11 resultados para liquid propertiesi measurement cell

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Red blood cells (RBCs), previously fixed with glutaraldehyde, adhere to glass slides coated with fibrinogen. The RBC deposition process on the horizontal glass surface is investigated by analyzing the relative surface covered by the RBCs, as well as the variance of this surface coverage, as a function of the concentration of particles. This study is performed by optical microscopy and image analysis. A model, derived from the classical random sequential adsorption model, has been developed to account for the experimental results. This model highlights the strong influence of the hydrodynamic interactions during the deposition process.


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Measurement of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dGuo) in DNA by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) was studied. A methodology was developed for separation by LC of 8-OH-dGuo from intact and modified nucleosides in DNA hydrolyzed by a combination of four enzymes: DNase I, phosphodiesterases I and II and alkaline phosphatase. The atmospheric pressure ionization-electrospray process was used for mass spectral measurements. A stable isotope-labeled analog of 8-OH-dGuo was used as an internal standard for quantification by isotope-dilution MS (IDMS). Results showed that LC/IDMS with selected ion-monitoring (SIM) is well suited for identification and quantification of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA at background levels and in damaged DNA. The sensitivity level of LC/IDMS-SIM was found to be comparable to that reported previously using LC-tandem MS (LC/MS/MS). It was found that approximately five lesions per 106 DNA bases can be detected using amounts of DNA as low as 2 µg. The results also suggest that this lesion may be quantified in DNA at levels of one lesion per 106 DNA bases, or even lower, when more DNA is used. Up to 50 µg of DNA per injection were used without adversely affecting the measurements. Gas chromatography/isotope-dilution MS with selected-ion monitoring (GC/IDMS-SIM) was also used to measure this compound in DNA following its removal from DNA by acidic hydrolysis or by hydrolysis with Escherichia coli Fpg protein. The background levels obtained by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM were almost identical. Calf thymus DNA and DNA isolated from cultured HeLa cells were used for this purpose. This indicates that these two techniques can provide similar results in terms of the measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA. In addition, DNA in buffered aqueous solution was damaged by ionizing radiation at different radiation doses and analyzed by LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM. Again, similar results were obtained by the two techniques. The sensitivity of GC/MS-SIM for 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine was also examined and found to be much greater than that of LC/MS-SIM and the reported sensitivity of LC/MS/MS for 8-OH-dGuo. Taken together, the results unequivocally show that LC/IDMS-SIM is well suited for sensitive and accurate measurement of 8-OH-dGuo in DNA and that both LC/IDMS-SIM and GC/IDMS-SIM can provide similar results.


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Cell wall deposition is a key process in the formation, growth, and differentiation of plant cells. The most important structural components of the wall are long cellulose microfibrils, which are synthesized by synthases embedded in the plasma membrane. A fundamental question is how the microfibrils become oriented during deposition at the plasma membrane. The current textbook explanation for the orientation mechanism is a guidance system mediated by cortical microtubules. However, too many contraindications are known in secondary cell walls for this to be a universal mechanism, particularly in the case of helicoidal arrangements, which occur in many situations. An additional construction mechanism involves liquid crystalline self-assembly [A. C. Neville (1993) Biology of Fibrous Composites: Development Beyond the Cell Membrane (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K.)], but the required amount of bulk material that is able to equilibrate thermally is not normally present at any stage of the wall deposition process. Therefore, we have asked whether the complex ordered texture of helicoidal cell walls can be formed in the absence of direct cellular guidance mechanisms. We propose that they can be formed by a mechanism that is based on geometrical considerations. It explains the genesis of the complicated helicoidal texture and shows that the cell has intrinsic, versatile tools for creating a variety of textures. A compelling feature of the model is that local rules generate global order, a typical phenomenon of life.


