23 resultados para free radical scavenging effect

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD) is the antioxidant enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide (O2•−) to O2 and H2O2. In addition, Cu,ZnSOD also exhibits peroxidase activity in the presence of H2O2, leading to self-inactivation and formation of a potent enzyme-bound oxidant. We report in this study that lipid peroxidation of l-α-lecithin liposomes was enhanced greatly during the SOD/H2O2 reaction in the presence of nitrite anion (NO2−) with or without the metal ion chelator, diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid. The presence of NO2− also greatly enhanced α-tocopherol (α-TH) oxidation by SOD/H2O2 in saturated 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine liposomes. The major product identified by HPLC and UV-studies was α-tocopheryl quinone. When 1,2-diauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing γ-tocopherol (γ-TH) were incubated with SOD/H2O2/NO2−, the major product identified was 5-NO2-γ-TH. Nitrone spin traps significantly inhibited the formation of α-tocopheryl quinone and 5-NO2-γ-TH. NO2− inhibited H2O2-dependent inactivation of SOD. A proposed mechanism of this protection involves the oxidation of NO2− by an SOD-bound oxidant to the nitrogen dioxide radical (•NO2). In this study, we have shown a new mechanism of nitration catalyzed by the peroxidase activity of SOD. We conclude that NO2− is a suitable probe for investigating the peroxidase activity of familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-linked SOD mutants.


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Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) is known to be a locus of mutation in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). Transgenic mice that express a mutant Cu,Zn-SOD, Gly-93--> Ala (G93A), have been shown to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) symptoms. We cloned the FALS mutant, G93A, and wild-type cDNA of human Cu,Zn-SOD, overexpressed them in Sf9 insect cells, purified the proteins, and studied their enzymic activities for catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide anions and the generation of free radicals with H2O2 as substrate. Our results showed that both enzymes contain one copper ion per subunit and have identical dismutation activity. However, the free radical-generating function of the G93A mutant, as measured by the spin trapping method, is enhanced relative to that of the wild-type enzyme, particularly at lower H2O2 concentrations. This is due to a small, but reproducible, decrease in the value of Km for H2O2 for the G93A mutant, while the kcat is identical for both enzymes. Thus, the ALS symptoms observed in G93A transgenic mice are not caused by the reduction of Cu,Zn-SOD activity with the mutant enzyme; rather, it is induced by a gain-of-function, an enhancement of the free radical-generating function. This is consistent with the x-ray crystallographic studies showing the active channel of the FALS mutant is slightly larger than that of the wild-type enzyme; thus, it is more accessible to H2O2. This gain-of-function, in part, may provide an explanation for the association between ALS and Cu,Zn-SOD mutants.


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Oxygen free radicals have been proposed to mediate amyloid peptide (beta-AP)-induced neurotoxicity. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the effects of EUK-8, a synthetic catalytic superoxide and hydrogen peroxide scavenger, on neuronal injury produced by beta-AP in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Cultures of equivalent postnatal day 35 (defined as mature) and 14 (defined as immature) were exposed to various concentrations of beta-AP (1-42 or 1-40) in the absence or presence of 25 microM EUK-8 for up to 72 hours. Neuronal injury was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase release and semiquantitative analysis of propidium iodide uptake at various times after the initiation of beta-AP exposure. Free radical production was inferred from the relative increase in dichlorofluorescein fluorescence, and the degree of lipid peroxidation was determined by assaying thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances. Treatment of mature cultures with beta-AP (50-250 microg/ml) in serum-free conditions resulted in a reproducible pattern of damage, causing a time-dependent increase in neuronal injury accompanied with formation of reactive oxygen species. However, immature cultures were entirely resistant to beta-AP-induced neurotoxicity and also demonstrated no dichlorofluorescein fluorescence or increased lipid peroxidation after beta-AP treatment. Moreover, mature slices exposed to beta-AP in the presence of 25 microM EUK-8 were significantly protected from beta-AP-induced neurotoxicity. EUK-8 also completely blocked beta-AP-induced free radical accumulation and lipid peroxidation. These results not only support a role for oxygen free radicals in beta-AP toxicity but also highlight the therapeutic potential of synthetic radical scavengers in Alzheimer disease.


