50 resultados para kidney collecting duct intercalated cell

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We recently cloned an inward-rectifying K channel (Kir) cDNA, CCD-IRK3 (mKir 2.3), from a cortical collecting duct (CCD) cell line. Although this recombinant channel shares many functional properties with the “small-conductance” basolateral membrane Kir channel in the CCD, its precise subcellular localization has been difficult to elucidate by conventional immunocytochemistry. To circumvent this problem, we studied the targeting of several different epitope-tagged CCD-IRK3 in a polarized renal epithelial cell line. Either the 11-amino acid span of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G glycoprotein (P5D4 epitope) or a 6-amino acid epitope of the bovine papilloma virus capsid protein (AU1) was genetically engineered on the extreme N terminus of CCD-IRK3. As determined by patch-clamp and two-microelectrode voltage-clamp analyses in Xenopus oocytes, neither tag affected channel function; no differences in cation selectivity, barium block, single channel conductance, or open probability could be distinguished between the wild-type and the tagged constructs. MDCK cells were transfected with tagged CCD-IRK3, and several stable clonal cell lines were generated by neomycin-resistance selection. Immunoprecipitation studies with anti-P5D4 or anti-AU1 antibodies readily detected the predicted-size 50-kDa protein in the transfected cells lines but not in wild-type or vector-only (PcB6) transfected MDCK cells. As visualized by indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, both the tagged CCD-IRK3 forms were exclusively detected on the basolateral membrane. To assure that the VSV G tag was not responsible for the targeting, the P5D4 epitope modified by a site-directed mutagenesis (Y2F) to remove a potential basolateral targeting signal contained in this tag. VSV(Y2F) was also detected exclusively on the basolateral membrane, confirming bona fide IRK3 basolateral expression. These observations, with our functional studies, suggest that CCD-IRK3 may encode the small-conductance CCD basolateral K channel.


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Aldosterone and vasopressin are responsible for the final adjustment of sodium and water reabsorption in the kidney. In principal cells of the kidney cortical collecting duct (CCD), the integral response to aldosterone and the long-term functional effects of vasopressin depend on transcription. In this study, we analyzed the transcriptome of a highly differentiated mouse clonal CCD principal cell line (mpkCCDcl4) and the changes in the transcriptome induced by aldosterone and vasopressin. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) was performed on untreated cells and on cells treated with either aldosterone or vasopressin for 4 h. The transcriptomes in these three experimental conditions were determined by sequencing 169,721 transcript tags from the corresponding SAGE libraries. Limiting the analysis to tags that occurred twice or more in the data set, 14,654 different transcripts were identified, 3,642 of which do not match known mouse sequences. Statistical comparison (at P < 0.05 level) of the three SAGE libraries revealed 34 AITs (aldosterone-induced transcripts), 29 ARTs (aldosterone-repressed transcripts), 48 VITs (vasopressin-induced transcripts) and 11 VRTs (vasopressin-repressed transcripts). A selection of the differentially-expressed, hormone-specific transcripts (5 VITs, 2 AITs and 1 ART) has been validated in the mpkCCDcl4 cell line either by Northern blot hybridization or reverse transcription–PCR. The hepatocyte nuclear transcription factor HNF-3-α (VIT39), the receptor activity modifying protein RAMP3 (VIT48), and the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein (GILZ) (AIT28) are candidate proteins playing a role in physiological responses of this cell line to vasopressin and aldosterone.


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Cyclic AMP (cAMP) stimulates the transport of Na+ and Na,K-ATPase activity in the renal cortical collecting duct (CCD). The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism whereby cAMP stimulates the Na,K-ATPase activity in microdissected rat CCDs and cultured mouse mpkCCDc14 collecting duct cells. db-cAMP (10−3 M) stimulated by 2-fold the activity of Na,K-ATPase from rat CCDs as well as the ouabain-sensitive component of 86Rb+ uptake by rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured mouse CCD cells (1.5-fold). Pretreatment of rat CCDs with saponin increased the total Na,K-ATPase activity without further stimulation by db-cAMP. Western blotting performed after a biotinylation procedure revealed that db-cAMP increased the amount of Na,K-ATPase at the cell surface in both intact rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured cells (1.3-fold), and that this increase was not related to changes in Na,K-ATPase internalization. Brefeldin A and low temperature (20°C) prevented both the db-cAMP-dependent increase in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase in both intact rat CCDs and cultured cells. Pretreatment with the intracellular Ca2+ chelator bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid also blunted the increment in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase caused by db-cAMP. In conclusion, these results strongly suggest that the cAMP-dependent stimulation of Na,K-ATPase activity in CCD results from the translocation of active pump units from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane.


