategies for many viral and nonviral antigens.


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Viral proteins are not naturally selected for high affinity major histocompatibility complex (MHC) binding sequences; indeed, if there is any selection, it is likely to be negative in nature. Thus, one should be able to increase viral peptide binding to MHC in the rational design of synthetic peptide vaccines. The T1 helper peptide from the HIV-1 envelope protein was made more immunogenic for inducing T cell proliferation to the native sequence by replacing a residue that exerts an adverse influence on peptide binding to an MHC class II molecule. Mice immunized with vaccine constructs combining the more potent Th helper (Th) epitope with a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) determinant developed greatly enhanced CTL responses. Use of class II MHC-congenic mice confirmed that the enhancement of CTL response was due to class II-restricted help. Thus, enhanced T cell help is key for optimal induction of CTL, and, by modification of the native immunogen to increase binding to MHC, it is possible to develop second generation vaccine constructs that enhance both Th cell activation and CTL induction.


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Imaging of H217O has a number of important applications. Mapping the distribution of H217O produced by oxidative metabolism of 17O-enriched oxygen gas may lead to a new method of metabolic functional imaging; regional cerebral blood flow also can be measured by measuring the H217O distribution after the injection of 17O-enriched physiological saline solution. Previous studies have proposed a method for indirect detection of 17O. The method is based on the shortening of the proton T2 in H217O solutions, caused by the residual 17O-1H scalar coupling and transferred to the bulk water via fast chemical exchange. It has been shown that the proton T2 of H217O solutions can be restored to that of H216O by irradiating the resonance frequency of the 17O nucleus. The indirect 17O image thus is obtained by taking the difference between two T2-weighted spin-echo images: one acquired after irradiation of the 17O resonance and one acquired without irradiation. It also has been established that, at relatively low concentrations of H217O, the indirect method yields an image that quantitatively reflects the H217O distribution in the sample. The method is referred to as PRIMO (proton imaging of oxygen). In this work, we show in vivo proton images of the H217O distribution in a rat brain after an i.v. injection of H217O-enriched physiological saline solution. Implementing the indirect detection method in an echo-planar imaging sequence enabled obtaining H217O images with good spatial and temporal resolution of few seconds.