27 resultados para contact tip
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We have applied in situ atomic force microscopy to directly observe the aggregation of Alzheimer’s β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) in contact with two model solid surfaces: hydrophilic mica and hydrophobic graphite. The time course of aggregation was followed by continuous imaging of surfaces remaining in contact with 10–500 μM solutions of Aβ in PBS (pH 7.4). Visualization of fragile nanoscale aggregates of Aβ was made possible by the application of a tapping mode of imaging, which minimizes the lateral forces between the probe tip and the sample. The size and the shape of Aβ aggregates, as well as the kinetics of their formation, exhibited pronounced dependence on the physicochemical nature of the surface. On hydrophilic mica, Aβ formed particulate, pseudomicellar aggregates, which at higher Aβ concentration had the tendency to form linear assemblies, reminiscent of protofibrillar species described recently in the literature. In contrast, on hydrophobic graphite Aβ formed uniform, elongated sheets. The dimensions of those sheets were consistent with the dimensions of β-sheets with extended peptide chains perpendicular to the long axis of the aggregate. The sheets of Aβ were oriented along three directions at 120° to each other, resembling the crystallographic symmetry of a graphite surface. Such substrate-templated self-assembly may be the distinguishing feature of β-sheets in comparison with α-helices. These studies show that in situ atomic force microscopy enables direct assessment of amyloid aggregation in physiological fluids and suggest that Aβ fibril formation may be driven by interactions at the interface of aqueous solutions and hydrophobic substrates, as occurs in membranes and lipoprotein particles in vivo.
We present evidence that Escherichia coli RNA polymerase β subunit may be a transcriptional activator contact site. Stimulation of the activity of the pR promoter by DnaA protein is necessary for replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage λ. We found that DnaA activates the pR promoter in vitro. Particular mutations in the rpoB gene were able to suppress negative effects that certain dnaA mutations had on the replication of λ plasmids; this suppression was allele-specific. When a potential DnaA-binding sequence located several base pairs downstream of the pR promoter was scrambled by in vitro mutagenesis, the pR promoter was no longer activated by DnaA both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, we conclude that DnaA may contact the β subunit of RNA polymerase during activation of the pR promoter. A new classification of prokaryotic transcriptional activators is proposed.
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli associated with human diarrheal disease utilize any of a limited group of serologically distinguishable pili for attachment to intestinal cells. These include CS1 and CFA/I pili. We show here that chemical modification of arginyl residues in CS1 pili abolishes CS1-mediated agglutination of bovine erythrocytes, which serves as a model system for attachment. Alanine substitution of the single arginyl residue in CooA, the major pilin, had no effect on the assembly of pili or on hemagglutination. In contrast, substitution of alanine for R181 in CooD, the minor pilin associated with the pilus tip, abolished hemagglutination, and substitution of R20 reduced hemagglutination. Neither of these substitutions affected CS1 pilus assembly. This shows that CooD is essential for CS1-mediated attachment and identifies specific residues that are involved in receptor binding but not in pilus assembly. In addition to mediating agglutination of bovine erythrocytes, CFA/I also mediates agglutination of human erythrocytes. Substitution of R181 by alanine in the CooD homolog, CfaE, abolished both of these reactions. We conclude that the same region of the pilus tip protein is involved in adherence of CS1 and CFA/I pili, although their receptor specificities differ. This suggests that the region of the pilus tip adhesin protein that includes R181 might be an appropriate target for therapeutic intervention or for a vaccine to protect against human diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli strains that have serologically different pili.
The objective of this study was to clarify the relative roles of medial versus luminal factors in the induction of thickening of the arterial intima after balloon angioplasty injury. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and thrombin, both associated with thrombosis, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), stored in the arterial wall, have been implicated in this process. To unequivocally isolate the media from luminally derived factors, we used a 20-μm thick hydrogel barrier that adhered firmly to the arterial wall to block thrombus deposition after balloon-induced injury of the carotid artery of the rat. Thrombosis, bFGF mobilization, medial repopulation, and intimal thickening were measured. Blockade of postinjury arterial contact with blood prevented thrombosis and dramatically inhibited both intimal thickening and endogenous bFGF mobilization. By blocking blood contact on the two time scales of thrombosis and of intimal thickening, and by using local protein release to probe, by reconstitution, the individual roles of PDGF-BB and thrombin, we were able to conclude that a luminally derived factor other than PDGF or thrombin is required for the initiation of cellular events leading to intimal thickening after balloon injury in the rat. We further conclude that a luminally derived factor is required for mobilization of medial bFGF.