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We tested whether severe congestive heart failure (CHF), a condition associated with excess free-water retention, is accompanied by altered regulation of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2 (AQP2), in the renal collecting duct. CHF was induced by left coronary artery ligation. Compared with sham-operated animals, rats with CHF had severe heart failure with elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressures (LVEDP): 26.9 ± 3.4 vs. 4.1 ± 0.3 mmHg, and reduced plasma sodium concentrations (142.2 ± 1.6 vs. 149.1 ± 1.1 mEq/liter). Quantitative immunoblotting of total kidney membrane fractions revealed a significant increase in AQP2 expression in animals with CHF (267 ± 53%, n = 12) relative to sham-operated controls (100 ± 13%, n = 14). In contrast, immunoblotting demonstrated a lack of an increase in expression of AQP1 and AQP3 water channel expression, indicating that the effect on AQP2 was selective. Furthermore, postinfarction animals without LVEDP elevation or plasma Na reduction showed no increase in AQP2 expression (121 ± 28% of sham levels, n = 6). Immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated very abundant labeling of the apical plasma membrane and relatively little labeling of intracellular vesicles in collecting duct cells from rats with severe CHF, consistent with enhanced trafficking of AQP2 to the apical plasma membrane. The selective increase in AQP2 expression and enhanced plasma membrane targeting provide an explanation for the development of water retention and hyponatremia in severe CHF.


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Urea (200-400 milliosmolar) activates transcription, translation of, and trans-activation by the immediate-early gene transcription factor Egr-1 in a renal epithelial cell-specific fashion. The effect at the transcriptional level has been attributed to multiple serum response elements and their adjacent Ets motifs located within the Egr-1 promoter. Elk-1, a principal ternary complex factor and Ets domain-containing protein, is a substrate of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein kinases. In the renal medullary mIMCD3 cell line, urea (200-400 milliosmolar) activated both ERK1 and ERK2 as determined by in-gel kinase assay and immune-complex kinase assay of epitope-tagged] ERK1 and ERK2. Importantly, urea did not affect abundance of either ERK. Urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription was a consequence of ERK activation because the ERK-specific inhibitor, PD98059, abrogated transcription from the murine Egr-1 promoter in a luciferase reported gene assay. In addition, activators of protein kinase A, including forskolin and 8-Br-cAMP, which are known to inhibit ERK-mediated events, also inhibited urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription. Furthermore, urea-inducible activation of the physiological ERK substrate and transcription factor, Elk-1, was demonstrated through transient cotransfection of a chimeric Elk-1/GAL4 expression plasmid and a GAL4-driven luciferase reporter plasmid. Taken together, these data indicate that, in mIMCD3 cells, urea activates ERKs and the ERK substrate, Elk-1, and that ERK inhibition abrogates urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription. These data are consistent with a model of urea-inducible renal medullary gene expression wherein sequential activation of ERKs and Elk-1 results in increased transcription of Egr-1 through serum response element/Ets motifs.


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We investigated the effect of cell shrinkage on whole-cell currents of M-1 mouse cortical collecting duct cells. Addition of 100 mM sucrose to an isotonic NaCl bath solution induced cell shrinkage and increased whole-cell currents within 5-10 min by approximately 12-fold. The effect was reversible upon return to isotonic solution and could also be elicited by adding 100 mM urea or 50 mM NaCl. Replacement of bath Na+ by K+, Cs+, Li+, or Rb+ did not significantly affect the stimulated inward current, but replacement by N-methyl-D-glucamine reduced it by 88.1 +/- 1.3% (n = 34); this demonstrates that hypertonicity activates a nonselective alkali cation conductance. The activation was independent of extra- and intracellular Ca2+, but 1 or 10 mM ATP in the pipette suppressed it in a concentration-dependent manner, indicating that intracellular ATP levels may modulate the degree of channel activation. Flufenamic acid (0.1 mM) and gadolinium (0.1 mM) inhibited the stimulated current by 68.7 +/- 5.9% (n = 9) and 32.4 +/- 11.7% (n = 6), respectively, whereas 0.1 mM amiloride had no significant effect. During the early phase of hypertonic stimulation single-channel transitions could be detected in whole-cell current recordings, and a gradual activation of 30 and more individual channels with a single-channel conductance of 26.7 +/- 0.4 pS (n = 29) could be resolved. Thus, we identified the nonselective cation channel underlying the shrinkage-induced whole-cell conductance that may play a role in volume regulation.


