110 resultados para classical nuclear import pathway
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The erythroid membrane cytoskeletal protein 4.1 is the prototypical member of a genetically and topologically complex family that is generated by combinatorial alternative splicing pathways and is localized at diverse intracellular sites including the nucleus. To explore the molecular determinants for nuclear localization, we transfected COS-7 cells with epitope-tagged versions of natural red cell protein 4.1 (4.1R) isoforms as well as mutagenized and truncated derivatives. Two distant topological sorting signals were required for efficient nuclear import of the 4.1R80 isoform: a basic peptide, KKKRER, encoded by alternative exon 16 and acting as a weak core nuclear localization signal (4.1R NLS), and an acidic peptide, EED, encoded by alternative exon 5. 4.1R80 isoforms lacking either of these two exons showed decreased nuclear import. Fusion of various 4.1R80 constructs to the cytoplasmic reporter protein pyruvate kinase confirmed a requirement for both motifs for full NLS function. 4.1R80 was efficiently imported in the nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized COS-7 cells in the presence of recombinant Rch1 (human importin α2), importin β, and GTPase Ran. Quantitative analysis of protein–protein interactions using a resonant mirror detection technique showed that 4.1R80 bound to Rch1 in vitro with high affinity (KD = 30 nM). The affinity decreased at least 7- and 20-fold, respectively, if the EED motif in exon 5 or if 4.1R NLS in exon 16 was lacking or mutated, confirming that both motifs were required for efficient importin-mediated nuclear import of 4.1R80.
Import of DNA into mammalian nuclei is generally inefficient. Therefore, one of the current challenges in human gene therapy is the development of efficient DNA delivery systems. Here we tested whether bacterial proteins could be used to target DNA to mammalian cells. Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a plant pathogen, efficiently transfers DNA as a nucleoprotein complex to plant cells. Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA transfer to plant cells is the only known example for interkingdom DNA transfer and is widely used for plant transformation. Agrobacterium virulence proteins VirD2 and VirE2 perform important functions in this process. We reconstituted complexes consisting of the bacterial virulence proteins VirD2, VirE2, and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in vitro. These complexes were tested for import into HeLa cell nuclei. Import of ssDNA required both VirD2 and VirE2 proteins. A VirD2 mutant lacking its C-terminal nuclear localization signal was deficient in import of the ssDNA–protein complexes into nuclei. Import of VirD2–ssDNA–VirE2 complexes was fast and efficient, and was shown to depended on importin α, Ran, and an energy source. We report here that the bacterium-derived and plant-adapted protein–DNA complex, made in vitro, can be efficiently imported into mammalian nuclei following the classical importin-dependent nuclear import pathway. This demonstrates the potential of our approach to enhance gene transfer to animal cells.
We have cloned and sequenced cDNA for human karyopherin β2, also known as transportin. In a solution binding assay, recombinant β2 bound directly to recombinant nuclear mRNA-binding protein A1. Binding was inhibited by a peptide representing A1’s previously characterized M9 nuclear localization sequence (NLS), but not by a peptide representing a classical NLS. As previously shown for karyopherin β1, karyopherin β2 bound to several nucleoporins containing characteristic peptide repeat motifs. In a solution binding assay, both β1 and β2 competed with each other for binding to immobilized repeat nucleoporin Nup98. In digitonin-permeabilized cells, β2 was able to dock A1 at the nuclear rim and to import it into the nucleoplasm. At low concentrations of β2, there was no stimulation of import by the exogenous addition of the GTPase Ran. However, at higher concentrations of β2 there was marked stimulation of import by Ran. Import was inhibited by the nonhydrolyzable GTP analog guanylyl imidodiphosphate by a Ran mutant that is unable to hydrolyze GTP and also by wheat germ agglutinin. Consistent with the solution binding results, karyopherin β2 inhibited karyopherin α/β1-mediated import of a classical NLS containing substrate and, vice versa, β1 inhibited β2-mediated import of A1 substrate, suggesting that the two import pathways merge at the level of docking of β1 and β2 to repeat nucleoporins.
The sterol regulatory element–binding protein-2 (SREBP-2) is produced as a large precursor molecule attached to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In response to the sterol depletion, the N-terminal segment of the precursor, which contains a basic helix-loop-helix–leucine zipper domain, is released by two sequential cleavages and is translocated to the nucleus, where it activates the transcription of target genes. The data herein show that released SREBP-2 uses a distinct nuclear transport pathway, which is mediated by importin β. The mature form of SREBP-2 is actively transported into the nucleus when injected into the cell cytoplasm. SREBP-2 binds directly to importin β in the absence of importin α. Ran-GTP but not Ran-GDP causes the dissociation of the SREBP-2–importin β complex. G19VRan-GTP inhibits the nuclear import of SREBP-2 in living cells. In the permeabilized cell in vitro transport system, nuclear import of SREBP-2 is reconstituted only by importin β in conjunction with Ran and its interacting protein p10/NTF2. We further demonstrate that the helix-loop-helix–leucine zipper motif of SREBP-2 contains a novel type of nuclear localization signal, which binds directly to importin β.
