219 resultados para cell surface receptor

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We have generated RANK (receptor activator of NF-κB) nullizygous mice to determine the molecular genetic interactions between osteoprotegerin, osteoprotegerin ligand, and RANK during bone resorption and remodeling processes. RANK−/− mice lack osteoclasts and have a profound defect in bone resorption and remodeling and in the development of the cartilaginous growth plates of endochondral bone. The osteopetrosis observed in these mice can be reversed by transplantation of bone marrow from rag1−/− (recombinase activating gene 1) mice, indicating that RANK−/− mice have an intrinsic defect in osteoclast function. Calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines that are known to induce bone resorption in mice and human were administered to RANK−/− mice without inducing hypercalcemia, although tumor necrosis factor α treatment leads to the rare appearance of osteoclast-like cells near the site of injection. Osteoclastogenesis can be initiated in RANK−/− mice by transfer of the RANK cDNA back into hematopoietic precursors, suggesting a means to critically evaluate RANK structural features required for bone resorption. Together these data indicate that RANK is the intrinsic cell surface determinant that mediates osteoprotegerin ligand effects on bone resorption and remodeling as well as the physiological and pathological effects of calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines.


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Cell death is mediated by distinct pathways including apoptosis and oncosis in response to various death signals. To characterize molecules involved in cell death, a panel of mAbs was raised by immunizing mice with apoptotic cells. One of these antibodies, designated anti-Porimin (for pro-oncosis receptor inducing membrane injury), was found to directly induce a unique type of cell death in Jurkat cells. Anti-Porimin defines a 110-kDa cell surface receptor on Jurkat cells. Functionally, anti-Porimin alone rapidly mediates pore formation on the plasma membrane and induces cell death without participation of complement. Both the cellular expression and functional characteristics of the Porimin antigen indicate that it is distinct from the CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) and other cell receptors known to induce apoptosis. Anti-Porimin-mediated cell death was preceded by cell aggregation, formation of plasma membrane pores, and the appearance of membrane blebs. More important, these cells show neither DNA fragmentation nor apoptotic bodies, but display lethal damage of the cell membrane. Cell death by anti-Porimin is distinct from complement-dependent cytolysis or complement-independent apoptosis but is similar to that described for oncosis, a form of cell death accompanied by the membrane damage followed by karyolysis. The induction of cell death by anti-Porimin may represent a unique cell surface receptor-mediated pathway of cell death in the human lymphoid system.


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Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) can induce rapid, multifocal lung cancer, but JSRV is a simple retrovirus having no known oncogenes. Here we show that the envelope (env) gene of JSRV has the unusual property that it can induce transformation in rat fibroblasts, and thus is likely to be responsible for oncogenesis in animals. Retrovirus entry into cells is mediated by Env interaction with particular cell-surface receptors, and we have used phenotypic screening of radiation hybrid cell lines to identify the candidate lung cancer tumor suppressor HYAL2/LUCA2 as the receptor for JSRV. HYAL2 was previously described as a lysosomal hyaluronidase, but we show that HYAL2 is actually a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell-surface protein. Furthermore, we could not detect hyaluronidase activity associated with or secreted by cells expressing HYAL2, whereas we could easily detect such activity from cells expressing the related serum hyaluronidase HYAL1. Although the function of HYAL2 is currently unknown, other GPI-anchored proteins are involved in signal transduction, and some mediate mitogenic responses, suggesting a potential role of HYAL2 in JSRV Env-mediated oncogenesis. Lung cancer induced by JSRV closely resembles human bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, a disease that is increasing in frequency and now accounts for ≈25% of all lung cancer. The finding that JSRV env is oncogenic and the identification of HYAL2 as the JSRV receptor provide tools for further investigation of the mechanism of JSRV oncogenesis and its relationship to human bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma.


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Cell adhesion has a fundamental role in the proliferation and motility of normal cells and the metastasis of tumor cells. To identify signaling pathways activated by the adherence of tumor cells, we analyzed the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in mouse melanoma cells before and after attachment to substrata. We discovered that cellular adherence activated the protein-tyrosine kinase of the cell surface receptor Met, whose ligand is hepatocyte growth factor and scatter factor. The activation was exceedingly prompt, affected the great majority of Met in the cells, persisted so long as the cells remained adherent, and was rapidly reversed as soon as the cells were detached from substrata. Activation of Met required that cells be adherent but not that they spread on the substratum, and it occurred in the absence of any apparent ligand for the receptor. Ligand-independent activation of Met occurred in several varieties of tumor cells but not in normal endothelial cells that express the receptor. The activation of Met described here may represent a means by which cells respond to mechanical as opposed to biochemical stimuli.