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Two water channel homologs were cloned recently from rat kidney, mercurial-insensitive water channel (MIWC) and glycerol intrinsic protein (GLIP). Polyclonal antibodies were raised against synthetic C-terminal peptides and purified by affinity chromatography. MIWC and GLIP antibodies recognized proteins in rat kidney with an apparent molecular mass of 30 and 27 kDa, respectively, and did not cross-react. By immunofluorescence, MIWC and GLIP were expressed together on the basolateral plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells in kidney. By immunohistochemistry, MIWC and GLIP were expressed on tracheal epithelial cells with greater expression of GLIP on the basal plasma membrane and MIWC on the lateral membrane; only MIWC was expressed in bronchial epithelia. In eye, GLIP was expressed in conjunctival epithelium, whereas MIWC was found in iris, ciliary body, and neural cell layers in retina. MIWC and GLIP colocalized on the basolateral membrane of villus epithelial cells in colon and brain ependymal cells. Expression of MIWC and GLIP was not detected in small intestine, liver, spleen, endothelia, and cells that express water channels CHIP28 or WCH-CD. These studies suggest water/solute transporting roles for MIWC and GLIP in the urinary concentrating mechanism, cerebrospinal fluid absorption, ocular fluid balance, fecal dehydration, and airway humidification. The unexpected membrane colocalization of MIWC and GLIP in several tissues suggests an interaction at the molecular and/or functional levels.


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Large-scale gene expression studies can now be routinely performed on macroamounts of cells, but it is unclear to which extent current methods are valuable for analyzing complex tissues. In the present study, we used the method of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) for quantitative mRNA profiling in the mouse kidney. We first performed SAGE at the whole-kidney level by sequencing 12,000 mRNA tags. Most abundant tags corresponded to transcripts widely distributed or enriched in the predominant kidney epithelial cells (proximal tubular cells), whereas transcripts specific for minor cell types were barely evidenced. To better explore such cells, we set up a SAGE adaptation for downsized extracts, enabling a 1,000-fold reduction of the amount of starting material. The potential of this approach was evaluated by studying gene expression in microdissected kidney tubules (50,000 cells). Specific gene expression profiles were obtained, and known markers (e.g., uromodulin in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop and aquaporin-2 in the collecting duct) were found appropriately enriched. In addition, several enriched tags had no databank match, suggesting that they correspond to unknown or poorly characterized transcripts with specific tissue distribution. It is concluded that SAGE adaptation for downsized extracts makes possible large-scale quantitative gene expression measurements in small biological samples and will help to study the tissue expression and function of genes not evidenced with other high-throughput methods.


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Antipyretic analgesics, taken in large doses over a prolonged period, cause a specific form of kidney disease, characterized by papillary necrosis and interstitial scarring. Epidemiological evidence incriminated mixtures of drugs including aspirin (ASA), phenacetin, and caffeine. The mechanism of toxicity is unclear. We tested the effects of ASA, acetaminophen (APAF, the active metabolite of phenacetin), caffeine, and other related drugs individually and in combination on mouse inner medullary collecting duct cells (mIMCD3). The number of rapidly proliferating cells was reduced by ≈50% by 0.5 mM ASA, salicylic acid, or APAF. The drugs had less effect on confluent cells, which proliferate slowly. Thus, the slow in vivo turnover of IMCD cells could explain why clinical toxicity requires very high doses of these drugs over a very long period. Caffeine greatly potentiated the effect of acetaminophen, pointing to a potential danger of the mixture. Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors, indomethacin and NS-398, did not reduce cell number except at concentrations greatly in excess of those that inhibit COX. Therefore, COX inhibition alone is not toxic. APAF arrests most cells in late G1 and S and produces a mixed form of cell death with both oncosis (swollen cells and nuclei) and apoptosis. APAF is known to inhibit the synthesis of DNA and cause chromosomal aberrations due to inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase. Such effects of APAF might account for renal medullary cell death in vivo and development of uroepithelial tumors from surviving cells that have chromosomal aberrations.


