31 resultados para hemoglobin variants
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
A method for the quantitative estimation of instability with respect to deamidation of the asparaginyl (Asn) residues in proteins is described. The procedure involves the observation of several simple aspects of the three-dimensional environment of each Asn residue in the protein and a calculation that includes these observations, the primary amino acid residue sequence, and the previously reported complete set of sequence-dependent rates of deamidation for Asn pentapeptides. This method is demonstrated and evaluated for 23 proteins in which 31 unstable and 167 stable Asn residues have been reported and for 7 unstable and 63 stable Asn residues that have been reported in 61 human hemoglobin variants. The relative importance of primary structure and three-dimensional structure in Asn deamidation is estimated.
The inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) contains an amino-terminal oxygenase domain, a carboxy-terminal reductase domain, and an intervening calmodulin-binding region. For the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), iNOS is active as a homodimer. The human iNOS mRNA is subject to alternative splicing, including deletion of exons 8 and 9 that encode amino acids 242–335 of the oxygenase domain. In this study, iNOS8−9− and full-length iNOS (iNOSFL) were cloned from bronchial epithelial cells. Expression of iNOS8−9− in 293 cell line resulted in generation of iNOS8−9− mRNA and protein but did not lead to NO production. In contrast to iNOSFL, iNOS8−9− did not form dimers. Similar to iNOSFL, iNOS8−9− exhibited NADPH-diaphorase activity and contained tightly bound calmodulin, indicating that the reductase and calmodulin-binding domains were functional. To identify sequences in exons 8 and 9 that are critical for dimerization, iNOSFL was used to construct 12 mutants, each with deletion of eight residues in the region encoded by exons 8 and 9. In addition, two “control” iNOS deletion mutants were synthesized, lacking either residues 45–52 of the oxygenase domain or residues 1131–1138 of the reductase domain. Whereas both control deletion mutants generated NO and formed dimers, none of the 12 other mutants formed dimers or generated NO. The region encoded by exons 8 and 9 is critical for iNOS dimer formation and NO production but not for reductase activity. This region could be a potential target for therapeutic interventions aimed at inhibiting iNOS dimerization and hence NO synthesis.
We have studied the adsorption of two structurally similar forms of hemoglobin (met-Hb and HbCO) to a hydrophobic self-assembled methyl-terminated thiol monolayer on a gold surface, by using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) technique. This technique allows time-resolved simultaneous measurements of changes in frequency (f) (c.f. mass) and energy dissipation (D) (c.f. rigidity/viscoelastic properties) of the QCM during the adsorption process, which makes it possible to investigate the viscoelastic properties of the different protein layers during the adsorption process. Below the isoelectric points of both met-Hb and HbCO, the ΔD vs. Δf graphs displayed two phases with significantly different slopes, which indicates two states of the adsorbed proteins with different visco-elastic properties. The slope of the first phase was smaller than that of the second phase, which indicates that the first phase was associated with binding of a more rigidly attached, presumably denatured protein layer, whereas the second phase was associated with formation of a second layer of more loosely bound proteins. This second layer desorbed, e.g., upon reduction of Fe3+ of adsorbed met-Hb and subsequent binding of carbon monoxide (CO) forming HbCO. Thus, the results suggest that the adsorbed proteins in the second layer were in a native-like state. This information could only be obtained from simultaneous, time-resolved measurements of changes in both D and f, demonstrating that the QCM technique provides unique information about the mechanisms of protein adsorption to solid surfaces.
We cloned two hemoglobin genes from Arabidopsis thaliana. One gene, AHB1, is related in sequence to the family of nonsymbiotic hemoglobin genes previously identified in a number of plant species (class 1). The second hemoglobin gene, AHB2, represents a class of nonsymbiotic hemoglobin (class 2) related in sequence to the symbiotic hemoglobin genes of legumes and Casuarina. The properties of these two hemoglobins suggest that the two families of nonsymbiotic hemoglobins may differ in function from each other and from the symbiotic hemoglobins. AHB1 is induced, in both roots and rosette leaves, by low oxygen levels. Recombinant AHB1 has an oxygen affinity so high as to make it unlikely to function as an oxygen transporter. AHB2 is expressed at a low level in rosette leaves and is low temperature-inducible. AHB2 protein has a lower affinity for oxygen than AHB1 but is similar to AHB1 in having an unusually low, pH-sensitive oxygen off-rate.
