12 resultados para lattice model
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Protein folding is a relatively fast process considering the astronomical number of conformations in which a protein could find itself. Within the framework of a lattice model, we show that one can design rapidly folding sequences by assigning the strongest attractive couplings to the contacts present in a target native state. Our protein design can be extended to situations with both attractive and repulsive contacts. Frustration is minimized by ensuring that all the native contacts are again strongly attractive. Strikingly, this ensures the inevitability of folding and accelerates the folding process by an order of magnitude. The evolutionary implications of our findings are discussed.
Topological frustration in an energetically unfrustrated off-lattice model of the helical protein fragment B of protein A from Staphylococcus aureus was investigated. This Gō-type model exhibited thermodynamic and kinetic signatures of a well-designed two-state folder with concurrent collapse and folding transitions and single exponential kinetics at the transition temperature. Topological frustration is determined in the absence of energetic frustration by the distribution of Fersht φ values. Topologically unfrustrated systems present a unimodal distribution sharply peaked at intermediate φ, whereas highly frustrated systems display a bimodal distribution peaked at low and high φ values. The distribution of φ values in protein A was determined both thermodynamically and kinetically. Both methods yielded a unimodal distribution centered at φ = 0.3 with tails extending to low and high φ values, indicating the presence of a small amount of topological frustration. The contacts with high φ values were located in the turn regions between helices I and II and II and III, intimating that these hairpins are in large part required in the transition state. Our results are in good agreement with all-atom simulations of protein A, as well as lattice simulations of a three- letter code 27-mer (which can be compared with a 60-residue helical protein). The relatively broad unimodal distribution of φ values obtained from the all-atom simulations and that from the minimalist model for the same native fold suggest that the structure of the transition state ensemble is determined mostly by the protein topology and not energetic frustration.
A full quantitative understanding of the protein folding problem is now becoming possible with the help of the energy landscape theory and the protein folding funnel concept. Good folding sequences have a landscape that resembles a rough funnel where the energy bias towards the native state is larger than its ruggedness. Such a landscape leads not only to fast folding and stable native conformations but, more importantly, to sequences that are robust to variations in the protein environment and to sequence mutations. In this paper, an off-lattice model of sequences that fold into a β-barrel native structure is used to describe a framework that can quantitatively distinguish good and bad folders. The two sequences analyzed have the same native structure, but one of them is minimally frustrated whereas the other one exhibits a high degree of frustration.
The present study explores a “hydrophobic” energy function for folding simulations of the protein lattice model. The contribution of each monomer to conformational energy is the product of its “hydrophobicity” and the number of contacts it makes, i.e., E(h⃗, c⃗) = −Σi=1N cihi = −(h⃗.c⃗) is the negative scalar product between two vectors in N-dimensional cartesian space: h⃗ = (h1, … , hN), which represents monomer hydrophobicities and is sequence-dependent; and c⃗ = (c1, … , cN), which represents the number of contacts made by each monomer and is conformation-dependent. A simple theoretical analysis shows that restrictions are imposed concomitantly on both sequences and native structures if the stability criterion for protein-like behavior is to be satisfied. Given a conformation with vector c⃗, the best sequence is a vector h⃗ on the direction upon which the projection of c⃗ − c̄⃗ is maximal, where c̄⃗ is the diagonal vector with components equal to c̄, the average number of contacts per monomer in the unfolded state. Best native conformations are suggested to be not maximally compact, as assumed in many studies, but the ones with largest variance of contacts among its monomers, i.e., with monomers tending to occupy completely buried or completely exposed positions. This inside/outside segregation is reflected on an apolar/polar distribution on the corresponding sequence. Monte Carlo simulations in two dimensions corroborate this general scheme. Sequences targeted to conformations with large contact variances folded cooperatively with thermodynamics of a two-state transition. Sequences targeted to maximally compact conformations, which have lower contact variance, were either found to have degenerate ground state or to fold with much lower cooperativity.
Protein aggregation is studied by following the simultaneous folding of two designed identical 20-letter amino acid chains within the framework of a lattice model and using Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that protein aggregation is determined by elementary structures (partially folded intermediates) controlled by local contacts among some of the most strongly interacting amino acids and formed at an early stage in the folding process.
