27 resultados para leaf spraying

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Fungal pathogens perceive and respond to molecules from the plant, triggering pathogenic development. Transduction of these signals may use heterotrimeric G proteins, and it is thought that protein phosphorylation cascades are also important. We have isolated a mitogen-activated protein kinase homolog from the corn pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus to test its role as a component of the transduction pathways. The new gene, CHK1, has a deduced amino acid sequence 90% identical to Pmk1 of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea and 59% identical to Fus3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A series of chk1 deletion mutants has poorly developed aerial hyphae, autolysis, and no conidia. No pseudothecia are formed when a cross between two Δchk1 mutants is attempted. The ability of Δchk1 mutants to infect corn plants is reduced severely. The growth pattern of hyphae on a glass surface is strikingly altered from that of the wild type, forming coils or loops, but no appressoria. This set of phenotypes overlaps only partially with that of pmk1 mutants, the homologous gene of the rice blast fungus. In particular, sexual and asexual sporulation both require Chk1 function in Cochliobolus heterostrophus, in contrast to Pmk1, but perhaps more similar to yeast, where Fus3 transmits the mating signal. Chk1 is required for efficient colonization of leaf tissue, which can be compared with filamentous invasive growth of yeast, modulated through another closely related mitogen-activated protein kinase, Kss1. Ubiquitous signaling elements thus are used in diverse ways in different plant pathogens, perhaps the result of coevolution of the transducers and their targets.


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Genes for σ-like factors of bacterial-type RNA polymerase have not been characterized from any multicellular eukaryotes, although they probably play a crucial role in the expression of plastid photosynthesis genes. We have cloned three distinct cDNAs, designated SIG1, SIG2, and SIG3, for polypeptides possessing amino acid sequences for domains conserved in σ70 factors of bacterial RNA polymerases from the higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Each gene is present as one copy per haploid genome without any additional sequences hybridized in the genome. Transient expression assays using green fluorescent protein demonstrated that N-terminal regions of the SIG2 and SIG3 ORFs could function as transit peptides for import into chloroplasts. Transcripts for all three SIG genes were detected in leaves but not in roots, and were induced in leaves of dark-adapted plants in rapid response to light illumination. Together with results of our previous analysis of tissue-specific regulation of transcription of plastid photosynthesis genes, these results indicate that expressed levels of the genes may influence transcription by regulating RNA polymerase activity in a green tissue-specific manner.


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The vegetative development of the maize shoot can be divided into juvenile and adult phases based on the types of leaves produced at different times in shoot development. Models for the regulation of phase change make explicit predictions about when the identity of these types of leaves is determined. To test these models, we examined the timing of leaf type determination in maize. Clones induced in transition leaf primordia demonstrated that the juvenile and adult regions of these leaves do not become clonally distinct until after the primordium is 700 μm in length, implying that these cell fates were undetermined at this stage of leaf development. Adult shoot apices were cultured in vitro to induce rejuvenation. We found that leaf primordia as large as 3 mm in length can be at least partially rejuvenated by this treatment, and the location of rejuvenated tissue is correlated with the maturation pattern of the leaf. The amount and distribution of juvenile tissue in rejuvenated leaves suggests that rejuvenation occurs nearly simultaneously in all leaf primordia. In vitro culture rejuvenated existing leaf primordia and the P0 primordium, but did not change the identity of subsequent primordia or the total number of leaves produced by the shoot. This result suggests that leaf identity can be regulated independently of the identity of the shoot apical meristem, and it implies that vegetative phase change is not initiated by a change in the identity of the shoot apical meristem.


