14 resultados para extrinsic potentiality

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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It is not known whether the mammalian mechanism of coagulation initiation is conserved in fish. Identification of factor VII is critical in providing evidence for such a mechanism. A cDNA was cloned from a zebrafish (teleost) library that predicted a protein with sequence similarity to human factor VII. Factor VII was shown to be present in zebrafish blood and liver by Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. Immunodepletion of factor VII from zebrafish plasma selectively inhibited thromboplastin-triggered thrombin generation. Heterologous expression of zebrafish factor VII demonstrated a secreted protein (50 kDa) that reconstituted thromboplastin-triggered thrombin generation in immunodepleted zebrafish plasma. These results suggest conservation of the extrinsic coagulation pathway between zebrafish and humans and add credence to the zebrafish as a model for mammalian hemostasis. The structure of zebrafish factor VIIa predicted by homology modeling was consistent with the overall three-dimensional structure of human factor VIIa. However, amino acid disparities were found in the epidermal growth factor-2/serine protease regions that are present in the human tissue factor–factor VIIa contact surface, suggesting a structural basis for the species specificity of this interaction. In addition, zebrafish factor VII demonstrates that the Gla-EGF-EGF-SP domain structure, which is common to coagulation factors VII, IX, X, and protein C, was present before the radiation of the teleosts from the tetrapods. Identification of zebrafish factor VII significantly narrows the evolutionary window for development of the vertebrate coagulation cascade and provides insight into the structural basis for species specificity in the tissue factor–factor VIIa interaction.


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This study demonstrates that endogenously produced interferon γ (IFN-γ) forms the basis of a tumor surveillance system that controls development of both chemically induced and spontaneously arising tumors in mice. Compared with wild-type mice, mice lacking sensitivity to either IFN-γ (i.e., IFN-γ receptor-deficient mice) or all IFN family members (i.e., Stat1-deficient mice) developed tumors more rapidly and with greater frequency when challenged with different doses of the chemical carcinogen methylcholanthrene. In addition, IFN-γ-insensitive mice developed tumors more rapidly than wild-type mice when bred onto a background deficient in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene. IFN-γ-insensitive p53−/− mice also developed a broader spectrum of tumors compared with mice lacking p53 alone. Using tumor cells derived from methylcholanthrene-treated IFN-γ-insensitive mice, we found IFN-γ’s actions to be mediated at least partly through its direct effects on the tumor cell leading to enhanced tumor cell immunogenicity. The importance and generality of this system is evidenced by the finding that certain types of human tumors become selectively unresponsive to IFN-γ. Thus, IFN-γ forms the basis of an extrinsic tumor-suppressor mechanism in immunocompetent hosts.


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Rhodopsin is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor that is activated by photoisomerization of its 11-cis-retinal chromophore. Mutant forms of rhodopsin were prepared in which the carboxylic acid counterion was moved relative to the positively charged chromophore Schiff base. Nanosecond time-resolved laser photolysis measurements of wild-type recombinant rhodopsin and two mutant pigments then were used to determine reaction schemes and spectra of their early photolysis intermediates. These results, together with linear dichroism data, yielded detailed structural information concerning chromophore movements during the first microsecond after photolysis. These chromophore structural changes provide a basis for understanding the relative movement of rhodopsin’s transmembrane helices 3 and 6 required for activation of rhodopsin. Thus, early structural changes following isomerization of retinal are linked to the activation of this G protein-coupled receptor. Such rapid structural changes lie at the heart of the pharmacologically important signal transduction mechanisms in a large variety of receptors, which use extrinsic activators, but are impossible to study in receptors using diffusible agonist ligands.


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Isolated subcomplexes of photosystem II from spinach (CP47RC), composed of D1, D2, cytochrome b559, CP47, and a number of hydrophobic small subunits but devoid of CP43 and the extrinsic proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex, were shown to reconstitute the Mn4Ca1Clx cluster of the water-splitting system and to evolve oxygen. The photoactivation process in CP47RC dimers proceeds by the same two-step mechanism as observed in PSII membranes and exhibits the same stoichiometry for Mn2+, but with a 10-fold lower affinity for Ca2+ and an increased susceptibility to photodamage. After the lower Ca2+ affinity and the 10-fold smaller absorption cross-section for photons in CP47 dimers is taken into account, the intrinsic rate constant for the rate-limiting calcium-dependent dark step is indistinguishable for the two systems. The monomeric form of CP47RC also showed capacity to photoactivate and catalyze water oxidation, but with lower activity than the dimeric form and increased susceptibility to photodamage. After optimization of the various parameters affecting the photoactivation process in dimeric CP47RC subcores, 18% of the complexes were functionally reconstituted and the quantum efficiency for oxygen production by reactivated centers approached 96% of that observed for reconstituted photosystem II-enriched membranes.


