13 resultados para glucanase

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Two cDNAs clones (Cel1 and Cel2) encoding divergent endo-β-1,4-glucanases (EGases) have been isolated from a cDNA library obtained from ripe strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) fruit. The analysis of the amino acid sequence suggests that Cel1 and Cel2 EGases have different secondary and tertiary structures and that they differ in the presence of potential N-glycosylation sites. By in vitro translation we show that Cel1 and Cel2 bear a functional signal peptide, the cleavage of which yields mature proteins of 52 and 60 kD, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Cel2 EGase diverged early in evolution from other plant EGases. Northern analysis showed that both EGases are highly expressed in fruit and that they have different temporal patterns of accumulation. The Cel2 EGase was expressed in green fruit, accumulating as the fruit turned from green to white and remaining at an elevated, constant level throughout fruit ripening. In contrast, the Cel1 transcript was not detected in green fruit and only a low level of expression was observed in white fruit. The level of Cel1 mRNA increased gradually during ripening, reaching a maximum in fully ripe fruit. The high levels of Cel1 and Cel2 mRNA in ripe fruit and their overlapping patterns of expression suggest that these EGases play an important role in softening during ripening. In addition, the early expression of Cel2 in green fruit, well before significant softening begins, suggests that the product of this gene may also be involved in processes other than fruit softening, e.g. cell wall expansion.


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A cDNA (Cel1) encoding an endo-1,4-β-glucanase (EGase) was isolated from ripe fruit of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). The deduced protein of 496 amino acids contains a presumptive signal sequence, a common feature of cell wall-localized EGases, and one potential N-glycosylation site. Southern- blot analysis of genomic DNA from F. × ananassa, an octoploid species, and that from the diploid species Fragaria vesca indicated that the Cel1 gene is a member of a divergent multigene family. In fruit, Cel1 mRNA was first detected at the white stage of development, and at the onset of ripening, coincident with anthocyanin accumulation, Cel1 mRNA abundance increased dramatically and remained high throughout ripening and subsequent fruit deterioration. In all other tissues examined, Cel1 expression was invariably absent. Antibodies raised to Cel1 protein detected a protein of 62 kD only in ripening fruit. Upon deachenation of young white fruit to remove the source of endogenous auxins, ripening, as visualized by anthocyanin accumulation, and Cel1 mRNA accumulation were both accelerated. Conversely, auxin treatment of white fruit repressed accumulation of both Cel1 mRNA and ripening. These results indicate that strawberry Cel1 is a ripening-specific and auxin-repressed EGase, which is regulated during ripening by a decline in auxin levels originating from the achenes.


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Class I isoforms of β-1,3-glucanases (βGLU I) and chitinases (CHN I) are antifungal, vacuolar proteins implicated in plant defense. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) βGLU I and CHN I usually exhibit tightly coordinated developmental, hormonal, and pathogenesis-related regulation. Both enzymes are induced in cultured cells and tissues of cultivar Havana 425 tobacco by ethylene and are down-regulated by combinations of the growth hormones auxin and cytokinin. We report a novel pattern of βGLU I and CHN I regulation in cultivar Havana 425 tobacco pith-cell suspensions and cultured leaf explants. Abscisic acid (ABA) at a concentration of 10 μm markedly inhibited the induction of βGLU I but not of CHN I. RNA-blot hybridization and immunoblot analysis showed that only class I isoforms of βGLU and CHN are induced in cell culture and that ABA inhibits steady-state βGLU I mRNA accumulation. Comparable inhibition of β-glucuronidase expression by ABA was observed for cells transformed with a tobacco βGLU I gene promoter/β-glucuronidase reporter gene fusion. Taken together, the results strongly suggest that ABA down-regulates transcription of βGLU I genes. This raises the possibility that some of the ABA effects on plant-defense responses might involve βGLU I.


