7 resultados para dance and affect

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Physiological conditions that impinge on constitutive traffic and affect organelle structure are not known. We report that osmotically induced cell volume changes, which are known to occur under a variety of conditions, rapidly inhibited endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport in mammalian cells. Both ER export and ER Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC)-to-Golgi trafficking steps were blocked, but retrograde transport was active, and it mediated ERGIC and Golgi collapse into the ER. Extensive tubulation and relatively rapid Golgi resident redistribution were observed under hypo-osmotic conditions, whereas a slower redistribution of the same markers, without apparent tubulation, was observed under hyperosmotic conditions. The osmotic stress response correlated with the perturbation of COPI function, because both hypo- and hyperosmotic conditions slowed brefeldin A-induced dissociation of βCOP from Golgi membranes. Remarkably, Golgi residents reemerged after several hours of sustained incubation in hypotonic or hypertonic medium. Reemergence was independent of new protein synthesis but required PKC, an activity known to mediate cell volume recovery. Taken together these results indicate the existence of a coupling between cell volume and constitutive traffic that impacts organelle structure through independent effects on anterograde and retrograde flow and that involves, in part, modulation of COPI function.


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The conidiation rhythm in the fungus Neurospora crassa is a model system for investigating the genetics of circadian clocks. Null mutants at the frq (frequency) locus (frq9 and frq10) make no functional frq gene products and are arrhythmic under standard conditions. The white-collar strains (wc-1 and wc-2) are insensitive to most effects of light, and are also arrhythmic. All three genes are proposed to be central components of the circadian oscillator. We have been investigating two mutants, cel (chain-elongation) and chol-1 (choline-requirer), which are defective in lipid synthesis and affect the period and temperature compensation of the rhythm. We have constructed the double mutant strains chol-1 frq9, chol-1 frq10, chol-1 wc-1, chol-1 wc-2, cel frq9, cel frq10, and cel wc-2. We find that these double mutant strains are robustly rhythmic when assayed under lipid-deficient conditions, indicating that free-running rhythmicity does not require the frq, wc-1, or wc-2 gene products. The rhythms in the double mutant strains are similar to the cel and chol-1 parents, except that they are less sensitive to light. This suggests that the frq, wc-1, and wc-2 gene products may be components of a pathway that normally supplies input to a core oscillator to transduce light signals and sustain rhythmicity. This pathway can be bypassed when lipid metabolism is altered.


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Plant phylogenetic estimates are most likely to be reliable when congruent evidence is obtained independently from the mitochondrial, plastid, and nuclear genomes with all methods of analysis. Here, results are presented from separate and combined genomic analyses of new and previously published data, including six and nine genes (8,911 bp and 12,010 bp, respectively) for different subsets of taxa that suggest Amborella + Nymphaeales (water lilies) are the first-branching angiosperm lineage. Before and after tree-independent noise reduction, most individual genomic compartments and methods of analysis estimated the Amborella + Nymphaeales basal topology with high support. Previous phylogenetic estimates placing Amborella alone as the first extant angiosperm branch may have been misled because of a series of specific problems with paralogy, suboptimal outgroups, long-branch taxa, and method dependence. Ancestral character state reconstructions differ between the two topologies and affect inferences about the features of early angiosperms.


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Estrogens influence the differentiation and maintenance of reproductive tissues and affect lipid metabolism and bone remodeling. Two estrogen receptors (ERs) have been identified to date, ERα and ERβ. We previously generated and studied knockout mice lacking estrogen receptor α and reported severe reproductive and behavioral phenotypes including complete infertility of both male and female mice and absence of breast tissue development. Here we describe the generation of mice lacking estrogen receptor β (ERβ −/−) by insertion of a neomycin resistance gene into exon 3 of the coding gene by using homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Mice lacking this receptor develop normally and are indistinguishable grossly and histologically as young adults from their littermates. RNA analysis and immunocytochemistry show that tissues from ERβ −/− mice lack normal ERβ RNA and protein. Breeding experiments with young, sexually mature females show that they are fertile and exhibit normal sexual behavior, but have fewer and smaller litters than wild-type mice. Superovulation experiments indicate that this reduction in fertility is the result of reduced ovarian efficiency. The mutant females have normal breast development and lactate normally. Young, sexually mature male mice show no overt abnormalities and reproduce normally. Older mutant males display signs of prostate and bladder hyperplasia. Our results indicate that ERβ is essential for normal ovulation efficiency but is not essential for female or male sexual differentiation, fertility, or lactation. Future experiments are required to determine the role of ERβ in bone and cardiovascular homeostasis.