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To survive damage to the genome, cells must respond by activating both DNA repair and checkpoint responses. Using genetic screens in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we recently isolated new genes required for DNA damage checkpoint control. We show here that one of these strains defines a new allele of the previously described rad18 gene, rad18-74. rad18 is an essential gene, even in the absence of extrinsic DNA damage. It encodes a conserved protein related to the structural maintenance of chromosomes proteins. Point mutations in rad18 lead to defective DNA repair pathways responding to both UV-induced lesions and, as we show here, double-stranded breaks. Furthermore, rad18p is required to maintain cell cycle arrest in the presence of DNA damage, and failure of this leads to highly aberrant mitoses. A gene encoding a BRCT-containing protein, brc1, was isolated as an allele-specific high-copy suppressor of rad18-74. brc1 is required for mitotic fidelity and for cellular viability in strains with rad18 mutations but is not essential for DNA damage responses. Mutations in rad18 and brc1 are synthetically lethal with a topoisomerase II mutant (top2-191), indicating that these proteins play a role in chromatin organization. These studies show a role for chromatin organization in the maintenance or activation of responses to DNA damage.


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Spinal cord neuronal restricted progenitor (NRP) cells, when transplanted into the neonatal anterior forebrain subventricular zone, migrate to distinct regions throughout the forebrain including the olfactory bulb, frontal cortex, and occipital cortex but not to the hippocampus. Their migration pattern and differentiation potential is distinct from anterior forebrain subventricular zone NRPs. Irrespective of their final destination, NRP cells do not differentiate into glia. Rather they synthesize neurotransmitters, acquire region-specific phenotypes, and receive synapses from host neurons after transplantation. Spinal cord NRPs express choline acetyl transferase even in regions where host neurons do not express this marker. The restricted distribution of transplanted spinal cord NRP cells and their acquisition of varied region-specific phenotypes suggest that their ultimate fate and phenotype is dictated by a combination of intrinsic properties and extrinsic cues from the host.


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We have discovered that intracellular redox state appears to be a necessary and sufficient modulator of the balance between self-renewal and differentiation in dividing oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte progenitor cells. The intracellular redox state of freshly isolated progenitors allows prospective isolation of cells with different self-renewal characteristics. Redox state is itself modulated by cell-extrinsic signaling molecules that alter the balance between self-renewal and differentiation: growth factors that promote self-renewal cause progenitors to become more reduced, while signaling molecules that promote differentiation cause progenitors to become more oxidized. Moreover, pharmacological antagonists of the redox effects of these cell-extrinsic signaling molecules antagonize their effects on self-renewal and differentiation, indicating that cell-extrinsic signaling molecules that modulate this balance converge on redox modulation as a critical component of their effector mechanism.


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Catecholamines, thought to derive from the extrinsic innervation of the ovary, participate in the regulation of ovarian development and mature gonadal function. Recently, intraovarian neurons containing tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, were described in the ovary of nonhuman primates. We now show that the primate ovary expresses both the genes encoding TH and dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH), the key enzymes in norepinephrine (NE) biosynthesis. Ovarian neurons were identified as a site of TH and DBH gene expression, and surprisingly, oocytes were identified as an exclusive site of DBH synthesis. Oocytes contain neither TH mRNA nor protein, indicating that they are unable to synthesize dopamine (DA). They did, however, express a DA transporter gene identical to that found in human brain. The physiological relevance of this transporter system and DBH in oocytes was indicated by the ability of isolated oocytes to metabolize exogenous DA into NE. Isolated follicles containing oocytes—but not those from which the oocytes had been removed—responded to DA with an elevation in cAMP levels; this elevation was prevented by propranolol, a β-adrenoreceptor antagonist. The results suggest that oocytes and somatic cells are linked by a neuroendocrine loop consisting of NE synthesized in oocytes from actively transported DA and cAMP produced by somatic follicular cells in response to NE-induced β-adrenoreceptor activation.