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We report the molecular cloning of the first beta-1,3 glucanase from animal tissue. Three peptide sequences were obtained from beta-1,3 glucanase that had been purified from eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and the gene was cloned by PCR using oligonucleotides deduced from the peptide sequences. The full-length cDNA shows a predicted enzyme structure of 499 aa with a hydrophobic signal sequence. A 3.2-kb message is present in eggs, during early embryogenesis, and in adult gut tissue. A polyclonal antibody to the native 68-kDa enzyme recognizes a single band during early embryogenesis that reappears in the adult gut, and recognizes a 57-kDa fusion protein made from a full-length cDNA clone for beta-1,3 glucanase. The identity of this molecule as beta-1,3 glucanase is confirmed by sequence homology, by the presence of all three peptide sequences in the deduced amino acid sequence, and by the recognition of the bacterial fusion protein by the antibody directed against the native enzyme. Data base searches show significant homology at the amino acid level to beta-1,3 glucanases from two species of bacteria and a clotting factor from the horseshoe crab. The homology with the bacteria is centered in a 304-aa region in which there are seven scattered regions of high homology between the four divergent species. These four species were also found to have two homologous regions in common with more distantly related plant, fungal, and bacterial proteins. A global phylogeny based on these regions strongly suggests that the glucanases are a very ancient family of genes. In particular, there is an especially deep split within genes taken from the bacterial genus Bacillus.


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The codon usage of a hybrid bacterial gene encoding a thermostable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase was modified to match that of the barley (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase isoenzyme EII gene. Both the modified and unmodified bacterial genes were fused to a DNA segment encoding the barley high-pI alpha-amylase signal peptide downstream of the barley (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase isoenzyme EII gene promoter. When introduced into barley aleurone protoplasts, the bacterial gene with adapted codon usage directed synthesis of heat stable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase, whereas activity of the heterologous enzyme was not detectable when protoplasts were transfected with the unmodified gene. In a different expression plasmid, the codon modified bacterial gene was cloned downstream of the barley high-pI alpha-amylase gene promoter and signal peptide coding region. This expression cassette was introduced into immature barley embryos together with plasmids carrying the bar and the uidA genes. Green, fertile plants were regenerated and approximately 75% of grains harvested from primary transformants synthesized thermostable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase during germination. All three trans genes were detected in 17 progenies from a homozygous T1 plant.


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The 1,3–1,4-β-glucanase from Bacillus macerans (wtGLU) and the 1,4-β-xylanase from Bacillus subtilis (wtXYN) are both single-domain jellyroll proteins catalyzing similar enzymatic reactions. In the fusion protein GluXyn-1, the two proteins are joined by insertion of the entire XYN domain into a surface loop of cpMAC-57, a circularly permuted variant of wtGLU. GluXyn-1 was generated by protein engineering methods, produced in Escherichia coli and shown to fold spontaneously and have both enzymatic activities at wild-type level. The crystal structure of GluXyn-1 was determined at 2.1 Å resolution and refined to R = 17.7% and R(free) = 22.4%. It shows nearly ideal, native-like folding of both protein domains and a small, but significant hinge bending between the domains. The active sites are independent and accessible explaining the observed enzymatic activity. Because in GluXyn-1 the complete XYN domain is inserted into the compact folding unit of GLU, the wild-type-like activity and tertiary structure of the latter proves that the folding process of GLU does not depend on intramolecular interactions that are short-ranged in the sequence. Insertion fusions of the GluXyn-1 type may prove to be an easy route toward more stable bifunctional proteins in which the two parts are more closely associated than in linear end-to-end protein fusions.