Using a PCR approach we have isolated racF1, a novel member of the Rho family in Dictyostelium. The racF1 gene encodes a protein of 193 amino acids and is constitutively expressed throughout the Dictyostelium life cycle. Highest identity (94%) was found to a RacF2 isoform, to Dictyostelium Rac1A, Rac1B, and Rac1C (70%), and to Rac proteins of animal species (64–69%). To investigate the role of RacF1 in cytoskeleton-dependent processes, we have fused it at its amino-terminus with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and studied the dynamics of subcellular redistribution using a confocal laser scanning microscope and a double-view microscope system. GFP–RacF1 was homogeneously distributed in the cytosol and accumulated at the plasma membrane, especially at regions of transient intercellular contacts. GFP–RacF1 also localized transiently to macropinosomes and phagocytic cups and was gradually released within <1 min after formation of the endocytic vesicle or the phagosome, respectively. On stimulation with cAMP, no enrichment of GFP–RacF1 was observed in leading fronts, from which it was found to be initially excluded. Cell lines were obtained using homologous recombination that expressed a truncated racF1 gene lacking sequences encoding the carboxyl-terminal region responsible for membrane targeting. These cells displayed normal phagocytosis, endocytosis, and exocytosis rates. Our results suggest that RacF1 associates with dynamic structures that are formed during pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Although RacF1 appears not to be essential, it might act in concert and/or share functions with other members of the Rho family in the regulation of a subset of cytoskeletal rearrangements that are required for these processes.
Interferon γ (IFN-γ) induces rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the latent cytoplasmic transcription factor, Stat1, which then forms homodimers, translocates to the nucleus and participates in IFN-γ-induced transcription. However, little is known of the interactions between Stat1 and the general transcription machinery during transcriptional activation. We show here that Stat1 can directly interact with the CREB-binding protein (CBP)/p300 family of transcriptional coactivators. Specifically, two interaction regions were identified: the amino-terminal region of Stat1 interacts with the CREB-binding domain of CBP/p300 and the carboxyl-terminal region of Stat1 interacts with the domain of CBP/p300 that binds adenovirus E1A protein. Transfection experiments suggest a role for these interactions in IFN-γ-induced transcription. Because CBP/p300-binding is required for the adenovirus E1A protein to regulate transcription of many genes during viral replication and cellular transformation, it is possible that the anti-viral effect of IFN-γ is based at least in part on direct competition by nuclear Stat1 with E1A for CBP/p300 binding.
A hair cell’s tip links are thought to gate mechanoelectrical transduction channels. The susceptibility of tip links to acoustic trauma raises questions as to whether these fragile structures can be regenerated. We broke tip links with the calcium chelator 1,2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid and found that they can regenerate, albeit imperfectly, over several hours. The time course of tip-link regeneration suggests that this process may underlie recovery from temporary threshold shifts induced by noise exposure. Cycloheximide does not block tip-link regeneration, indicating that new protein synthesis is not required. The calcium ionophore ionomycin prevents regeneration, suggesting regeneration normally may be stimulated by the reduction in stereociliary Ca2+ when gating springs rupture and transduction channels close. Supporting the equivalence of tip links with gating springs, mechanoelectrical transduction returns over the same time period as tip links; strikingly, adaptation is substantially reduced, even 24 hr after breaking tip links.
I attempt to reconcile apparently conflicting factors and mechanisms that have been proposed to determine the rate constant for two-state folding of small proteins, on the basis of general features of the structures of transition states. Φ-Value analysis implies a transition state for folding that resembles an expanded and distorted native structure, which is built around an extended nucleus. The nucleus is composed predominantly of elements of partly or well-formed native secondary structure that are stabilized by local and long-range tertiary interactions. These long-range interactions give rise to connecting loops, frequently containing the native loops that are poorly structured. I derive an equation that relates differences in the contact order of a protein to changes in the length of linking loops, which, in turn, is directly related to the unfavorable free energy of the loops in the transition state. Kinetic data on loop extension mutants of CI2 and α-spectrin SH3 domain fit the equation qualitatively. The rate of folding depends primarily on the interactions that directly stabilize the nucleus, especially those in native-like secondary structure and those resulting from the entropy loss from the connecting loops, which vary with contact order. This partitioning of energy accounts for the success of some algorithms that predict folding rates, because they use these principles either explicitly or implicitly. The extended nucleus model thus unifies the observations of rate depending on both stability and topology.
Transduction-channel gating by hair cells apparently requires a gating spring, an elastic element that transmits force to the channels. To determine whether the gating spring is the tip link, a filament interconnecting two stereocilia along the axis of mechanical sensitivity, we examined the tip link's structure at high resolution by using rapid-freeze, deep-etch electron microscopy. We found that the tip link is a right-handed, coiled double filament that usually forks into two branches before contacting a taller stereocilium; at the other end, several short filaments extend to the tip link from the shorter stereocilium. The structure of the tip link suggests that it is either a helical polymer or a braided pair of filamentous macromolecules and is thus likely to be relatively stiff and inextensible. Such behavior is incompatible with the measured elasticity of the gating spring, suggesting that the gating spring instead lies in series with the helical segment of the tip link.
