10 resultados para enthalpy of vaporization
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The alanine helix provides a model system for studying the energetics of interaction between water and the helical peptide group, a possible major factor in the energetics of protein folding. Helix formation is enthalpy-driven (−1.0 kcal/mol per residue). Experimental transfer data (vapor phase to aqueous) for amides give the enthalpy of interaction with water of the amide group as ≈−11.5 kcal/mol. The enthalpy of the helical peptide hydrogen bond, computed for the gas phase by quantum mechanics, is −4.9 kcal/mol. These numbers give an enthalpy deficit for helix formation of −7.6 kcal/mol. To study this problem, we calculate the electrostatic solvation free energy (ESF) of the peptide groups in the helical and β-strand conformations, by using the delphi program and parse parameter set. Experimental data show that the ESF values of amides are almost entirely enthalpic. Two key results are: in the β-strand conformation, the ESF value of an interior alanine peptide group is −7.9 kcal/mol, substantially less than that of N-methylacetamide (−12.2 kcal/mol), and the helical peptide group is solvated with an ESF of −2.5 kcal/mol. These results reduce the enthalpy deficit to −1.5 kcal/mol, and desolvation of peptide groups through partial burial in the random coil may account for the remainder. Mutant peptides in the helical conformation show ESF differences among nonpolar amino acids that are comparable to observed helix propensity differences, but the ESF differences in the random coil conformation still must be subtracted.
We present rules that allow one to predict the stability of DNA pyrimidine.purine.pyrimidine (Y.R.Y) triple helices on the basis of the sequence. The rules were derived from van't Hoff analysis of 23 oligonucleotide triplexes tested at a variety of pH values. To predict the enthalpy of triplex formation (delta H degrees), a simple nearest-neighbor model was found to be sufficient. However, to accurately predict the free energy of the triplex (delta G degrees), a combination model consisting of five parameters was needed. These parameters were (i) the delta G degrees for helix initiation, (ii) the delta G degrees for adding a T-A.T triple, (iii) the delta G degrees for adding a C(+)-G.C triple, (iv) the penalty for adjacent C bases, and (v) the pH dependence of the C(+)-G.C triple's stability. The fitted parameters are highly consistent with thermodynamic data from the basis set, generally predicting both delta H degrees and delta G degrees to within the experimental error. Examination of the parameters points out several interesting features. The combination model predicts that C(+) -G.C. triples are much more stabilizing than T-A.T triples below pH 7.0 and that the stability of the former increases approximately equal to 1 kcal/mol per pH unit as the pH is decreased. Surprisingly though, the most stable sequence is predicted to be a CT repeat, as adjacent C bases partially cancel the stability of one another. The parameters successfully predict tm values from other laboratories, with some interesting exceptions.
We describe a procedure for the generation of chemically accurate computer-simulation models to study chemical reactions in the condensed phase. The process involves (i) the use of a coupled semiempirical quantum and classical molecular mechanics method to represent solutes and solvent, respectively; (ii) the optimization of semiempirical quantum mechanics (QM) parameters to produce a computationally efficient and chemically accurate QM model; (iii) the calibration of a quantum/classical microsolvation model using ab initio quantum theory; and (iv) the use of statistical mechanical principles and methods to simulate, on massively parallel computers, the thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions in aqueous solution. The utility of this process is demonstrated by the calculation of the enthalpy of reaction in vacuum and free energy change in aqueous solution for a proton transfer involving methanol, methoxide, imidazole, and imidazolium, which are functional groups involved with proton transfers in many biochemical systems. An optimized semiempirical QM model is produced, which results in the calculation of heats of formation of the above chemical species to within 1.0 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ) of experimental values. The use of the calibrated QM and microsolvation QM/MM (molecular mechanics) models for the simulation of a proton transfer in aqueous solution gives a calculated free energy that is within 1.0 kcal/mol (12.2 calculated vs. 12.8 experimental) of a value estimated from experimental pKa values of the reacting species.