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) and thalassemia are among the most common genetic diseases worldwide. Current approaches to the development of murine models of SCA involve the elimination of functional murine α- and β-globin genes and substitution with human α and βs transgenes. Recently, two groups have produced mice that exclusively express human HbS. The transgenic lines used in these studies were produced by coinjection of human α-, γ-, and β-globin constructs. Thus, all of the transgenes are integrated at a single chromosomal site. Studies in transgenic mice have demonstrated that the normal gene order and spatial organization of the members of the human β-globin gene family are required for appropriate developmental and stage-restricted expression of the genes. As the cis-acting sequences that participate in activation and silencing of the γ- and β-globin genes are not fully defined, murine models that preserve the normal structure of the locus are likely to have significant advantages for validating future therapies for SCA. To produce a model of SCA that recapitulates not only the phenotype, but also the genotype of patients with SCA, we have generated mice that exclusively express HbS after transfer of a 240-kb βs yeast artificial chromosome. These mice have hemolytic anemia, 10% irreversibly sickled cells in their peripheral blood, reticulocytosis, and other phenotypic features of SCA.
Melanomas tend to become less pigmented in the course of malignant progression. Thus, as proliferation increases, the tumors are decreasingly characterized by the tissue-specific phenotype of normally differentiated melanocytes. To learn whether the decline in melanization is associated with a shift from constitutive to alternative splicing of some pigment gene pre-mRNAs, melanomas were collected from Tyr-SV40E transgenic mice of the standard C57BL/6 strain. The mRNAs of the tyrosinase gene, which has a key role in melanogenesis, were analyzed by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR in 34 samples from 16 cutaneous tumors and 9 metastases. The cutaneous tumors included some cases with distinct melanotic and amelanotic zones, which were separately analyzed. All tyrosinase transcripts found in the melanomas were also found in normal skin melanocytes. However, the Δ1b and Δ1d alternatively spliced transcripts, due to deletions within the first exon, were specifically augmented in most of the tumors over their very low levels in skin; the exceptions were some all-amelanotic tumors in which no tyrosinase transcripts were detected. The level of Δ1b rose as high as 11.3% of total tyrosinase mRNAs as compared with 0.6% in skin; Δ1d reached 4.0% as compared with 0.8% in skin. Expression of these splice variants was highest in the melanotic components of zonal primary tumors, relatively lower in their amelanotic components, and still lower in all-amelanotic primary tumors and amelanotic metastases. The increase in Δ1b and Δ1d transcripts may be predicted to increase the levels of unusual peptides, which could have antigenic potential in the tumors, especially in the relatively early phases of malignancy. Analyses of the alternative transcripts of other pigment genes may identify additional candidate antigens, ultimately enabling melanoma cells in all phases of the disease to be represented as a basis for immune intervention.
Tenascin-C is an adhesion-modulating matrix glycoprotein that has multiple effects on cell behavior. Tenascin-C transcripts are expressed in motile cells and at sites of tissue modeling during development, and alternative splicing generates variants that encode different numbers of fibronectin type III repeats. We have examined the in vivo expression and cell adhesive properties of two full-length recombinant tenascin-C proteins: TN-190, which contains the eight constant fibronectin type III repeats, and TN-ADC, which contains the additional AD2, AD1, and C repeats. In situ hybridization with probes specific for the AD2, AD1, and C repeats shows that these splice variants are expressed at sites of active tissue modeling and fibronectin expression in the developing avian feather bud and sternum. Transcripts incorporating the AD2, AD1, and C repeats are present in embryonic day 10 wing bud but not in embryonic day 10 lung. By using a panel of nine cell lines in attachment assays, we have found that C2C12, G8, and S27 myoblastic cells undergo concentration-dependent adhesion to both variants, organize actin microspikes that contain the actin-bundling protein fascin, and do not assemble focal contacts. On a molar basis, TN-ADC is more active than TN-190 in promoting cell attachment and irregular cell spreading. The addition of either TN-190 or TN-ADC in solution to C2C12, COS-7, or MG-63 cells adherent on fibronectin decreases cell attachment and results in decreased organization of actin microfilament bundles, with formation of cortical membrane ruffles and retention of residual points of substratum contact that contain filamentous actin and fascin. These data establish a biochemical similarity in the processes of cell adhesion to tenascin-C and thrombospondin-1, also an “antiadhesive” matrix component, and also demonstrate that both the adhesive and adhesion-modulating properties of tenascin-C involve similar biochemical events in the cortical cytoskeleton. In addition to these generic properties, TN-ADC is less active in adhesion modulation than TN-190. The coordinated expression of different tenascin-C transcripts during development may, therefore, provide appropriate microenvironments for regulated changes in cell shape, adhesion, and movement.