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We have studied the effects of food restriction (FR) and substitution of fish oil (FO; omega 3) for corn oil (CO; omega 6) on breast tumor incidence and survival in mouse mammary tumor virus/v-Ha-ras transgenic (Onco) mice. The diets were as follows: group 1, 5% (wt/wt) CO fed ad libitum (AL); group 2, 5% CO, restricted calories (40% fewer calories than AL; FR); group 3, 20% CO fed AL; and group 4, 20% FO fed AL. After 3 years, 40% of FR Onco (group 2) mice were alive, whereas there were no survivors in the other three groups. Similarly, tumor incidence was reduced to 27% (5 out of 18) in FR animals (group 2), whereas it was 83% (11 out of 13) in group 1 mice, 89% (16 out of 18) in group 3 mice, and 71% (10 out of 14) in group 4 mice. These protective effects of FR on survival and tumor incidence were paralleled by higher expression of the tumor suppressor gene p53 (wild type) and free-radical scavenging enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase) in breast tumors. Immunoblotting showed less ras gene product, p21, and increased p53 levels in the tumors of FR mice. In addition, FR decreased RNA levels of c-erbB-2, interleukin 6, and the transgene v-Ha-ras in tumors. In contrast, analysis of hepatic mRNA from tumor-bearing FR mice revealed higher expression of catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase. Survival and tumor incidence were not influenced significantly by dietary supplementation with FO in place of CO. Taken together, our studies suggest that moderate restriction of energy intake significantly inhibited the development of mammary tumors and altered expression of cytokines, oncogenes, and free-radical scavenging enzymes.


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Antioxidants may play an important role in preventing free radical damage associated with aging by interfering directly in the generation of radicals or by scavenging them. We investigated the effects of a high vitamin E and/or a high beta-carotene diet on aging of the anion transporter, band 3, in lymphocytes and brain. The band 3 proteins function as anion transporters, acid base regulators, C02 transporters, and structural proteins that provide a framework for membrane lipids and that link the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton. Senescent cell antigen (SCA), which terminates the life of cells, is a degradation product of band 3. This study was conducted as a double-blind study in which eight groups of middle-aged or old mice received either high levels of beta-carotene and/or vitamin E or standard levels of these supplements in their diets. Anion transport kinetic assays were performed on isolated splenic lymphocytes. Immunoreactivity of an antibody that recognizes aging changes in old band 3 preceding generation of SCA was used to quantitate aged band 3 in brain tissue. Results indicate that vitamin E prevented the observed age-related decline in anion transport by lymphocytes and the generation of aged band 3 leading to SCA formation. beta-Carotene had no significant effect on the results of either assay. Since increased aged band 3 and decreased anion transport are initial steps in band 3 aging, which culminates in the generation of SCA and cellular removal, vitamin E prevents or delays aging of band 3-related proteins in lymphocytes and brain.


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Free radical-induced oxidant stress has been implicated in a number of physiological and pathophysiological states including ischemia and reperfusion-induced dysrhythmia in the heart, apoptosis of T lymphocytes, phagocytosis, and neurodegeneration. We have studied the effects of oxidant stress on the native K+ channel from T lymphocytes and on K+ channels cloned from cardiac, brain, and T-lymphocyte cells and expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The activity of three Shaker K+ channels (Kv1.3, Kv1.4, and Kv1.5), one Shaw channel (Kv3.4), and one inward rectifier K+ channel (IRK3) was drastically inhibited by photoactivation of rose bengal, a classical generator of reactive oxygen species. Other channel types (such as Shaker K+ channel Kv1.2, Shab channels Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, Shal channel Kv4.1, inward rectifiers IRK1 and ROMK1, and hIsK) were completely resistant to this treatment. On the other hand tert-butyl hydroperoxide, another generator of reactive oxygen species, removed the fast inactivation processes of Kv1.4 and Kv3.4 but did not alter other channels. Xanthine/xanthine oxidase system had no effect on all channels studied. Thus, we show that different types of K+ channels are differently modified by reactive oxygen species, an observation that might be of importance in disease states.


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Prolonged incubation of NIH 3T3 cells under the growth constraint of confluence results in the death of some cells in a manner suggestive of apoptosis. Successive rounds of prolonged incubation at confluence of the surviving cells produce increasing neoplastic transformation in the form of increments in saturation density and transformed focus formation. Cells from the postconfluent cultures are given a recovery period of various lengths to remove the direct inhibitory effect of confluence before their growth properties are studied. It is found that with each round of confluence the exponential growth rate of the cells at low densities gets lower and the size of isolated colonies of the same cells shows a similar progressive reduction. The decreased growth rate of cells from the third round of confluence persists for > 60 generations of growth at low density. The proportion of colonies containing giant cells is much higher after a 2-day recovery from confluence than after a 7-day recovery. Retardation of growth at low density and increased saturation density appear to be two sides of the same coin: both occur in the entire population of cells and precede the formation of transformed foci. We propose that the slowdown in growth and the formation of giant cells result from heritable damage to the cells, which in turn drives their transformation. Similar results have been reported for the survivors of x-irradiation and of treatment with chemical carcinogens and are associated with the aging process in animals. We suggest that these changes result from free radical damage to membrane lipids with particular damage to lysosomes. Proteases and nucleases would then be released to progressively modify the growth behavior and genetic stability of the cells toward autonomous proliferation.