Ran, the small, predominantly nuclear GTPase, has been implicated in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes including cell cycle progression, nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA and protein, nuclear structure, and DNA synthesis. It is not known whether Ran functions directly in each process or whether many of its roles may be secondary to a direct role in only one, for example, nuclear protein import. To identify biochemical links between Ran and its functional target(s), we have generated and examined the properties of a putative Ran effector mutation, T42A-Ran. T42A-Ran binds guanine nucleotides as well as wild-type Ran and responds as well as wild-type Ran to GTP or GDP exchange stimulated by the Ran-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RCC1. T42A-Ran·GDP also retains the ability to bind p10/NTF2, a component of the nuclear import pathway. In contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran·GTP binds very weakly or not detectably to three proposed Ran effectors, Ran-binding protein 1 (RanBP1), Ran-binding protein 2 (RanBP2, a nucleoporin), and karyopherin β (a component of the nuclear protein import pathway), and is not stimulated to hydrolyze bound GTP by Ran GTPase-activating protein, RanGAP1. Also in contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran does not stimulate nuclear protein import in a digitonin permeabilized cell assay and also inhibits wild-type Ran function in this system. However, the T42A mutation does not block the docking of karyophilic substrates at the nuclear pore. These properties of T42A-Ran are consistent with its classification as an effector mutant and define the exposed region of Ran containing the mutation as a probable effector loop.
The Rev protein of HIV-1 actively shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm and mediates the export of unspliced retroviral RNAs. The localization of shuttling proteins such as Rev is controlled by the relative rates of nuclear import and export. To study nuclear export in isolation, we generated cell lines expressing a green fluorescent protein-labeled chimeric protein consisting of HIV-1 Rev and a hormone-inducible nuclear localization sequence. Steroid removal switches off import thus allowing direct visualization of the Rev export pathway in living cells. After digitonin permeabilization of these cells, we found that a functional nuclear export sequence (NES), ATP, and fractionated cytosol were sufficient for nuclear export in vitro. Nuclear pore-specific lectins and leptomycin B were potent export inhibitors. Nuclear export was not inhibited by antagonists of calcium metabolism that block nuclear import. These data further suggest that nuclear pores do not functionally close when luminal calcium stores are depleted. The distinct requirements for nuclear import and export argue that these competing processes may be regulated independently. This system should have wide applicability for the analysis of nuclear import and export.
Smad proteins are cytoplasmic signaling effectors of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family cytokines and regulate gene transcription in the nucleus. Receptor-activated Smads (R-Smads) become phosphorylated by the TGF-β type I receptor. Rapid and precise transport of R-Smads to the nucleus is of crucial importance for signal transduction. By focusing on the R-Smad Smad3 we demonstrate that 1) only activated Smad3 efficiently enters the nucleus of permeabilized cells in an energy- and cytosol-dependent manner. 2) Smad3, via its N-terminal domain, interacts specifically with importin-β1 and only after activation by receptor. In contrast, the unique insert of exon3 in the N-terminal domain of Smad2 prevents its association with importin-β1. 3) Nuclear import of Smad3 in vivo requires the action of the Ran GTPase, which mediates release of Smad3 from the complex with importin-β1. 4) Importin-β1, Ran, and p10/NTF2 are sufficient to mediate import of activated Smad3. The data describe a pathway whereby Smad3 phosphorylation by the TGF-β receptor leads to enhanced interaction with importin-β1 and Ran-dependent import and release into the nucleus. The import mechanism of Smad3 shows distinct features from that of the related Smad2 and the structural basis for this difference maps to the divergent sequences of their N-terminal domains.
Two high copy suppressors of temperature-sensitive TATA-binding protein (TBP) mutants were isolated. One suppressor was TIF51A, which encodes eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A. The other high copy suppressor, YGL241W, also known as KAP114, is one of 14 importin/karyopherin proteins in yeast. These proteins mediate the transport of specific macromolecules into and out of the nucleus. Cells lacking Kap114 partially mislocalize TBP to the cytoplasm. Kap114 binds TBP in vitro, and binding is disrupted in the presence of GTPγS. Therefore, Kap114 is an importer of TBP into the nucleus, but alternative import pathways must also exist.
T-DNA nuclear import is a central event in genetic transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium. Presumably, the T-DNA transport intermediate is a single-stranded DNA molecule associated with two bacterial proteins, VirD2 and VirE2, which most likely mediate the transport process. While VirE2 cooperatively coats the transported single-stranded DNA, VirD2 is covalently attached to its 5′ end. To better understand the mechanism of VirD2 action, a cellular receptor for VirD2 was identified and its encoding gene cloned from Arabidopsis. The identified protein, designated AtKAPα, specifically bound VirD2 in vivo and in vitro. VirD2–AtKAPα interaction was absolutely dependent on the carboxyl-terminal bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence of VirD2. The deduced amino acid sequence of AtKAPα was homologous to yeast and animal nuclear localization signal-binding proteins belonging to the karyopherin α family. Indeed, AtKAPα efficiently rescued a yeast mutant defective for nuclear import. Furthermore, AtKAPα specifically mediated transport of VirD2 into the nuclei of permeabilized yeast cells.
