12 resultados para gene-environment interaction

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Spatial learning requires the septohippocampal pathway. The interaction of learning experience with gene products to modulate the function of a pathway may underlie use-dependent plasticity. The regulated release of nerve growth factor (NGF) from hippocampal cultures and hippocampus, as well as its actions on cholinergic septal neurons, suggest it as a candidate protein to interact with a learning experience. A method was used to evaluate NGF gene-experience interaction on the septohippocampal neural circuitry in mice. The method permits brain region-specific expression of a new gene by using a two-component approach: a virus vector directing expression of cre recombinase; and transgenic mice carrying genomic recombination substrates rendered transcriptionally inactive by a “floxed” stop cassette. Cre recombinase vector delivery into transgenic mouse hippocampus resulted in recombination in 30% of infected cells and the expression of a new gene in those cells. To examine the interaction of the NGF gene and experience, adult mice carrying a NGF transgene with a floxed stop cassette (NGFXAT) received a cre recombinase vector to produce localized unilateral hippocampal NGF gene expression, so-called “activated” mice. Activated and control nonactivated NGFXAT mice were subjected to different experiences: repeated spatial learning, repeated rote performance, or standard vivarium housing. Latency, the time to complete the learning task, declined in the repeated spatial learning groups. The measurement of interaction between NGF gene expression and experience on the septohippocampal circuitry was assessed by counting retrogradely labeled basal forebrain cholinergic neurons projecting to the hippocampal site of NGF gene activation. Comparison of all NGF activated groups revealed a graded effect of experience on the septohippocampal pathway, with the largest change occurring in activated mice provided with repeated learning experience. These data demonstrate that plasticity of the adult spatial learning circuitry can be robustly modulated by experience-dependent interactions with a specific hippocampal gene product.


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In ciliate protists, sex involves the temporary joining of two cells of compatible mating type, followed by meiosis and exchange of gametic nuclei between conjugants. Reproduction is by asexual binary fission following conjugation. For the many ciliates with fixed multiple mating types, frequency-dependent sex-ratio theory predicts equal frequencies of mating types, if sex is common in nature. Here, we report that in natural populations of Tetrahymena thermophila sexually immature cells, indicative of recent conjugation, are found from spring through fall. In addition, the seven mating types occur in approximately equal frequencies, and these frequencies appear to be maintained by interaction between complex, multiple mat alleles and environmental conditions during conjugation. Such genotype-environment interaction determining mating type frequency is rare among ciliates.


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To examine the role of intercellular interaction on cell differentiation and gene expression in human prostate, we separated the two major epithelial cell populations and studied them in isolation and in combination with stromal cells. The epithelial cells were separated by flow cytometry using antibodies against differentially expressed cell-surface markers CD44 and CD57. Basal epithelial cells express CD44, and luminal epithelial cells express CD57. The CD57+ luminal cells are the terminally differentiated secretory cells of the gland that synthesize prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Expression of PSA is regulated by androgen, and PSA mRNA is one of the abundant messages in these cells. We show that PSA expression by the CD57+ cells is abolished after prostate tissue is dispersed by collagenase into single cells. Expression is restored when CD57+ cells are reconstituted with stromal cells. The CD44+ basal cells possess characteristics of stem cells and are the candidate progenitors of luminal cells. Differentiation, as reflected by PSA production, can be detected when CD44+ cells are cocultured with stromal cells. Our studies show that cell–cell interaction plays an important role in prostatic cytodifferentiation and the maintenance of the differentiated state.