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The anti-common gamma chain (γc) mAb CP.B8 is shown to inhibit interleukin 4 (IL-4)-dependent proliferation of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) activated T cells noncompetitively with respect to cytokine by blocking the IL-4-induced heterodimerization of IL-4Rα and γc receptor chains. Affinities for the binding of IL-4 to Cos-7 cells transfected with huIL-4Rα, and to PHA blasts expressing both IL-4Rα and γc, were used to estimate the affinity of the key interaction between γc and the binary IL-4Rα⋅IL-4 complex on the cell surface. This affinity was defined in terms of the dimensionless ratio [IL-4Rα⋅IL-4⋅γc]/[IL-4Rα⋅IL-4], which we designate KR. The results show that on PHA blasts this interaction is relatively weak; KR ≈ 9, implying that ≈10% of the limiting IL-4Rα chain remains free of γc even at saturating concentrations of IL-4. This quantitative treatment establishes KR as a key measure of the coupling between ligand binding and receptor activation, providing a basis for functional distinctions between different receptors that are activated by ligand-induced receptor dimerization.


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Binding of erythropoietin (Epo) to the Epo receptor (EpoR) is crucial for production of mature red cells. Although it is well established that the Epo-bound EpoR is a dimer, it is not clear whether, in the absence of ligand, the intact EpoR is a monomer or oligomer. Using antibody-mediated immunofluorescence copatching (oligomerizing) of epitope-tagged receptors at the surface of live cells, we show herein that a major fraction of the full-length murine EpoR exists as preformed dimers/oligomers in BOSC cells, which are human embryo kidney 293T-derived cells. This observed oligomerization is specific because, under the same conditions, epitope-tagged EpoR did not oligomerize with several other tagged receptors (thrombopoietin receptor, transforming growth factor β receptor type II, or prolactin receptor). Strikingly, the EpoR transmembrane (TM) domain but not the extracellular or intracellular domains enabled the prolactin receptor to copatch with EpoR. Preformed EpoR oligomers are not constitutively active and Epo binding was required to induce signaling. In contrast to tyrosine kinase receptors (e.g., insulin receptor), which cannot signal when their TM domain is replaced by the strongly dimerizing TM domain of glycophorin A, the EpoR could tolerate the replacement of its TM domain with that of glycophorin A and retained signaling. We propose a model in which TM domain-induced dimerization maintains unliganded EpoR in an inactive state that can readily be switched to an active state by physiologic levels of Epo.


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Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) mediates internalization of urokinase:plasminogen activator inhibitor complexes (uPA:PAI-1) and the urokinase receptor (uPAR). Here we investigated whether direct interaction between uPAR, a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol–anchored protein, and LRP, a transmembrane receptor, is required for clearance of uPA:PAI-1, regeneration of unoccupied uPAR, activation of plasminogen, and the ability of HT1080 cells to invade extracellular matrix. We found that in the absence of uPA:PAI-1, uPAR is randomly distributed along the plasma membrane, whereas uPA:PAI-1 promotes formation of uPAR-LRP complexes and initiates redistribution of occupied uPAR to clathrin-coated pits. uPAR-LRP complexes are endocytosed via clathrin-coated vesicles and traffic together to early endosomes (EE) because they can be coimmunoprecipitated from immunoisolated EE, and internalization is blocked by depletion of intracellular K+. Direct binding of domain 3 (D3) of uPAR to LRP is required for clearance of uPA-PAI-1–occupied uPAR because internalization is blocked by incubation with recombinant D3. Moreover, uPA-dependent plasmin generation and the ability of HT1080 cells to migrate through Matrigel-coated invasion chambers are also inhibited in the presence of D3. These results demonstrate that GPI-anchored uPAR is endocytosed by piggybacking on LRP and that direct binding of occupied uPAR to LRP is essential for internalization of occupied uPAR, regeneration of unoccupied uPAR, plasmin generation, and invasion and migration through extracellular matrix.


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Signals for endocytosis and for basolateral and lysosomal sorting are closely related in a number of membrane proteins, suggesting similar sorting mechanisms at the plasma membrane and in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). We tested the hypothesis that basolateral membrane proteins are transported to the cell surface via endosomes for the asialoglycoprotein receptor H1. This protein was tagged with a tyrosine sulfation site (H1TS) to allow specific labeling with [35S]sulfate in the TGN. Madin-Darby canine kidney cells expressing H1TS were pulse-labeled and chased for a period of time insufficient for labeled H1TS to reach the cell surface. Upon homogenization and gradient centrifugation, fractions devoid of TGN were subjected to immunoisolation of compartments containing mannose 6-phosphate receptor, which served as an endosomal marker. H1TS in transit to the cell surface was efficiently coisolated, whereas a labeled secretory protein and free glycosaminoglycan chains were not. This indicates an indirect pathway for the asialoglycoprotein receptor to the plasma membrane via endosomes and has important implications for protein sorting in the TGN and endosomes.


