23 resultados para käännetty arvonlisäverotus, reverse charge in value added taxation
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HIV-1 replication requires the translocation of viral genome into the nucleus of a target cell. We recently reported the synthesis of an arylene bis(methyl ketone) compound (CNI-H0294) that inhibits nuclear targeting of the HIV-1 genome and thus HIV-1 replication in monocyte cultures. Here we demonstrate that CNI-H0294 inhibits nuclear targeting of HIV-1-derived preintegration complexes by inactivating the nuclear localization sequence of the HIV-1 matrix antigen in a reaction that absolutely requires reverse transcriptase. This drug/reverse transcriptase interaction defines the specificity of its antiviral effect and is most likely mediated by the pyrimidine side-chain of CNI-H0294. After binding to reverse transcriptase, the carbonyl groups of CNI-H0294 react with the nuclear localization sequence of matrix antigen and prevent its binding to karyopherin alpha, the cellular receptor for nuclear localization sequences that carries proteins into the nucleus. Our results provide a basis for the development of a novel class of compounds that inhibit nuclear translocation and that can, in principle, be modified to target specific infectious agents.
Like all hyperthermophiles yet tested, the bacterium Thermotoga maritima contains a reverse gyrase. Here we show that it contains also a DNA gyrase. The genes top2A and top2B encoding the two subunits of a DNA gyrase-like enzyme have been cloned and sequenced. The Top2A (type II DNA topoisomerase A protein) is more similar to GyrA (DNA gyrase A protein) than to ParC [topoisomerase IV (Topo IV) C protein]. The difference is especially striking at the C-terminal domain, which differentiates DNA gyrases from Topo IV. DNA gyrase activity was detected in T. maritima and purified to homogeneity using a novobiocin-Sepharose column. This hyperhermophilic DNA gyrase has an optimal activity around 82–86°C. In contrast to plasmids from hyperthermophilic archaea, which are from relaxed to positively supercoiled, we found that the plasmid pRQ7 from Thermotoga sp. RQ7 is negatively supercoiled. pRQ7 became positively supercoiled after addition of novobiocin to cell cultures, indicating that its negative supercoiling is due to the DNA gyrase of the host strain. The findings concerning DNA gyrase and negative supercoiling in Thermotogales put into question the role of reverse gyrase in hyperthermophiles.
We have investigated two regions of the viral RNA of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) as potential targets for antisense oligonucleotides. An oligodeoxynucleotide targeted to the U5 region of the viral genome was shown to block the elongation of cDNA synthesized by HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in vitro. This arrest of reverse transcription was independent of the presence of RNase H activity associated with the reverse transcriptase enzyme. A second oligodeoxynucleotide targeted to a site adjacent to the primer binding site inhibited reverse transcription in an RNase H-dependent manner. These two oligonucleotides were covalently linked to a poly(L-lysine) carrier and tested for their ability to inhibit HIV-1 infection in cell cultures. Both oligonucleotides inhibited virus production in a sequence- and dose-dependent manner. PCR analysis showed that they inhibited proviral DNA synthesis in infected cells. In contrast, an antisense oligonucleotide targeted to the tat sequence did not inhibit proviral DNA synthesis but inhibited viral production at a later step of virus development. These experiments show that antisense oligonucleotides targeted to two regions of HIV-1 viral RNA can inhibit the first step of viral infection--i.e., reverse transcription--and prevent the synthesis of proviral DNA in cell cultures.
Voltage-gated channel proteins sense a change in the transmembrane electric field and respond with a conformational change that allows ions to diffuse across the pore-forming structure. Site-specific mutagenesis combined with electrophysiological analysis of expressed mutants in amphibian oocytes has previously established the S4 transmembrane segment as an element of the voltage sensor. Here, we show that mutations of conserved negatively charged residues in S2 and S3 of a brain K+ channel, thought of as countercharges for the positively charged residues in S4, selectively modulate channel gating without modifying the permeation properties. Mutations of Glu235 in S2 that neutralize or reverse charge increase the probability of channel opening and the apparent gating valence. In contrast, replacements of Glu272 by Arg or Thr268 by Asp in S3 decrease the open probability and the apparent gating valence. Residue Glu225 in S2 tolerated replacement only by acidic residues, whereas Asp258 in S3 was intolerant to any attempted change. These results imply that S2 and S3 are unlikely to be involved in channel lining, yet, together with S4, may be additional components of the voltage-sensing structure.
