5 resultados para data integration

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Organization of transgenes in rice transformed through direct DNA transfer strongly suggests a two-phase integration mechanism. In the “preintegration” phase, transforming plasmid molecules (either intact or partial) are spliced together. This gives rise to rearranged transgenic sequences, which upon integration do not contain any interspersed plant genomic sequences. Subsequently, integration of transgenic DNA into the host genome is initiated. Our experiments suggest that the original site of integration acts as a hot spot, facilitating subsequent integration of successive transgenic molecules at the same locus. The resulting transgenic locus may have plant DNA separating the transgenic sequences. Our data indicate that transformation through direct DNA transfer, specifically particle bombardment, generally results in a single transgenic locus as a result of this two-phase integration mechanism. Transgenic plants generated through such processes may, therefore, be more amenable to breeding programs as the single transgenic locus will be easier to characterize genetically. Results from direct DNA transfer experiments suggest that in the absence of protein factors involved in exogenous DNA transfer through Agrobacterium, the qualitative and/or quantitative efficiency of transformation events is not compromised. Our results cast doubt on the role of Agrobacterium vir genes in the integration process.


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Growth factors can influence lineage determination of neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) in an instructive manner, in vitro. Because NCSCs are likely exposed to multiple signals in vivo, these findings raise the question of how stem cells would integrate such combined influences. Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) promotes neuronal differentiation and glial growth factor 2 (GGF2) promotes glial differentiation; if NCSCs are exposed to saturating concentrations of both factors, BMP2 appears dominant. By contrast, if the cells are exposed to saturating concentrations of both BMP2 and transforming growth factor β1 (which promotes smooth muscle differentiation), the two factors appear codominant. Sequential addition experiments indicate that NCSCs require 48–96 hrs in GGF2 before they commit to a glial fate, whereas the cells commit to a smooth muscle fate within 24 hr in transforming growth factor β1. The delayed response to GGF2 does not reflect a lack of functional receptors; however, because the growth factor induces rapid mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation in naive cells. Furthermore, GGF2 can attenuate induction of the neurogenic transcription factor mammalian achaete-scute homolog 1, by low doses of BMP2. This short-term antineurogenic influence of GGF2 is not sufficient for glial lineage commitment, however. These data imply that NCSCs exhibit cell-intrinsic biases in the timing and relative dosage sensitivity of their responses to instructive factors that influence the outcome of lineage decisions in the presence of multiple factors. The relative delay in glial lineage commitment, moreover, apparently reflects successive short-term and longer-term actions of GGF2. Such a delay may help to explain why glia normally differentiate after neurons, in vivo.


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The Mouse Genome Database (MGD) is the community database resource for the laboratory mouse, a key model organism for interpreting the human genome and for understanding human biology and disease (http://www.informatics.jax.org). MGD provides standard nomenclature and consensus map positions for mouse genes and genetic markers; it provides a curated set of mammalian homology records, user-defined chromosomal maps, experimental data sets and the definitive mouse ‘gene to sequence’ reference set for the research community. The integration and standardization of these data sets facilitates the transition between mouse DNA sequence, gene and phenotype annotations. A recent focus on allele and phenotype representations enhances the ability of MGD to organize and present data for exploring the relationship between genotype and phenotype. This link between the genome and the biology of the mouse is especially important as phenotype information grows from large mutagenesis projects and genotype information grows from large-scale sequencing projects.


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Molecular and morphological data have important roles in illuminating evolutionary history. DNA data often yield well resolved phylogenies for living taxa, but are generally unattainable for fossils. A distinct advantage of morphology is that some types of morphological data may be collected for extinct and extant taxa. Fossils provide a unique window on evolutionary history and may preserve combinations of primitive and derived characters that are not found in extant taxa. Given their unique character complexes, fossils are critical in documenting sequences of character transformation over geologic time and may elucidate otherwise ambiguous patterns of evolution that are not revealed by molecular data alone. Here, we employ a methodological approach that allows for the integration of molecular and paleontological data in deciphering one of the most innovative features in the evolutionary history of mammals—laryngeal echolocation in bats. Molecular data alone, including an expanded data set that includes new sequences for the A2AB gene, suggest that microbats are paraphyletic but do not resolve whether laryngeal echolocation evolved independently in different microbat lineages or evolved in the common ancestor of bats and was subsequently lost in megabats. When scaffolds from molecular phylogenies are incorporated into parsimony analyses of morphological characters, including morphological characters for the Eocene taxa Icaronycteris, Archaeonycteris, Hassianycteris, and Palaeochiropteryx, the resulting trees suggest that laryngeal echolocation evolved in the common ancestor of fossil and extant bats and was subsequently lost in megabats. Molecular dating suggests that crown-group bats last shared a common ancestor 52 to 54 million years ago.


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The mechanisms involved in the integration of proteins into the thylakoid membrane are largely unknown. However, many of the steps of this process for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) have been described and reconstituted in vitro. LHCP is synthesized as a precursor in the cytosol and posttranslationally imported into chloroplasts. Upon translocation across the envelope membranes, the N-terminal transit peptide is cleaved, and the apoprotein is assembled into a soluble "transit complex" and then integrated into the thylakoid membrane via three transmembrane helices. Here we show that 54CP, a chloroplast homologue of the 54-kDa subunit of the mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP54), is essential for transit complex formation, is present in the complex, and is required for LHCP integration into the thylakoid membrane. Our data indicate that 54CP functions posttranslationally as a molecular chaperone and potentially pilots LHCP to the thylakoids. These results demonstrate that one of several pathways for protein routing to the thylakoids is homologous to the SRP pathway and point to a common evolutionary origin for the protein transport systems of the endoplasmic reticulum and the thylakoid membrane.