8 resultados para infection prevention strategies

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Expression of CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), the major coreceptor for HIV-1 cell entry, and its ligands (e.g., RANTES and MIP-1α) is widely regarded as central to the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection. By surveying nearly 3,000 HIV+ and HIV− individuals from worldwide populations for polymorphisms in the genes encoding RANTES, MIP-1α, and CCR5, we show that the evolutionary histories of human populations have had a significant impact on the distribution of variation in these genes, and that this may be responsible, in part, for the heterogeneous nature of the epidemiology of the HIV-1 pandemic. The varied distribution of RANTES haplotypes (AC, GC, and AG) associated with population-specific HIV-1 transmission- and disease-modifying effects is a striking example. Homozygosity for the AC haplotype was associated with an increased risk of acquiring HIV-1 as well as accelerated disease progression in European Americans, but not in African Americans. Yet, the prevalence of the ancestral AC haplotype is high in individuals of African origin, but substantially lower in non-Africans. In a Japanese cohort, AG-containing RANTES haplotype pairs were associated with a delay in disease progression; however, we now show that their contribution to HIV-1 pathogenesis and epidemiology in other parts of the world is negligible because the AG haplotype is infrequent in non-Far East Asians. Thus, the varied distribution of RANTES, MIP-1α, and CCR5 haplotype pairs and their population-specific phenotypic effects on HIV-1 susceptibility and disease progression results in a complex pattern of biological determinants of HIV-1 epidemiology. These findings have important implications for the design, assessment, and implementation of effective HIV-1 intervention and prevention strategies.


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The identification of the neutralization domains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is essential for the development of an effective vaccine. Here, we show that the hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of the envelope 2 (E2) protein is a critical neutralization domain of HCV. Neutralization of HCV in vitro was attempted with a rabbit hyperimmune serum raised against a homologous synthetic peptide derived from the HVR1 of the E2 protein, and the residual infectivity was evaluated by inoculation of HCV-seronegative chimpanzees. The source of HCV was plasma obtained from a patient (H) during the acute phase of posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis, which had been titered for infectivity in chimpanzees. The anti-HVR1 antiserum induced protection against homologous HCV infection in chimpanzees, but not against the emergence of neutralization escape mutants that were found to be already present in the complex viral quasispecies of the inoculum. The finding that HVR1 can elicit protective immunity opens new perspectives for the development of effective preventive strategies. However, the identification of the most variable region of HCV as a critical neutralization domain poses a major challenge for the development of a broadly reactive vaccine against HCV.


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Objectives: To estimate the incidence of HIV and hepatitis C virus and risk factors for seroconversion among a cohort of injecting drug users.


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The possibility that bacteria may have evolved strategies to overcome host cell apoptosis was explored by using Rickettsia rickettsii, an obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacteria that is the etiologic agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The vascular endothelial cell, the primary target cell during in vivo infection, exhibits no evidence of apoptosis during natural infection and is maintained for a sufficient time to allow replication and cell-to-cell spread prior to eventual death due to necrotic damage. Prior work in our laboratory demonstrated that R. rickettsii infection activates the transcription factor NF-κB and alters expression of several genes under its control. However, when R. rickettsii-induced activation of NF-κB was inhibited, apoptosis of infected but not uninfected endothelial cells rapidly ensued. In addition, human embryonic fibroblasts stably transfected with a superrepressor mutant inhibitory subunit IκB that rendered NF-κB inactivatable also underwent apoptosis when infected, whereas infected wild-type human embryonic fibroblasts survived. R. rickettsii, therefore, appeared to inhibit host cell apoptosis via a mechanism dependent on NF-κB activation. Apoptotic nuclear changes correlated with presence of intracellular organisms and thus this previously unrecognized proapoptotic signal, masked by concomitant NF-κB activation, likely required intracellular infection. Our studies demonstrate that a bacterial organism can exert an antiapoptotic effect, thus modulating the host cell’s apoptotic response to its own advantage by potentially allowing the host cell to remain as a site of infection.