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The cell envelope (CE) is a specialized structure that is important for barrier function in terminally differentiated stratified squamous epithelia. The CE is formed inside the plasma membrane and becomes insoluble as a result of cross-linking of constituent proteins by isopeptide bonds formed by transglutaminases. To investigate the earliest stages of assembly of the CE, we have studied human epidermal keratinocytes induced to terminally differentiate in submerged liquid culture as a model system for epithelia in general. CEs were harvested from 2-, 3-, 5-, or 7-d cultured cells and examined by 1) immunogold electron microscopy using antibodies to known CE or other junctional proteins and 2) amino acid sequencing of cross-linked peptides derived by proteolysis of CEs. Our data document that CE assembly is initiated along the plasma membrane between desmosomes by head-to-tail and head-to-head cross-linking of involucrin to itself and to envoplakin and perhaps periplakin. Essentially only one lysine and two glutamine residues of involucrin and two glutamines of envoplakin were used initially. In CEs of 3-d cultured cells, involucrin, envoplakin, and small proline-rich proteins were physically located at desmosomes and had become cross-linked to desmoplakin, and in 5-d CEs, these three proteins had formed a continuous layer extending uniformly along the cell periphery. By this time >15 residues of involucrin were used for cross-linking. The CEs of 7-d cells contain significant amounts of the protein loricrin, typically expressed at a later stage of CE assembly. Together, these data stress the importance of juxtaposition of membranes, transglutaminases, and involucrin and envoplakin in the initiation of CE assembly of stratified squamous epithelia.


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Diffusion of molecules in brain extracellular space is constrained by two macroscopic parameters, tortuosity factor λ and volume fraction α. Recent studies in brain slices show that when osmolarity is reduced, λ increases while α decreases. In contrast, with increased osmolarity, α increases, but λ attains a plateau. Using homogenization theory and a variety of lattice models, we found that the plateau behavior of λ can be explained if the shape of brain cells changes nonuniformly during the shrinking or swelling induced by osmotic challenge. The nonuniform cellular shrinkage creates residual extracellular space that temporarily traps diffusing molecules, thus impeding the macroscopic diffusion. The paper also discusses the definition of tortuosity and its independence of the measurement frame of reference.


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Autocrine ligands are important regulators of many normal tissues and have been implicated in a number of disease states, including cancer. However, because by definition autocrine ligands are synthesized, secreted, and bound to cell receptors within an intrinsically self-contained “loop,” standard pharmacological approaches cannot be used to investigate relationships between ligand/receptor binding and consequent cellular responses. We demonstrate here a new approach for measurement of autocrine ligand binding to cells, using a microphysiometer assay originally developed for investigating cell responses to exogenous ligands. This technique permits quantitative measurements of autocrine responses on the time scale of receptor binding and internalization, thus allowing investigation of the role of receptor trafficking and dynamics in cellular responses. We used this technique to investigate autocrine signaling through the epidermal growth factor receptor by transforming growth factor alpha (TGFα) and found that anti-receptor antibodies are far more effective than anti-ligand antibodies in inhibiting autocrine signaling. This result indicates that autocrine-based signals can operate in a spatially restricted, local manner and thus provide cells with information on their local microenvironment.


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Camalexin (3-thiazol-2′-yl-indole) is the principal phytoalexin that accumulates in Arabidopsis after infection by fungi or bacteria. Camalexin accumulation was detectable in Arabidopsis cell-suspension cultures 3 to 5 h after inoculation with Cochliobolus carbonum (Race 1), and then increased rapidly from 7 to 24 h after inoculation. Levels of radioactivity incorporated into camalexin during a 1.5-h pulse labeling with [14C]anthranilate also increased with time after fungal inoculation. The levels of radioactive incorporation into camalexin increased rapidly between 7 and 18 h after inoculation, and then decreased along with camalexin accumulation. Relatively low levels of radioactivity from [14C]anthranilate incorporated into camalexin in the noninoculated controls. Autoradiographic analysis of the accumulation of chloroform-extractable metabolites labeled with [14C]anthranilate revealed a transient increase in the incorporation of radioactivity into indole in fungus-inoculated Arabidopsis cell cultures. The time-course measurement of radioactive incorporation into camalexin during a 1.5-h pulse labeling with [14C]indole was similar to that with [14C]anthranilate. These data suggest that indole destined for camalexin synthesis is produced by a separate enzymatic reaction that does not involve tryptophan synthase.