Little is known about the division of eukaryotic cell organelles and up to now neither in animals nor in plants has a gene product been shown to mediate this process. A cDNA encoding a homolog of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ, an ancestral tubulin, was isolated from the eukaryote Physcomitrella patens and used to disrupt efficiently the genomic locus in this terrestrial seedless plant. Seven out of 51 transgenics obtained were knockout plants generated by homologous recombination; they were specifically impeded in plastid division with no detectable effect on mitochondrial division or plant morphology. Implications on the theory of endosymbiosis and on the use of reverse genetics in plants are discussed.
In cultured oligodendrocytes isolated from perinatal rat optic nerves, we have analyzed the expression of ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits as well as the effect of the activation of these receptors on oligodendrocyte viability. Reverse transcription–PCR, in combination with immunocytochemistry, demonstrated that most oligodendrocytes differentiated in vitro express the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunits GluR3 and GluR4 and the kainate receptor subunits GluR6, GluR7, KA1 and KA2. Acute and chronic exposure to kainate caused extensive oligodendrocyte death in culture. This effect was partially prevented by the AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI 52466 and was completely abolished by the non-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), suggesting that both AMPA and kainate receptors mediate the observed kainate toxicity. Furthermore, chronic application of kainate to optic nerves in vivo resulted in massive oligodendrocyte death which, as in vitro, could be prevented by coinfusion of the toxin with CNQX. These findings suggest that excessive activation of the ionotropic glutamate receptors expressed by oligodendrocytes may act as a negative regulator of the size of this cell population.
Melanomas tend to become less pigmented in the course of malignant progression. Thus, as proliferation increases, the tumors are decreasingly characterized by the tissue-specific phenotype of normally differentiated melanocytes. To learn whether the decline in melanization is associated with a shift from constitutive to alternative splicing of some pigment gene pre-mRNAs, melanomas were collected from Tyr-SV40E transgenic mice of the standard C57BL/6 strain. The mRNAs of the tyrosinase gene, which has a key role in melanogenesis, were analyzed by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR in 34 samples from 16 cutaneous tumors and 9 metastases. The cutaneous tumors included some cases with distinct melanotic and amelanotic zones, which were separately analyzed. All tyrosinase transcripts found in the melanomas were also found in normal skin melanocytes. However, the Δ1b and Δ1d alternatively spliced transcripts, due to deletions within the first exon, were specifically augmented in most of the tumors over their very low levels in skin; the exceptions were some all-amelanotic tumors in which no tyrosinase transcripts were detected. The level of Δ1b rose as high as 11.3% of total tyrosinase mRNAs as compared with 0.6% in skin; Δ1d reached 4.0% as compared with 0.8% in skin. Expression of these splice variants was highest in the melanotic components of zonal primary tumors, relatively lower in their amelanotic components, and still lower in all-amelanotic primary tumors and amelanotic metastases. The increase in Δ1b and Δ1d transcripts may be predicted to increase the levels of unusual peptides, which could have antigenic potential in the tumors, especially in the relatively early phases of malignancy. Analyses of the alternative transcripts of other pigment genes may identify additional candidate antigens, ultimately enabling melanoma cells in all phases of the disease to be represented as a basis for immune intervention.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main causal agent of pathologies that are increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatment. Clinical resistance of S. pneumoniae to β-lactam antibiotics is linked to multiple mutations of high molecular mass penicillin-binding proteins (H-PBPs), essential enzymes involved in the final steps of bacterial cell wall synthesis. H-PBPs from resistant bacteria have a reduced affinity for β-lactam and a decreased hydrolytic activity on substrate analogues. In S. pneumoniae, the gene coding for one of these H-PBPs, PBP2x, is located in the cell division cluster (DCW). We present here structural evidence linking multiple β-lactam resistance to amino acid substitutions in PBP2x within a buried cavity near the catalytic site that contains a structural water molecule. Site-directed mutation of amino acids in contact with this water molecule in the “sensitive” form of PBP2x produces mutants similar, in terms of β-lactam affinity and substrate hydrolysis, to altered PBP2x produced in resistant clinical isolates. A reverse mutation in a PBP2x variant from a clinically important resistant clone increases the acylation efficiency for β-lactams and substrate analogues. Furthermore, amino acid residues in contact with the structural water molecule are conserved in the equivalent H-PBPs of pathogenic Gram-positive cocci. We suggest that, probably via a local structural modification, the partial or complete loss of this water molecule reduces the acylation efficiency of PBP2x substrates to a point at which cell wall synthesis still occurs, but the sensitivity to therapeutic concentrations of β-lactam antibiotics is lost.
