5 resultados para intermediate resolution

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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2-Keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) aldolase catalyzes the reversible cleavage of KDPG to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. The enzyme is a class I aldolase whose reaction mechanism involves formation of Schiff base intermediates between Lys-133 and a keto substrate. A covalent adduct was trapped by flash freezing KDPG aldolase crystals soaked with 10 mM pyruvate in acidic conditions at pH 4.6. Structure determination to 1.95-Å resolution showed that pyruvate had undergone nucleophilic attack with Lys-133, forming a protonated carbinolamine intermediate, a functional Schiff base precursor, which was stabilized by hydrogen bonding with active site residues. Carbinolamine interaction with Glu-45 indicates general base catalysis of several rate steps. Stereospecific addition is ensured by aromatic interaction of Phe-135 with the pyruvate methyl group. In the native structure, Lys-133 donates all of its hydrogen bonds, indicating the presence of an ɛ-ammonium salt group. Nucleophilic activation is postulated to occur by proton transfer in the monoprotonated zwitterionic pair (Glu-45/Lys-133). Formation of the zwitterionic pair requires prior side chain rearrangement by protonated Lys-133 to displace a water molecule, hydrogen bonded to the zwitterionic residues.


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The x-ray crystal structures of trans-cinnamoyl–subtilisin, an acyl-enzyme covalent intermediate of the serine protease subtilisin Carlsberg, have been determined to 2.2-Å resolution in anhydrous acetonitrile and in water. The cinnamoyl–subtilisin structures are virtually identical in the two solvents. In addition, their enzyme portions are nearly indistinguishable from previously determined structures of the free enzyme in acetonitrile and in water; thus, acylation in either aqueous or nonaqueous solvent causes no appreciable conformational changes. However, the locations of bound solvent molecules in the active site of the acyl- and free enzyme forms in acetonitrile and in water are distinct. Such differences in the active site solvation may contribute to the observed variations in enzymatic activities. On prolonged exposure to organic solvent or removal of interstitial solvent from the crystal lattice, the channels within enzyme crystals are shown to collapse, leading to a drop in the number of active sites accessible to the substrate. The mechanistic and preparative implications of our findings for enzymatic catalysis in organic solvents are discussed.


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The Escherichia coli protein DbpA is unique in its subclass of DEAD box RNA helicases, because it possesses ATPase-specific activity toward the peptidyl transferase center in 23S rRNA. Although its remarkable ATPase activity had been well defined toward various substrates, its RNA helicase activity remained to be characterized. Herein, we show by using biochemical assays and atomic force microscopy that DbpA exhibits ATP-stimulated unwinding activity of RNA duplex regardless of its primary sequence. This work presents an attempt to investigate the action of DEAD box proteins by a single-molecule visualization methodology. Our atomic force microscopy images enabled us to observe directly the unwinding reaction of a DEAD box helicase on long stretches of double-stranded RNA. Specifically, we could differentiate between the binding of DbpA to RNA in the absence of ATP and the formation of a Y-shaped intermediate after its progression through double-stranded RNA in the presence of ATP. Recent studies have questioned the designation of DbpA, in particular, and DEAD box proteins in general as RNA helicases. However, accumulated evidence and the results reported herein suggest that these proteins are indeed helicases that resemble in many aspects the DNA helicases.


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The molecular reaction mechanism of the GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis by Ras was investigated by time resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy using caged GTP (P3-1-(2-nitro)phenylethyl guanosine 5′-O-triphosphate) as photolabile trigger. This approach provides the complete GTPase reaction pathway with time resolution of milliseconds at the atomic level. Up to now, one structural model of the GAP⋅Ras⋅GDP⋅AlFx transition state analog is known, which represents a “snap shot” along the reaction-pathway. As now revealed, binding of GAP to Ras⋅GTP shifts negative charge from the γ to β phosphate. Such a shift was already identified by FTIR in GTP because of Ras binding and is now shown to be enhanced by GAP binding. Because the charge distribution of the GAP⋅Ras⋅GTP complex thus resembles a more dissociative-like transition state and is more like that in GDP, the activation free energy is reduced. An intermediate is observed on the reaction pathway that appears when the bond between β and γ phosphate is cleaved. In the intermediate, the released Pi is strongly bound to the protein and surprisingly shows bands typical of those seen for phosphorylated enzyme intermediates. All these results provide a mechanistic picture that is different from the intrinsic GTPase reaction of Ras. FTIR analysis reveals the release of Pi from the protein complex as the rate-limiting step for the GAP-catalyzed reaction. The approach presented allows the study not only of single proteins but of protein–protein interactions without intrinsic chromophores, in the non-crystalline state, in real time at the atomic level.


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The Holliday junction, a key intermediate in both homologous and site-specific recombination, is generated by the reciprocal exchange of single strands between two DNA duplexes. Resolution of the junctions can occur in two directions with respect to flanking markers, either restoring the parental DNA configuration or generating a genetic crossover. Recombination can be regulated, in principle, by factors that influence the directionality of the resolution step. We demonstrate that the vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase, a eukaryotic type I enzyme, catalyzes resolution of synthetic Holliday junctions in vitro. The mechanism entails concerted transesterifications at two recognition sites, 5'-CCCTT decreases, that are opposed within a partially mobile four-way junction. Cruciforms are resolved unidirectionally and with high efficiency into two linear duplexes. These findings suggest a model whereby type I topoisomerases may either promote or suppress genetic recombination in vivo.