Using truncated forms of recombinant yeast karyopherins α and β in in vitro binding assays, we mapped the regions of karyopherin α that bind to karyopherin β and the regions of karyopherin β that interact with karyopherin α and with Ran-GTP. Karyopherin α’s binding region for karyopherin β was localized to its N-terminal domain, which contains several clusters of basic residues, whereas karyopherin β’s binding region for karyopherin α was localized to an internal region containing two clusters of acidic residues. Karyopherin β’s binding region for Ran-GTP overlaps with that for karyopherin α and comprises at least one of the two acidic clusters required for karyopherin α binding in addition to further downstream determinants not required for karyopherin α binding. Overexpression in yeast of fragments containing either karyopherin β’s binding region for α and Ran-GTP or karyopherin α’s binding region for β resulted in sequestration of most of the cytosolic karyopherin α or karyopherin β, respectively, in complexes containing the truncated proteins. As these binding region-containing fragments lack other domains required for function of the corresponding protein, the overexpression of either fragment also inhibited in vivo nuclear import of a model reporter protein as well as cell growth.
Two major routes of preprotein targeting into mitochondria are known. Preproteins carrying amino-terminal signals mainly use Tom20, the general import pore (GIP) complex and the Tim23–Tim17 complex. Preproteins with internal signals such as inner membrane carriers use Tom70, the GIP complex, and the special Tim pathway, involving small Tims of the intermembrane space and Tim22–Tim54 of the inner membrane. Little is known about the biogenesis and assembly of the Tim proteins of this carrier pathway. We report that import of the preprotein of Tim22 requires Tom20, although it uses the carrier Tim route. In contrast, the preprotein of Tim54 mainly uses Tom70, yet it follows the Tim23–Tim17 pathway. The positively charged amino-terminal region of Tim54 is required for membrane translocation but not for targeting to Tom70. In addition, we identify two novel homologues of the small Tim proteins and show that targeting of the small Tims follows a third new route where surface receptors are dispensable, yet Tom5 of the GIP complex is crucial. We conclude that the biogenesis of Tim proteins of the carrier pathway cannot be described by either one of the two major import routes, but involves new types of import pathways composed of various features of the hitherto known routes, including crossing over at the level of the GIP.
Interferon-induced human MxA protein belongs to the dynamin superfamily of large GTPases. It exhibits antiviral activity against a variety of RNA viruses, including Thogoto virus, an influenza virus-like orthomyxovirus transmitted by ticks. Here, we report that MxA blocks the transport of Thogoto virus nucleocapsids into the nucleus, thereby preventing transcription of the viral genome. This interaction can be abolished by a mAb that neutralizes the antiviral activity of MxA. Our results reveal an antiviral mechanism whereby an interferon-induced protein traps the incoming virus and interferes with proper transport of the viral genome to its ultimate target compartment within the infected cell.
In bovine adrenal medullary cells synergistically acting type 1 and type 2 angiotensin II (AII) receptors activate the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) gene through a unique AII-responsive promoter element. Both the type 1 and type 2 AII receptors and the downstream cyclic adenosine 1′,3′-monophosphate- and protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathways activate the FGF-2 promoter through a novel signal-transducing mechanism. This mechanism, which we have named integrative nuclear FGF receptor-1 signaling, involves the nuclear translocation of FGF receptor-1 and its subsequent transactivation of the AII-responsive element in the FGF-2 promoter.
The nuclear import of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT)-family transcription factors is initiated by the protein phosphatase calcineurin. Here we identify a regulatory region of NFAT1, N terminal to the DNA-binding domain, that controls nuclear import of NFAT1. The regulatory region of NFAT1 binds directly to calcineurin, is a substrate for calcineurin in vitro, and shows regulated subcellular localization identical to that of full-length NFAT1. The corresponding region of NFATc likewise binds calcineurin, suggesting that the efficient activation of NFAT1 and NFATc by calcineurin reflects a specific targeting of the phosphatase to these proteins. The presence in other NFAT-family transcription factors of several sequence motifs from the regulatory region of NFAT1, including its probable nuclear localization sequence, indicates that a conserved protein domain may control nuclear import of all NFAT proteins.
The nuclear import system is highly conserved among eukaryotes. Here we report the effects of a conditional mutation in SRP1, which encodes a Saccharomyces cerevisiae homolog of the vertebrate nuclear import receptor importin. Importin was isolated as a factor required for the initial targeting step of a nuclear import substrate to the nuclear envelope in a mammalian in vitro assay. We show that yeast Srp1 is similarly required for protein import. In addition, Srp1 is also required for the execution of mitosis: we demonstrate that cells containing a conditional mutation of SRP1 arrest with a G2/M phenotype in a manner analogous to classic cdc mutants. This defect may be due to the failure of the mutant to degrade the mitotic cyclin Clb2 and other proteins required for mitosis. The requirement of a nuclear import receptor for cell cycle-regulated proteolysis implies that import of cell cycle regulators into the nucleus is critical for cell cycle progression.