9 resultados para competitive neutrality
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
A colonization mutant of the efficient root-colonizing biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 is described that is impaired in competitive root-tip colonization of gnotobiotically grown potato, radish, wheat, and tomato, indicating a broad host range mutation. The colonization of the mutant is also impaired when studied in potting soil, suggesting that the defective gene also plays a role under more natural conditions. A DNA fragment that is able to complement the mutation for colonization revealed a multicistronic transcription unit composed of at least six ORFs with similarity to lppL, lysA, dapF, orf235/233, xerC/sss, and the largely incomplete orf238. The transposon insertion in PCL1233 appeared to be present in the orf235/233 homologue, designated orf240. Introduction of a mutation in the xerC/sss homologue revealed that the xerC/sss gene homologue rather than orf240 is crucial for colonization. xerC in Escherichia coli and sss in Pseudomonas aeruginosa encode proteins that belong to the λ integrase family of site-specific recombinases, which play a role in phase variation caused by DNA rearrangements. The function of the xerC/sss homologue in colonization is discussed in terms of genetic rearrangements involved in the generation of different phenotypes, thereby allowing a bacterial population to occupy various habitats. Mutant PCL1233 is assumed to be locked in a phenotype that is not well suited to compete for colonization in the rhizosphere. Thus we show the importance of phase variation in microbe–plant interactions.
Most secretory and membrane proteins are sorted by signal sequences to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane early during their synthesis. Targeting of the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) involves the binding of the signal sequence to the signal recognition particle (SRP), followed by an interaction of ribosome-bound SRP with the SRP receptor. However, ribosomes can also independently bind to the ER translocation channel formed by the Sec61p complex. To explain the specificity of membrane targeting, it has therefore been proposed that nascent polypeptide-associated complex functions as a cytosolic inhibitor of signal sequence- and SRP-independent ribosome binding to the ER membrane. We report here that SRP-independent binding of RNCs to the ER membrane can occur in the presence of all cytosolic factors, including nascent polypeptide-associated complex. Nontranslating ribosomes competitively inhibit SRP-independent membrane binding of RNCs but have no effect when SRP is bound to the RNCs. The protective effect of SRP against ribosome competition depends on a functional signal sequence in the nascent chain and is also observed with reconstituted proteoliposomes containing only the Sec61p complex and the SRP receptor. We conclude that cytosolic factors do not prevent the membrane binding of ribosomes. Instead, specific ribosome targeting to the Sec61p complex is provided by the binding of SRP to RNCs, followed by an interaction with the SRP receptor, which gives RNC–SRP complexes a selective advantage in membrane targeting over nontranslating ribosomes.
A finely tuned Ca2+ signaling system is essential for cells to transduce extracellular stimuli, to regulate growth, and to differentiate. We have recently cloned CaT-like (CaT-L), a highly selective Ca2+ channel closely related to the epithelial calcium channels (ECaC) and the calcium transport protein CaT1. CaT-L is expressed in selected exocrine tissues, and its expression also strikingly correlates with the malignancy of prostate cancer. The expression pattern and selective Ca2+ permeation properties suggest an important function in Ca2+ uptake and a role in tumor progression, but not much is known about the regulation of this subfamily of ion channels. We now demonstrate a biochemical and functional mechanism by which cells can control CaT-L activity. CaT-L is regulated by means of a unique calmodulin binding site, which, at the same time, is a target for protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation. We show that Ca2+-dependent calmodulin binding to CaT-L, which facilitates channel inactivation, can be counteracted by protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation of the calmodulin binding site.
While the interactions of cells with polymeric substrata are widely studied, the influence of cell–cell cohesivity on tissue spreading has not been rigorously investigated. Here we demonstrate that the rate of tissue spreading over a two-dimensional substratum reflects a competition or “tug-of-war” between cell–cell and cell–substratum adhesions. We have generated both a “library” of structurally related copolymeric substrata varying in their adhesivity to cells and a library of genetically engineered cell populations varying only in cohesivity. Cell–substratum adhesivity was varied through the poly(ethylene glycol) content of a series of copolymeric substrata, whereas cell–cell cohesivity was varied through the expression of the homophilic cohesion molecules N- and R-cadherin by otherwise noncohesive L929 cells. In the key experiment, multicellular aggregates containing about 600 cells were allowed to spread onto copolymeric surfaces. We compared the spreading behavior of aggregates having different levels of cell–cell cohesivity on a series of copolymeric substrata having different levels of cell–substratum adhesivity. In these experiments, cell–cell cohesivity was measured by tissue surface tensiometry, and cell–substratum adhesivity was assessed by a distractive method. Tissue spreading was assayed by confocal microscopy as the rate of cell emigration from similar-sized, fluorescence-labeled, multicellular aggregates deposited on each of the substrata. We demonstrate that either decreasing substratum adhesivity or increasing cell–cell cohesivity dramatically slowed the spreading rate of cell aggregates.