Isothermal titration microcalorimetry is combined with solution-depletion isotherm data to analyze the thermodynamics of binding of the cellulose-binding domain (CBD) from the beta-1,4-(exo)glucanase Cex of Cellulomonas fimi to insoluble bacterial microcrystalline cellulose. Analysis of isothermal titration microcalorimetry data against two putative binding models indicates that the bacterial microcrystalline cellulose surface presents two independent classes of binding sites, with the predominant high-affinity site being characterized by a Langmuir-type Ka of 6.3 (+/-1.4) x 10(7) M-1 and the low-affinity site by a Ka of 1.1 (+/-0.6) x 10(6) M-1. CBDCex binding to either site is exothermic, but is mainly driven by a large positive change in entropy. This differs from protein binding to soluble carbohydrates, which is usually driven by a relatively large exothermic standard enthalpy change for binding. Differential heat capacity changes are large and negative, indicating that sorbent and protein dehydration effects make a dominant contribution to the driving force for binding.
Mimicry of the calcium-induced conformational state of troponin C by low temperature under pressure.
Calcium binding to the N-domain of troponin C initiates a series of conformational changes that lead to muscle contraction. Calcium binding provides the free energy for a hydrophobic region in the core of N-domain to assume a more open configuration. Fluorescence measurements on a tryptophan mutant (F29W) show that a similar conformational change occurs in the absence of Ca2+ when the temperature is lowered under pressure. The conformation induced by subzero temperatures binds the hydrophobic probe bis-aminonaphthalene sulfonate, and the tryptophan has the same fluorescence lifetime (7 ns) as in the Ca2+-bound form. The decrease in volume (delta V = -25.4 ml/mol) corresponds to an increase in surface area. Thermodynamic measurements suggest an enthalpy-driven conformational change that leads to an intermediate with an exposed N-domain core and a high affinity for Ca2+.
Hairpin polyamides are synthetic ligands for sequence-specific recognition in the minor groove of double-helical DNA. A thermodynamic characterization of the DNA-binding properties exhibited by a six-ring hairpin polyamide, ImPyPy-gamma-PyPyPy-beta-Dp (where Im = imidazole, Py = pyrrole, gamma = gamma-aminobutyric acid, beta = beta-alanine, and Dp = dimethylaminopropylamide), reveals an approximately 1-2 kcal/mol greater affinity for the designated match site, 5'-TGTTA-3', relative to the single base pair mismatch sites, 5'-TGGTA-3' and 5'-TATTA-3'. The enthalpy and entropy data at 20 degrees C reveal this sequence specificity to be entirely enthalpic in origin. Correlations between the thermodynamic driving forces underlying the sequence specificity exhibited by ImPyPy-gamma-PyPyPy-beta-Dp and the structural properties of the heterodimeric complex of PyPyPy and ImPyPy bound to the minor groove of DNA provide insight into the molecular forces that govern the affinity and specificity of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides.
The change in free energy with temperature at constant pressure of a chemical reaction is determined by the sum (dS) of changes in entropy of the system of reagents, dS(i), and the additional entropy change of the surroundings, dS(H), that results from the enthalpy change, W. A faulty identification of the total entropy change on reaction with dS(i) has been responsible for the attribution of general validity to the expressions (d deltaG/dT)p = -deltaS(i) and d(deltaG/T)/d(1/T)= deltaH, which are found in most textbooks and in innumerable papers.
