6 resultados para dotted-I segments

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We have developed and characterized a system to analyze light effects on auxin transport independent of photosynthetic effects. Polar transport of [3H]indole-3-acetic acid through hypocotyl segments from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings was increased in seedlings grown in dim-red light (DRL) (0.5 μmol m−2 s−1) relative to seedlings grown in darkness. Both transport velocity and transport intensity (export rate) were increased by at least a factor of 2. Tissue formed in DRL completely acquired the higher transport capacity within 50 h, but tissue already differentiated in darkness acquired only a partial increase in transport capacity within 50 h of DRL, indicating a developmental window for light induction of commitment to changes in auxin transport. This light-induced change probably manifests itself by alteration of function of the auxin efflux carrier, as revealed using specific transport inhibitors. Relative to dark controls, DRL-grown seedlings were differentially less sensitive to two inhibitors of polar auxin transport, N-(naphth-1-yl) phthalamic acid and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. On the basis of these data, we propose that the auxin efflux carrier is a key target of light regulation during photomorphogenesis.


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A plant class III alcohol dehydrogenase (or glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase) has been characterized. The enzyme is a typical class III member with enzymatic parameters and substrate specificity closely related to those of already established animal forms. Km values with the pea enzyme are 6.5 microM for NAD+, 2 microM for S-hydroxymethylglutathione, and 840 microM for octanol versus 9, 4, and 1200 microM, respectively, with the human enzyme. Structurally, the pea/human class III enzymes are closely related, exhibiting a residue identity of 69% and with only 3 of 23 residues differing among those often considered in substrate and coenzyme binding. In contrast, the corresponding ethanol-active enzymes, the long-known human liver and pea alcohol dehydrogenases, differ more (47% residue identities) and are also in functionally important active site segments, with 12 of the 23 positions exchanged, including no less than 7 at the usually much conserved coenzyme-binding segment. These differences affect functionally important residues that are often class-distinguishing, such as those at positions 48, 51, and 115, where the plant ethanol-active forms resemble class III (Thr, Tyr, and Arg, respectively) rather than the animal ethanol-active class I forms (typically Ser, His, and Asp, respectively). Calculations of phylogenetic trees support the conclusions from functional residues in subgrouping plant ethanol-active dehydrogenases and the animal ethanol-active enzymes (class I) as separate descendants from the class III line. It appears that the classical plant alcohol dehydrogenases (now called class P) have a duplicatory origin separate from that of the animal class I enzymes and therefore a paralogous relationship with functional convergence of their alcohol substrate specificity. Combined, the results establish the conserved nature of class III also in plants, and contribute to the molecular and functional understanding of alcohol dehydrogenases by defining two branches of plant enzymes into the system.


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In cells simultaneously infected with any two of the three reovirus serotypes ST1, ST2, and ST3, up to 15% of the yields are intertypic reassortants that contain all possible combinations of parental genome segments. We have now found that not all genome segments in reassortants are wild type. In reassortants that possess more ST1 than ST3 genome segments, all ST1 genome segments appear to be wild type, but the incoming ST3 genome segments possess mutations that make them more similar to the ST1 genome segments that they replace. In reassortants resulting from crosses of the more distantly related ST3 and ST2 viruses that possess a majority of ST3 genome segments, all incoming ST2 genome segments are wild type, but the ST3 S4 genome segment possesses two mutations, G74 to A and G624 to A, that function as acceptance signals. Recognition of these signals has far-reaching implications for the construction of reoviruses with novel properties and functions.