MLL (ALL1, Htrx, HRX), which is located on chromosome band 11q23, frequently is rearranged in patients with therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia who previously were treated with DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors. In this study, we have identified a fusion partner of MLL in a 10-year-old female who developed therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia 17 months after treatment for Hodgkin’s disease. Leukemia cells of this patient had a t(11;17)(q23;q25), which involved MLL as demonstrated by Southern blot analysis. The partner gene was cloned from cDNA of the leukemia cells by use of a combination of adapter reverse transcriptase–PCR, rapid amplification of 5′ cDNA ends, and blast database analysis to identify expressed sequence tags. The full-length cDNA of 2.8 kb was found to be an additional member of the septin family, therefore it was named MSF (MLL septin-like fusion). Members of the septin family conserve the GTP binding domain, localize in the cytoplasm, and interact with cytoskeletal filaments. A major 4-kb transcript of MSF was expressed ubiquitously; a 1.7-kb transcript was found in most tissues. An additional 3-kb transcript was found only in hematopoietic tissues. By amplification with MLL exon 5 forward primer and reverse primers in MSF, the appropriately sized products were obtained. MSF is highly homologous to hCDCrel-1, which is a partner gene of MLL in leukemias with a t(11;22)(q23;q11.2). Further analysis of MSF may help to delineate the function of MLL partner genes in leukemia, particularly in therapy-related leukemia.
Sulfite oxidase catalyzes the terminal reaction in the degradation of sulfur amino acids. Genetic deficiency of sulfite oxidase results in neurological abnormalities and often leads to death at an early age. The mutation in the sulfite oxidase gene responsible for sulfite oxidase deficiency in a 5-year-old girl was identified by sequence analysis of cDNA obtained from fibroblast mRNA to be a guanine to adenine transition at nucleotide 479 resulting in the amino acid substitution of Arg-160 to Gln. Recombinant protein containing the R160Q mutation was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. The mutant protein contained its full complement of molybdenum and heme, but exhibited 2% of native activity under standard assay conditions. Absorption spectroscopy of the isolated molybdenum domains of native sulfite oxidase and of the R160Q mutant showed significant differences in the 480- and 350-nm absorption bands, suggestive of altered geometry at the molybdenum center. Kinetic analysis of the R160Q protein showed an increase in Km for sulfite combined with a decrease in kcat resulting in a decrease of nearly 1,000-fold in the apparent second-order rate constant kcat/Km. Kinetic parameters for the in vitro generated R160K mutant were found to be intermediate in value between those of the native protein and the R160Q mutant. Native sulfite oxidase was rapidly inactivated by phenylglyoxal, yielding a modified protein with kinetic parameters mimicking those of the R160Q mutant. It is proposed that Arg-160 attracts the anionic substrate sulfite to the binding site near the molybdenum.
The actin-activated ATPase activity of Acanthamoeba myosin IC is stimulated 15- to 20-fold by phosphorylation of Ser-329 in the heavy chain. In most myosins, either glutamate or aspartate occupies this position, which lies within a surface loop that forms part of the actomyosin interface. To investigate the apparent need for a negative charge at this site, we mutated Ser-329 to alanine, asparagine, aspartate, or glutamate and coexpressed the Flag-tagged wild-type or mutant heavy chain and light chain in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Recombinant wild-type myosin IC was indistinguishable from myosin IC purified from Acanthamoeba as determined by (i) the dependence of its actin-activated ATPase activity on heavy-chain phosphorylation, (ii) the unusual triphasic dependence of its ATPase activity on the concentration of F-actin, (iii) its Km for ATP, and (iv) its ability to translocate actin filaments. The Ala and Asn mutants had the same low actin-activated ATPase activity as unphosphorylated wild-type myosin IC. The Glu mutant, like the phosphorylated wild-type protein, was 16-fold more active than unphosphorylated wild type, and the Asp mutant was 8-fold more active. The wild-type and mutant proteins had the same Km for ATP. Unphosphorylated wild-type protein and the Ala and Asn mutants were unable to translocate actin filaments, whereas the Glu mutant translocated filaments at the same velocity, and the Asp mutant at 50% the velocity, as phosphorylated wild-type proteins. These results demonstrate that an acidic amino acid can supply the negative charge in the surface loop required for the actin-dependent activities of Acanthamoeba myosin IC in vitro and indicate that the length of the side chain that delivers this charge is important.