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Leaf dark respiration (R) is an important component of plant carbon balance, but the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 on leaf R during illumination are largely unknown. We studied the effects of elevated CO2 on leaf R in light (RL) and in darkness (RD) in Xanthium strumarium at different developmental stages. Leaf RL was estimated by using the Kok method, whereas leaf RD was measured as the rate of CO2 efflux at zero light. Leaf RL and RD were significantly higher at elevated than at ambient CO2 throughout the growing period. Elevated CO2 increased the ratio of leaf RL to net photosynthesis at saturated light (Amax) when plants were young and also after flowering, but the ratio of leaf RD to Amax was unaffected by CO2 levels. Leaf RN was significantly higher at the beginning but significantly lower at the end of the growing period in elevated CO2-grown plants. The ratio of leaf RL to RD was used to estimate the effect of light on leaf R during the day. We found that light inhibited leaf R at both CO2 concentrations but to a lesser degree for elevated (17–24%) than for ambient (29–35%) CO2-grown plants, presumably because elevated CO2-grown plants had a higher demand for energy and carbon skeletons than ambient CO2-grown plants in light. Our results suggest that using the CO2 efflux rate, determined by shading leaves during the day, as a measure for leaf R is likely to underestimate carbon loss from elevated CO2-grown plants.


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Combination of molecular phylogenetic analyses of Chrysomelina beetles and chemical data of their defensive secretions indicate that two lineages independently developed, from an ancestral autogenous metabolism, an energetically efficient strategy that made the insect tightly dependent on the chemistry of the host plant. However, a lineage (the interrupta group) escaped this subordination through the development of a yet more derived mixed metabolism potentially compatible with a large number of new host-plant associations. Hence, these analyses on leaf beetles document a mechanism that can explain why high levels of specialization do not necessarily lead to “evolutionary dead ends.”


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Photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) were examined in relation to leaf age and orientation. Two varieties (IR72 and IR65598-112-2 [BSI206]) were grown in the field in the Philippines during the dry season under highly irrigated, well-fertilized conditions. Flag leaves were examined 60 and 100 d after transplanting. Because of the upright nature of 60-d-old rice leaves, patterns of photosynthesis were determined by solar movements: light falling on the exposed surface in the morning, a low incident angle of irradiance at midday, and light striking the opposite side of the leaf blade in the afternoon. There was an early morning burst of CO2 assimilation and high levels of saturation of photosystem II electron transfer as incident irradiance reached a maximum level. However, by midday the photochemical efficiency increased again almost to maximum. Leaves that were 100 d old possessed a more horizontal orientation and were found to suffer greater levels of photoinhibition than younger leaves, and this was accompanied by increases in the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle. Older leaves had significantly lower chlorophyll content but only slightly diminished photosynthesis capacity.


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We analyzed the effect of short-term water deficits at different periods of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaf development on the spatial and temporal patterns of tissue expansion and epidermal cell division. Six water-deficit periods were imposed with similar and constant values of soil water content, predawn leaf water potential and [ABA] in the xylem sap, and with negligible reduction of the rate of photosynthesis. Water deficit did not affect the duration of expansion and division. Regardless of their timing, deficits reduced relative expansion rate by 36% and relative cell division rate by 39% (cells blocked at the G0-G1 phase) in all positions within the leaf. However, reductions in final leaf area and cell number in a given zone of the leaf largely differed with the timing of deficit, with a maximum effect for earliest deficits. Individual cell area was only affected during the periods when division slowed down. These behaviors could be simulated in all leaf zones and for all timings by assuming that water deficit affects relative cell division rate and relative expansion rate independently, and that leaf development in each zone follows a stable three-phase pattern in which duration of each phase is stable if expressed in thermal time (C. Granier and F. Tardieu [1998b] Plant Cell Environ 21: 695–703).


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We describe in this study punchless, a nonpathogenic mutant from the rice blast fungus M. grisea, obtained by plasmid-mediated insertional mutagenesis. As do most fungal plant pathogens, M. grisea differentiates an infection structure specialized for host penetration called the appressorium. We show that punchless differentiates appressoria that fail to breach either the leaf epidermis or artificial membranes such as cellophane. Cytological analysis of punchless appressoria shows that they have a cellular structure, turgor, and glycogen content similar to those of wild type before penetration, but that they are unable to differentiate penetration pegs. The inactivated gene, PLS1, encodes a putative integral membrane protein of 225 aa (Pls1p). A functional Pls1p-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was detected only in appressoria and was localized in plasma membranes and vacuoles. Pls1p is structurally related to the tetraspanin family. In animals, these proteins are components of membrane signaling complexes controlling cell differentiation, motility, and adhesion. We conclude that PLS1 controls an appressorial function essential for the penetration of the fungus into host leaves.