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The grain of the self-pollinating diploid barley species offers two modes of producing recombinant enzymes or other proteins. One uses the promoters of genes with aleurone-specific expression during germination and the signal peptide code for export of the protein into the endosperm. The other uses promoters of the structural genes for storage proteins deposited in the developing endosperm. Production of a protein-engineered thermotolerant (1, 3–1, 4)-β-glucanase with the D hordein gene (Hor3–1) promoter during endosperm development was analyzed in transgenic plants with four different constructs. High expression of the enzyme and its activity in the endosperm of the mature grain required codon optimization to a C+G content of 63% and synthesis as a precursor with a signal peptide for transport through the endoplasmic reticulum and targeting into the storage vacuoles. Synthesis of the recombinant enzyme in the aleurone of germinating transgenic grain with an α-amylase promoter and the code for the export signal peptide yielded ≈1 μg⋅mg−1 soluble protein, whereas 54 μg⋅mg−1 soluble protein was produced on average in the maturing grain of 10 transgenic lines with the vector containing the gene for the (1, 3–1, 4)-β-glucanase under the control of the Hor3–1 promoter.


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The cohesin-dockerin interaction in Clostridium thermocellum cellulosome mediates the tight binding of cellulolytic enzymes to the cellulosome-integrating protein CipA. Here, this interaction was used to study the effect of different cellulose-binding domains (CBDs) on the enzymatic activity of C. thermocellum endoglucanase CelD (1,4-β-d endoglucanase, EC3.2.1.4) toward various cellulosic substrates. The seventh cohesin domain of CipA was fused to CBDs originating from the Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolases I and II (CBDCBH1 and CBDCBH2) (1,4-β-d glucan-cellobiohydrolase, EC3.2.1.91), from the Cellulomonas fimi xylanase/exoglucanase Cex (CBDCex) (β-1,4-d glucanase, EC3.2.1.8), and from C. thermocellum CipA (CBDCipA). The CBD-cohesin hybrids interacted with the dockerin domain of CelD, leading to the formation of CelD-CBD complexes. Each of the CBDs increased the fraction of cellulose accessible to hydrolysis by CelD in the order CBDCBH1 < CBDCBH2 ≈ CBDCex < CBDCipA. In all cases, the extent of hydrolysis was limited by the disappearance of sites accessible to CelD. Addition of a batch of fresh cellulose after completion of the reaction resulted in a new burst of activity, proving the reversible binding of the intact complexes despite the apparent binding irreversibility of some CBDs. Furthermore, burst of activity also was observed upon adding new batches of CelD–CBD complexes that contained a CBD differing from the first one. This complementation between different CBDs suggests that the sites made available for hydrolysis by each of the CBDs are at least partially nonoverlapping. The only exception was CBDCipA, whose sites appeared to overlap all of the other sites.


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Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) similar to three pathogenesis-related proteins, a glucanase-like protein (GLP), a chitinase-like protein (CLP), and a thaumatin-like protein (TLP), accumulate during cold acclimation in winter rye (Secale cereale) leaves, where they are thought to modify the growth of intercellular ice during freezing. The objective of this study was to characterize the rye AFPs in their native forms, and our results show that these proteins form oligomeric complexes in vivo. Nine proteins were separated by native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from apoplastic extracts of cold-acclimated winter rye leaves. Seven of these proteins exhibited multiple polypeptides when denatured and separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After isolation of the individual proteins, six were shown by immunoblotting to contain various combinations of GLP, CLP, and TLP in addition to other unidentified proteins. Antisera produced against individual cold-induced winter rye GLP, CLP, and TLP all dramatically inhibited glucanase activity in apoplastic extracts from cold-acclimated winter rye leaves, and each antiserum precipitated all three proteins. These results indicate that each of the polypeptides may be exposed on the surface of the protein complexes. By forming oligomeric complexes, AFPs may form larger surfaces to interact with ice, or they may simply increase the mass of the protein bound to ice. In either case, the complexes of AFPs may inhibit ice growth and recrystallization more effectively than the individual polypeptides.