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The renal urea transporter (RUT) is responsible for urea accumulation in the renal medulla, and consequently plays a central role in the urinary concentrating mechanism. To study its cellular and subcellular localization, we prepared affinity-purified, peptide-derived polyclonal antibodies against rat RUT based on the cloned cDNA sequence. Immunoblots using membrane fractions from rat renal inner medulla revealed a solitary 97-kDa band. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated RUT labeling of the apical and subapical regions of inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells, with no labeling of outer medullary or cortical collecting ducts. Immunoelectron microscopy directly demonstrated labeling of the apical plasma membrane and of subapical intracellular vesicles of IMCD cells, but no labeling of the basolateral plasma membrane. Immunoblots demonstrated RUT labeling in both plasma membrane and intracellular vesicle-enriched membrane fractions from inner medulla, a subcellular distribution similar to that of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2. In the outer medulla, RUT labeling was seen in terminal portions of short-loop descending thin limbs. Aside from IMCD and descending thin limbs, no other structures were labeled in the kidney. These results suggest that: (i) the RUT provides the apical pathway for rapid, vasopressin-regulated urea transport in the IMCD, (ii) collecting duct urea transport may be increased by vasopressin by stimulation of trafficking of RUT-containing vesicles to the apical plasma membrane, and (iii) the rat urea transporter may provide a pathway for urea entry into the descending limbs of short-loop nephrons.


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At least two kidney epithelial cell lines, the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) and the murine inner medullary collecting duct line mIMCD-3, can be induced to form branching tubular structures when cultured with hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) plus serum in collagen I gels. In our studies, whereas MDCK cells remained unable to form tubules in the presence of serum alone, mIMCD-3 cells formed impressive branching tubular structures with apparent lumens, suggesting the existence of specific factors in serum that are tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells but not for MDCK cells. Since normal serum does not contain enough HGF to induce tubulogenesis, these factors appeared to be substances other than HGF. This was also suggested by another observation: when MDCK cells or mIMCD-3 cells were cocultured under serum-free conditions with the embryonic kidney, both cell types formed branching tubular structures similar to those induced by HGF; however, only in the case of MDCK cells could this be inhibited by neutralizing antibodies against HGF. Thus, the embryonic kidney produces growth factors other than HGF capable of inducing tubule formation in the mIMCD-3 cells. Of a number of growth factors examined, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) were found to be tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells. Whereas only HGF was a potent tubulogenic factor for MDCK cells, HGF, TGF-alpha, and EGF were potent tubulogenic factors for mIMCD-3 cells. Nevertheless, there were marked differences in the capacity of these tubulogenic factors to induce tubulation as well as branching events in those tubules that did form (HGF >> TGF-alpha > EGF). Thus, at least three different growth factors can induce tubulogenesis and branching in a specific epithelial cell in vitro (though to different degrees), and different epithelial cells that are capable of forming branching tubular structures demonstrate vastly different responses to tubulogenic growth factors. The results are discussed in the context of branching morphogenesis during epithelial tissue development.


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Epithelial Na+ channels are expressed widely in absorptive epithelia such as the renal collecting duct and the colon and play a critical role in fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Recent studies have shown that these channels interact via PY motifs in the C terminals of their α, β, and γ subunits with the WW domains of the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4. Mutation or deletion of these PY motifs (as occurs, for example, in the heritable form of hypertension known as Liddle’s syndrome) leads to increased Na+ channel activity. Thus, binding of Nedd4 by the PY motifs would appear to be part of a physiological control system for down-regulation of Na+ channel activity. The nature of this control system is, however, unknown. In the present paper, we show that Nedd4 mediates the ubiquitin-dependent down-regulation of Na+ channel activity in response to increased intracellular Na+. We further show that Nedd4 operates downstream of Go in this feedback pathway. We find, however, that Nedd4 is not involved in the feedback control of Na+ channels by intracellular anions. Finally, we show that Nedd4 has no influence on Na+ channel activity when the Na+ and anion feedback systems are inactive. We conclude that Nedd4 normally mediates feedback control of epithelial Na+ channels by intracellular Na+, and we suggest that the increased Na+ channel activity observed in Liddle’s syndrome is attributable to the loss of this regulatory feedback system.