The core enzyme of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase acquires essential promoter recognition and transcription initiation activities by binding one of several σ subunits. To characterize the proximity between σ70, the major σ for transcription of the growth-related genes, and the core enzyme subunits (α2ββ′), we analyzed the protein-cutting patterns produced by a set of covalently tethered FeEDTA probes [FeBABE: Fe (S)-1-(p-bromoacetamidobenzyl)EDTA]. The probes were positioned in or near conserved regions of σ70 by using seven mutants, each carrying a single cysteine residue at position 132, 376, 396, 422, 496, 517, or 581. Each FeBABE-conjugated σ70 was bound to the core enzyme, which led to cleavage of nearby sites on the β and β′ subunits (but not α). Unlike the results of random cleavage [Greiner, D. P., Hughes, K. A., Gunasekera, A. H. & Meares, C. F. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 71–75], the cut sites from different probe-modified σ70 proteins are clustered in distinct regions of the subunits. On the β subunit, cleavage is observed in two regions, one between residues 383 and 554, including the conserved C and Rif regions; and the other between 854 and 1022, including conserved region G, regions of ppGpp sensitivity, and one of the segments forming the catalytic center of RNA polymerase. On the β′ subunit, the cleavage was identified within the sequence 228–461, including β′ conserved regions C and D (which comprise part of the catalytic center).
It is known that the extracellular matrix regulates normal cell proliferation, and it is assumed that anchorage-independent malignant cells escape this regulatory function. Here we demonstrate that human M24met melanoma cells remain responsive to growth regulatory signals that result from contact with type I collagen and that the effect on proliferation depends on the physical structure of the collagen. On polymerized fibrillar collagen, M24met cells are growth arrested at the G1/S checkpoint and maintain high levels of p27KIP1 mRNA and protein. In contrast, on nonfibrillar (denatured) collagen, the cells enter the cell cycle, and p27KIP1 is down-regulated. These growth regulatory effects involve contact between type I collagen and the collagen-binding integrin α2β1, which appears restricted in the presence of fibrillar collagen. Thus melanoma cells remain sensitive to negative growth regulatory signals originating from fibrillar collagen, and the proteolytic degradation of fibrils is a mechanism allowing tumor cells to escape these restrictive signals.
Interactions between Cajal bodies (CBs) and replication-dependent histone loci occur more frequently than for other mRNA-encoding genes, but such interactions are not seen with all alleles at a given time. Because CBs contain factors required for transcriptional regulation and 3′ end processing of nonpolyadenylated replication-dependent histone transcripts, we investigated whether interaction with CBs is related to metabolism of these transcripts, known to vary during the cell cycle. Our experiments revealed that a locus containing a cell cycle-independent, replacement histone gene that produces polyadenylated transcripts does not preferentially associate with CBs. Furthermore, modest but significant changes in association levels of CBs with replication-dependent histone loci mimic their cell cycle modulations in transcription and 3′ end processing rates. By simultaneously visualizing replication-dependent histone genes and their nuclear transcripts for the first time, we surprisingly find that the vast majority of loci producing detectable RNA foci do not contact CBs. These studies suggest some link between CB association and unusual features of replication-dependent histone gene expression. However, sustained CB contact is not a requirement for their expression, consistent with our observations of U7 snRNP distributions. The modest correlation to gene expression instead may reflect transient gene signaling or the nucleation of small CBs at gene loci.
The floor plate plays a key role in patterning axonal trajectory in the embryonic spinal cord by providing both long-range and local guidance cues that promote or inhibit axonal growth toward and across the ventral midline of the spinal cord, thus acting as an intermediate target for a number of crossing (commissural) and noncrossing (motor) axons. F-spondin, a secreted adhesion molecule expressed in the embryonic floor plate and the caudal somite of birds, plays a dual role in patterning the nervous system. It promotes adhesion and outgrowth of commissural axons and inhibits adhesion of neural crest cells. In the current study, we demonstrate that outgrowth of embryonic motor axons also is inhibited by F-spondin protein in a contact-repulsion fashion. Three independent lines of evidence support our hypothesis: substrate-attached F-spondin inhibits outgrowth of dissociated motor neurons in an outgrowth assay; F-spondin elicits acute growth cone collapse when applied to cultured motor neurons; and challenging ventral spinal cord explants with aggregates of HEK 293 cells expressing F-spondin, causes contact-repulsion of motor neurites. Structural–functional studies demonstrate that the processed carboxyl-half protein that contains the thrombospondin type 1 repeats is more prominent in inhibiting outgrowth, suggesting that the processing of F-spondin is important for enhancing its inhibitory activity.