One of the most remarkable structural aspects of Scapharca dimeric hemoglobin is the disruption of a very well-ordered water cluster at the subunit interface upon ligand binding. We have explored the role of these crystallographically observed water molecules by site-directed mutagenesis and osmotic stress techniques. The isosteric mutation of Thr-72 → Val in the interface increases oxygen affinity more than 40-fold with a surprising enhancement of cooperativity. The only significant structural effect of this mutation is to destabilize two ordered water molecules in the deoxy interface. Wild-type Scapharca hemoglobin is strongly sensitive to osmotic conditions. Upon addition of glycerol, striking changes in Raman spectrum of the deoxy form are observed that indicate a transition toward the liganded form. Increased osmotic pressure, which lowers the oxygen affinity in human hemoglobin, raises the oxygen affinity of Scapharca hemoglobin regardless of whether the solute is glycerol, glucose, or sucrose. Analysis of these results provides an estimate of six water molecules lost upon oxygen binding to the dimer, in good agreement with eight predicted from crystal structures. These experiments suggest that the observed cluster of interfacial water molecules plays a crucial role in communication between subunits.
Thalassemia is a heritable human anemia caused by a variety of mutations that affect expression of the α- or the β-chain of hemoglobin. The expressivity of the phenotype is likely to be influenced by unlinked modifying genes. Indeed, by using a mouse model of α-thalassemia, we find that its phenotype is strongly influenced by the genetic background in which the α-thalassemia mutation resides [129sv/ev/129sv/ev (severe) or 129sv/ev/C57BL/6 (mild)]. Linkage mapping indicates that the modifying gene is very tightly linked to the β-globin locus (Lod score = 13.3). Furthermore, the severity of the phenotype correlates with the size of β-chain-containing inclusion bodies that accumulate in red blood cells and likely accelerate their destruction. The β-major globin chains encoded by the two strains differ by three amino acids, one of which is a glycine-to-cysteine substitution at position 13. The Cys-13 should be available for interchain disulfide bridging and consequent aggregation between excess β-chains. This normal polymorphic variation between murine β-globin chains could account for the modifying action of the unlinked β-globin locus. Here, the variation in severity of the phenotype would not depend on a change in the ratio between α- and β-chains but on the chemical nature of the normal β-chain, which is in excess. This work also indicates that modifying genes can be normal variants that—absent an apparent physiologic rationale—may be difficult to identify on the basis of structure alone.
The NMR structures of three single-amino acid variants of the C-terminal domain of the human prion protein, hPrP(121–230), are presented. In hPrP(M166V) and hPrP(R220K) the substitution is with the corresponding residue in murine PrP, and in hPrP(S170N) it is with the corresponding Syrian hamster residue. All three substitutions are in the surface region of the structure of the cellular form of PrP (PrPC) that is formed by the C-terminal part of helix 3, with residues 218–230, and a loop of residues 166–172. This molecular region shows high species variability and has been implicated in specific interactions with a so far not further characterized “protein X,” and it is related to the species barrier for transmission of prion diseases. As expected, the three variant hPrP(121–230) structures have the same global architecture as the previously determined wild-type bovine, human, murine, and Syrian hamster prion proteins, but with the present study two localized “conformational markers” could be related with single amino acid exchanges. These are the length and quality of definition of helix 3, and the NMR-observability of the residues in the loop 166–172. Poor definition of the C-terminal part of helix 3 is characteristic for murine PrP and has now been observed also for hPrP(R220K), and NMR observation of the complete loop 166–172 has so far been unique for Syrian hamster PrP and is now also documented for hPrP(S170N).
The proliferation of various tumors is inhibited by the antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) in vitro and in vivo, but the receptors mediating the effects of GHRH antagonists have not been identified so far. Using an approach based on PCR, we detected two major splice variants (SVs) of mRNA for human GHRH receptor (GHRH-R) in human cancer cell lines, including LNCaP prostatic, MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic, MDA-MB-468 breast, OV-1063 ovarian, and H-69 small-cell lung carcinomas. In addition, high-affinity, low-capacity binding sites for GHRH antagonists were found on the membranes of cancer cell lines such as MiaPaCa-2 that are negative for the vasoactive intestinal peptide/pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptor (VPAC-R) or lines such as LNCaP that are positive for VPAC-R. Sequence analysis of cDNAs revealed that the first three exons in SV1 and SV2 are replaced by a fragment of retained intron 3 having a new putative in-frame start codon. The rest of the coding region of SV1 is identical to that of human pituitary GHRH-R, whereas in SV2 exon 7 is spliced out, resulting in a 1-nt upstream frameshift, which leads to a premature stop codon in exon 8. The intronic sequence may encode a distinct 25-aa fragment of the N-terminal extracellular domain, which could serve as a proposed signal peptide. The continuation of the deduced protein sequence coded by exons 4–13 in SV1 is identical to that of pituitary GHRH-R. SV2 may encode a GHRH-R isoform truncated after the second transmembrane domain. Thus SVs of GHRH-Rs have now been identified in human extrapituitary cells. The findings support the view that distinct receptors are expressed on human cancer cells, which may mediate the antiproliferative effect of GHRH antagonists.