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Although the collecting duct is regarded as the primary site at which mineralocorticoids regulate renal sodium transport in the kidney, recent evidence points to the distal convoluted tubule as a possible site of mineralocorticoid action. To investigate whether mineralocorticoids regulate the expression of the thiazide-sensitive Na–Cl cotransporter (TSC), the chief apical sodium entry pathway of distal convoluted tubule cells, we prepared an affinity-purified, peptide-directed antibody to TSC. On immunoblots, the antibody recognized a prominent 165-kDa band in membrane fractions from the renal cortex but not from the renal medulla. Immunofluorescence immunocytochemistry showed TSC labeling only in distal convoluted tubule cells. Semiquantitative immunoblotting studies demonstrated a large increase in TSC expression in the renal cortex of rats on a low-NaCl diet (207 ± 21% of control diet). Immunofluorescence localization in tissue sections confirmed the strong increase in TSC expression. Treatment of rats for 10 days with a continuous subcutaneous infusion of aldosterone also increased TSC expression (380 ± 58% of controls). Furthermore, 7-day treatment of rats with an orally administered mineralocorticoid, fludrocortisone, increased TSC expression (656 ± 114% of controls). We conclude that the distal convoluted tubule is an important site of action of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone, which strongly up-regulates the expression of TSC.


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The effects of ischemia on the maturation of secretory proteins are not well understood. Among several events that occur during ischemia-reperfusion are a rapid and extensive decrease in ATP levels and an alteration of cellular oxidative state. Since the normal folding and assembly of secretory proteins are mediated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) molecular chaperones, the function of which depends on ATP and maintenance of an appropriate redox environment, ischemia might be expected to perturb folding of secretory proteins. In this study, whole animal and cultured cell models for the epithelial ischemic state were used to examine this possibility. After acute kidney ischemia, marked increases in the mRNA levels of the ER chaperones glucose-regulated protein (grp)78/immunoglobulin-binding protein (BiP), grp94, and ER protein (ERp)72 were noted. Likewise, when cellular ATP was depleted to less than 10% of control with antimycin A, mRNA levels of BiP, ERp72, and grp94 were increased in kidney and thyroid epithelial cell culture models. Since the signal for the up-regulation of these stress proteins is believed to be the accumulation of misfolded/misassembled secretory proteins in the ER, their induction after ischemia in vivo and antimycin treatment of cultured cells suggests that maturation of secretory proteins in the ER lumen might indeed be perturbed. To analyze the effects of antimycin A on the maturation of secretory proteins, we studied the fate of thyroglobulin (Tg), a large oligomeric secretory glycoprotein, the folding and assembly of which seems to require a variety of ER chaperones. Treatment of cultured thyroid epithelial cells with antimycin A greatly inhibited ( > 90%) the secretion of Tg. Sucrose density gradient analysis revealed that in antimycin A-treated cells Tg associates into large macromolecular complexes which, by immunofluorescence, appeared to localize to the ER. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation studies after antimycin A treatment demonstrated that Tg stably associates with BiP, grp94, and ERp72. Together, our results suggest that a key cellular lesion in ischemia is the misfolding of secretory proteins as they transit the ER, and this leads not only to increased expression of ER chaperones but also to their stable association with and the subsequent retention of at least some misfolded secretory proteins.


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Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and nitric oxide (NO) are key regulators of ion and water transport in the kidney. Here, we report that these cGMP-elevating hormones stimulate Ca2+ reabsorption via a novel mechanism specifically involving type II cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK II). ANP and the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), markedly increased Ca2+ uptake in freshly immunodissected rabbit connecting tubules (CNT) and cortical collecting ducts (CCD). Although readily increasing cGMP, ANP and SNP did not affect Ca2+ and Na+ reabsorption in primary cultures of these segments. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that cGK II, and not cGK I, was present in freshly isolated CNT and CCD but underwent a complete down-regulation during the primary cell culture. However, upon adenoviral reexpression of cGK II in primary cultures, ANP, SNP, and 8-Br-cGMP readily increased Ca2+ reabsorption. In contrast, no cGMP-dependent effect on electrogenic Na+ transport was observed. The membrane localization of cGK II proved to be crucial for its action, because a nonmyristoylated cGK II mutant that was shown to be localized in the cytosol failed to mediate ANP-stimulated Ca2+ transport. The Ca2+-regulatory function of cGK II appeared isotype-specific because no cGMP-mediated increase in Ca2+ transport was observed after expression of the cytosolic cGK Iβ or a membrane-bound cGK II/Iβ chimer. These results demonstrate that ANP- and NO-stimulated Ca2+ reabsorption requires membrane-targeted cGK II.