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Two regioisomers with C3 or D3 symmetry of water-soluble carboxylic acid C60 derivatives, containing three malonic acid groups per molecule, were synthesized and found to be equipotent free radical scavengers in solution as assessed by EPR analysis. Both compounds also inhibited the excitotoxic death of cultured cortical neurons induced by exposure to N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), or oxygen-glucose deprivation, but the C3 regioisomer was more effective than the D3 regioisomer, possibly reflecting its polar nature and attendant greater ability to enter lipid membranes. At 100 μM, the C3 derivative fully blocked even rapidly triggered, NMDA receptor-mediated toxicity, a form of toxicity with limited sensitivity to all other classes of free radical scavengers we have tested. The C3 derivative also reduced apoptotic neuronal death induced by either serum deprivation or exposure to Aβ1–42 protein. Furthermore, continuous infusion of the C3 derivative in a transgenic mouse carrying the human mutant (G93A) superoxide dismutase gene responsible for a form of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, delayed both death and functional deterioration. These data suggest that polar carboxylic acid C60 derivatives may have attractive therapeutic properties in several acute or chronic neurodegenerative diseases.


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Stressed mammalian cells up-regulate heme oxygenase 1 (Hmox1; EC, which catabolizes heme to biliverdin, carbon monoxide, and free iron. To assess the potential role of Hmox1 in cellular antioxidant defense, we analyzed the responses of cells from mice lacking functional Hmox1 to oxidative challenges. Cultured Hmox1−/− embryonic fibroblasts demonstrated high oxygen free radical production when exposed to hemin, hydrogen peroxide, paraquat, or cadmium chloride, and they were hypersensitive to cytotoxicity caused by hemin and hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, young adult Hmox1−/− mice were vulnerable to mortality and hepatic necrosis when challenged with endotoxin. Our in vitro and in vivo results provide genetic evidence that up-regulation of Hmox1 serves as an adaptive mechanism to protect cells from oxidative damage during stress.


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Chromosomal translocations induced by ionizing radiation and radiomimetic drugs are thought to arise by incorrect joining of DNA double-strand breaks. To dissect such misrepair events at a molecular level, large-scale, bleomycin-induced rearrangements in the aprt gene of Chinese hamster ovary D422 cells were mapped, the breakpoints were sequenced, and the original non-aprt parental sequences involved in each rearrangement were recovered from nonmutant cells. Of seven rearrangements characterized, six were reciprocal exchanges between aprt and unrelated sequences. Consistent with a mechanism involving joining of exchanged double-strand break ends, there was, in most cases, no homology between the two parental sequences, no overlap in sequences retained at the two newly formed junctions, and little or no loss of parental sequences (usually ≤2 bp) at the breakpoints. The breakpoints were strongly correlated (P < 0.0001) with expected sites of bleomycin-induced, double-strand breaks. Fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that, in six of the mutants, the rearrangement was accompanied by a chromosomal translocation at the aprt locus, because upstream and downstream flanking sequences were detected on separate chromosomes. The results suggest that repair of free radical-mediated, double-strand breaks in confluence-arrested cells is effected by a conservative, homology-independent, end-joining pathway that does not involve single-strand intermediate and that misjoining of exchanged ends by this pathway can directly result in chromosomal translocations.


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Isoprostanes (iPs) are free radical catalyzed prostaglandin isomers. Analysis of individual isomers of PGF2α—F2-iPs—in urine has reflected lipid peroxidation in humans. However, up to 64 F2-iPs may be formed, and it is unknown whether coordinate generation, disposition, and excretion of F2-iPs occurs in humans. To address this issue, we developed methods to measure individual members of the four structural classes of F2-iPs, using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), in which sample preparation is minimized. Authentic standards of F2-iPs of classes III, IV, V, and VI were used to identify class-specific ions for multiple reaction monitoring. Using iPF2α-VI as a model compound, we demonstrated the reproducibility of the assay in human urine. Urinary levels of all F2-iPs measured were elevated in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. However, only three of eight F2-iPs were elevated in patients with congestive heart failure, compared with controls. Paired analyses by GC/MS and LC/MS/MS of iPF2α-VI in hypercholesterolemia and of 8,12-iso-iPF2α-VI in congestive heart failure were highly correlated. This approach will permit high throughput analysis of multiple iPs in human disease.