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Elongation rates of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Hanna) leaves decreased with decreasing soil water content, whereas the pH of xylem sap increased from 5.9 to 6.9 over 6 d as the soil dried. The reduction in leaf-elongation rate (LER) was correlated with the increase in sap pH. Artificial sap buffered to different pH values was fed via the subcrown internode to derooted seedlings. Although leaves elongated at in planta rates when fed artificial sap at a well-watered pH of 6.0, LER declined with increasing sap pH. This effect persisted in the light and in the dark. pH had no effect on the relative water content or the bulk abscisic acid (ABA) concentration of the growing zone of these leaves. LERs of the ABA-deficient mutant Az34 were uniformly high over the pH range tested, whereas those of its isogenic wild-type cultivar Steptoe were reduced as the artificial sap pH was increased from 6.0 to 7.0. However, supplying a well-watered concentration of ABA (3 × 10−8 m) in the artificial xylem sap restored the pH response of the Az34 mutant. The results suggest that increased xylem sap pH acts as a drought signal to reduce LER via an ABA-dependent mechanism.


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The natural developmental gradient of light-grown primary leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was used to analyze the biogenesis of mitochondrial proteins in relation to the age and physiological changes within the leaf. The data indicate that the protein composition of mitochondria changes markedly during leaf development. Three distinct patterns of protein development were noted: group A proteins, consisting of the E1 β-subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, ORF156, ORF577, alternative oxidase, RPS12, cytochrome oxidase subunits II and III, malic enzyme, and the α- and β-subunits of F1-ATPase; group B proteins, consisting of the E1 α-subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, isocitrate dehydrogenase, HSP70A, cpn60C, and cpn60B; and group C proteins, consisting of the four subunits of the glycine decarboxylase complex (P, H, T, and L proteins), fumarase, and formate dehydrogenase. All of the proteins increased in concentration from the basal meristem to the end of the elongation zone (20.0 mm from the leaf base), whereupon group A proteins decreased, group B proteins increased to a maximum at 50 mm from the leaf base, and group C proteins increased to a maximum at the leaf tip. This study provides evidence of a marked heterogeneity of mitochondrial protein composition, reflecting a changing function as leaf cells develop photosynthetic and photorespiratory capacity.


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We investigated Zn compartmentation in the root, Zn transport into the xylem, and Zn absorption into leaf cells in Thlaspi caerulescens, a Zn-hyperaccumulator species, and compared them with those of a related nonaccumulator species, Thlaspi arvense. 65Zn-compartmental analysis conducted with roots of the two species indicated that a significant fraction of symplasmic Zn was stored in the root vacuole of T. arvense, and presumably became unavailable for loading into the xylem and subsequent translocation to the shoot. In T. caerulescens, however, a smaller fraction of the absorbed Zn was stored in the root vacuole and was readily transported back into the cytoplasm. We conclude that in T. caerulescens, Zn absorbed by roots is readily available for loading into the xylem. This is supported by analysis of xylem exudate collected from detopped Thlaspi species seedlings. When seedlings of the two species were grown on either low (1 μm) or high (50 μm) Zn, xylem sap of T. caerulescens contained approximately 5-fold more Zn than that of T. arvense. This increase was not correlated with a stimulated production of any particular organic or amino acid. The capacity of Thlaspi species cells to absorb 65Zn was studied in leaf sections and leaf protoplasts. At low external Zn levels (10 and 100 μm), there was no difference in leaf Zn uptake between the two Thlaspi species. However, at 1 mm Zn2+, 2.2-fold more Zn accumulated in leaf sections of T. caerulescens. These findings indicate that altered tonoplast Zn transport in root cells and stimulated Zn uptake in leaf cells play a role in the dramatic Zn hyperaccumulation expressed in T. caerulescens.