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Intracellular protein transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus and within the Golgi apparatus is facilitated by COP (coat protein)-coated vesicles. Their existence in plant cells has not yet been demonstrated, although the GTP-binding proteins required for coat formation have been identified. We have generated antisera against glutathione-S-transferase-fusion proteins prepared with cDNAs encoding the Arabidopsis Sec21p and Sec23p homologs (AtSec21p and AtSec23p, respectively). The former is a constituent of the COPI vesicle coatomer, and the latter is part of the Sec23/24p dimeric complex of the COPII vesicle coat. Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) inflorescence homogenates were probed with these antibodies and demonstrated the presence of AtSec21p and AtSec23p antigens in both the cytosol and membrane fractions of the cell. The membrane-associated forms of both antigens can be solubilized by treatments typical for extrinsic proteins. The amounts of the cytosolic antigens relative to the membrane-bound forms increase after cold treatment, and the two antigens belong to different protein complexes with molecular sizes comparable to the corresponding nonplant coat proteins. Sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation of microsomal cell membranes from cauliflower suggests that, although AtSec23p seems to be preferentially associated with ER membranes, AtSec21p appears to be bound to both the ER and the Golgi membranes. This could be in agreement with the notion that COPII vesicles are formed at the ER, whereas COPI vesicles can be made by both Golgi and ER membranes. Both AtSec21p and AtSec23p antigens were detected on membranes equilibrating at sucrose densities equivalent to those typical for in vitro-induced COP vesicles from animal and yeast systems. Therefore, a further purification of the putative plant COP vesicles was undertaken.


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Illumination of vertebrate rod photoreceptors leads to a decrease in the cytoplasmic cGMP concentration and closure of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. Except for Ca2+, which plays a negative feedback role in adaptation, and 11-cis-retinal, supplied by the retinal pigment epithelium, all of the biochemical machinery of phototransduction is thought to be contained within rod outer segments without involvement of extrinsic regulatory molecules. Here we show that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a paracrine factor released from the retinal pigment epithelium, alters phototransduction by rapidly increasing the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. The IGF-I-signaling pathway ultimately involves a protein tyrosine phosphatase that catalyzes dephosphorylation of a specific residue in the α-subunit of the rod CNG channel protein. IGF-I conjointly accelerates the kinetics and increases the amplitude of the light response, distinct from events that accompany adaptation. These effects of IGF-I could result from the enhancement of the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. Hence, in addition to long-term control of development and survival of rods, growth factors regulate phototransduction in the short term by modulating CNG channels.


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In the context of cell signaling, kinetic proofreading was introduced to explain how cells can discriminate among ligands based on a kinetic parameter, the ligand-receptor dissociation rate constant. In the kinetic proofreading model of cell signaling, responses occur only when a bound receptor undergoes a complete series of modifications. If the ligand dissociates prematurely, the receptor returns to its basal state and signaling is frustrated. We extend the model to deal with systems where aggregation of receptors is essential to signal transduction, and present a version of the model for systems where signaling depends on an extrinsic kinase. We also investigate the kinetics of signaling molecules, “messengers,” that are generated by aggregated receptors but do not remain associated with the receptor complex. We show that the extended model predicts modes of signaling that exhibit kinetic discrimination for some range of parameters but for other parameter values show little or no discrimination and thus escape kinetic proofreading. We compare model predictions with experimental data.


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Cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit, microtubule-associated, mechanochemical enzyme that has been identified as a retrograde transporter of various membranous organelles. Dynactin, an additional multisubunit complex, is required for efficient dynein-mediated transport of vesicles in vitro. Recently, we showed that three genes defined by a group of phenotypically identical mutants of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa encode proteins that are apparent subunits of either cytoplasmic dynein or dynactin. These mutants, designated ropy (ro), display abnormal hyphal growth and are defective in nuclear distribution. We propose that mutations in other genes encoding dynein/dynactin subunits are likely to result in a ropy phenotype and have devised a genetic screen for the isolation of additional ro mutants. Cytoplasmic dynein/dynactin is the largest and most complex of the cytoplasmic motor proteins, and the genetic system described here is unique in its potentiality for identifying mutations in undefined genes encoding dynein/dynactin subunits or regulators. We used this screen to isolate > 1000 ro mutants, which were found to define 23 complementation groups. Unexpectedly, interallelic complementation was observed with some allele pairs of ro-1 and ro-3, which are predicted to encode the largest subunits of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin, respectively. The results suggest that the Ro1 and Ro3 polypeptides may consist of multiple, functionally independent domains. In addition, approximately 10% of all newly isolated ro mutantsdisplay unlinked noncomplementation with two or more of the mutants that define the 23 complementation groups. The frequent appearance of ro mutants showing noncomplementation with multiple ro mutants having unlinked mutations suggests that nuclear distribution in filamentous fungi is a process that is easily disrupted by affecting either dosage or activity of cytoplasmic dynein, dynactin, and perhaps other cytoskeletal proteins or regulators.


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In the vertebrate central nervous system, the retina has been a useful model for studies of cell fate determination. Recent results from studies conducted in vitro and in vivo suggest a model of retinal development in which both the progenitor cells and the environment change over time. The model is based upon the notion that the mitotic cells within the retina change in their response properties, or "competence", during development. These changes presage the ordered appearance of distinct cell types during development and appear to be necessary for the production of the distinct cell types. As the response properties of the cells change, so too do the environmental signals that the cells encounter. Together, intrinsic properties and extrinsic cues direct the choice of cell fate.