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Eukaryotic Cu,Zn superoxide dismutases (CuZnSODs) are antioxidant enzymes remarkable for their unusually stable β-barrel fold and dimer assembly, diffusion-limited catalysis, and electrostatic guidance of their free radical substrate. Point mutations of CuZnSOD cause the fatal human neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We determined and analyzed the first crystallographic structure (to our knowledge) for CuZnSOD from a prokaryote, Photobacterium leiognathi, a luminescent symbiont of Leiognathid fish. This structure, exemplifying prokaryotic CuZnSODs, shares the active-site ligand geometry and the topology of the Greek key β-barrel common to the eukaryotic CuZnSODs. However, the β-barrel elements recruited to form the dimer interface, the strategy used to forge the channel for electrostatic recognition of superoxide radical, and the connectivity of the intrasubunit disulfide bond in P. leiognathi CuZnSOD are discrete and strikingly dissimilar from those highly conserved in eukaryotic CuZnSODs. This new CuZnSOD structure broadens our understanding of structural features necessary and sufficient for CuZnSOD activity, highlights a hitherto unrecognized adaptability of the Greek key β-barrel building block in evolution, and reveals that prokaryotic and eukaryotic enzymes diverged from one primordial CuZnSOD and then converged to distinct dimeric enzymes with electrostatic substrate guidance.


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Cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage play a central role in both innate and acquired immunity of the host. However, the acquisition of functional competence and the ability to respond to a variety of activating or modulating signals require maturation and differentiation of circulating monocytes and entail alterations in both biochemical and phenotypic profiles of the cells. The process of activation also confers survival signals essential for the functional integrity of monocytes enabling the cells to remain viable in microenvironments of immune or inflammatory lesions that are rich in cytotoxic inflammatory mediators and reactive free-radical species. However, the molecular mechanisms of activation-induced survival signals in monocytes remain obscure. To define the mechanistic basis of activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes at the molecular level, we evaluated the modulation of expression profiles of genes associated with the cellular apoptotic pathways upon activation and demonstrate the following: (i) activation results in selective resistance to apoptosis particularly to that induced by signaling via death receptors and DNA damage; (ii) concurrent with activation, the most apical protease in the death receptor pathway, caspase-8/FLICE is rapidly down-regulated at the mRNA level representing a novel regulatory mechanism; and (iii) activation of monocytes also leads to dramatic induction of the Bfl-1 gene, an anti apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family. Our findings thus provide a potential mechanistic basis for the activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes.


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Previously, we identified the heavy chain of ferritin as a developmentally regulated nuclear protein of embryonic chicken corneal epithelial cells. The nuclear ferritin is assembled into a supramolecular form indistinguishable from the cytoplasmic form of ferritin found in other cell types and thus most likely has iron-sequestering capabilities. Free iron, via the Fenton reaction, is known to exacerbate UV-induced and other oxidative damage to cellular components, including DNA. Since corneal epithelial cells are constantly exposed to UV light, we hypothesized that the nuclear ferritin might protect the DNA of these cells from free radical damage. To test this possibility, primary cultures of cells from corneal epithelium and stroma, and from skin epithelium and stroma, were UV irradiated, and DNA strand breaks were detected by an in situ 3′-end labeling method. Corneal epithelial cells without nuclear ferritin were also examined. We observed that the corneal epithelial cells with nuclear ferritin had significantly less DNA breakage than other cell types examined. Furthermore, increasing the iron concentration of the culture medium exacerbated the generation of UV-induced DNA strand breaks in corneal and skin fibroblasts, but not in the corneal epithelial cells. Most convincingly, corneal epithelial cells in which the expression of nuclear ferritin was inhibited became much more susceptible to UV-induced DNA damage. Therefore, it seems that corneal epithelial cells have evolved a novel, nuclear ferritin-based mechanism for protecting their DNA against UV damage.


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Morbidity and mortality from head trauma is highest among children. No animal model mimicking traumatic brain injury in children has yet been established, and the mechanisms of neuronal degeneration after traumatic injury to the developing brain are not understood. In infant rats subjected to percussion head trauma, two types of brain damage could be characterized. The first type or primary damage evolved within 4 hr and occurred by an excitotoxic mechanism. The second type or secondary damage evolved within 6–24 hr and occurred by an apoptotic mechanism. Primary damage remained localized to the parietal cortex at the site of impact. Secondary damage affected distant sites such as the cingulate/retrosplenial cortex, subiculum, frontal cortex, thalamus and striatum. Secondary apoptotic damage was more severe than primary excitotoxic damage. Morphometric analysis demonstrated that the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonists 3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonate and dizocilpine protected against primary excitotoxic damage but increased severity of secondary apoptotic damage. 2-Sulfo-α-phenyl-N-tert-butyl-nitrone, a free radical scavenger, did not affect primary excitotoxic damage but mitigated apoptotic damage. These observations demonstrate that apoptosis and not excitotoxicity determine neuropathologic outcome after traumatic injury to the developing brain. Whereas free radical scavengers may prove useful in therapy of head trauma in children, N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists should be avoided because of their propensity to increase severity of apoptotic damage.