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There is considerable evidence from animal studies that gonadal steroid hormones modulate neuronal activity and affect behavior. To study this in humans directly, we used H215O positron-emission tomography to measure regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in young women during three pharmacologically controlled hormonal conditions spanning 4–5 months: ovarian suppression induced by the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist leuprolide acetate (Lupron), Lupron plus estradiol replacement, and Lupron plus progesterone replacement. Estradiol and progesterone were administered in a double-blind cross-over design. On each occasion positron-emission tomography scans were performed during (i) the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, a neuropsychological test that physiologically activates prefrontal cortex (PFC) and an associated cortical network including inferior parietal lobule and posterior inferolateral temporal gyrus, and (ii) a no-delay matching-to-sample sensorimotor control task. During treatment with Lupron alone (i.e., with virtual absence of gonadal steroid hormones), there was marked attenuation of the typical Wisconsin Card Sorting Test activation pattern even though task performance did not change. Most strikingly, there was no rCBF increase in PFC. When either progesterone or estrogen was added to the Lupron regimen, there was normalization of the rCBF activation pattern with augmentation of the parietal and temporal foci and return of the dorsolateral PFC activation. These data directly demonstrate that the hormonal milieu modulates cognition-related neural activity in humans.


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The luminal domains of membrane peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) are essential for peptide α-amidation, and the cytosolic domain (CD) is essential for trafficking. Overexpression of membrane PAM in corticotrope tumor cells reorganizes the actin cytoskeleton, shifts endogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from mature granules localized at the tips of processes to the TGN region, and blocks regulated secretion. PAM-CD interactor proteins include a protein kinase that phosphorylates PAM (P-CIP2) and Kalirin, a Rho family GDP/GTP exchange factor. We engineered a PAM protein unable to interact with either P-CIP2 or Kalirin (PAM-1/K919R), along with PAM proteins able to interact with Kalirin but not with P-CIP2. AtT-20 cells expressing PAM-1/K919R produce fully active membrane enzyme but still exhibit regulated secretion, with ACTH-containing granules localized to process tips. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrates accumulation of PAM and ACTH in tubular structures at the trans side of the Golgi in AtT-20 cells expressing PAM-1 but not in AtT-20 cells expressing PAM-1/K919R. The ability of PAM to interact with P-CIP2 is critical to its ability to block exit from the Golgi and affect regulated secretion. Consistent with this, mutation of its P-CIP2 phosphorylation site alters the ability of PAM to affect regulated secretion.


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Although Stat1 is essential for cells to respond fully to IFN-γ, there is substantial evidence that, in the absence of Stat1, IFN-γ can still regulate the expression of some genes, induce an antiviral state and affect cell growth. We have now identified many genes that are regulated by IFN-γ in serum-starved Stat1-null mouse fibroblasts. The proteins induced by IFN-γ in Stat1-null cells can account for the substantial biological responses that remain. Some genes are induced in both wild-type and Stat1-null cells and thus are truly Stat1-independent. Others are subject to more complex regulation in response to IFN-γ, repressed by Stat1 in wild-type cells and activated in Stat1-null cells. Many genes induced by IFN-γ in Stat1-null fibroblasts also are induced by platelet-derived growth factor in wild-type cells and thus are likely to be involved in cell proliferation. In mouse cells expressing the docking site mutant Y440F of human IFN-γ receptor subunit 1, the mouse Stat1 is not phosphorylated in response to human IFN-γ, but c-myc and c-jun are still induced, showing that the Stat1 docking site is not required for Stat1-independent signaling.