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Antisense-mediated gene silencing (ASGS) and posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) with sense transgenes markedly reduce the steady-state mRNA levels of endogenous genes similar in transcribed sequence. RNase protection assays established that silencing in tobacco plants transformed with plant-defense-related class I sense and antisense chitinase (CHN) transgenes is at the posttranscriptional level. Infection of tobacco plants with cucumber mosaic virus strain FN and a necrotizing strain of potato virus Y, but not with potato virus X, effectively suppressed PTGS and ASGS of both the transgenes and homologous endogenes. This suggests that ASGS and PTGS share components associated with initiation and maintenance of the silent state. Small, ca. 25-nt RNAs (smRNA) of both polarities were associated with PTGS and ASGS in CHN transformants as reported for PTGS in other transgenic plants and for RNA interference in Drosophila. Similar results were obtained with an antisense class I β-1,3-glucanase transformant showing that viral suppression and smRNAs are a more general feature of ASGS. Several current models hold that diverse signals lead to production of double-stranded RNAs, which are processed to smRNAs that then trigger PTGS. Our results provide direct evidence for mechanistic links between ASGS and PTGS and suggest that ASGS could join a common PTGS pathway at the double-stranded RNA step.


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Semipermeable cell walls or apoplastic “membranes” have been hypothesized to be present in various plant tissues. Although often associated with suberized or lignified walls, the wall component that confers osmotic semipermeability is not known. In muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds, a thin, membranous endosperm completely encloses the embryo, creating a semipermeable apoplastic envelope. When dead muskmelon seeds are allowed to imbibe, solutes leaking from the embryo are retained within the envelope, resulting in osmotic water uptake and swelling called osmotic distention (OD). The endosperm envelope of muskmelon seeds stained with aniline blue, which is specific for callose (β-1,3-glucan). Outside of the aniline-blue-stained layer was a Sudan III- and IV-staining (lipid-containing) layer. In young developing seeds 25 d after anthesis (DAA) that did not exhibit OD, the lipid layer was already present but callose had not been deposited. At 35 DAA, callose was detected as distinct vesicles or globules in the endosperm envelope. A thick callose layer was evident at 40 DAA, coinciding with development of the capacity for OD. Removal of the outer lipid layer by brief chloroform treatment resulted in more rapid water uptake by both viable and nonviable (boiled) seeds, but did not affect semipermeability of the endosperm envelope. The aniline-blue-staining layer was digested by β-1,3-glucanase, and these envelopes lost OD. Thus, apoplastic semipermeability of the muskmelon endosperm envelope is dependent on the deposition of a thick callose-containing layer outside of the endosperm cell walls.


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Treatment of the xyloglucan isolated from the seeds of Hymenaea courbaril with Humicola insolens endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase I produced xyloglucan oligosaccharides, which were then isolated and characterized. The two most abundant compounds were the heptasaccharide (XXXG) and the octasaccharide (XXLG), which were examined by reference to the biological activity of other structurally related xyloglucan compounds. The reduced oligomer (XXLGol) was shown to promote growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum) coleoptiles independently of the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). In the presence of 2,4-D, XXLGol at nanomolar concentrations increased the auxin-induced response. It was found that XXLGol is a signaling molecule, since it has the ability to induce, at nanomolar concentrations, a rapid increase in an α-l-fucosidase response in suspended cells or protoplasts of Rubus fruticosus L. and to modulate 2,4-D or gibberellic acid-induced α-l-fucosidase.


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Isothermal titration microcalorimetry is combined with solution-depletion isotherm data to analyze the thermodynamics of binding of the cellulose-binding domain (CBD) from the beta-1,4-(exo)glucanase Cex of Cellulomonas fimi to insoluble bacterial microcrystalline cellulose. Analysis of isothermal titration microcalorimetry data against two putative binding models indicates that the bacterial microcrystalline cellulose surface presents two independent classes of binding sites, with the predominant high-affinity site being characterized by a Langmuir-type Ka of 6.3 (+/-1.4) x 10(7) M-1 and the low-affinity site by a Ka of 1.1 (+/-0.6) x 10(6) M-1. CBDCex binding to either site is exothermic, but is mainly driven by a large positive change in entropy. This differs from protein binding to soluble carbohydrates, which is usually driven by a relatively large exothermic standard enthalpy change for binding. Differential heat capacity changes are large and negative, indicating that sorbent and protein dehydration effects make a dominant contribution to the driving force for binding.