A chromosomal locus required for copper resistance and competitive fitness was cloned from a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from copper-contaminated agricultural soil. Sequence analysis of this locus revealed six open reading frames with homology to genes involved in cytochrome c biogenesis in other bacteria, helC, cycJ, cycK, tipB, cycL, and cycH, with the closest similarity being to the aeg-46.5(yej) region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The proposed functions of these genes in other bacteria include the binding, transport, and coupling of heme to apocytochrome c in the periplasm of these Gram-negative bacteria. Putative heme-binding motifs were present in the predicted products of cycK and cycL, and TipB contained a putative disulfide oxidoreductase active site proposed to maintain the heme-binding site of the apocytochrome in a reduced state for ligation of heme. Tn3-gus mutagenesis showed that expression of the genes was constitutive but enhanced by copper, and confirmed that the genes function both in copper resistance and production of active cytochrome c. However, two mutants in cycH were copper-sensitive and oxidase-positive, suggesting that the functions of these genes, rather than cytochrome c oxidase itself, were required for resistance to copper.
The presumed advantages of genetic recombinations are difficult to demonstrate directly. To investigate the effects of recombination and background heterozygosity on competitive ability, we have performed serial-transfer competition experiments between isogenic sexual and asexual strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The members of these diploid pairs of strains differed only in being heterozygous (sexual) or homozygous (asexual) at the mating type or MAT locus. Competing pairs had either a completely homozygous or a heterozygous genetic background, the latter being heterozygous at many different loci throughout the genome. A round of meiotic recombination (automixis) conferred a large and statistically significant enhancement of competitive ability on sexual strains with a heterozygous genetic background. By contrast, in homozygous background competitions, meiosis decreased the sexual strains' initial relative competitive ability. In all cases, however, the sexual strains outcompeted their isogenic asexual counterparts, whether meiotic recombination had occurred or not. In some genetic backgrounds, this was due in part to an overdominance effect on competitive advantage of heterozygosity at the MAT locus. The advantage of the sexual strains also increased significantly during the course of the homozygous background competitions, particularly when meiosis had occurred. This latter effect either did not occur or was very weak in heterozygous background competitions. Overall, sexual strains with heterozygous genetic backgrounds had a significantly higher initial relative competitive ability than those with homozygous backgrounds. The advantage of mating type heterozygosity in this organism extends far beyond the ability to recombine meiotically.
RNA secondary structure folding algorithms predict the existence of connected networks of RNA sequences with identical structure. On such networks, evolving populations split into subpopulations, which diffuse independently in sequence space. This demands a distinction between two mutation thresholds: one at which genotypic information is lost and one at which phenotypic information is lost. In between, diffusion enables the search of vast areas in genotype space while still preserving the dominant phenotype. By this dynamic the success of phenotypic adaptation becomes much less sensitive to the initial conditions in genotype space.
A class of bicuculline-insensitive gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, GABAC, has been identified in retina. Several lines of evidence indicate that GABAC receptors are formed partially or wholly of GABA rho subunits. These receptors generate a Cl- current in response to GABA but differ from GABAA receptors in a number of ways. Picrotoxin, widely accepted as a noncompetitive antagonist of GABAA receptors, displays competitive and noncompetitive antagonism of GABAC receptors in perch and bovine retina and GABA rho 1 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The aim of this study was to identify the molecular basis of the two components of picrotoxin inhibition of GABA rho 1 receptors. By using a domain-swapping and mutagenesis strategy, a difference in picrotoxin sensitivity between rho 1 and rho 2 receptors was localized to a single amino acid in the putative second transmembrane domain. Substitution of this amino acid with residues found in the analogous position in highly picrotoxin-sensitive glycine alpha and GABAA subunits increased the sensitivity of rho 1 mutants 10- to 500-fold. Importantly, the competitive component of picrotoxin inhibition of the rho 1 mutant receptors was almost eliminated. These findings demonstrate that an amino acid in the putative channel domain of GABA rho 1 receptors influences picrotoxin sensitivity and mediates agonist binding by an allosteric mechanism.
Predictive methods, physicochemical measurements, and structure activity relationship studies suggest that corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF; corticoliberin), its family members, and competitive antagonists (resulting from N-terminal deletions) usually assume an alpha-helical conformation when interacting with the CRF receptor(s). To test this hypothesis further, we have scanned the whole sequence of the CRF antagonist [D-Phe12,Nle21,38]r/hCRF-(12-41) (r/hCRF, rat/human CRF; Nle, norleucine) with an i-(i + 3) bridge consisting of the Glu-Xaa-Xaa-Lys scaffold. We have found astressin [cyclo(30-33)[D-Phe12,Nle21,38,Glu30,Lys33]r/ hCRF(12-41)] to be approximately 30 times more potent than [D-Phe12,Nle21,38]r/hCRF-(12-41), our present standard, and 300 times more potent than the corresponding linear analog in an in vitro pituitary cell culture assay. Astressin has low affinity for the CRF binding protein and high affinity (Ki = 2 nM) for the cloned pituitary receptor. Radioiodinated [D-125I-Tyr12]astressin was found to be a reliable ligand for binding assays. In vivo, astressin is significantly more potent than any previously tested antagonist in reducing hypophyseal corticotropin (ACTH) secretion in stressed or adrenalectomized rats. The cyclo(30-33)[Ac-Pro4,D-Phe12,Nle21,38,Glu30,Lys33++ +]r/hCRF-(4-41) agonist and its linear analog are nearly equipotent, while the antagonist astressin and its linear form vary greatly in their potencies. This suggests that the lactam cyclization reinstates a structural constraint in the antagonists that is normally induced by the N terminus of the agonist.