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Plasmodesmata mediate direct cell-to-cell communication in plants. One of their significant features is that primary plasmodesmata formed at the time of cytokinesis often undergo structural modifications, by the de novo addition of cytoplasmic strands across cell walls, to become complex secondary plasmodesmata during plant development. Whether such modifications allow plasmodesmata to gain special transport functions has been an outstanding issue in plant biology. Here we present data showing that the cucumber mosaic virus 3a movement protein (MP):green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion was not targeted to primary plasmodesmata in the epidermis of young or mature leaves in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants constitutively expressing the 3a:GFP fusion gene. Furthermore, the cucumber mosaic virus 3a MP:GFP fusion protein produced in planta by biolistic bombardment of the 3a:GFP fusion gene did not traffic between cells interconnected by primary plasmodesmata in the epidermis of a young leaf. In contrast, the 3a MP:GFP was targeted to complex secondary plasmodesmata and trafficked from cell to cell when a leaf reached a certain developmental stage. These data provide the first experimental evidence, to our knowledge, that primary and complex secondary plasmodesmata have different protein-trafficking functions and suggest that complex secondary plasmodesmata may be formed to traffic specific macromolecules that are important for certain stages of leaf development.


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Interveinal strips (10 × 1.5 mm) excised from growing tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) leaves have an auxin-specific, epinastic growth response that is developmentally regulated and is not the result of ethylene induction (C.P. Keller, E. Van Volkenburgh [1997] Plant Physiol 113: 603–610). We report here that auxin (10 μm naphthalene acetic acid) treatment of strips does not result in plasma membrane hyperpolarization or detectable proton efflux. This result is in contrast to the expected responses elicited by 1 μm fusicoccin (FC) treatment, which in other systems mimics auxin growth promotion through stimulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase and resultant acid wall loosening; FC produced both hyperpolarization and proton efflux in leaf strips. FC-induced growth was much more inhibited by a strong neutral buffer than was auxin-induced growth. Measurements of the osmotic concentration of strips suggested that osmotic adjustment plays no role in the auxin-induced growth response. Although cell wall loosening of some form appears to be involved, taken together, our results suggest that auxin-induced growth stimulation of tobacco leaf strips results primarily from a mechanism not involving acid growth.


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The role of acid secretion in regulating short-term changes in growth rate and wall extensibility was investigated in emerging first leaves of intact, water-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. A novel approach was used to measure leaf responses to injection of water or solutions containing potential regulators of growth. Both leaf elongation and wall extensibility, as measured with a whole-plant creep extensiometer, increased dramatically within minutes of injecting water, 0.5 mm phosphate, or strong (50 mm) buffer solutions with pH ≤ 5.0 into the cell-elongation zone of water-stressed leaves. In contrast, injecting buffer solutions at pH ≥ 5.5 inhibited these fast responses. Solutions containing 0.5 mm orthovanadate or erythrosin B to inhibit wall acidification by plasma membrane H+-ATPases were also inhibitory. Thus, cell wall extensibility and leaf growth in water-stressed plants remained inhibited, despite the increased availability of (injected) water when accompanying increases in acid-induced wall loosening were prevented. However, growth was stimulated when pH 4.5 buffers were included with the vanadate injections. These findings suggest that increasing the availability of water to expanding cells in water-stressed leaves signals rapid increases in outward proton pumping by plasma membrane H+-ATPases. Resultant increases in cell wall extensibility participate in the regulation of water uptake, cell expansion, and leaf growth.


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Previous studies of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 have focused on the most recently expanded, sunlit leaves in the canopy. We examined acclimation in a vertical profile of leaves through a canopy of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The crop was grown at an elevated CO2 partial pressure of 55 Pa within a replicated field experiment using free-air CO2 enrichment. Gas exchange was used to estimate in vivo carboxylation capacity and the maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-limited photosynthesis. Net photosynthetic CO2 uptake was measured for leaves in situ within the canopy. Leaf contents of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), light-harvesting-complex (LHC) proteins, and total N were determined. Elevated CO2 did not affect carboxylation capacity in the most recently expanded leaves but led to a decrease in lower, shaded leaves during grain development. Despite this acclimation, in situ photosynthetic CO2 uptake remained higher under elevated CO2. Acclimation at elevated CO2 was accompanied by decreases in both Rubisco and total leaf N contents and an increase in LHC content. Elevated CO2 led to a larger increase in LHC/Rubisco in lower canopy leaves than in the uppermost leaf. Acclimation of leaf photosynthesis to elevated CO2 therefore depended on both vertical position within the canopy and the developmental stage.