We present a method (ENERGI) for extracting energy-like quantities from a data base of protein structures. In this paper, we use the method to generate pairwise additive amino acid "energy" scores. These scores are obtained by iteration until they correctly discriminate a set of known protein folds from decoy conformations. The method succeeds in lattice model tests and in the gapless threading problem as defined by Maiorov and Crippen [Maiorov, V. N. & Crippen, G. M. (1992) J. Mol. Biol. 227, 876-888]. A more challenging test of threading a larger set of test proteins derived from the representative set of Hobohm and Sander [Hobohm, U. & Sander, C. (1994) Protein Sci. 3, 522-524] is used as a "workbench" for exploring how the ENERGI scores depend on their parameter sets.
The relationship between the optimization of the potential function and the foldability of theoretical protein models is studied based on investigations of a 27-mer cubic-lattice protein model and a more realistic lattice model for the protein crambin. In both the simple and the more complicated systems, optimization of the energy parameters achieves significant improvements in the statistical-mechanical characteristics of the systems and leads to foldable protein models in simulation experiments. The foldability of the protein models is characterized by their statistical-mechanical properties--e.g., by the density of states and by Monte Carlo folding simulations of the models. With optimized energy parameters, a high level of consistency exists among different interactions in the native structures of the protein models, as revealed by a correlation function between the optimized energy parameters and the native structure of the model proteins. The results of this work are relevant to the design of a general potential function for folding proteins by theoretical simulations.
The calculated folding thermodynamics of a simple off-lattice three-helix-bundle protein model under equilibrium conditions shows the experimentally observed protein transitions: a collapse transition, a disordered-to-ordered globule transition, a globule to native-state transition, and the transition from the active native state to a frozen inactive state. The cooperativity and physical origin of the various transitions are explored with a single “optimization” parameter and characterized with the Lindemann criterion for liquid versus solid-state dynamics. Below the folding temperature, the model has a simple free energy surface with a single basin near the native state; the surface is similar to that calculated from a simulation of the same three-helix-bundle protein with an all-atom representation [Boczko, E. M. & Brooks III, C. L. (1995) Science 269, 393–396].
An exact treatment of adsorption from a one-dimensional lattice gas is used to eliminate and correct a well-known inconsistency in the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (B.E.T.) equation—namely, Gibbs excess adsorption is not taken into account and the Gibbs integral diverges at the transition point. However, neither model should be considered realistic for experimental adsorption systems.
Two of the most important models to account for the specificity and sensitivity of the T cell receptor (TCR) are the kinetic proofreading and serial ligation models. However, although kinetic proofreading provides a means for individual TCRs to measure accurately the length of time they are engaged and signal appropriately, the stochastic nature of ligand dissociation means the kinetic proofreading model implies that at high concentrations the response of the cell will be relatively nonspecific. Recent ligand experiments have revealed the phenomenon of both negative and positive crosstalk among neighboring TCRs. By using a Monte Carlo simulation of a lattice of TCRs, we integrate receptor crosstalk with the kinetic proofreading and serial ligation models and discover that receptor cooperativity can enhance T cell specificity significantly at a very modest cost to the sensitivity of the response.
Polyethylene chains in the amorphous region between two crystalline lamellae M unit apart are modeled as random walks with one-step memory on a cubic lattice between two absorbing boundaries. These walks avoid the two preceding steps, though they are not true self-avoiding walks. Systems of difference equations are introduced to calculate the statistics of the restricted random walks. They yield that the fraction of loops is (2M - 2)/(2M + 1), the fraction of ties 3/(2M + 1), the average length of loops 2M - 0.5, the average length of ties 2/3M2 + 2/3M - 4/3, the average length of walks equals 3M - 3, the variance of the loop length 16/15M3 + O(M2), the variance of the tie length 28/45M4 + O(M3), and the variance of the walk length 2M3 + O(M2).
The folding mechanism of a 125-bead heteropolymer model for proteins is investigated with Monte Carlo simulations on a cubic lattice. Sequences that do and do not fold in a reasonable time are compared. The overall folding behavior is found to be more complex than that of models for smaller proteins. Folding begins with a rapid collapse followed by a slow search through the semi-compact globule for a sequence-dependent stable core with about 30 out of 176 native contacts which serves as the transition state for folding to a near-native structure. Efficient search for the core is dependent on structural features of the native state. Sequences that fold have large amounts of stable, cooperative structure that is accessible through short-range initiation sites, such as those in anti-parallel sheets connected by turns. Before folding is completed, the system can encounter a second bottleneck, involving the condensation and rearrangement of surface residues. Overly stable local structure of the surface residues slows this stage of the folding process. The relation of the results from the 125-mer model studies to the folding of real proteins is discussed.