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The T-cell antigen receptor zeta chain plays an important role in coupling antigen recognition to several intracellular signal-transduction pathways. zeta chain can associate with certain protein tyrosine kinases and retains the capacity to transduce signals independently of the other receptor subunits. Thus, zeta chain could couple cell-surface-expressed T-cell antigen receptors to the intracellular signal-transduction apparatus by its association with various intracellular molecules in addition to tyrosine kinases. In the process of searching for zeta chain-associated molecules we observed that after lysis of resting T cells with Triton X-100, zeta chain is localized in the detergent-insoluble fraction, in addition to its presence in the detergent-soluble fraction. Treatment of T cells with cytochalasin B, an actin-depolymerizing agent, leads to the complete dissociation of zeta chain from the Triton-insoluble fraction, suggesting a linkage between zeta chain and the cytoskeletal matrix. We have also determined that cytoskeletal-associated zeta chain is expressed on the cell surface. Furthermore, a tyrosine-phosphorylated 16-kDa zeta chain was detected only in the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction of resting T cells. zeta chain also maintains its association with the cytoskeleton when expressed in COS cells, inferring that the cytoskeletal elements involved in this linkage may be ubiquitous. Finally, we have localized a 42-amino acid region in the intracytoplasmic domain of zeta chain, which is crucial for maximal interaction between zeta chain and the cytoskeleton. Anchorage of cell-surface-expressed zeta chain to the cytoskeleton in resting T cells may facilitate recycling of receptor complexes and/or allow the transduction of external stimuli into the cell.


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Killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) protect class I HLAs expressing target cells from natural killer (NK) cell-mediated lysis. To understand the molecular basis of this receptor-ligand recognition, we have crystallized the extracellular ligand-binding domains of KIR2DL2, a member of the Ig superfamily receptors that recognize HLA-Cw1, 3, 7, and 8 allotypes. The structure was determined in two different crystal forms, an orthorhombic P212121 and a trigonal P3221 space group, to resolutions of 3.0 and 2.9 Å, respectively. The overall fold of this structure, like KIR2DL1, exhibits K-type Ig topology with cis-proline residues in both domains that define β-strand switching, which sets KIR apart from the C2-type hematopoietic growth hormone receptor fold. The hinge angle of KIR2DL2 is approximately 80°, 14° larger than that observed in KIR2DL1 despite the existence of conserved hydrophobic residues near the hinge region. There is also a 5° difference in the observed hinge angles in two crystal forms of 2DL2, suggesting that the interdomain hinge angle is not fixed. The putative ligand-binding site is formed by residues from several variable loops with charge distribution apparently complementary to that of HLA-C. The packing of the receptors in the orthorhombic crystal form offers an intriguing model for receptor aggregation on the cell surface.


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Lutropin (LH) and other glycoproteins bearing oligosaccharides with the terminal sequence SO4-4-GalNAcβ1,4GlcNAcβ1,4Man- (S4GGnM) are rapidly removed from the circulation by an S4GGnM-specific receptor (S4GGnM-R) expressed at the surface of hepatic endothelial cells. The S4GGnM-R isolated from rat liver is closely related to the macrophage mannose-specific receptor (Man-R) isolated from rat lung both antigenically and structurally. The S4GGnM-R and Man-R isolated from these tissues nonetheless differ in their ability to bind ligands bearing terminal GalNAc-4-SO4 or Man. In this paper, we have explored the structural relationship between the Man-R and the S4GGnM-R by examining the properties of the recombinant Man-R in the form of a transmembrane protein and a soluble chimeric fusion protein in which the transmembrane and cytosolic domains have been replaced by the Fc region of human IgG1. Like the S4GGnM-R isolated from liver, the chimeric fusion protein is able to bind ligands terminating with GalNAc-4-SO4 and Man at independent sites. When expressed in CHO cells the recombinant Man-R is able to mediate the uptake of ligands bearing either terminal GalNAc-4-SO4 or terminal Man. We propose that the Man-R be renamed the Man/S4GGnM receptor on the basis of its multiple and independent specificities.


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The identification and physical isolation of epithelial stem cells is critical to our understanding of their growth regulation during homeostasis, wound healing, and carcinogenesis. These stem cells remain poorly characterized because of the absence of specific molecular markers that permit us to distinguish them from their progeny, the transit amplifying (TA) cells, which have a more restricted proliferative potential. Cell kinetic analyses have permitted the identification of murine keratinocyte stem cells (KSCs) as slowly cycling cells that retain [3H]thymidine ([3H]Tdr) label, termed label-retaining cells (LRCs), whereas TA cells are visualized as rapidly cycling cells after a single pulse of [3H]Tdr, termed pulse-labeled cells (PLCs). Here, we report on the successful separation of KSCs from TA cells through the combined use of in vivo cell kinetic analysis and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Specifically, we demonstrate that murine dorsal keratinocytes characterized by their high levels of α6 integrin and low to undetectable expression of the transferrin receptor (CD71) termed α6briCD71dim cells, are enriched for epithelial stem cells because they represent a minor (≈8%) and quiescent subpopulation of small blast-like cells, with a high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio, containing ≈70% of label-retaining cells, the latter being a well documented characteristic of stem cells. Conversely, TA cells could be enriched in a phenotypically distinct subpopulation termed α6briCD71bri, representing the majority (≈60%) of basal keratinocytes that are actively cycling, and importantly contain ≈70% of [3H]Tdr pulse-labeled cells. Importantly, immunostaining of dorsal skin revealed the presence of CD71dim cells in the hair follicle bulge region, a well documented location for KSCs.