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To compare effects of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and placebo treatment on lesions that resemble those seen during active demyelination in multiple sclerosis, we induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats with an emulsion containing guinea pig spinal cord and Freund's adjuvant. On day 12-13, pairs of rats with the same degree of weakness were given either IGF-I or placebo intravenously twice daily for 8 days. After 8 days of placebo or IGF-I (200 micrograms/day or 1 mg/day) treatment, the spinal cord lesions were studied by in situ hybridization and with immunocytochemical and morphological methods. IGF-I produced significant reductions in numbers and areas of demyelinating lesions. These lesions contained axons surrounded by regenerating myelin segments instead of demyelinated axons seen in the placebo-treated rats. Relative mRNA levels for myelin basic protein, proteolipid protein (PLP), and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase in lesions of IGF-I-treated rats were significantly higher than they were in placebo-treated rats. PLP mRNA-containing oligodendroglia also were more numerous and relative PLP mRNA levels per oligodendrocyte were higher in lesions of IGF-I-treated rats. Finally, a significantly higher proportion of proliferating cells were oligodendroglia-like cells in lesions of IGF-I-treated rats. We think that IGF-I effects on oligodendrocytes, myelin protein synthesis, and myelin regeneration reduced lesion severity and promoted clinical recovery in this experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model. These IGF-I actions may also benefit patients with multiple sclerosis.


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Insertion of foreign DNA into an established mammalian genome can extensively alter the patterns of cellular DNA methylation. Adenovirus type 12 (Ad12)-transformed hamster cells, Ad12-induced hamster tumor cells, or hamster cells carrying integrated DNA of bacteriophage lambda were used as model systems. DNA methylation levels were examined by cleaving cellular DNA with Hpa II, Msp I, or Hha I, followed by Southern blot hybridization with 32P-labeled, randomly selected cellular DNA probes. For several, but not all, cellular DNA segments investigated, extensive increases in DNA methylation were found in comparison with the methylation patterns in BHK21 or primary Syrian hamster cells. In eight different Ad12-induced hamster tumors, moderate increases in DNA methylation were seen. Increased methylation of cellular genes was also documented in two hamster cell lines with integrated Ad12 DNA without the Ad12-transformed phenotype, in one cloned BHK21 cell line with integrated plasmid DNA, and in at least three cloned BHK21 cell lines with integrated lambda DNA. By fluorescent in situ hybridization, the cellular hybridization probes were located to different hamster chromosomes. The endogenous intracisternal A particle genomes showed a striking distribution on many hamster chromosomes, frequently on their short arms. When BHK21 hamster cells were abortively infected with Ad12, increases in cellular DNA methylation were not seen. Thus, Ad12 early gene products were not directly involved in increasing cellular DNA methylation. We attribute the alterations in cellular DNA methylation, at least in part, to the insertion of foreign DNA. Can alterations in the methylation profiles of hamster cellular DNA contribute to the generation of the oncogenic phenotype?


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The DNA in a germ-line nucleus (a micronucleus) undergoes extensive processing when it develops into a somatic nucleus (a macronucleus) after cell mating in hypotrichous ciliates. Processing includes destruction of a large amount of spacer DNA between genes and excision of gene-sized molecules from chromosomes. Before processing, micronuclear genes are interrupted by numerous noncoding segments called internal eliminated sequences (IESs). The IESs are excised and destroyed, and the retained macro-nuclear-destined sequences (MDSs) are spliced. MDSs in some micronuclear genes are not in proper order and must be reordered during processing to create functional gene-sized molecules for the macronucleus. Here we report that the micronuclear actin I gene in Oxytricha trifallax WR consists of 10 MDSs and 9 IESs compared to the previously reported 9 MDSs and 8 IESs in the micronuclear actin I gene of Oxytricha nova. The MDSs in the actin I gene are scrambled in a similar pattern in the two species, but the positions of MDS-IES junctions are shifted by up to 14 bp for scrambled and 138 bp for the nonscrambled MDSs. The shifts in MDS-IES junctions create differences in the repeat sequences that are believed to guide MDS splicing. Also, the sizes and sequences of IESs in the micronuclear actin I genes are different in the two Oxytricha species. These observations give insight about the possible origins of IES insertion and MDS scrambling in evolution and show the extraordinary malleability of the germ-line DNA in hypotrichs.