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The fungus Trichoderma harzianum is a potent mycoparasite of various plant pathogenic fungi. We have studied the molecular regulation of mycoparasitism in the host/mycoparasite system Botrytis cinerea/T. harzianum. Protein extracts, prepared from various stages of mycoparasitism, were used in electrophoretic mobility-shift assays (EMSAs) with two promoter fragments of the ech-42 (42-kDa endochitinase-encoding) gene of T. harzianum. This gene was chosen as a model because its expression is triggered during mycoparasitic interaction [Carsolio, C., Gutierrez, A., Jimenez, B., van Montagu, M. & Herrera-Estrella, A. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 10903–10907]. All cell-free extracts formed high-molecular weight protein–DNA complexes, but those obtained from mycelia activated for mycoparasitic attack formed a complex with greater mobility. Competition experiments, using oligonucleotides containing functional and nonfunctional consensus sites for binding of the carbon catabolite repressor Cre1, provided evidence that the complex from nonmycoparasitic mycelia involves the binding of Cre1 to both fragments of the ech-42 promoter. The presence of two and three consensus sites for binding of Cre1 in the two ech-42 promoter fragments used is consistent with these findings. In contrast, the formation of the protein–DNA complex from mycoparasitic mycelia is unaffected by the addition of the competing oligonucleotides and hence does not involve Cre1. Addition of equal amounts of protein of cell-free extracts from nonmycoparasitic mycelia converted the mycoparasitic DNA–protein complex into the nonmycoparasitic complex. The addition of the purified Cre1::glutathione S-transferase protein to mycoparasitic cell-free extracts produced the same effect. These findings suggest that ech-42 expression in T. harzianum is regulated by (i) binding of Cre1 to two single sites in the ech-42 promoter, (ii) binding of a “mycoparasitic” protein–protein complex to the ech-42 promoter in vicinity of the Cre1 binding sites, and (iii) functional inactivation of Cre1 upon mycoparasitic interaction to enable the formation of the mycoparasitic protein–DNA complex.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana NPR1 has been shown to be a key regulator of gene expression during the onset of a plant disease-resistance response known as systemic acquired resistance. The npr1 mutant plants fail to respond to systemic acquired resistance-inducing signals such as salicylic acid (SA), or express SA-induced pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Using NPR1 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a subclass of transcription factors in the basic leucine zipper protein family (AHBP-1b and TGA6) and showed that they interact specifically in yeast and in vitro with NPR1. Point mutations that abolish the NPR1 function in A. thaliana also impair the interactions between NPR1 and the transcription factors in the yeast two-hybrid assay. Furthermore, a gel mobility shift assay showed that the purified transcription factor protein, AHBP-1b, binds specifically to an SA-responsive promoter element of the A. thaliana PR-1 gene. These data suggest that NPR1 may regulate PR-1 gene expression by interacting with a subclass of basic leucine zipper protein transcription factors.


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The functional role of the interaction between c-Jun and simian virus 40 promoter factor 1 (Sp1) in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced expression of 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells was studied. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated that EGF stimulated interaction between c-Jun and Sp1 in a time-dependent manner. Overexpression of Ha-ras and c-Jun also enhanced the amount of c-Jun binding to Sp1. In addition, the c-Jun dominant negative mutant TAM-67 not only inhibited the coimmunoprecipitated c-Jun binding to Sp1 in a dose-dependent manner in cells overexpressing c-Jun but also reduced promoter activity of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene induced by c-Jun overexpression. Treatment of cells with EGF increased the interaction between the Sp1 oligonucleotide and nuclear c-Jun/Sp1 in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, EGF activated the chimeric promoter consisting of 10 tandem GAL4-binding sites, which replaced the three Sp1-binding sites in the 12(S)lipoxygenase promoter only when coexpressed with GAL4-c-Jun () fusion proteins. These results indicate that the direct interaction between c-Jun and Sp1 induced by EGF cooperatively activated expression of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene, and that Sp1 may serve at least in part as a carrier bringing c-Jun to the promoter, thus transactivating the transcriptional activity of 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene.


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The induction of napin and oleosin gene expression in Brassica napus microspore-derived embryos (MDEs) was studied to assess the possible interaction between abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Napin and oleosin transcripts were detected sooner following treatment with ABA than JA. Treatment of MDEs with ABA plus JA gave an additive accumulation of both napin and oleosin mRNA, the absolute amount being dependent on the concentration of each hormone. Endogenous ABA levels were reduced by 10-fold after treatment with JA, negating the possibility that the observed additive interaction was due to JA-induced ABA biosynthesis. Also, JA did not significantly increase the uptake of [3H-ABA] from the medium into MDEs. This suggests that the additive interaction was not due to an enhanced carrier-mediated ABA uptake by JA. Finally, when JA was added to MDEs that had been treated with the ABA biosynthesis inhibitor fluridone, napin mRNA did not increase. Based on these results with the MDE system, it is possible that embryos of B. napus use endogenous JA to modulate ABA effects on expression of both napin and oleosin. In addition, JA could play a causal role in the reduction of ABA that occurs during late stages of seed development.


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We report the expression of the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) COR (cold-regulated) gene cor14b (formerly pt59) and the accumulation of its chloroplast-localized protein product. A polyclonal antibody raised against the cor14b-encoded protein detected two chloroplast COR proteins: COR14a and COR14b. N-terminal sequencing of COR14a and expression of cor14b in Arabidopsis plants showed that COR14a is not encoded by the cor14b sequence, but it shared homology with the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) WCS19 COR protein. The expression of cor14b was strongly impaired in the barley albino mutant an, suggesting the involvement of a plastidial factor in the control of gene expression. Low-level accumulation of COR14b was induced by cold treatment in etiolated plants, although cor14b expression and protein accumulation were enhanced after a short light pulse. Light quality was a determining factor in regulating gene expression: red or blue but not far-red or green light pulses were able to promote COR14b accumulation in etiolated plants, suggesting that phytochrome and blue light photoreceptors may be involved in the control of cor14b gene expression. Maximum accumulation of COR14b was reached only when plants were grown and/or hardened under the standard photoperiod. The effect of light on the COR14b stability was demonstrated by using transgenic Arabidopsis. These plants constitutively expressed cor14b mRNAs regardless of temperature and light conditions; nevertheless, green plants accumulated about twice as much COR14b protein as etiolated plants.