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3-Hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) is a tryptophan metabolite whose level in the brain is markedly elevated under several pathological conditions, including Huntington disease and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Here we demonstrate that micromolar concentrations (1-100 microM) of 3-HK cause cell death in primary neuronal cultures prepared from rat striatum. The neurotoxicity of 3-HK was blocked by catalase and desferrioxamine but not by superoxide dismutase, indicating that the generation of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical is involved in the toxicity. Measurement of peroxide levels revealed that 3-HK caused intracellular accumulation of peroxide, which was largely attenuated by application of catalase. The peroxide accumulation and cell death caused by 1-10 microM 3-HK were also blocked by pretreatment with allopurinol or oxypurinol, suggesting that endogenous xanthine oxidase activity is involved in exacerbation of 3-HK neurotoxicity. Furthermore, NADPH diaphorase-containing neurons were spared from toxicity of these concentrations of 3-HK, a finding reminiscent of the pathological characteristics of several neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington disease. These results suggest that 3-HK at pathologically relevant concentrations renders neuronal cells subject to oxidative stress leading to cell death, and therefore that this endogenous compound should be regarded as an important factor in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders.


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Certain marine unicellular cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus exhibit a unique and mysterious form of motility characterized by the ability to swim in liquid in the absence of flagella. An abundant cell-surface-associated polypeptide that is required for swimming motility by Synechococcus sp. strain WH8102 has been identified, and the gene encoding it, swmA, has been cloned and sequenced. The predicted SwmA protein contains a number of Ca2+-binding motifs as well as several potential N-glycosylation sites. Insertional inactivation of swmA in Synechococcus sp. strain WH8102 results in a loss of the ability to translocate, although the mutant strain, Swm-1, generates torque. This suggests that SwmA functions in the generation of thrust.


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The spatial and temporal dynamics of two intracellular second messengers, cAMP and Ca2+, were simultaneously monitored in living cells by digital fluorescence ratio imaging using FlCRhR, a single-excitation dual-emission cAMP indicator, and fura-2, a dual-excitation single-emission Ca2+ probe. In single C6-2B glioma cells, isoproterenol- or forskolin-evoked cAMP accumulation (measured in vivo as an increased FlCRhR emission ratio) was reduced when cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration was elevated before, simultaneously with, or after cAMP activation. However, in REF-52 fibroblasts, Ca2+ neither prevented nor reduced forskolin-stimulated cAMP production. These results provide novel in vivo evidence for the Ca2+ modulation of the cAMP transduction pathway in C6-2B cells. The simultaneous microscopic measurement of cAMP and Ca2+ kinetics in single cells makes it now possible to study the regulatory interactions between these second messengers at the cellular and even the subcellular level.


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Organelle acidification is an essential element of the endosomal-lysosomal pathway, but our understanding of the mechanisms underlying progression through this pathway has been hindered by the absence of adequate methods for quantifying intraorganelle pH. To address this problem in neurons, we developed a direct quantitative method for accurately determining the pH of endocytic organelles in live cells. In this report, we demonstrate that the ratiometric fluorescent pH indicator 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) is the most advantageous available probe for such pH measurements. To measure intraorganelle pH, cells were labeled by endocytic uptake of HPTS, the ratio of fluorescence emission intensities at excitation wavelengths of 450 nm and 405 nm (F450/405) was calculated for each organelle, and ratios were converted to pH values by using standard curves for F450/405 vs. pH. Proper calibration is critical for accurate measurement of pH values: standard curves generated in vitro yielded artifactually low organelle pH values. Calibration was unaffected by the use of culture medium buffered with various buffers or different cell types. By using this technique, we show that both acidic and neutral endocytically derived organelles exist in the axons of sympathetic neurons in different steady-state proportions than in the cell body. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these axonal organelles have a bimodal pH distribution, indicating a rapid acidification step in their maturation that reduces the average pH of a fraction of the organelles by 2 pH units while leaving few organelles of intermediate pH at steady state. Finally, we demonstrate a spatial gradient or organelle pH along axons, with the relative frequency of acidic organelles increasing with proximity to the cell body.