To quantify the reactions of nitric oxide (NO) with hemoglobin under physiological conditions and to test models of NO transport on hemoglobin, we have developed an assay to measure NO–hemoglobin reaction products in normal volunteers, under basal conditions and during NO inhalation. NO inhalation markedly raised total nitrosylated hemoglobin levels, with a significant arterial–venous gradient, supporting a role for hemoglobin in the transport and delivery of NO. The predominant species accounting for this arterial–venous gradient is nitrosyl(heme)hemoglobin. NO breathing increases S-nitrosation of hemoglobin β-chain cysteine 93, however only to a fraction of the level of nitrosyl(heme)hemoglobin and without a detectable arterial–venous gradient. A strong correlation between methemoglobin and plasma nitrate formation was observed, suggesting that NO metabolism is a primary physiological cause of hemoglobin oxidation. Our results demonstrate that NO–heme reaction pathways predominate in vivo, NO binding to heme groups is a rapidly reversible process, and S-nitrosohemoglobin formation is probably not a primary transport mechanism for NO but may facilitate NO release from heme.
Gephyrin is essential for both the postsynaptic localization of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous system and the biosynthesis of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) in different peripheral organs. Several alternatively spliced gephyrin transcripts have been identified in rat brain that differ in their 5′ coding regions. Here, we describe gephyrin splice variants that are differentially expressed in non-neuronal tissues and different regions of the adult mouse brain. Analysis of the murine gephyrin gene indicates a highly mosaic organization, with eight of its 29 exons corresponding to the alternatively spliced regions identified by cDNA sequencing. The N- and C-terminal domains of gephyrin encoded by exons 3–7 and 16–29, respectively, display sequence similarities to bacterial, invertebrate, and plant proteins involved in Moco biosynthesis, whereas the central exons 8, 13, and 14 encode motifs that may mediate oligomerization and tubulin binding. Our data are consistent with gephyrin having evolved from a Moco biosynthetic protein by insertion of protein interaction sequences.
Select members of the bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) superfamily are potent cytotoxins. These cytotoxic ribonucleases enter the cytosol, where they degrade cellular RNA and cause cell death. Ribonuclease inhibitor (RI), a cytosolic protein, binds to members of the RNase A superfamily with inhibition constants that span 10 orders of magnitude. Here, we show that the affinity of a ribonuclease for RI plays an integral role in defining the potency of a cytotoxic ribonuclease. RNase A is not cytotoxic and binds RI with high affinity. Onconase, a cytotoxic RNase A homolog, binds RI with low affinity. To disrupt the RI-RNase A interaction, three RNase A residues (Asp-38, Gly-88, and Ala-109) that form multiple contacts with RI were replaced with arginine. Replacing Asp-38 and Ala-109 with an arginine residue has no effect on the RI–RNase interaction. In addition, these variants are not cytotoxic. In contrast, replacing Gly-88 with an arginine residue yields a ribonuclease (G88R RNase A) that retains catalytic activity in the presence of RI and is cytotoxic to a transformed cell line. Replacing Gly-88 with aspartate also yields a ribonuclease (G88D RNase A) with a decreased affinity for RI and cytotoxic activity. The cytotoxic potency of onconase, G88R RNase A, and G88D RNase A correlate with RI evasion. We conclude that ribonucleases that retain catalytic activity in the presence of RI are cytotoxins. This finding portends the development of a class of chemotherapeutic agents based on pancreatic ribonucleases.
Classical familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a high-penetrance autosomal dominant disease that predisposes to hundreds or thousands of colorectal adenomas and carcinoma and that results from truncating mutations in the APC gene. A variant of FAP is attenuated adenomatous polyposis coli, which results from germ-line mutations in the 5′ and 3′ regions of the APC gene. Attenuated adenomatous polyposis coli patients have “multiple” colorectal adenomas (typically fewer than 100) without the florid phenotype of classical FAP. Another group of patients with multiple adenomas has no mutations in the APC gene, and their phenotype probably results from variation at a locus, or loci, elsewhere in the genome. Recently, however, a missense variant of APC (I1307K) was described that confers an increased risk of colorectal tumors, including multiple adenomas, in Ashkenazim. We have studied a set of 164 patients with multiple colorectal adenomas and/or carcinoma and analyzed codons 1263–1377 (exon 15G) of the APC gene for germ-line variants. Three patients with the I1307K allele were detected, each of Ashkenazi descent. Four patients had a germ-line E1317Q missense variant of APC that was not present in controls; one of these individuals had an unusually large number of metaplastic polyps of the colorectum. There is increasing evidence that there exist germ-line variants of the APC gene that predispose to the development of multiple colorectal adenomas and carcinoma, but without the florid phenotype of classical FAP, and possibly with importance for colorectal cancer risk in the general population.