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The impact of simultaneous environmental stresses on plants and how they respond to combined stresses compared with single stresses is largely unclear. By using a transgene (RD29A-LUC) consisting of the firefly luciferase coding sequence (LUC) driven by the stress-responsive RD29A promoter, we investigated the interactive effects of temperature, osmotic stress, and the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of gene expression in Arabidopsis seedlings. Results indicated that both positive and negative interactions exist among the studied stress factors in regulating gene expression. At a normal growth temperature (22°C), osmotic stress and ABA act synergistically to induce the transgene expression. Low temperature inhibits the response to osmotic stress or to combined treatment of osmotic stress and ABA, whereas low temperature and ABA treatments are additive in inducing transgene expression. Although high temperature alone does not activate the transgene, it significantly amplifies the effects of ABA and osmotic stress. The effect of multiple stresses in the regulation of RD29A-LUC expression in signal transduction mutants was also studied. The results are discussed in the context of cold and osmotic stress signal transduction pathways.


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Estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are ligand-dependent nuclear transcription factors that can bind to an identical half-site, AGGTCA, of their cognate hormone response elements. By in vitro transfection analysis in CV-1 cells, we show that estrogen induction of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) activity in a construct containing a CAT reporter gene under the control of a minimal thymidine kinase (tk) promoter and a copy of the consensus ER response element was attenuated by cotransfection of TR alpha 1 plus triiodothyronine treatment. This inhibitory effect of TR was ligand-dependent and isoform-specific. Neither TR beta 1 nor TR beta 2 cotransfection inhibited estrogen-induced CAT activity, although both TR alpha and TR beta can bind to a consensus ER response element. Furthermore, cotransfection of a mutated TR alpha 1 that lacks binding to the AGGTCA sequence also inhibited the estrogen effect. Thus, the repression of estrogen action by liganded TR alpha 1 may involve protein-protein interactions although competition of ER and TR at the DNA level cannot be excluded. A similar inhibitory effect of liganded TR alpha 1 on estrogen induction of CAT activity was observed in a construct containing the preproenkephalin (PPE) promoter. A study in hypophysectomized female rats demonstrated that the estrogen-induced increase in PPE mRNA levels in the ventromedial hypothalamus was diminished by coadministration of triiodothyronine. These results suggest that ER and TR may interact to modulate estrogen-sensitive gene expression, such as for PPE, in the hypothalamus.


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Rhizobia were isolated from nodules off a stand of Lotus corniculatus established with a single inoculant strain, ICMP3153, 7 years earlier in an area devoid of naturalized Rhizobium loti. The isolates showed diversity in growth rate, Spe I fingerprint of genomic DNA, and hybridization pattern to genomic DNA probes. The 19% of isolates that grew at the same rate as strain ICMP3153 were the only isolates that had the same fingerprint as strain ICMP3153. Sequencing of part of the 16S rRNA gene of several diverse isolates confirmed that they were not derived from the inoculant strain. Nevertheless, all non-ICMP3153 strains gave EcoRI and Spe I hybridization patterns identical to ICMP3153 when hybridized to nodulation gene cosmids. Hybridization of digests generated by the very rare cutting enzyme Swa I revealed that the symbiotic DNA region (at least 105 kb) was chromosomally integrated in the strains. The results suggest that the diverse strains arose by transfer of chromosomal symbiotic genes from ICMP3153 to nonsymbiotic rhizobia in the environment.


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In this paper, we show the conserved regulation of the homeodomain gene Distal-less-3 (Dlx-3) by analyzing the expression of a promoter from the Xenopus ortholog, Xdll-2, in transgenic mice. A 470-bp frog regulatory sequence confers appropriate expression on a lacZ reporter gene in the ectodermal component of structures derived from epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Remarkably, this includes structures absent in Xenopus, such as the hair follicle and mammary gland, suggesting that conserved regulatory elements can be used to control the formation of structures peculiar to individual species. In addition, expression of Dlx-3 in developing limbs is highest at the most distal portion. This pattern is duplicated by the Xenopus promoter, indicating that this DNA may include sequences responsive to conserved proximodistal patterning signals in the vertebrate limb.