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CD4-expressing T cells in lymphoid organs are infected by the primary strains of HIV and represent one of the main sources of virus replication. Gene therapy strategies are being developed that allow the transfer of exogenous genes into CD4+ T lymphocytes whose expression might prevent viral infection or replication. Insights into the mechanisms that govern virus entry into the target cells can be exploited for this purpose. Major determinants of the tropism of infection are the CD4 molecules on the surface of the target cells and the viral envelope glycoproteins at the viral surface. The best characterized and most widely used gene transfer vectors are derived from Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). To generate MuLV-based retroviral gene transfer vector particles with specificity of infection for CD4-expressing cells, we attempted to produce viral pseudotypes, consisting of MuLV capsid particles and the surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) envelope glycoproteins gp120-SU and gp41-TM of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Full-length HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins were expressed in the MuLV env-negative packaging cell line TELCeB6. Formation of infectious pseudotype particles was not observed. However, using a truncated variant of the transmembrane protein, lacking sequences of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain, pseudotyped retroviruses were generated. Removal of the carboxyl-terminal domain of the transmembrane envelope protein of HIV-1 was therefore absolutely required for the generation of the viral pseudotypes. The virus was shown to infect CD4-expressing cell lines, and infection was prevented by antisera specific for gp120-SU. This retroviral vector should prove useful for the study of HIV infection events mediated by HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, and for the targeting of CD4+ cells during gene therapy of AIDS.


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A genetic defect in a CC-chemokine receptor (CCR)-5, the principal coreceptor for the macrophage-tropic HIV type 1 (HIV-1), recently was found to naturally protect CCR-5-defective, but healthy, individuals from HIV-1 infection. In this study, we mimic the natural resistance of the CCR-5-defective individuals by designing a strategy to phenotypically knock out CCR-5. The inactivation of the CCR-5 coreceptor is accomplished by targeting a modified CC-chemokine to the endoplasmic reticulum to block the surface expression of newly synthesized CCR-5. The lymphocytes transduced to express the intracellular chemokine, termed “intrakine,” were found to be viable and resistant to macrophage-tropic HIV-1 infection. Thus, this gene-based intrakine strategy targeted at the conserved cellular receptor for the prevention of HIV-1 entry should have significant advantages over currently described approaches for HIV-1 therapy.


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Cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus and S. fulviventer) are susceptible to many viruses that infect humans (e.g., poliovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza virus) and have been influential in developing therapeutic clinical intervention strategies for many viral infections of man. This study set out to determine whether cotton rats are susceptible to infection with HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Results indicate that HIV-1 does infect the cotton rat and S. fulviventer is more susceptible than S. hispidus. The virus was passaged from animal to animal for a total of three serial passages; but HIV replicated poorly in vivo, was only detectable as proviral DNA, and never exceeded one provirus per 1.8 × 105 cotton rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Infection induced a distinct and characteristic anti-HIV antibody response that, in some animals, included neutralizing antibodies, recognized all of the major HIV-1 antigens and the antibodies lasted out to 52 wk post-infection. Neonate S. fulviventer were not more susceptible to infection than adults. In vitro culture studies produced indirect evidence of viral replication by detection of viral gag gene RNA in reverse transcriptase–PCR assays on viral culture supernatants. Collectively, these results indicate that HIV-1 can replicate in a nontransgenic rodent and that this system may have potential as an animal model for HIV-1 infection if viral replication rates can be improved in vivo.


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The success of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has inspired new concepts for eliminating HIV from infected individuals. A major obstacle is the persistence of long-lived reservoirs of latently infected cells that might become activated at some time after cessation of therapy. We propose that, in the context of treatment strategies to deliberately activate and eliminate these reservoirs, hybrid toxins targeted to kill HIV-infected cells be reconsidered in combination with HAART. Such combinations might also prove valuable in protocols aimed at preventing mother-to-child transmission and establishment of infection immediately after exposure to HIV. We suggest experimental approaches in vitro and in animal models to test various issues related to safety and efficacy of this concept.