Apolipoprotein A-1 (apoA-1) in complex with high-density lipoprotein is critically involved in the transport and metabolism of cholesterol and in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We reexamined the thermal unfolding of lipid-free apoA-1 in low-salt solution at pH approximately 7, by using differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism. At protein concentrations <5 mg/ml, thermal unfolding of apoA-1 is resolved as an extended peak (25 degrees C-90 degrees C) that can be largely accounted for by a single reversible non-two-state transition with midpoint Tm 57 +/- 1 degree C, calorimetric enthalpy deltaH(Tm)= 200 +/- 20 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ), van't Hoff enthalpy deltaHv(Tm) approximately 32.5 kcal/mol, and cooperativity deltaHv(Tm)/deltaH(Tm) approximately 0.16. The enthalpy deltaH(Tm) can be accounted for by melting of the alpha-helical structure that is inferred by CD to constitute approximately 60% of apoA-1 amino acids. Farand near-UV CD spectra reveal noncoincident melting of the secondary and tertiary structural elements and indicate a well-defined secondary structure but a largely melted tertiary structure for apoA-1 at approximately 37 degrees C and pH 7. This suggests a molten globular-like state for lipid-free apoA-1 under near-physiological conditions. Our results suggest that in vivo lipid binding by apoA-1 may be mediated via the molten globular apolipoprotein state in plasma.
Is the pathway of protein folding determined by the relative stability of folding intermediates, or by the relative height of the activation barriers leading to these intermediates? This is a fundamental question for resolving the Levinthal paradox, which stated that protein folding by a random search mechanism would require a time too long to be plausible. To answer this question, we have studied the guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced folding/unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease [(SNase, formerly EC; now called microbial nuclease or endonuclease, EC] by stopped-flow circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning microcalorimetry (DSC). The data show that while the equilibrium transition is a quasi-two-state process, kinetics in the 2-ms to 500-s time range are triphasic. Data support the sequential mechanism for SNase folding: U3 <--> U2 <--> U1 <--> N0, where U1, U2, and U3 are substates of the unfolded protein and N0 is the native state. Analysis of the relative population of the U1, U2, and U3 species in 2.0 M GdmCl gives delta-G values for the U3 --> U2 reaction of +0.1 kcal/mol and for the U2 --> U1 reaction of -0.49 kcal/mol. The delta-G value for the U1 --> N0 reaction is calculated to be -4.5 kcal/mol from DSC data. The activation energy, enthalpy, and entropy for each kinetic step are also determined. These results allow us to make the following four conclusions. (i) Although the U1, U2, and U3 states are nearly isoenergetic, no random walk occurs among them during the folding. The pathway of folding is unique and sequential. In other words, the relative stability of the folding intermediates does not dictate the folding pathway. Instead, the folding is a descent toward the global free-energy minimum of the native state via the least activation path in the vast energy landscape. Barrier avoidance leads the way, and barrier height limits the rate. Thus, the Levinthal paradox is not applicable to the protein-folding problem. (ii) The main folding reaction (U1 --> N0), in which the peptide chain acquires most of its free energy (via van der Waals' contacts, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions), is a highly concerted process. These energy-acquiring events take place in a single kinetic phase. (iii) U1 appears to be a compact unfolded species; the rate of conversion of U2 to U1 depends on the viscosity of solution. (iv) All four relaxation times reported here depend on GdmCl concentrations: it is likely that none involve the cis/trans isomerization of prolines. Finally, a mechanism is presented in which formation of sheet-like chain conformations and a hydrophobic condensation event precede the main-chain folding reaction.
Although the rates of chemical reactions become faster with increasing temperature, the converse may be observed with protein-folding reactions. The rate constant for folding initially increases with temperature, goes through a maximum, and then decreases. The activation enthalpy is thus highly temperature dependent because of a large change in specific heat (delta Cp). Such a delta Cp term is usually presumed to be a consequence of a large decrease in exposure of hydrophobic surfaces to water as the reaction proceeds from the denatured state to the transition state for folding: the hydrophobic side chains are surrounded by "icebergs" of water that melt with increasing temperature, thus making a large contribution to the Cp of the denatured state and a smaller one to the more compact transition state. The rate could also be affected by temperature-induced changes in the conformational population of the ground state: the heat required for the progressive melting of residual structure in the denatured state will contribute to delta Cp. By examining two proteins with different refolding mechanisms, we are able to find both of these two processes; barley chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, which refolds from a highly unfolded state, fits well to a hydrophobic interaction model with a constant delta Cp of activation, whereas barnase, which refolds from a more structured denatured state, deviates from this ideal behavior.