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Rab11 is a small GTP-binding protein that in cultured mammalian cells has been shown to be concentrated in the pericentriolar endosomal recycling compartment and to play a key role in passage of the recycling transferrin receptor through that compartment [Ullrich, O., Reinsch, S., Urbé, S., Zerial, M. & Parton, R. G. (1996) J. Cell Biol. 135, 913–924]. To obtain insights into the site(s) of action of rab11 within the recycling pathway, we have now compared the effects on recycling at 37°C of overexpression of wild-type rab11 and various mutant forms of this protein in cells that had been loaded with transferrin at either 37°C or 16°C. We show that incubation at 16°C blocks passage of endocytosed transferrin into the recycling compartment and that, whereas the rab11 dominant negative mutant form (S25N) inhibits transferrin recycling after interiorization at either temperature, the wild-type rab11 and constitutively active mutant (Q70L) have no inhibitory effect on the recycling of molecules that were interiorized at 16°C. This differential inhibitory effect shows that two distinct pathways for recycling are followed by the bulk of the transferrin molecules interiorized at the two different temperatures. The incapacity of the constitutively active form of rab11 (Q70L) to inhibit recycling of molecules interiorized at 16°C is consistent with their recycling taking place directly from sorting endosomes, in a process that does not require hydrolysis of GTP on rab11. The fact that the dominant negative (S25N) form of rab11 inhibits recycling of molecules interiorized at both temperatures indicates that activation of rab11 by GTP is required for exit of transferrin from sorting endosomes, regardless of whether this exit is toward the recycling compartment or directly to the plasma membrane.


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Select lipid-anchored proteins such as glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases may preferentially partition into sphingomyelin-rich and cholesterol-rich plasmalemmal microdomains, thereby acquiring resistance to detergent extraction. Two such domains, caveolae and lipid rafts, are morphologically and biochemically distinct, contain many signaling molecules, and may function in compartmentalizing cell surface signaling. Subfractionation and confocal immunofluorescence microscopy reveal that, in lung tissue and in cultured endothelial and epithelial cells, heterotrimeric G proteins (Gi, Gq, Gs, and Gβγ) target discrete cell surface microdomains. Gq specifically concentrates in caveolae, whereas Gi and Gs concentrate much more in lipid rafts marked by GPI-anchored proteins (5′ nucleotidase and folate receptor). Gq, apparently without Gβγ subunits, stably associates with plasmalemmal and cytosolic caveolin. Gi and Gs interact with Gβγ subunits but not caveolin. Gi and Gs, unlike Gq, readily move out of caveolae. Thus, caveolin may function as a scaffold to trap, concentrate, and stabilize Gq preferentially within caveolae over lipid rafts. In N2a cells lacking caveolae and caveolin, Gq, Gi, and Gs all concentrate in lipid rafts as a complex with Gβγ. Without effective physiological interaction with caveolin, G proteins tend by default to segregate in lipid rafts. The ramifications of the segregated microdomain distribution and the Gq-caveolin complex without Gβγ for trafficking, signaling, and mechanotransduction are discussed.


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In tomato, Ve is implicated in race-specific resistance to infection by Verticillium species causing crop disease. Characterization of the Ve locus involved positional cloning and isolation of two closely linked inverted genes. Expression of individual Ve genes in susceptible potato plants conferred resistance to an aggressive race 1 isolate of Verticillium albo-atrum. The deduced primary structure of Ve1 and Ve2 included a hydrophobic N-terminal signal peptide, leucine-rich repeats containing 28 or 35 potential glycosylation sites, a hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain, and a C-terminal domain with the mammalian E/DXXXLφ or YXXφ endocytosis signals (φ is an amino acid with a hydrophobic side chain). A leucine zipper-like sequence occurs in the hydrophobic N-terminal signal peptide of Ve1 and a Pro-Glu-Ser-Thr (PEST)-like sequence resides in the C-terminal domain of Ve2. These structures suggest that the Ve genes encode a class of cell-surface glycoproteins with receptor-mediated endocytosis-like signals and leucine zipper or PEST sequences.