N-type Ca2+ channels can be inhibited by neurotransmitter-induced release of G protein βγ subunits. Two isoforms of Cav2.2 α1 subunits of N-type calcium channels from rat brain (Cav2.2a and Cav2.2b; initially termed rbB-I and rbB-II) have different functional properties. Unmodulated Cav2.2b channels are in an easily activated “willing” (W) state with fast activation kinetics and no prepulse facilitation. Activating G proteins shifts Cav2.2b channels to a difficult to activate “reluctant” (R) state with slow activation kinetics; they can be returned to the W state by strong depolarization resulting in prepulse facilitation. This contrasts with Cav2.2a channels, which are tonically in the R state and exhibit strong prepulse facilitation. Activating or inhibiting G proteins has no effect. Thus, the R state of Cav2.2a and its reversal by prepulse facilitation are intrinsic to the channel and independent of G protein modulation. Mutating G177 in segment IS3 of Cav2.2b to E as in Cav2.2a converts Cav2.2b tonically to the R state, insensitive to further G protein modulation. The converse substitution in Cav2.2a, E177G, converts it to the W state and restores G protein modulation. We propose that negatively charged E177 in IS3 interacts with a positive charge in the IS4 voltage sensor when the channel is closed and produces the R state of Cav2.2a by a voltage sensor-trapping mechanism. G protein βγ subunits may produce reluctant channels by a similar molecular mechanism.
A novel mechanism of reciprocal behavioral agonist-antagonist activities of enantiomeric pheromones plays a pivotal role in overcoming the signal-to-noise problem derived from the use of a single-constituent pheromone system in scarab beetles. Female Anomala osakana produce (S, Z)-5-(+)-(1-decenyl)oxacyclopentan-2-one, which is highly attractive to males; the response is completely inhibited even by 5% of its antipode. These two enantiomers have reverse roles in the Popillia japonica sex pheromone system. Chiral GC-electroantennographic detector experiments suggest that A. osakana and P. japonica have both R and S receptors that are responsible for behavioral agonist and antagonist responses.
Statistically significant charge clusters (basic, acidic, or of mixed charge) in tertiary protein structures are identified by new methods from a large representative collection of protein structures. About 10% of protein structures show at least one charge cluster, mostly of mixed type involving about equally anionic and cationic residues. Positive charge clusters are very rare. Negative (or histidine-acidic) charge clusters often coordinate calcium, or magnesium or zinc ions [e.g., thermolysin (PDB code: 3tln), mannose-binding protein (2msb), aminopeptidase (1amp)]. Mixed-charge clusters are prominent at interchain contacts where they stabilize quaternary protein formation [e.g., glutathione S-transferase (2gst), catalase (8act), and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (1fba)]. They are also involved in protein-protein interaction and in substrate binding. For example, the mixed-charge cluster of aspartate carbamoyl-transferase (8atc) envelops the aspartate carbonyl substrate in a flexible manner (alternating tense and relaxed states) where charge associations can vary from weak to strong. Other proteins with charge clusters include the P450 cytochrome family (BM-3, Terp, Cam), several flavocytochromes, neuraminidase, hemagglutinin, the photosynthetic reaction center, and annexin. In each case in Table 2 we discuss the possible role of the charge clusters with respect to protein structure and function.
Human T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases are genetically linked to particular alleles of MHC class II genes. Susceptibility to pemphigus vulgaris (PV), an autoimmune disease of the skin, is linked to a rare subtype of HLA-DR4 (DRB1*0402, 1 of 22 known DR4 subtypes). The PV-linked DR4 subtype differs from a rheumatoid arthritis-associated DR4 subtype (DRB1*0404) only at three residues (DR beta 67, 70, and 71). The disease is caused by autoantibodies against desmoglein 3 (DG), and T cells are thought to trigger the autoantibody production against this keratinocyte adhesion molecule. Based on the DRB1*0402 binding motif, seven candidate peptides of the DG autoantigen were identified. T cells from four PV patients with active disease responded to one of these DG peptides (residues 190-204); two patients also responded to DG-(206-220). T-cell clones specific for DG-(190-204) secreted high levels of interleukins 4 and 10, indicating that they may be important in triggering the production of DG-specific autoantibodies. The DG-(190-204) peptide was presented by the disease-linked DRB1*0402 molecule but not by other DR4 subtypes. Site-directed mutagenesis of DRB1*0402 demonstrated that selective presentation of DG-(190-204), which carries a positive charge at the P4 position, was due to the negatively charged residues of the P4 pocket (DR beta 70 and 71). DR beta 71 has a negative charge in DRB1*0402 but a positive charge in other DR4 subtypes, including the DR4 subtypes linked to rheumatoid arthritis. The charge of the P4 pocket in the DR4 peptide binding site therefore appears to be a critical determinant of MHC-linked susceptibility to PV and rheumatoid arthritis.